Member Reviews

This book is a-ma-zing!!! It might just be my new favorite Lisa Jewell book!

Such a clever premise: Alix Summers and Josie Fair are birthday twins who happen to meet each other in a pub on their mutual 45th birthday. When Josie discovers Alix is a successful podcaster, she lobbies Alix to make a podcast about her, saying she’s on their verge of some big life changes. Despite her inner voice telling her she should be cautious, Alix dives in, fascinated by the darkness and weirdness surrounding Josie’s stories. Before long, Josie has completely wormed her way into Alix’s life and things start turning deadly.

No one does thrillers like Lisa Jewell does thrillers, and I couldn’t get enough of this dark, twisty, can’t-look-away, couldn’t-put-it-down thriller! Josie is a deliciously unreliable character, and her obsession is creepy and unsettling in the very best way. This book is a perfectly paced, intense, wild ride that had me on tenterhooks the entire time!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for providing me an advance copy of this book.

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I am currently diving into ANY book that revolves around a true crime documentary/podcast and I'm thrilled that Lisa Jewell's newest thriller is a fantastic addition to this sub genre.

The plot moves quickly while feeling a bit disorienting. Josie is a very strange character but the reader is forced to slowly realize, bit by bit, just how off she really is. The plot takes plenty of dark, tense and disturbing twists and I found myself questioning which narration to believe.

An oh so aptly named thriller and my new favorite from Lisa Jewell.

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Wow! My first Lisa Jewell novel, but it certainly won't be my last. I couldn't put it down. I loved the format with the podcast records and the Netflix special script. It made the story seem even more real. Making Alix's marriage not-so-perfect also gave an element of realism to the story. I absolutely enjoyed this novel.

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A birthday twin is a fun idea unless she is psychotic! Alix is a notable podcaster who Josie convinces to run a segment on birthday twins Although it seems like a harmless notion, Josie entangles Alix in a web of terror.

I loved, loved, loved this book. The plot kept me guessing right up until the very end. The character development is thorough. Even the unlikable characters have a place in this book. Jewell kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish.

Thank you NetGalley for an arc of this suspenseful read.

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So cleverly written. A birthday dinner creates the chance opportunity for podcaster Alix to find her next hot topic or did the next topic find her. This story unravels Josie and her tale of loneliness, misfortune, abuse and recreation. Alix and Josie’s budding friendship starts to raise concerns of those close until the events can’t be stopped. Life can change in a moment and in the end, it’s a wonder on whose version to believe.
I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I have been a fan of Lisa Jewell for years, and her thrillers are some of my favorites. I was really intrigued by the premise of None of This Is True, and it honestly sounded like the perfect thriller to me. It did not quite live up to those expectations, but it is still one that I would recommend, especially to those who love a podcast element.

In a local pub on her forty-fifth birthday, Alix Summers, a podcaster, crosses paths with Josie Fair, an odd woman who is also celebrating her forty-fifth birthday. After running into each other in the bathroom, they realize they have the same birthday, are the same age, and were born in the same hospital. Alix decides that Josie may be an interesting subject for her new podcast series.

As they begin recording the podcast, Alix grows increasingly uneasy with Josie, and realizes that they are many uncomfortable, strange things about Josie and her life. Even though part of Alix wants start distancing herself from Josie, she thinks the content will be great for her podcast so she pushes on. As things start to unravel and Josie starts to seep into Alix's life and home, Alix realizes she has become the subject of her own true crime podcast.

As I said above, the premise of this story is absolutely great. Even though podcasts are used heavily in thriller books these days, I thought this was a fresh take that got me instantly hooked. I sped through the first half of this book fairly quickly, but then I lost momentum. The book takes an interesting turn, which I liked, but the ending left me unsatisfied. Overall, I would still recommend this book to Jewell fans or thriller lovers, I think I was just too picky about the ending.

Thank you to Atria Books and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I read this book in one day. Lots of plot twists and kept me guessing until the very end. I would highly recommend this book if you want an entertaining read.

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Lisa Jewell never disappoints but wow this one was one of her best ones. Was a bit confused about “The Birthday Twins” netflix show at the begining but caught on quick that it was a show in the future describing the events from the past.
I truly had mixed feelings about Josie and I still do even after finishing this book.

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What did I just read??? Not only is this my new favorite Lisa Jewell book (And for anything to dethrone Then She Was Gone, you know it has to be REALLY great!) BUT, this has also moved to my favorite read of this year so far. This was my 23rd book this year and it was my absolute favorite! Just wow!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
This book started off great and just got crazier and crazier as you kept reading. It was told in 4 parts and each part was more wild than the last. If I had the time to read it like I wanted to (That thing called work always gets in the way 🤣) I would’ve probably finished it in no time. I wanted to be reading this book whenever I wasn’t. I just HAD to find out what was going to happen next.
I’m not going to say much. I don’t want to spoil a damn thing for anyone. But their are two women, Josie and Alix. They meet on the night of their birthdays. Josie declares they are birthday twins. Alix has her own podcast show. Josie poses an idea to Alix to do a show about her life for her podcast show. And the things that happen and that are uncovered after they start that show, is just crazy!! Who is this Josie really? And just what is she up to?
This is such a crazy ride from start to finish. Down to the very last lines. Just crazy!! I hope there will be more from this story in the future.
Like I said, this is now my new favorite Lisa Jewell book. I absolutely LOVED it! And I can’t wait for everyone to read this fantastic book when it comes out this August. This was a CRAZY ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 stars for me!
Thank you to @netgalley and @atriabooks and @lisajewelluk for this advanced copy in exchange for an honest review!

Pub Date: August 8, 2023 -You MUST get your copy when it’s released.

