Member Reviews

When Josie sees Alix celebrating with friends at a restaurant, she realizes that they're birthday twins and becomes intrigued with Alix's life. When their paths cross and Josie becomes the subject of Alix's podcast, their lives become intertwined and with hidden agendas, secrets, and unreliable narrators, this book has the twists and turns readers love about Lisa Jewell's book. She has done it again with this captivating domestic thriller.

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Lisa Jewell never disappoints and this was no exception. It was a twisty and fun ride. I’d recommend it for fans of Liane Moriarty as it kind of reminded me of a Liane book with its drama between two women and the fallout that occurs. I liked the usage of podcast footage and a Netflix documentary to flash forward in time and tell bits of the story.

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Lisa Jewell does it again with the unputdownable thriller. This was strange and uncomfortable and had me wondering how the heck it was going to end. I thought I knew, but I was wrong ;)

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I was completely captivated by this book (at least for the first 2/3) - literally - couldn't stop reading and put off doing the stuff around the house that I was going to do on a Saturday. Was engaged and uncomfortable from the start - you just know Josie is unstable and I was on the edge of my seat. At the point when Alix let Josie stay in her house - I kind of lost interest. Just didn't seem believable that Alix (and her husband) would let her stay for a week. Just kind of fell apart for me. I still enjoyed the book immensely and actually thought the ending (last chapter) was pretty great. Appreciate the ARC!

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Completely devoured this one To say I wasn't disappointed ia an understatement
I don't even know if I had the words to describe this incredible book, quickly made its way to my favorite by Jewell. It's a dark and twisty read with a true crime Podcast Netflix element That was just so well done adding so much depth to the plot and giving us an insight to the past The characters were so well developed some you love, some you're going to hate to love but the dynamics of the characters works so well with the plot bringing so many jaw dropping moments the title none of this is true is so fitting now finished I'm not sure what was true who was telling the truth what parts were true and what was fabricated

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Thanks to Atria and NetGalley for providing a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I've been meaning to check out Lisa Jewell for some time now; I usually avoid the more popular books, as I'm often disappointed, and I know that Jewell used to write quirky ensemble books with no hint of suspense in them, which made me leery. I'm glad I took the plunge.

This story is creepy and very, very polished. I read a lot of new books for my job, and there's a lot of plodding prose out there. This is not that. The words flow expertly, unwinding to create a plot which, while not seamless, is surprisingly original and well-done.

Alix is a podcaster mom with two kids, a gorgeous house, and a loving, if flawed, husband. Josie is a mom of two adult children with a much older husband in a council house. The two meet by chance and discover they share the same birth date (they're both out celebrating their days at a gastropub, Alix with her large, boisterous friend group; Josie with just her 70-something husband, Walter). Josie more or less inserts herself into Alix's life, as she finds Alix attractive and vivacious, and finds her own life ho-hum by comparison. How could it be, when they were born on the exact same day?

Josie pursues Alix, presenting herself as a subject for Alix's podcast. Alix has been looking for a new direction for her podcasting, and Josie seems to have an interesting story, as she presents herself as a woman trapped in a marriage with a much older man who groomed her from a young age. This is catnip to Alix, and the two start working together, with eventual disastrous consequences.

While this is artfully done, it's worth noting that Josie is presented as a person who asked to be groomed by a pedophile, which casts a bit of a sour note. Perhaps Jewell is attempting to say that a woman who was abused and groomed after growing up with a narcissistic mother might behave in this manner, but it's still pretty victim blame-y. One other issue is that the ending is ... unclear. I'm already not a fan of nebulous endings, but I had to go back and re-read this one a few times. It calls into question the entire quasi-narrative we've been given in the aftermath of the main event, and then ... nothing happens. It's rather frustrating.

Some have complained the book is predictable, and it is, in its way, but to me it felt more like an inevitability. You KNOW that Alix getting mixed up with Josie will be bad news. And Josie's inner monologue makes no bones about her feelings, so the catastrophe is not much of a surprise, but the events surrounding it are a bit of a letdown. It is, if you can put aside Alix ignoring her lizard brain in favor of not being socially discomfited or facing the loss of a potentially great podcast, shockingly real, and more in line with what you'd see on the news rather than in a book or movie or show, which I can appreciate (even if it makes for a less dynamic book, I guess).

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This was a ride! Alternating POV's along with a Pod-cast, turned true-crime Netflix series perspective. One MC is a raging narcissist, seriously unreliable, creepy AF and yea, I appreciated that, lol!
However, around the 3/4 mark, it started to flail and flounder for me. Some of the dialogue seemed, idk, just unbelievable in addition to a few scenarios that felt implausible. Up until that point, I hadn't rolled my eyes once.
Overall though, I thought it was quite fun to read.
3.5 stars!
Big thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for this arc in exchange for an honest review!

