Member Reviews

Wow!! Lisa Jewell has done it again in what I think is her best piece of literature yet. I was captivated, intrigued and most of all entertained during this entire story from start to finish. I could not put this book down and finished it in one day.

The twists and plot turns had me begging for me as I read Josie and Alix’s story. I’m a clever way of combining a podcast (which I love all thing podcasts) and an account of Alixs real life, it was highly engaging.

I loved how the author made me feel bad for Josie and then moments later extremely mad at Josie. The ending though so clever and keeps you guessing. Were my instincts right all along?

I can’t recommend this book enough! I can’t wait to buy a copy as soon as it is released. Thank you netgalley and publisher for the advanced copy. I give this book 5 out of 5 stars!

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5 stars for me!
I thoroughly enjoyed this twisted little tale. This storyline will make your head spin and have you questioning everything you think you know. Some of the characters are so incredibly warped. My brain could not process the level of depravity of these characters. You can feel right away that there is something really off about Josie. you continue to read, doubt creeps into your mind. Whose truth is the real truth? There are so many twists and turns and shocking revelations that you will be left speechless as you flip pages as fast as you can. Character development is amazing! All the members of Josie’s family are seriously messed up….pathological. You won’t know whose story to believe and it is the guessing that really drew me in. There were so many revelations that I just did not see coming. If you like a story with more twists than a roller coaster and dark, devious characters, this book is for you.

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This book…WOW! I typically only give out a few 5 star ratings throughout the year and this was definitely one of those for me! I found this book to be captivating and thrilling in a way that made it impossible to put down. Lisa Jewel has a way of revealing the truth of this book bit by bit that I found very engaging. Definitely a fun summer thriller! Thanks to Net Galley for providing me with an advance copy of this book.

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During a birthday dinner celebration, podcaster Alix Summers meets Josie who was born on the same day in the same hospital. Her “birthday twin.” When she decides to do a new podcast about the two of them, Josie’s life story becomes increasingly strange. Will Alix figure out who’s telling the truth before it’s too late?

As always, Lisa Jewell has the reader’s mind running nonstop thinking about all kinds of possibilities—and still manages to throw in that last twist!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Loved this book! Kept me guessing until the end and even now I’m not sure of the truth. I loved the format of the alternating POV along with the podcast entries. Well done.

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"None of This is True," by Lisa Jewell is a twisted, psychological thriller about two women who have a chance encounter during their respective birthday celebrations, which intertwines their lives in the most complex way leading to catastrophic results.

I could not put this book down, wanting to read more about the interesting and nuanced characters, who at times had me feeling empathetic and at other times, disgusted.

Lisa Jewell has a remarkable ability to weave a story in which even if one tried to predict the outcome, it would never be what was anticipated. I would recommend this book wholeheartedly to any book club.

Thank you so much Net Galley and Simon and Schuster for the ARC.

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I’m a huge fan of this author’s writing and books in general. I was so excited to get the chance to read and review their newest novel. I was definitely not disappointed, I feel like this is one of my favorites by this author.

I found myself questioning all of the characters, none were believable to me. Based on the title, this worked perfectly.

I love when books have mixed media inserted and this whole podcast was a great addition. I loved how everything unfolded at such a great pace.

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Well, that was certainly a twisty ride from start to finish! This aptly titled book is leaving me reeling about what was actually true, because it seems like none of this is true and none of that was true either. I found myself having empathy for some characters even though they shouldn’t deserve it and feeling other characters were completely irredeemable even though the story seemed to want them to be. I enjoyed the combination of the podcast turned Netflix docuseries! It definitely appeals to the trends of the current times. I would have liked a hair more closure, but a lot of things are left open to interpretation of the “truth.”

Thank you to NetGalley and Lisa Jewell for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book!

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I literally sat with bated breath while reading this. The synopsis told me something was going to happen and I was just sitting. Waiting. And boy when it finally did happen…WTF.

This was so so good. This is my second Lisa Jewell book and her writing just does it. It’s the perfect combination of dual POV and unreliable narrators wrapped in a creepy and uncomfortable unknown. I need more of her in my life.

