Member Reviews

Loved this dark story. The format was really engaging and kept the story kicking. One of my fave reads so far this year.

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I haven't read many thrillers in my life, but this one blew me away.
Josie is a seamstress and we learn she has married an older man, her oldest daughter ran away and her youngest is a gaming addict who stays in her bedroom. Josie and her husband, Walter, go to dinner and Josie meets Alix, both out celebrating their 45th birthdays. Josie wants a fresh start and Alix is a podcaster. Josie invites herself into Alix's life to tell her story and interwoven in all of Josie's stories are tidbits of interviews and Netflix documentary notes on a film. This book was bonkers, but in a good, thrilling way. While there are snippets of pedophilia and abuse, the story isn't centered around it. This was my first Lisa Jewell novel and it definitely won't be my last. None of This Is True was masterfully interwoven with backstory that didn't reveal anything until the perfect moments. #noneofthisistrue #lisajewell #netgalley

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My thanks to Net Galley ad Atria Books for an advanced copy of this e-book. Pub Day July 20, 2023.

Josie and her husband Walter go out for a rare night on the town to celebrate her 45th birthday and they sit near a group of lovely people who are also celebrating. Josie can hardly take her eyes off them. She follows Alix to the restroom and they strike up a conversation and learn they are both celebrating their 45th birthday. They are Birthday Twins. Josie seems pretty obsessed with Alix and her "beautiful husband and friends". Alix is a podcaster and Josie decides it is time to tell her story. Alix finds Josie's story interesting enough to do the podcast. But as they get deeper into Josie's story, the podcast finds Josie to not be as she first seemed. Things get darker and more entangled between these two women and their families. And the creepy factor is full on! Hard to stop reading this one!

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Thank you to Lisa Jewell, Atria books and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

The story is based on two female main characters, Alix Summers and Josie Fair. The two women discover they are birthday twins after meeting briefly out at a restaurant where they are both celebrating their forty-fifth birthday. They were born on the same day in the same hospital.

Alix Summers is a popular podcaster. She is living her dream life. She is married to Nathan, lives in a beautiful home and has two young children. However, things aren’t always what they seem. Her husband has spent quite a few nights not coming home after going on drinking benders.

Josie Fair is married to a much older man and has two adult children. Josie’s life isn’t as glamorous as Alex’s life. She sees Alix as who she wants to be. She convinces Alix to let her tell her story in a new podcast about birthday twins. Josie’s life seems to be full of heartache. As Josie’s story unwinds, she becomes more obsessed with Alix’s life. Josie tries hard to become a part of Alix’s world.

This story took many twists and turns and like the title warns, none of this is true.

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Wow! This book is enthralling! It draws you in and leaves you wanting more. I had to live life before I was able to finish it and just kept thinking about it. Wanting to know what Josie would do next. How Alix would handle it. This is definitely a must read!!!

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Lisa Jewell is one of the most consistent writers on the bestseller lists in recent years and she knocks it out of the park with this one. It's been ages since I stayed up all night to finish a book, but the sun was definitely up this morning when I turned the last page. It's a sly who-done-it in that you don't realize that it IS a who-done-it for a good long time, but when the twists come, they don't stop coming. Jewell's characters come to life and feel vividly real and relatable. This is a sure-hit for Lisa Jewell and she's on my always-buy, always-rec list for people looking for a can't-put-it-down read.

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This was a great little twisted (and very fast) read. I liked the characters and the podcast/Tv adaptation approach throughout was a cool approach. This book was hard to put down. Lisa Jewell doesn’t disappoint.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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Is everything false? Is nothing true? Is the title of the book just a trick? Readers will eagerly, maybe compulsively, turn the pages of this title to find out. If they know Lisa Jewell at all, they will expect a gripping story that takes them for quite a ride. If readers are new to the author, they will finish this and look to her backlist.

Two women. Two lives. Two stories. Intersections. Podcasts. True crime shows. Is that enough? I assure you that it will be.

Josie and Alix are both celebrating a forty-fifth birthday. Their lives look very different when each goes to dinner that night at the same place. Josie is there with her husband and it is a big splurge while Alex is there with a large group of friends and seems more financially comfortable.

Josie starts something when she points out to Alix that they are “birthday twins.” Uh-oh, a lot happens from this point on as readers get t know these women, their families, the way their minds operate and more. When Alix and Josie start work on a project together a complex set of circumstances results.

Those who like domestic thrillers and.or domestic thrillers will turn the pages at lightning speed in an effort to figure all of this out. Ms. Jewell has done it again; she has written exactly the kind of novel at which she excels.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for this title. All opinions are my own.

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Alix Summers is a popular podcaster celebrating her 45th birthday. On the evening of her birthday, she runs into a lady named Josie Fair, who shares a birthday with her. Josie is a strange individual that suddenly shows up in Alix's life in odd moments. Josie soon disappears, and her disappearance thrusts Alix and her family into danger, and Alix becomes the subject of her own true crime podcast. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced e-reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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When I say I couldn’t put this down! I flew through this book and the twists and turns that our FMCs took us on.

Alix and Rosie meet unexpectedly at a pub both celebrating their 45th birthday - “birthday twins.” I think almost immediately you’re being taking on this strange twists and psychological turns from Rosie’s addictive personality to Alix’s husband’s habits and her need for a good story.

Lisa Jewell does an outstanding job and keeping you engaged and constantly giving you these unbelievably thrilling chapters and story lines. I loved the way the story was broke up between current day, the podcast and the future Netflix documentary.

I’m not a big thriller / mystery reader and Lisa Jewell hasn’t given me a book i haven’t LOVED yet.

Even at the end of the story, reading Rosie’s letter to Alix and then her inner monologue at the end i am still sitting with what really did happen? what was lies and what was truth.