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I can not think of a book title more suited for it's book. In true Lisa Jewell form, None of This Is True is a very twisted tale that will have you on the edge of your seat, wondering what the heck is "really" going on. And then the last chapter comes along to really mess with you.

Thank you Netgalley and the publishers for the ACR. #NetGalley #Lisajewell. #Noneofthisistrue

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I'm an avid Lisa Jewell reader and this is hands down her best book yet. I could NOT put it down! It is one of those rare books that give you a "book hangover" afterwards where you can't read anything else until you've processed what you just read.

Podcaster Alix Summers meets her "birthday twin" Josie Fair. They were born in the same hospital on the same day and Josie convinces Alix this would make an excellent premise for her new podcast. As they start podcasting you get the sense something is very off with Josie and Lisa Jewell takes you on a wild ride from there. This is a book that presents 1 million different options to you as to how the story might end, but ends in the 1 million and 1 way you never thought of.

HIGHLY recommend you read this as soon as available!

Thank you Atria Books and Netgalley for giving me an advance digital copy! All thoughts expressed are my honest opinion.

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AHHH!! I keep thinking that each Lisa Jewell book I read is my new favorite, then she goes and writes something like THIS. Hands down a fantastically gripping read from start to finish.
So much so I had to fight all urges to ignore my responsibilities and somehow still managed to finish it in a day 🙈
The pacing of this novel is absolutely perfect, with just the right amount of tension and suspense to keep you hooked. The jumping from character POV to podcast interview to documentary genuinely felt like I was reading, listening, and watching a gripping true crime story, a la The Jinx or Making A Murderer. This book is an absolute page-turner that had me on the edge of my seat. I cannot wait for publication day to recommend it to everyone I know! A big thank you to @atria @lisajewell and @netgalley for this Advanced Reader Copy 📚

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I thought that this book was really well written and definitely kept me guessing even past the ending. There are so many elements and events in this read that look a different way depending on who is discussing it. This book was full of them. Even the end, drew back into this premise. I really would have liked to see what was the truth after investing so much time in the elements of this book, however I definitely understood the reason not to. To be honest, I am still a bit creeped out which is great. Thanks for the ARC, NetGalley.

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Special thanks to NetGalley for the arc of this book.

I’m sad to say that this was a three star book for me. I’m usually a big Lisa Jewell fan, and this story was told really well go keep me turning pages.

Unfortunately there are a few difficult topics in the book that pretty automatically made it a tough read. I also thought the “Netflix show based on a podcast” seemed silly. Why didn’t they just use a podcast transcript?

Overall, while the thriller aspects of the book were perfectly thriller-y, they didn’t quite twist in the way I wanted (predictable), and the tough subjects in the book (tw: mentions of pedophelia and incest) were too upsetting.

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I enjoy Jewell’s style of writing, because even during the “slower” parts of her novels, you aren’t ready to push the book aside and give up.
One thing I will say that I did get sick of, was the overuse of:
“Hi! I’m Your Birthday Twin! A Netflix Original Series.” I understand why it was used, I just felt it was overused in this novel, and it could have been cut down.
“None of This is True” kept me wondering what was going to happen next. I will say it didn’t end the way I thought it would. And I was left thinking about, and questioning the ending, which I don’t always do with psychological thrillers. I often just accept the ending. But I do enjoy a book that will leave me thinking!
Overall, like the majority of Jewell’s book, this one is another good read.

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Two women born on the same day in the same hospital. What a coincidence! A coincidence that sparks intrigue from both parties. Little do they know, their chance encounter is going to unravel a grisly series of events that will change both of their lives forever.

This book made me uncomfortable the ENTIRE time I was reading it, but I was also loving it simultaneously.
I don’t know where Jewell gets these ideas, but this story is so wild and unpredictable u til the very end.

Huge thank you to all involved who made it possible for me to get an ARC of this book! I will be recommending it to everyone I know.

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Thank you NetGalley for the advanced reader copy. For most of the book, I would have rated this a 5 star read. It kept me wanting to continue reading and wondering throughout, the characters were both likeable and creepy and new information was constantly being revealed with many twists and turns. But then I got to the end and it all felt confusing, like the whole ending was a jumble. I don't enjoy books where I have to try and come up with what happened at the end and that is how this book ended. I prefer a precise ending telling me exactly what happened, and bringing the whole book together. However this ending just gave me more questions as to what happened, not just at the end, but throughout the book. Was Josie lying the whole book because of her twisted state of mind or was she covering something up? Which events actually happened and which didn't? It was still a good book, but I was just frustrated that I did not get to grasp a clear conclusion.