The podcast/Netflix documentary interposed within the story was perfect. Every time we got another clip, more was revealed. Every time more was revealed what we learned got worse and worse. I still don’t know who or what to believe.

This comes out in August and I highly recommend it! Thank you so much NetGalley and Atria Books for letting me get my hands on this early!

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Rating: 5 out of 5.
A very cleverly written plot, switching between the two protagonists points of view, a pod cast and a Netflix documentary, it’s not only unique but utter genius storytelling!

The night of Alix’s 45th birthday she meets another woman, also out celebrating her 45th birthday and it also transpires that they were both born in the same hospital much to the delight of the other woman, Josie, who then declares they are birthday twins.

Alix is a popular podcaster who has just finished her series called ‘All Woman’ about successful women, and it is from these podcasts that Josie sees a way into Alix’s life. She asks Alix if she would do podcast about her life and how now at age 45 is on the cusp of real change, and she thinks Alix is the perfect person to tell her story.

As her All Woman podcasts have come to an end, and also intrigued by what Josie has to say she agrees to a trial recording session, turning into a podcast called ‘Hi I’m your birthday twin’, but whatever Alix thought Josie’s was going to tell her soon turns into something dark and disturbing.

I got sucked into this book right from the start and binged read it in under two full days, I literally didn’t want to put it down.

Although the premise of the book being told in several different ways may sound strange, but trust me, it works, if anything it works too well, it leaves parts on cliffhangers so you can’t stop reading as you need to know what happens next!

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"Two girls walk into a bar..." Oh Lisa Jewell, how I love you. She is a must read in the world of psychological thrillers.

I really love this new trend of following podcasters. What a great theme too! I would totally listen to a podcase about women who overcome difficulties!

I loved finding out all the disturbing things that came up and thought the tension and build up was perfect. Great ending too!!!!

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Lisa Jewell has done it again!! This book is real page turner .

We have Alix and she is a podcaster out celebrating her 45th birthday at a local restaurant, when she meets Josie, who is also celebrating her 45th birthday. Josie is appears to be enamored by Alix and starts to do some research on the podcaster . Her desire to become closer to Alix is partly due to fact that Josie is married to a much older man and has two seemingly very peculiar daughters and she is ready to make a change in her dismal life and wants Alix to make her story known to the world.

I found myself quickly drawn into this enthralling thriller with unreliable characters and startling revelations.

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Thank you to NetGalley for this very early ARC of “None of This is True.” I felt like I won the lottery when I received notification! This might be the best thing Lisa Jewell has ever written-so some are saying. Although, you do wonder if what you just read was true? Or wasn’t it? I re-read the last few pages after questioning who really “did it” or “didn’t do it.” But it had me questioning, again, who some of the characters were at the end and did k read about them already and how they fit into the narrative?

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If I had to compare this book to a food item, I would say it's a utterly delicious and juicy burger that you can't stop bingeing, don't want to put down, and can't help but want more of. Mmmm! And Lisa Jewell is the masterchef that has killed it once again.

This was such an unsettling and riveting page-turner. Yet I couldn't tear myself away and enjoyed every moment! The story flowed well and I love how it's interspersed with podcast excerpts, which made everything feel all the more chilling.

The characters are flawed but so well-written; I was invested in everyone and could empathize with their motivations + decisions. Only Lisa Jewell can make me feel bad for imperfect characters I wasn't expecting to feel anything for.

She also did a terrific job in messing with my mind and making me question everything. What's real and what isn't? What's true and which are lies? Guess I'll never know...

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Wow! This book was a wild ride. It felt unique, and it kept me guessing the entire time. I'm still not sure what the truth really is, so the title is very appropriate. I enjoyed reading the interviews and getting different perspectives on the characters.
Thanks to Net Galley for the book to review.

