Member Reviews

Alix and Josie meet one night and find out it’s both their birthdays; they are birthday twins. Alix is a popular podcast and decides to use Josie’s life story for her podcast. As she interviews her, more and more dark secrets come out.

This tale was so suspenseful and page turning! Lisa Jewell knows the perfect amount to spoon fed the reader to leave them wanting just another chapter. I loved the perspective from the two women and how you know something in the story isn’t quite right. The ending was also perfect and unexpected. I wish this was a real podcast that I could listen to.

“It was almost as if I knew, even then, that there was no way back. That once I’d befriended the monster, that was it. For life.”

None of this is True comes out 8/8.

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This was a very intense read. I read it in one day, which I never do these days due to young kids. Very good and I enjoyed the way it was written.

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Lisa Jewell has done it again with the psychological thriller, None of This Is True. While the premise of the novel, the Birthday Twins coincidence, seems innocent, the plot quickly becomes more sinister as Jewell carefully reveals almost unbelievable situations and a cast of characters who are believable, relatable, and disturbing all at the same time. The plot twists and turns as different truths come to light, each more intriguing than the last. Framed around the very real premise of a podcast and Netflix series, None of This Is True is a dark and fascinating read that is impossible to put down. A winner!

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Five stars for Lisa Jewell’s new psychological thriller None of This is True. Lisa Jewell again impresses with fully developed, layered and unreliable characters. The plot will take your breath away! Two women are 45 year old Birthday Twins, born the same day in the same hospital. That is where the similarity ends. Alix is a very successful, wealthy podcaster specializing in stories about women. She has a close family with young children. Josie is a plain, unpretentious seamstress with a much older husband and two grown daughters. Josie approaches Alix and convinces her that she is at a turning point in her life and would be the perfect subject for a podcast. What progresses is nothing short of terrifying, as Josie ingratiates herself in Alix’s life with dangerous consequences. Lisa Jewell’s writing style is innovative and the prose sophisticated and stunning. The story alternates between characters’ point of view and the True Crime podcast. The plot is twisty and sinister. The ending is shocking for even hardened readers of the genre!

Special thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books of Simon and Schuster for the ARC. My opinions are my own.
Read from March 15, 2023-March 16, 2023.

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None of this is True is the best Lisa Jewell yet. The action is nonstop and she builds suspense from the first page. Her characters are developed so well that you feel as if you know them. You think you have it figured out but then , she takes a turn that wows you. I love Lisa’s books but she’s outdone herself on this one. Loved it.

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I love Lisa Jewell and was SCREAMING when I received this ARC! This was far and away her best one yet! I almost always say that after finishing a Lisa Jewell book, but I REALLY, REALLY mean it this time! Alix is making a podcast about creepy Josie. Through creepy Josie we meet creepy husband Walter and creepy daughters Erin and Roxy. Or are they? So many twists and turns and just evil, vile happenings that I could not put this book down! I really like the podcast/Netflix documentary chapters woven in with the characters' stories. I did feel that Alix was a little blind at times, but hey, it's not like I have ever been in a situation like that so who knows? The ending left me with so many questions, but not in a bad way. Just a lot of food for thought. I cannot recommend this one enough if you like dark and disturbing.

Thank you to #NetGalley, Lisa Jewell and Atria Books for this much appreciated ARC! All opinions are my own. I will post my review to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Facebook, Instagram and other retail/social media sites upon publishing date.

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Lisa Jewell’s book “The Family Upstairs” was an addiction for me. As soon as I finished it, I rushed out to get the sequel. This new arc was given to me to read in exchange for my honest opinion (thank you Atria Books via NetGalley!). In this psychological thriller “None of This is True”, Jewell writes with the same tension and pace as the previous ones I read (unputdownable!!!). For 70% of the book, I read as Alix meets a woman named Josie, and the relationship soon spirals downward, with Alix using Josie’s life story in a podcast, and nightmares soon follow.

Josie starts to exhibit dark behavioral patterns, and Alix is caught in the midst of it. The mix of podcasts blurbs, Netflix scenes, and descriptions of the abuses each woman experiences in backstories, was very well written. Where one woman succeeds, you see the other fall apart, and obsessions start to rule overall. At one point, Josie even kisses one of Alix's receipts she finds, fantasizing about Alix...and later we see a funeral where Alix is quoted as being "quite terrified". Terror prevails through the story, which readers will love.

Alix’s storyline was hard for me at times; I found her too trusting. Josie gives off the same vibes as the movie "Single White Female" with Bridget Fonda in the 1990's, so sometimes I wanted to shake Alix and yell....wake up! At about 80%, I found the storyline to the ending hard for me to accept. I wanted more closure.

Overall, it’s another great Lisa Jewell read that I am sure fans will love, full of mystery and suspense. Four out of five stars for me!

I will post my review on Amazon/ Goodreads/ Instagram and Twitter around the public
publication date. Thank you again to the publisher!

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This is a wonderful novel about people who meet by happenstance and form close bonds, even though the bonds might be built on lies. I read this quickly and continue to think about the characters. Who was telling the truth? Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to be an early reader in exchange for my review.

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Loved this one. Lisa did not disappoint! The story revolves around two women. Josie a troubled woman who is married to a much older man whom she starred dating as a teen. She has two daughters both of who have their own demons. And then there is Alice who lives a more traditional life with a good husband - though one who goes on benders- and kids. The Ladies meet at a restaurant on what turns out to be their 45 their 45 th birthday. Alice a podcaster starts to do a podcast on the troubled Josie and the lies, secrets, and juiciness ensue. There is even a Netflix series that is done on the story that therefore you know something crazy happens in the end. Lisa unravels the crazy in a way that only Lisa can.