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OMG!!!!!! Dare I say this may just be Lisa Jewells best book yet!? I am a HUGE fan and have read 11 of her books so far ... this was just WOW. Soooooooooo twisty!!!

The characters are chefs kiss! Dark and complex, just the way I like 'em. Let me be clear, this applies to fictional characters only, ha! The storyline pulled me in and I found myself invested immediately. A true crime podcast!? Amazing!

That's all I'm going to say in regards to the book. I didn't even read the synopsis before requesting, just knew I needed it! If you enjoy books about dysfunctional families, with questionable characters and an unreliable narrator, add this to your list. Or better yet, pre-order!

My thanks to Atria Books & Netgalley!!

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WOW WOW WOW! this is my new favorite of lisa jewell’s of all time!!! I don’t know how she keeps topping herself, but she does!!!!

I love a good ol psychological thriller with unreliable narrators, but boy, this one takes the cake! the writing style goes back and forth between a netflix true crime documentary (which is the most accurate written description of one I’ve ever read) and both alix and josie’s POVs. this kept the flow going so quickly!!!!

this was the perfect blend of psychological, creepy horror, and domestic thrillers 👏🏼 I’m completely obsessed with the pacing and the narration in this one

I did not believe a single one of these characters, and I loved every single second of it!! podcast-based thrillers are solely becoming my favorite type of mystery!! 🤯

while I know not everyone will be satisfied with the conclusion, I think lisa jewell was absolutely genius for it! and the plot twists? sis say less 🤌🏼

thank you to netgalley and atria for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review!!

rating: 5 stars
wine pairing: sonoma coast chardonnay

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Absolutely amazing. I loved every minute of it! Lisa Jewell is the queen of suspense and I was hooked the whole time.

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Hi! I’m Your Birthday Twin!
A Documentary from Podcaster Alix Summer, Coming SOON to Netflix!

Alix Summer was celebrating her 45th birthday with a large group of friends at her local Pub, when she meets her birthday twin in the Ladies room-an unassuming woman called Josie Fair, who was quietly celebrating with just one older gentleman. Turns out they were both born on the same day, in the same year at the same hospital.

Alix was known for a series of popular Podcasts called “All Woman” about successful local women, but it was time for something fresh and new. So when she “accidentally” bumps into her “birthday twin” again, a few days later, and Josie suggests that she might be an interesting subject, because Alix can follow her AS she changes her life instead of after someone has ALREADY done so, Alix decides to record a “test session” to see how it goes.

A woman’s voice fades in…

The things that Josie begins to share are QUITE shocking, and like an accident you can’t look away from, Alix cannot stop listening.

BUT-how much of it is true?


Alix has now passed the point of no return, and because of this-her recordings, interspersed throughout the narrative, have just become part of a TRUE CRIME podcast and SHE is now its subject.

What will the result be, when the final screen fades to black?

Who is Josie Fair, and what has she really done?

There are two things you can ALWAYS count on with Lisa Jewell.

First, if you handed me the first three chapters of a story in a binder, with no title and asked me to guess the author-I could identify her distinctive writing by her often QUIRKY and always well developed characters.

Although our “host” Alix, is a likable mom, sister and wife-her husband, Nathan, has a bit of a drinking problem and often goes off on benders, not returning home until the next afternoon.

And, we have Josie, the original subject of the Podcast, a shy woman who always dresses in denim, and who carries her Pomchi dog, Fred, clutched close to her chest in a denim pouch, his collar and lead, both made of denim too. (Don’t worry, no harm comes to Fred!)

And, she isn’t the only peculiar one….

It’s always fun to meet her new characters

Second, Lisa Jewell is NOT AFRAID to go there! There is an “ICK” factor to this book, and some of the subjects in the podcast include pedophiles, child abuse, and incest.

So, if you are a Lisa Jewell fan-get ready! You won’t be disappointed!

Expected Publication Date: July 20, 2023

Thank You to Atria Books for my gifted copy provided through NetGalley! It was my pleasure to offer a candid review!

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Thank you to netgalley, the author, and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Every time I thought I knew where this book was going… 😮‍💨 wrong AF.

I,like Alix, was transfixed by Josie’s story. The narcissist mother, the pedophile husband, the wild child. It was a lot for any person to handle. Who could blame her for her quirks and weirdness. Then the drama and all of this before the twist!

Definitely a great read

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