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I LOVED so many Lisa Newell books, then she published a few that were just meh. This one, though!! This is a twisty mind bender, and I loved it. I'm STILL not sure which character is telling the truth!
I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Book Title: None of This Is True
Author: Lisa Jewell
Publisher: Atria Books
Pages: 384
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Pub Date: August 8, 2023
My Rating: 4.6 Stars!

This is my ninth Lisa Jewell psychological thriller.
I really liked "Then She was Gone"; "Watching You"; " Invisible Girl"; and "I Found You:! I was totally a Lisa Jewell fan. Although I loved her novels, I did hit a slump-as there were a few that were only okay. I guess my expectations were too high!

I went into this one hopeful without high expectations.
Ms. Jewel certainly knocked it OUT of the ball park with this one!
It did not disappoint!

Alix Summer has a successful podcast that features women who have overcome extreme difficulties and hardship, to lead happy and successful lives. She is celebrating her forty-fifth birthday with family and friends at a local pub, when there is another woman also celebrating her birthday yep her forty-fifth.
Her name is Josie Fair and they laugh about being birthday twins.

You know how it is when you meet someone and then you run into them times and in many places afterwards. Sure enough Josie just happens to bump into Alix while she is waiting to collect her children from school.
Hmmm do any of us believe this is a coincidence?
Josie stops to chat and mentions to Alix that she listens to her podcasts, and wonders if Alix might feature her, not as a successful woman, but as a someone who has a secret and who is willing to reveal it.

Alix buys into this and then is shocked when. Josie confesses during the recording of the podcast that she endured years of abuse, neglect, and other traumatic experiences. She was eighteen when she married 45 year old Walter. He is controlling and when their daughter Roxy was sixteen he sexually abused her as well as her best friend. Roxy ran away so now he is sexually abusing their other the daughter twenty three year old Erin who still lives with them however she never comes out of her room.

Alix decides to help Josie and allows her to stay in her home when she arrives at 3:00am one morning.
I am sure I am not the only reader yelling - Noooooo!

WOW! That ending I cannot wait to talk to someone about it!!!!
This story certainly lived up to THE title!

One reader describes this story by stating …..It will take your breath away!
That’s for sure!!

Want to thank NetGalley and Atria Books for granting me the pleasure of reading this early eGalley.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for August 8, 2023

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I'm always there for author Lisa Jewel & really enjoyed her latest, "None of this is True". Fact: I once had a "birthday twin", gal I met at a work function. Anyway, in this story, we meet two "birthday twins", Alix & Josie. One is a true crime podcaster and one has a past- and then we're off on the thrill coaster, and I loved the ride!! Highly recommend this thriller - so well-written! My sincere thanks to Net Galley & the publisher for the complimentary DRC - rating & opinions my own

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Big thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book, all opinions are my own.

Holy cow! I think this is favorite Lisa Jewell yet! This was a twisty mind bender and I loved every second of it!!! Highly recommend!! 5 stars!!!

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This book is amazing!
Josie is turning 45 years old, so her and her husband Walter head out to a fancy restaurant they normally wouldn’t go to. At that same time, an aesthetic, somewhat well known podcasted Alix Summer is at the same restaurant with her family and friends, celebrating turning the same age. Once Josie discovers this, and discovers that her and Alix were born in the same hospital, she begins to wonder how her own life turned out the way it did, while Alix’s is seemingly perfect. After staging a run in, she convinces Alix to create a podcast telling her own twisted and unbelievable life story. As the podcast goes on, Alix begins to wonder, what if this is true, if any of it.

This was amazing! I’m a huge Lisa Jewell fan, I’ve read almost all of her books and this ranks up there with my favourites. This story grips you completely from very early on and it’s a fast read, I was desperate to know how it was going to turn out. The story is so twisty, with unreliable characters all around. I couldn’t predict what was true and what wasn’t-the title is really fitting. I can’t imagine how Jewell came up with the idea for this, but in the best way. Including the podcast and the Netflix documentary aspects really make the story feel current and realistic. At times it’s heartbreaking, and sad. It’s so well written and is a book that makes you feel like this is why you’re a reader. I absolutely loved it! Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the free preview in exchange for an honest review.

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