Member Reviews

Alix Summers and Josie Fair cross paths during Alix's 45th birthday celebration. They are birthday twins, and Alix, a popular podcaster, decides to do a podcast on Josie.

But who is Josie? And can Alix believe everything that Josie says?

I struggled with this novel. Characters and their motives changed based on the plot. It is like Jewell needed characters to get to a certain destination, and it did not matter if it matched their previous behavior.

The deal breaker for me is the victim blaming. There is pedophilia and the minor victim is blamed. This is the second book of Jewell's where a character who is a minor is portrayed as an aggressor and the adult male is presented as a victim. A character was groomed from a young age by a predator in his forties and is blamed for the abuse. The predator never grooms another young woman again, which does not match what actually happens with child molesters.

This is the last Lisa Jewell book for me.

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I loved this book. What is really true ? Just when you think you know the TRUTH, something else happens. Clever format of a podcast being made fore Netflix. Highly recommended

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Josie and Alix are so-called "birthday twins" who meet randomly and soon their lives become so intertwined that there is continuous drama in their lives. Alix, a popular podcaster, gets intrigued by Josie's idea for a new podcast and invites her into her life without realizing Josie has ulterior motives. Josie's character is absolutely weird with her backstory so horrible as well that readers will need to rethink her narrative as the title keeps reminding us that none of this could be true.

Well then, we don't get to know until the end what really happened and who are the culprits in this case. Meanwhile Alix gets more and more intertwined in spite of her instincts asking her to step away everytime. This was definitely binge worthy suspense with all the twists and some dark, unhinged characters! At one point, I had to wonder which character was more evil than others!

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I'm not sure I can say Lisa Jewell is an auto-buy, or even an auto-read author for me yet, but I have reached for her books when I'm struggling to find the right next book, or I just want a quick propulsive novel. None of This Is True is a domestic psychological thriller if ever there was one. The main characters are unreliable, The protagonist at times is hard to root for, but I don't read Lisa Jewell's books for her characters; her books are all about the twisty plot!

The novel begins at the 45th birthday dinner of two strangers in a swanky restaurant in London. Alix, a successful podcaster with a beautiful family and dozens of friends is celebrating at the same time as Josie, another middle-aged mother is also celebrating with her elderly husband. The two ladies bump into one another in the bathroom, and share a moment over being "birthday twins." After the party Josie Googles Alix and learns she is a successful podcaster and decides to insert herself into Alix's life. Over the next few days, Josie manufactures ways to see Alix, eventually leading to Alix and Josie working together on a podcast about Josie's trauma-filled life thus far. The podcast is meant to inspire women with a message that it is never too late to change your life. As Josie reveals her truth to Alix, the two women's lives start to converge leading Alix to share an uncomfortable insight into her own marriage. One night Josie turns up at Alix's home looking badly beaten and claims to have been the victim of her elderly husband's abuse. Alix takes her in and over the course of the week and she learns more about Josie that doesn't add up. When Josie departs Alix's house for the final time, she sets in motion a plan and nothing is ever the same again. Alix begins to believe that nothing Josie told her is true, so who is telling the truth?

As all of Jewell's novels, this one reads fast. There is a good amount of tension and suspense. The book is divided into four parts and some parts are a bit long, while the 4th part is a bit short. I will continue to pick up a Lisa Jewell book when I find myself in a reading rut. Readers who enjoyed the podcasting aspect of Sadie by Courtney Summers may enjoy this novel as well.

Thanks for NetGalley and Atria books for this ARC.

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This is my 6th Lisa Jewell book, and my favorite. I loved the twists, various POVs and timelines and could not put this book down. I definitely recommend!

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Lisa Jewel has done it again. Another psychological thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat. I good not put this book down!

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This book is about two women, Alix and Josie, who share the same birthday. While these two women may share the same birthday and birthplace, they have led very different lives. Their lives become entwined soon after their birthday when Alix agrees to interview Josie for a podcast.

This book is told in alternating perspectives with Netflix extracts peppered throughout. I think this book has a lot of potential as an audiobook. Lisa Jewell did a great job creating characters that evoked strong emotions from the reader. I have not stopped thinking about the shocking ending. However, I wish there were more twists throughout.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for my unbiased review.

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Thanks to NetGalley for providing a free advance e-reader copy of “None of This is True” by Lisa Jewell, which had me so excited to receive that I yelped out loud when the email link hit my in-box.

The only hesitation I have in reviewing this outstanding psychological thriller is that you’re going to have to wait five months until the August 2023 publication date to read it yourselves. I blew through this novel in one long vacation weekend (and yes, one day was at the beach and yes, it is the perfect beach read). It was sooo good - kept me guessing through all the twists and turns.

Podcaster Alix Summer and stay-at-home mum and part time seamstress Josie Fair are “birthday twins” - born the same day, same year at the same London hospital - and they meet on their 45th birthday at a trendy pub. Josie befriends / stalks Alix until Alix proposes to interview Josie for her podcast. Things go south from there. Is Josie telling the truth? Is Alix? What about their husbands, Nathan and Walter? Everyone has something to hide.

Put this propulsive novel on your to-read list now. Five enthusiastic stars.

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Then She Was Gone is in my top 3 favorite books. Lisa is one of my absolute favorite authors. Everything she writes is absolutely amazing. I feel like Alice in wonderland falling down the rabbit hole when I read her books.

This book is my 2nd favorite book by her. This was so well written-I finished it in 2 days. Just when you think the book is done with twists & turns-you’re thrown for another loop.

By far one of the most unhinged, insane, demented stories I have ever read & I loved every second of it. My mouth is still on the floor.

Bravo Lisa…Bravo!!