If you’re wanting something that will keep you on the edge of your seat, give you the erie, psychological thrilling feeling from start to finish, this one is for you!

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This was such a unique book! It kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time trying to figure it out. I hate that it had a sad ending but sometimes that’s life! Thank you so much for allowing me an advanced copy to read! I will definitely recommend it to my friends.

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Okay Lisa Jewell fans, buckle up because her latest is entertaining and a wild ride and I think it just might be her best yet!

This story follows the lives of two women who happen to live in the same town and cross paths on their shared birthday. The two are total opposites:— Josie and her life come off a bit strange, but that just could be due to her upbringing and the horrible events from her teenaged years that have led her to the present. Then there’s Alix, a podcaster with a caring (albeit unpredictable) husband, wonderful children, and the perfect home. The two forge an odd relationship of sorts when Josie asks Alix to interview her for her podcast to tell her story. Though there’s something unsettling about it all, Alix can’t help but be intrigued and carry on with the project, only inviting Josie closer into her life…

There is a ton to unpack with this story! Of course the plot itself was fascinating, although at times a bit dark. That didn’t stop me from reading and I found the pacing to be fantastic! As you read, only small hints and pieces are revealed at a time so I was constantly hooked and on edge waiting for more so I could put everything together.

I also really enjoyed the format and writing. There were lots of bits where it included a podcast or documentary transcript which also revealed more than what was already happening so you could prepare yourself for more. At time it felt like I was actually watching a true crime documentary unfold and I loved that!

As for the themes, there definitely are some darker undertones like grooming, pedophilia, abuse, and more. However, I think Jewell did an excellent job of weaving all this together in a way that made for a powerful story. The result was that the characters were complex and a bit morally grey so it made you question whether you should root for them or not in the end.

Overall this was a solid thriller with some interesting twists at the end to the point where I feel like I’m still digesting it all a few weeks later. This will likely go down as a top thriller of 2023 for me so don’t miss out!

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Lisa Jewell is one of my favorite thriller authors & auto buy author for me! None of this is True is about two women that share the same birthday & were born in the same hospital. They find themselves celebrating their 45th birthday in the same restaurant.

Alix Summer is a married woman with two small children.
She is a successful podcaster that lives in a gorgeous home & seems to have the perfect family. Her husband has a drinking problem & goes on all night benders, which is causing marital problems. She is looking for her next big podcast idea & a distraction!

Josie is a 45 year old married woman with two adult children. Her home is modest. Her husband is considerably older than her, her one daughter ran away from home & the other one is a gamer who eats baby food. Josie has a pomchi & is obsessed with denim. Josie thinks her story can be Alix's next big podcast hit!

Their lives become intertwined for a short period of time when Josie is the subject of Alix's next podcast. Josie's personality & story are captivating, you just have to hear more.

This book is mostly told from the perspective of Alix & Josie.
In between chapters are short pieces of the interviews from the Hello! I'm your birthday twin! Netflix series. This adds such a cool element to the story because you hear from many of the other characters in their lives. I really enjoyed this book. Josie was such an interesting character. It was a fast easy read. There is so much to unpack, alcoholism, relationship issues, pedophilia, physical & emotional abuse, etc. I highly recommend this book if you like psychological thrillers.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Atria Books & the author for sending me an ARC digital copy in exchange for my honest review!

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If Lisa Jewell writes it, I’m going to read it. I have not been disappointed by one of her books yet.
Out for her 45th birthday, Josie Fair meets her birthday twin Alix Summer. After their random meeting at a restaurant where they are both celebrating their birthday, Josie has a proposition for Alix. This idea sounds too good for Alix to pass up.
Thank you to Netgalley and Atria for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I absolutely loved this new novel by Lisa Jewell. The woman can do no wrong! The characters and mystery were almost flawless and I found myself absolutely captivated.

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This is Lisa Jewell’s best novel to date. Characterization is superb. An interesting mystery combining two major forms of media --- podcasting and documentary --- and creating a work that will keep you in suspense until the end…and then, after you’ve finished, the second thoughts will begin. This is definitely destined to become a major motion picture. Jewell’s unorthodox format and creativity are applauded.

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Thanks to Atria for the free book.
What a solid mystery/thriller this was by Lisa Jewell. I could not stop reading. The beginning of Josie approaching Alix, her 'birthday twin,' with an idea was so intriguing to me. This book had so many layers that unraveled themselves in the most delicious way. I loved the Netflix teaser, you'll have to read to see what I mean. It added great background and other knowledge about what happened with these women. I also liked the pacing and how it was so engrossing, then the last part of the book utterly shocked me. I have enjoyed quite a few Jewell books, and this one has a spot at the top of my favorites list.

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This book had me guessing and questioning through almost every page. Both main characters are in their own ways twisted, but part of the puzzle in these pages is figuring out which one is going to bring out the truth. As the story builds, clues begin to drop and settle in while you keep reading. When things click into place, you're in a disturbing world. I had to to keep reading and I'm not sure my thoughts on the end because I didn't feel fully satisfied with the results.

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OOOOOHHH this one was GOODT! The pacing and layout style of storytelling made it even more fun to read. Jewel is one of my favs anyway but going into this universe of crime casting felt even more relevant. Tremendous story where I didn’t know who or what to believe, which is my fav kind of book. 5 stars!

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Lisa Jewell does not disappoint in this new novel. Two "birthday twins" happen to run into each other in an English pub. Through various twists and turns, the reader is unsure as to who is the villian and who is the victim. We meet spouses, mothers, and children, and are still unsure if the shrinking violet or the stylish podcaster is the character where our sympathies should lie. Definitely one of Jewell's more readable titles!!

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