Member Reviews

Lisa Jewell hits the ball out of the park with her newest psychological thriller, None of this is true. Alix, a successful podcaster meets Josie out at a local restaurant. Alix and Josie do not know each other, but are connected by one thing, the same birthday. They have a brief conversation at the restaurant and surprisingly enough a couple of days later, they see each other again on the street outside of the school that Alix’s children attend (and Josie’s children attended when they were younger). Could it be fate? They are connected by a date, but could that be a segue into a friendship? Josie proposes that she participate in Alix’s podcast. Before she knows it, Alix is drawn into a situation that she never imagined. Her life and that of her family’s is at risk all because of a shared birthday. I couldn’t put this book down. The development of the characters was superb. The information provided allowed me to get to know them inside and out. I couldn’t wait to keep reading to see what twists and turns were coming. This book was addictive and impossible to put down. I highly recommend it to anyone that loves a good psychological thriller. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advance review copy in exchange for my honest review. If I could give it more than 5 stars, I would!

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None of this is True is a read that will stick with you for years. It is a psychological thriller that has twists and turns and brings a sense of unease as well as a sense of urgency to see what happens next. Lisa Jewell does not disappoint with her latest novel. It will leave you guessing until the very last page! The story follows two women, Josie and Alix, who share a birthday and the hospital they were born at. Josie sees Alix across the room at a restaurant while they are both celebrating their 45th birthdays. Josie approaches Alix, a podcaster, and this is where her obsession with Alix starts. She broaches the idea of creating a podcast based on her life, and Alix agrees to do it. From this point on, the reader is trying to figure out what Josie is up to and how the story ends. The novel goes back and forth between the past and present and gives us the perspective of each of the women. There are also snippets of a Netflix show based on their story. This keeps the reader guessing about what transpired. I highly recommend this book! Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for the ARC!!

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I could not put this book down! Lisa Jewell has created a psychological thriller with intriguing characters and a suspenseful plot. Alix and Josie are birthday twins who come across each other at a restaurant on their birthday. Alix is a popular podcaster who isn't sure what direction to go next with her podcasts when Josie suggests that she her interview her. Josie said she has some major life changes she wants to make. Against her better judgement, Alix agrees. The story Josie tells over the next few weeks gives Alix an uneasy feeling, but she keeps setting up more times to hear the rest. Josie tells of a much older husband who she met at 15, abuse, a narcissistic mother, and a daughter who ran away from home. But is any of it true and what kind of person is Alix inviting into her home?

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A great thriller! I flew through it in two sittings and could not put it down once I got over halfway! While I'm not super content with the ending events, or the lack of creepy elements throughout, I get what Jewell was trying to do and it was sufficient! Still a 5-star, and I'm pretty picky.

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After just the first few chapters of this story, I knew I was going to be hooked and wouldn’t want it to end. This was a fast-paced book throughout and at the halfway point it got even more shocking and wild. I just couldn’t put it down. I don’t have enough words for how Jewell ended this story, but I’ll leave you with these few words - you’ll be heartbroken, disturbed, and angry all at once.

I recommend this book if you enjoy reading:
- Lisa Jewell books, of course!
- Psychological, fast-paced, and sinister thrillers
- Dark, messy, unsettling, strange, and mind bending stories
- - True crime podcasts interwoven into the story
- Twisted, eerie, and suspicious characters
- Family drama
- Stories that’ll leave you thinking ‘What the heck did I just read?’

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Lisa Jewell did it again! What a great book! The story had me from the beginning and I got up 2 hours early just so I could read before work. Wow! Just wow! If you like a good thriller with the perfect plot twist-Look no further!

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Lisa Jewell has done it again! Another suspenseful mystery that I couldn't put down!

Alix, a popular podcaster, and Josie meet by chance at a restaurant while celebrating their birthdays. As it turns out, they share a birthday. Josie believes that this makes them "birthday twins" and thus, connected. She orchestrates further "chance" meetings with Alix until she convinces Alix to make her the subject of her podcast. Alix is unsure of Josie but thinks that her story is compelling. As they spend more and more time together on the podcast, Josie's story becomes more disturbing. Josie demands more of her time and quickly becomes a bigger part of her life than Alix ever intended. As Alix starts to become uneasy about Josie, things turn from uncomfortable to horrifying.

Jewell has created a story that begged me to keep reading. I couldn't wait to see what would be revealed next and how the story would twist and turn. The ending is satisfying but also leaves open the possibility of a follow up book.

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Lisa Jewell has done it again! I love all of her books, and this one is no exception.