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This book was a page-turner for sure! The two main characters meet in a pub on their 45th birthdays - birthday twins! Josie, a seamstress, convinces Alix, a well-known podcaster, to do a podcast about birthday twins. Alix begins by interviewing Josie in her home recording studio. During each interview, Josie reveals more and more about her past and her marriage to a much older man. At the same time, cracks in Alix's marriage and "perfect" life are beginning to be revealed as well.

The plot is very twisty with many surprises and reveals alternating between Alix and Josie's perspectives as well as recordings of their podcast sessions. By the middle of the book, you learn that Alix's birthday twin podcast has been turned into a Netflix true crime movie and by end there is murder and mayhem. A suspenseful, twisty tale with an ending that is both shocking and slightly bewildered, but oh so perfect. Highly recommended for fans of psychological thrillers.

Thank you to Lisa Jewell, Atria Books, and NetGalley for an advanced eBook in exchange for my honest review.

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As always Lisa Jewell does not disappoint! I always think I know what is going to happen and I am pleasantly always surprised! I enjoyed that this book was not Lisas traditional timeline format. This book sticks essentially to two point of views with articles to fill in the blanks of the story. Wonderful story.

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I read this entire book forgetting that the title is “none of this is true”. 😂 so I basically went in blind as a bat. The title refers to the main character Josie who unloads her life story to a podcaster named Alix. She details abuse, harrowing situations and a terrible life and marriage. All the while Alix’s marriage is crumbling due to her partners alcoholism. This is a good book to go in totally blind as you don’t want to be spoiled by twists and plot points. I’ll say I sped through this and was so enraptured I even was reading on my phone while I was walking down the street (I know I suck sorry). This is a true psychological thriller with dark themes and yes there’s some crazy stuff that goes down and some plot holes and you don’t really exactly know the truth in the end. If you’re ok with this, then this will be a fun wild ride for you.

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Thank you so much to @netgalley for this ARC of Lisa Jewell's newest novel! This has officially made its way to my favorite Jewell novel yet 😍 I am do excited for you all to read when it is published in July!

On her 45th birthday famous Podcaster Alix crosses paths with her birthday twin Josie who happens to be celebrating her birthday at the very same pub.
Alix and Josie bump into eachother again, a few days later. Josie has been listening to Alixs' podcast and is positive she has a story worth sharing.
While Alix begins to unravel Josie's life is appears strange, complicated, and a little twisted....however when Josie finishes telling her story, it is truly just beginning.

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Thank you so much for an advance copy of this book by one of my favorite authors, Lisa Jewell. This tells the story of Josie, who one night at a pub meets her "birthday twin" Alix..and is instantly fascinated/obsessed with her. What goes on from there is a twisty, dark, curvy path that I enjoyed every step of the way. This book is very dark and may be triggering for some that dealt with some of the difficult issues in their past. For me it was definitely distirbing but well done so I stayed intrigued. The ending was definitely a shocker. This book has very unreliable narrators, which I love also. A great thriller!

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Oh, this is the best Lisa Jewell book yet! I couldn’t put it down, and so many times I thought I knew which way this story was going to go, but no, it’s a twisty one, and extra fun because of it. Jewell has made the characters leap from the page. I loved the plot and the back and forth perspectives. This book is going to be one of the best of 2023.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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Pub date: 8/8/23
Genre: thriller
Quick summary: After a chance meeting at a local restaurant, Alix agrees to feature her "birthday twin" Josie on her podcast. But she'll soon find that her new friend is hiding some very dark secrets.

This book is capital D dark - trigger warnings include child abuse and murder, but I loved it. I especially enjoying being in Alix's mind trying to figure out what was truth and what was fiction. The ending was ambiguous, and I am still trying to wrap my head around what the "truth" is. Was this book over the top? Yes. But I was really into it and I think a lot of other readers will be too! I actually had to force myself to be responsible and not stay up late reading it.

My advice: Go in mostly blind and enjoy the ride!

Thank you to Atria Books for providing an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Lisa Jewell is a queen.

Run to get this latest book that features a podcaster in a questionable marriage and a woman she meets in passing on their shared birthday.

I do not want to give anything away of the plot, but I will say Lisa Jewell is an amazing writer whose books are only getting better and better. This book will leave you feeling so unsettled, but in a good way.


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This is a big statement but I think this may be my favourite Lisa Jewell book yet! What a wild ride! I feel like a lot of books lately have tried to have a podcast element that wasn’t done quite right but this one was perfect and enhanced the story so much!

This brought domestic thriller to another level and actually made me feel uncomfortable at times in the best way possible! The characters had so much depth that I genuinely felt like I knew them and I absolutely loved how you never really knew if what you were reading was true or not. This was fast paced, unsettling and honestly, brilliant. This deserves more than 5 stars and I know I will still be thinking about it years from now.

𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐈𝐟…
✨you love an unsettling read
✨you love true crime podcasts
✨you like multiple POV’s and short chapters

𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

🚨Pub Date: August 8, 2023
🫶🏻Thank you to @netgalley and @atriabooks for the ARC!

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Once again,Lisa Jewel delivers! This is a fast paced read that was never boring. Constantly twisting and turning into a well written thriller. Her best work yet! The characters are well developed especially Josie. It did remind me a little bit of Gone Girl. I know that has been over played as “this thriller is like Gone Girl,” to get other readers into it. But this honestly does have a Gone Girl vibe. That quick pace, edgy, dark, and twisted story where everything ain’t what it seems. It’s so hard to write a review for this book because I don’t want to spoil anything. Thank you to the publisher for letting me read a copy and review on NetGalley. I loved this.


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What a fun ride. I could not put this down and was definitely left guessing until the very end. Still can't determine what was real.

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