Member Reviews

This book had me sucked so far in that I finished it in less than 24 hours, however I did have to stop and think about what I read for a couple of weeks before I reviewed it.

Overall I wouldn’t say this book was bad because I found myself unable to put it down, but I do think after finishing it the ending was quite underwhelming and I saw the “twist” coming a mile away, due in part to the main character Alix being naive and oblivious.

True to the title, “None of This is True” left me feeling speechless and conflicted on how to feel about anything I had read, but I wish more time had been spent on the ending. It felt rushed and I found I still had a lot of unanswered questions.

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Dare I say this is Lisa Jewell’s best book yet? I realize this is a bold statement, but this book kept me hooked from page one!

Birthday twins, Josie and Alix, meet by chance when they are at the same restaurant to celebrate their big day. After the meeting, Josie realizes Alix is a famous podcaster and finds a few ways to run into her. Finally, Josie convinces Alix to do a podcast on her, and Alix realizes Josie has a very dark past. The suspense escalates when Josie shows up at Alix’s house in the middle of the night.

This book was so wild it gave me goosebumps. An absolute must read this August! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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None of This is True gave me team manuscript versus team letter vibes (if you're familiar with Verity). I was on my toes the entire time reading this story and I was questioning the motive of EVERY.SINGLE.CHARACTER. I have read almost all of Lisa Jewell's books, and None Of This Is True is by far my favorite of hers. I found it impossible to put this book down and when I did, I couldn't stop thinking about the truth of what Josie was saying. Did Alix really believe her? or was Alix pretending to believe her just to hear her story? A special thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for sharing this digital copy in exchange my honest review.

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In my opinion, the best kind of mysteries are the ones that feed you enough clues to help you figure out the mystery, but still feed you one final, jaw-dropping twist at the end. Lisa Jewell is an expert at this, and her latest, None Of This Is True, is the perfect example as to why she’s queen of the twist.

I don’t want to say much and run the risk of spoiling any part of this story, but this one is perfect for fans of…
—unreliable narrators
—true crime docs/podcasts
—books you can read in one sitting
—cat and mouse games
—multiple POVs in mysteries

None Of This Is True hits shelves in August but if you’ve had the chance to read this one, please come tell me what you think of this ending!!

Thank you to Simon and Schuster and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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When you first meet Josie, something is definitely off about her. I wasn't sure if we were going to go into a mental illness storyline or something else, but there something wasn't right. The way she was so instantly obsessed with the fact that Alix was her 'birthday twin' was bizarre and her husband gave me the ick immediately.

As you learn more about Josie and you find out about her daughters, your antennas go up. Something is drastically awry here and you won't stop reading until you find out.

Alix on the other hand is a little too curious for her own good and gets roped into giving Josie her own podcast series. Through their conversations we learn more about Josie's upbringing and her relationship with her husband, all of which is very uncomfortable.

Josie is weird, we learn that much, and the almost parasocial relationship she forms with Alix and her family is very upsetting. I wanted to scream at Alix to stop letting Josie in!

As the book goes on and you learn more about both Alix and Josie's lives, things don't add up. There are missing pieces in all aspects and you almost don't even know where the book is going to go. You know that someone is harboring a secret but it's not clear that it is.

When everything comes to a head and you get the full picture, it's more wild that you could imagine. My jaw was on the ground and I was just shocked and riveted the entire time. Secrets are revealed, people die, and things are never the same for Josie or Alix.

I was not prepared for how the book would end. It was unexpected, sad and just really unsettling in so many ways. I felt horrible for all of those involved and without revealing too much, it was just devastating and undeserving but also it's important to remember that thrillers don't usually end up happy.

None of This is True was incredibly well written, had excellent pace, and some real character development - in both positive and negative directions. The main plot points were held close to the chest and it was a hard book to figure out which I always appreciate. It was unexpected in all the best ways.

If you have been wanting to sink your teeth into a thriller with an unexpected villain, you will love None of This is True. I definitely think it's one of Jewell's best books!

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Wow, what a page turner! I don’t remember the last time I finished a book in 24 hours, but this one had me hooked from the start. I have always enjoyed Lisa Jewell’s books but I think this one is my favorite.