The build-up and character development throughout adds to the mystery and all-around keeps you guessing and wondering who you can trust. I loved every second of this book, and know I will be in a bit of a book hangover for a few days!

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Lisa Jewell has done it again. A story with perfect pacing, seamless twists, unreliable narration done right, podcast meets documentary vibes, multiples points of view…it’s all here. This was a sinister thriller that kept me guessing until the very last page (and long after).

This is the type of writing that reminds me why Lisa Jewell is a personal favorite author and must-buy for me.

The tension throughout the book felt claustrophobic in an incomparable, eerie way that lingers. The storyline itself was intricate, unique, and well flushed out. The podcast and documentary snippets were a unique way to reveal plot twists and progress the story forward.

Given the name of the book, I knew I’d be questioning who to trust. This is hit or miss for me because sometimes an unreliable narrator feels far fetched and makes the story hard to follow or believe. That wasn’t the case here.

I’ll definitely be highly recommending this one to not just thriller connoisseurs, but anyone on bookstagram searching for their next great read that will leave them eager to discuss the ending with friends and family who read this one as well.

Thanks for the advanced copy, I’m excited to spread the word and generate buzz as pub date approaches.

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I love Lisa Jewell and she is one of my favorite thriller authors. This novel was a little slow to get going, but picks up speed about halfway through.

Alix and Josie are birthday twins, two people who have the exact same birthday. They were born on the same day and at the same place, but lead very different lives. Alex is a podcaster and when Josie pitches her the idea of doing a podcasts on Josie’s life, Alex feels like it would be a unique idea.

We know that Josie isn’t exactly telling the truth and has a bit of a problem with stealing seemingly useless items from others. I found her to be harmlessly crazy, until I realized that she isn’t harmless at all.

While part of the story she tells is truth, she leaves out any parts that make her look bad, and she embellishes parts to make people feel sorry for her. She truly believes her version of the truth.

She turns Alix’s life upside down, and leaves her life forever changed.

I loved the format of the novel where we get a piece of the podcast and then dual POVs. It allows us to bond with our characters and look for flaws in their character.

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IT'S MY FAVORITE LISA JEWELL EVER. I don't know how she does it, but she truly is the master of all thrillers. The plot and the plot TWISTS were insane, the characters are fully fleshed out, the story made complete sense the entire way through, and there were not plot holes. I just wish I could read it again for the first time.

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Such a great book! What a wild ride that I could not put down. The characters were perfect and so was the story.

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Boy was this a chilling & mind-bending BANGER! If you don't already have your eye on this one, add it to your TBR immediately & pre-order this baby bc it is SUCH a promising thriller. I am a biigggg LJ fan, so I was overjoyed to get the opportunity to read an early copy. I am even more overjoyed to report that I freaking LOVED it. I was thinking 4.5 stars just because I was a tad confused at the end, but after speaking with LJ, the queen herself, she cleared up that bit of confusion & I was in even more amazement at the pure genius behind these plot points & twists.

It was unique, unsettling, disturbing, & so freaking fun. I LOVED the Netflix documentary features, & how the plot went back & forth between the past events, & the present Netflix documentary that is airing all the dirty laundry & truth from multiple witnesses & people who knew the characters. I am obsessed with novels that have multiple "formats" such as this, & it honestly almost always increases my rating & overall feelings toward the book because it is so much more entertaining! It's cliche to say, but I truly COULD. NOT. put my dang kindle down while reading this book. Couldn't get through the pages fast enough- isn't that the best feeling when reading a thriller?! This book has a beloved unreliable narrator & I thought it was so fun going back & forth wondering if Josie was actually the sane or INsane one?! Is anything she is saying *actually true*?! The stalker vibes gave Joe Goldberg in female form vibes, & I was here. for. that. The pacing, suspense, darkness, complexity, u-turn rollercoaster of a plot- everything was *chef's kiss.* Absolutely loved it- I think it's now my new fave LJ novel?!

Yes yes yes. I can't recommend this one more! Already a fave of 2023, no doubt. Can't wait to buy a physical copy when this baby publishes!

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“None of This Is True” is another thrilling novel by Lisa Jewell. It is fast paced and I raced through it, wanting to hear the whole story of podcaster Alix and her new acquaintance Josie. There are some fascinating—often sordid—tales told in this book and the title warns the reader that maybe they are not all to be believed. Trying to figure out who the “good guys” and the “bad guys” were was compelling. I loved this aspect of deception and the idea that every story has two sides; it definitely motivates the reader to keep going until the truth is revealed. But, is it? I found the ending a teeny bit unsatisfying, although I also felt that it left room for some uncertainty to remain, which is definitely in keeping with the style of the book. Fans of Jewell and domestic thrillers will love this book. Thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book.