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Well, I guess I'm in the minority when I say I just thought this was an ok thriller. Stellar Goodreads ratings aside, I guessed the ending and had a good idea of what Josie had done, during the podcast. In fact, when she's stealing items from Alix's house, she makes the comment, 'I'll put these with all the others', giving you the idea that she's done this before.

There have been lots of 'podcast-themed' murder mysteries lately, culminating with the current Netflix show, 'Truth be Told'. 'None of this is true' is also about a podcaster, Alix Summers, who publishes an inspirational podcast about successful women.
One day she is approached by Josie, outside her kids school, with a proposal. In essence, Josie has a great story, that would make a great podcast. And it just happens to be about her life. Alix learns that Josie married her husband when she was 18 and he was 45. Rumours abound that he was grooming her and is a suspected pedophile. As Alix starts to interview Josie, and gets deeper into her background and history, she begins to question what is real and what is not. One night, after having Josie and her husband, Walter, over for dinner, Josie returns to Alix's home at 3am beaten and bloodied. She claims that Walter beat her after a fight and she and her daughter, Erin, have fled. Alix offers her the guest bedroom for one week, and they continue to work on the podcast.
Alix's husband soon is reported missing, and Josie does not appear to be who she says she is.

The characters could have been developed better, and the suspense ratched up a notch. I didn't find Josie scary or threatening, but knew she was up to something, so kept reading. The author does give you something to think about at the end; 'did she or didn't she', but this has been done many times before. All in all, a garden variety thriller with predictable twists and turns.

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Deviously wicked, another fantastic book by Ms. Jewell!
Thank you @NetGalley@NoneofThisisTrue@AtriaBooks

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OMG this book was AMAZING! My new favorite of Lisa Jewell's, she is so talented. I loved everything about this book. The pace was fast and thrilling. There was never a moment where I was bored.

On the evening of her forty-fifth birthday Alix meets her birthday twin, Josie. Alix is the host of a popular podcast and Josie offers her a new interesting subject. Josie's life is strange and complicated. As dark secrets are brought to the open Alix has become the subject of her own true crime podcast and her and her family's lives are in danger. Who is Josie Fair? And what has she done?

The Netflix parts were a great addition because it piled more onto the suspense of the story. I couldn't wait to see what happened next.

This is a must read!

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This book has me up at 2:30am! It’s a great thriller that I couldn’t put down. This book is like a cautionary story about what happens when you invite a stranger into your life.

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Lisa Jewell’s best book yet. A unique storyline with incredibly nuanced characters and dynamics. Jewell’s writing is suspenseful and the plot fast-paced. I was kept guessing until the very last page…and I STILL don’t know what to believe.

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This could be my favorite Lisa Jewell story yet! It was gripping from the very beginning and I spent an entire afternoon taking it all in without putting it down. Lots of twist and turns that you may or may not see coming but will still keep you turning the pages to find out what happens next. The story alternates between interviews and real time and Jewell captivated me with the little clips from the docuseries. This one feels like it's destined to make it to a screen somewhere!

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I have been on a Lisa Jewell kick for the past while so I was super excited to receive an ARC of None of This Is True from Netgalley. This book was a wild ride and the title is just a hint at what’s to come.

On the evening of her 45th birthday Josie meets a woman Alix who is also celebrating her 45th birthday. Josie discovers that Alix is the host of a popular podcast and suggests a new direction to her. Alix begins interviewing Josie for the new show. Josie’s story is incredible but is it true?

I love a twisty tale and this was definitely that! There was so much that was ambiguous or could be looked at differently depending on the perspective that it kept you guessing and unsure what was really true. I was drawn in and read this book fast because I couldn’t put it down!

I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a suspenseful thriller with tons of twists!

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Whew! I couldn't put this one down! This is my first Lisa Jewell book, even though I have the Family Upstairs on my TBR shelf. I can guarantee it's moving to the top of the pile! It was so good! Fast paced, I loved the podcast and documentary add ins. Just fantastic. The timelines jump around but not in a confusing way. The chapters are kept short so the story flows effortlessly.

Thank you Net Galley and Simon and Schuster for the ARC!

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WOW WOW WOW! This book was incredible. Quite possibly my favourite read from Lisa Jewell yet! This had everything you would want in a thriller. It was dark, creepy & exciting. I was second guessing everything, I was on the edge of my seat wondering how it was all going to play out. The story wasn’t super predictable like some thrillers can be, I truly had no idea how it was going to end. The female MCs were both so interesting & we got a great glimpse into their lives. I absolutely loved the podcast & Netflix part of the story & kinda wish they were real so I could watch & listen! This book is easily one of my top reads for 2023 I LOVED IT!

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Quite possibly Jewell's best work yet - utterly creepy and I can say with absolute certainty, I had no idea where it was headed. As an avid thriller reader, it can sometimes be hard to find ones that truly surprise you, and this one did.

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This might be my favorite Lisa Jewell book yet!

Celebrating her forty-fifth birthday at her local pub, popular podcaster Alix Summers crosses paths with an unassuming woman called Josie Fair. Josie, it turns out, is also celebrating her forty-fifth birthday. They are, in fact, birthday twins. Alix agrees to create a podcast with Josie at the center but as Josie begins to share her life story, a twisty and dark narrative begins to emerge.

This was such a fun read that I didn’t want to put down! Thank you so much to NetGalley for an ARC.

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