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While celebrating her birthday at a local pub, Alix Summer runs into another woman, Josie Fair, who happens to be her 'birthday twin', also out celebrating her 45th birthday.
What Alix thinks is a charming and fun coincidence, ultimately turns into a game of twisted lies, possible pedophilia, and a dangerous mystery that she tries to unravel by interviewing Josie for her popular podcast.
Told from both Alix's and Josie's viewpoints, this thrilling novel left me breathless. There was a sense of dread that just deepened with each chapter until the hair-raising climax of the book - which was terrifying, strange and dark.
Who is Josie Fair, this unassuming woman married to a MUCH older man that she met when she was 14.
Where are her two grown daughters whose very names seem to make everyone feel uncomfortable when asked what they know about these absent young women.
And who is behind the closed door in Josie's apartment?
What starts as an interesting mystery waiting to be unraveled by Alix, turns into a story that threatens the very lives of Alix and her family.
Who is Josie Fair and what is the truth behind her dark and secretive demeanor?

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Lisa Jewel is one of my favorite writers! I was so excited to get a NetGalley copy of this book! In her typical style, Lisa Jewell had a well developed, fast paced plot, with interesting characters and settings.

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Josie and her husband are having dinner at a pub where she would never normally have dinner; but it's her birthday. Also there celebrating her birthday is Alix Summers with all of her friends. Josie introduces herself to Alix in the ladies' room, "Hi, I'm Your Birthday Twin."

Alix is a podcaster and her new topic becomes Josie. We start to see that Josie's life isn't as it appears and there is a very complicated and dark history. *trigger warning for grooming and potentially pedophilia.* Josie then disappears and Alix begins to unravel the hidden secrets of her and her family's past... which then becomes a Netflix special.

I had a very hard time getting into this book. I really liked other books by Lisa Jewell. I can't really pinpoint why this one didn't hit for me. Maybe because I couldn't connect with any of the characters at all, so I didn't feel invested. The writing wasn't bad, but the book was just okay for me. 2.5-3 starts.

Thanks to #Netgalley for the ARC ebook.

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She’s done it again! This may be one of my favorites from Lisa Jewell. It’s very different and damn Josie made me so uncomfortable but like in a good way that I just couldn’t stop reading it. I would highly recommend this in if you’re. Fan of mystery/thrillers. Thank you netgalley for my free copy!

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None of This Is True - Lisa Jewell
Rating: 5!!!!/5⭐️

“From the #1 New York Times bestselling author known for her “superb pacing, twisted characters, and captivating prose” (BuzzFeed), Lisa Jewell returns with a scintillating new psychological thriller about a woman who finds herself the subject of her own popular true crime podcast.”

Holy smokes!! This was my first Lisa Jewell book and I was absolutely blown away! The writing has me hooked from the very first page and I finished in 2 sittings.

We follow two women - Josie and Alix - who bump into one another at a local pub on their birthdays. They realize they not only share a birthday date but also year and place of birth. They also could not be more different - Alix a successful, stylish podcaster and Josie a frumpy, seamstress and housewife. Josie begins to think that she might be an interesting topic for a podcast and Alix begrudgingly hears her out and agrees. Once they start recording the podcast, things begin to spiral until everyone involves life is upside down.

There were so many twists and turns - up until the very end - that kept me totally involved and on the edge of my seat. The book is dark and unsettling the whole way - even when good things are happening - and it builds so much suspense and tension. You find yourself changing who you are routing for so many times until your head is spinning.

Recommend if you like:
- Fast paced psychologic thrillers
- Dual timelines
- Unreliable narrators
- True crime podcasts
- Disturbing, dark characters

Thank you so much to @netgalley, @atriabooks and the author for this copy!

🎤What’s your favorite Lisa Jewell book? If you don’t have one, what’s your current read?

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Lisa Jewell does it again! I absolutely love how each of her books are so different from one another. The entire time reading this I was wishing I could read faster because I couldn’t devour it quick enough. I kept wondering what was going on, who was lying, where was this going - it just kept me wanting more until I got to the end. I will say the ending left me a tiny bit unsatisfied but at the same time I’m glad it didn’t have the basic ending it could’ve. I really felt for Alix throughout the entire story. It’s all very dark and unsettling (which is honestly my favorite kind). The podcast element is one of my favorites in a book so if you like that, definitely pick this one up when it releases on August 8th!