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Every time I read a Lisa Jewell book, I love it more than the one before. This one is no exception! So many twists and turns that I didn’t see coming, and as always, the characters are well developed and unpredictable.

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This book has been getting a lot of hype lately and I'm happy to say that it definitely lives up to it! I'm going to keep the synopsis brief because the less you know the better.

Podcast host Alix Summers meets Josie Fair while they both are celebrating their 45th birthday’s. A few days later, Alix crosses paths with Josie again who tells Alix that she may have a story for Alix’s podcast. After listening to Josie’s idea, Alix reluctantly agrees to tell her story.

Josie comes off as a bit strange and Alix gets a bad feeling from her, but she decides to go ahead and tell Josie’s story. The more Alix gets to know Josie, the more Alix learns about Josie’s unsettling story and very dysfunctional relationships. And even though Alix’s husband and kids feel uncomfortable around Josie, she increasingly inserts herself more and more into Alix’s life and home.

This is the 11th book that I have read by Lisa Jewell. I've truly enjoyed every book that I've read by her, she truly knows how to tell a good story. Even though I really liked them, None of This is True is one of the best books she has written in recent years. It captured my attention from page one and kept me captivated throughout the entire story.

I couldn't wait to see where the story was going. Usually while reading a thriller, I try to guess what will happen next but while reading None of This is True, I just set back and enjoyed the ride.
Readers who have enjoyed any of Lisa Jewell’s prior works and all thriller readers will love None of This is True!

None of This is True by Lisa Jewell will be available on August 8. Many thanks to Atria Books and NetGalley for the gifted copy!

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I absolutely loved this psychological thriller, what an amazingly addictive page turner. This was one of those books you just did not want to put down, and I definitely binged it in one night. You meet Josie and Alix, who meet by chance and learn they are birthday twins. Alix Summer has a successful podcast and Josie Fair is her birthday twin who presents Alix with a new podcast idea. Word of advice, never get too friendly with a birthday twin, HAHA. This podcast vibe was an awesome part of this book. Oh twisty plot twists left and right, what a rollercoaster ride. Darker themes are visited in this book so check for TW. Ahhh can't say enough, this book was brilliant. Loved it so much. Thank you NetGalley and Atria Books for a copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Hi. If you could my face throughout this AHH-MAZING psychological thriller (and even now!) as I’m figuring out what in the heavens was going on, you'd DEF was to pick it up ASAP! This story went from crazy, to even crazier, and didn’t stop there! Friends. I LOVED it.

𝘏𝘪! 𝘐'𝘮 𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘉𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘛𝘸𝘪𝘯! is a new podcast that Alix Summers never dreamed she would create, let alone also be the subject of, but after meeting Josie Fair the night of their 45th birthday, they find out they are in fact birthday twins, and Josie claims she has a story that will be worth getting out into the world! She was 100% not wrong.

This book was fast paced, and jaw dropping. The layers upon layers of stories and lies I had to sort through, and the shocking revelations coming to light making ALL of my initial assumptions incorrect. (WHAA?!?!)

I also absolutely loved the layout! It went from Alix and Josie’s initial meeting and podcast sessions to the present day Netflix documentary series they made based on this truly unbelievable, true crime podcast. This book was a real mind bender, and hands-down one of my favorite @lisajewelluk books to date!

Thank you NetGalley and Atria Books for this amazing arc read!!

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Love Lisa Jewell and this one did not disappoint. This book is about 2 women who meet at a restaurant celebrating their birthday. They quickly realize they are birthday twins and also born in the same hospital. Alix is a beautiful woman, handsome husband, beautiful house, and 2 children. Josie has a husband much older than she is, 2 grown children, lives in a not so good part of town, and not so nice of a home. Alix has a podcast that features successful woman who have had to overcome challenges in their life. Josie quickly becomes infatuated by Alix and has an idea for a podcast featuring Josie herself. From that point things start to become really weird. I could never figure out what was really true with Josie and what was made up for her story. There were a lot of twist and turns and things to keep you guessing. I was not expecting what happened in the end. I couldn’t put it down.
Thank you NetGalley, Atria Books and Lisa Jewell for the ARC for my review.

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Lisa Jewell has done it again. None of This is True is an absolutely masterpiece of thrill and chills. Read it in two days because I could not put it down!

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