Thank you Atria Books for allowing me to read this ARC through NetGalley!

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This is a great psychological thriller! I believe this is the first novel of this author I have read, and I'm delighted that I will now get to enjoy many more!

The book has an interesting premise - a story, which leads to a podcast, which leads to a Netflix series. Alix, a podcaster, is out celebrating her 45th birthday when she meets Josie, who happens to also be celebrating her 45th birthday - thy are "birthday twins." When they subsequently run into each other again, Josie tells Alix she is on the cusp of making great changes in her life, and convinces Alix to follow her journey in a podcast. they begin working together to record Josie's story. It is unusual and at times tragic, and although some things don't add up, Alix becomes invested. She both sees the opportunity for a fantastic podcast, and also sincerely wants to see what plays out. As the title suggests, as Alix learns more about Josie it becomes difficult to gauge what is true and what's not.

I found the book had excellent pacing, suspense, and character development. It was sinister, creepy and twisty - definitely a page-turner! Highly recommend!

Thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for the advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Wow!! Where do I even start? None of This is True by Lisa Jewell is her best book ever. And Then She Was Gone previously held that spot but NOTIT, knocked it right out. Insanely gripping with momentum that never eases, I couldn’t stop turning the pages. Who to trust, who to believe is constantly questioned and the unraveling of this mystery is done with such detail and layering. There were so many shocking revelations that I felt like my jaw would be permanently stuck open. None of This is True gets all the stars!!!!

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I had no clue what this was about going in. The whole time I’m flip flopping not know who is telling the truth until the very end. I read this all in one sitting and honestly still don’t know what I just read.

Thank you netgalley and the publisher for this arc in exchange for my honest review

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Alix Summer is the host of a popular podcast which tells the stories of women who have overcome adversity and made their lives successful. Things are going pretty well for Alix. She has two wonderful children and a husband that she loves, although he does have the habit of overindulging alcohol and staying out all night all too frequent ly.

While celebrating her birthday with friends, she meets Josie Fair who just happens to be her "birthday twin" - born at the same hospital on the dame day. While Alix thinks of this as just a coincidence and moves on, Josie is not about to let this opportunity go. She finds Alix again at her children's' school and proposes that she do a podcast on Josie as a woman who is about to make a drastic change in her life. After some thought and more hounding from Josie, Alix decides a documentary style podcast might be interesting.

As Josie tells her tales and the podcast is underway, Alix begins to worry that the horrific stories she is being told may not be true. She is in too far to turn back now. Her documentary podcast on a woman about to change her life has now turned into mystery and Alix herself is now the subject.

The characters are well developed and the dialogue on point. Although there were times when I thought would someone like Alix actually make this decision or respond in this way? It is best to go with it and let the story take you. Lisa Jewell never fails to put in a few unforeseen twists.

My thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book and the dual timelines with the podcast. The characters were well written.

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This might be Lisa Jewell's best book yet. This pager-turner of a thriller hooks the reader right from the beginning and keeps you hooked until the end. Both main characters, Josie and Alix, are brilliantly written characters. Who is telling the truth? What is the truth? Who is in danger? Who is a friend, and who is an enemy? I couldn't put the book down until I had found the answers. Jewell is a brilliant author. Five stars!

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I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Lisa Jewell is a master at keeping you turning the pages (even when you should be going to bed!). Alix is a podcaster looking for her next show. Josie is a wife and mother who wants to change the course of her life. The two meet on their shared birthday and "Hi! I'm Your Birthday Twin!" is born.

As Alix gets pulled deeper and deeper into Josie's story, she begins to realize that it may not be real. But, if it's not, then what is the true story, and what are Josie's motives?

Though it was a little predictable given the synopsis, I still found myself not wanting to put it down. Twisty and unsettling - even when you think you know what happens in the end.

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This book was an enthralling and addictive story that kept me on the edge of my seat it starts out in a most innocuous way, with two women with the same birthdays meeting by chance. The way the story evolves from there into a thrilling did she or didn’t she, leaving the reader with more questions. With an outstanding finale, this book is one that I would read again and again.

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