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Wow this was a good read! I make it a point to read every Lisa Jewell book, and I think this might be her best one yet! Every time you think you know a character, a twist pops up and you find yourself wondering what really is the truth. The ending alone was giving me major “ Verity” vibes, and I cannot wait to discuss this one with other readers!

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This story follows two completely different personalities, Josie & Alix, after their chance encounter at a local pub. Josie & Alix find that they share the same birthday but live completely different lives. Josie is fascinated by, and later becomes fixated on, Alix and after Alix invites Josie into her life her entire world changes in the most devastating ways. We also find that Josie’s lies and deceptions begin to unravel.

This book was absolutely wonderful. It’s told in a Netflix crime documentary format which allows us to slowly unpack the tragedies that occurred in Josie’s life and how they later intertwine with Alix’s. The story, which switched between following Alix to Josie and then as a watcher of the documentary, was very easy to follow and from the very beginning the reader gets a feeling that something is not right. The deeply unsettling, ominous vibe carries on throughout the entire book.

We do not find out what exactly has happened until the end (and you are definitely in for some good twists)! But even then, we don’t find out the whole truth… or do we? As you turn the last page and close the book, you’re still left wondering what is true and what is part of an elaborate fabrication.

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I can totally see why None of This is True is being marketed as Lisa Jewell's best book yet. I would totally agree! I loved how unique this story was and the documentary/true-crime podcast elements. I also thought all the twists were well plotted.

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I absolutely LOVE domestic thrillers and was so eager to dive into the latest from Lisa Jewell. A lot of my friends hold her work in such high praise, I had high hopes for this one as well.

From the start, I was hooked. NONE IF THIS IS TRUE is full of unreliable characters and it’s almost impossible to figure out who is telling the truth. This one will be so easily bingeable - a must read for thriller lovers!

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Lisa Jewell is BACK with a banger baby!!! and this might just be my favorite of hers yet. i’m so here for the fire 2023 thrillers 👏🏼

a big thanks to Atria for getting this in my hands so early. thriller lovers, get excited for august!!!!

NONE OF THIS IS TRUE will make you second guess everything. i was absolutely obsessed with the two female MCs. this story was so addicting, i finished it in 24 hours because i simply couldn’t wait to figure out the truth. this book is full of unreliable narrators and characters who all have their secrets and hidden agendas and it’s so interesting to dive into everyone’s psyche.

it ends where you could see 382729 outcomes—and tbh those are my favorite stories. bc of that, this would be a GREAT book club pick!! would be so fun to chat through with others as you go along, some parts are JAW DROPPING. tbh Lisa Jewell’s mind is quite dark during parts of this story 😂 it kind of gave me THE FAMILY UPSTAIRS vibes at parts!

Lisa Jewell is the queen of neighborhood, domestic thrillers and i love her writing so much. she’s truly an all time fave author and will always remain that way. i was actually DMing with her about this book because she was replying to my IG stories and i just haaaaad to ask her questions about the ending and that just made me love her even more.

my fellow readers are going to LOVE this one!!!

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Alix Sumner appears to have a charmed life. At forty five, she’s beautiful, has a beautiful husband, Nathan, and two picture perfect children. Her home is magazine worthy perfect. Since Nathan is the bread winner of the family, Alix has the luxury of hosting a well known podcast. However, as always, life is not what it seems. Alix is looking for a new direction for her podcast and Nathan has a dark secret. Then Josie Fair enters their lives. Josie is complete opposite of Alix except they are ‘birthday twins.’ Thus, a new podcast is born with Josie as the star. Once Josie has enters their lives she doesn’t want to let go. Josie will do what she thinks she must do to set both herself and Alix on a new course. Overall, a good woven mystery with the podcast theme, giving it a contemporary feel. However, I had a hard time believing if Alix is so attuned to people how she continued to allow Josie to creep into her family’s life.

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Lisa Jewel delivers again!!! I couldn’t put this down!
Plenty of twists and turns will have you wondering until the end!! This book is everything a thriller should be.

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This is the second mystery I have read that uses a podcast as a means to tell the story, and I find it works so well for this genre. Josie Fair (the podcast subject) meets Alix Summer (the podcaster) at a pub where they are both celebrating their birthdays. When she "unexpectedly" bumps into Josie after their initial meeting, Alix decides to do a podcast on the idea of "birthday twins." The drama and weirdness commences, as Josie is not the person she presents herself as, and as the podcast continues, her story unravels more and more. This is a really well written mystery with lots of twist and turns, but also told in a way that is believable/ possible. The conclusion is not rushed (I hate it when mysteries abruptly end after the reveal), and your left a bit reeling thinking WTH (which is indication of a great read in my opinion!) If you like a dark mystery, I think you will enjoy this one!

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My second Lisa Jewell reading experience. I didn’t like it as much as <i>Invisible Girl</i>, but still. I had a good time; it helped me pass several fine evenings. I don’t quite know what didn’t work for me, it just felt like certain things (possible spoilers so I’m being super vague) weren’t pushed far enough, or something. And I wasn’t entirely satisfied with the ending. I can handle this TYPE of ending . . . but I was left distinctly disappointed. Still, the journey there was a good one—guided by Lisa Jewell’s sure hand.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for allowing me to read this book in advance. I have read several books by this author and loved all of them and this book was no different. I liked the format of this book; some of the story takes place as events happen and other parts of the story occur after the fact as the filming of Netflix doc. This book hooked me from the get go. Josie just is so odd and her family dynamic is so that I just had to find out what was going on with her. This book grabs you from the beginning and doesn't let go until the end. I absolutely could not put this down, I read this over two days after work.

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Yes yes yes! Thank you Lisa Jewell because this one was utterly fabulous! Told in a podcast/made for Netflix style with reenactments, interviews and flashbacks - this was a home run.

Hi, I’m Your Birthday Twin - which started out as a seemingly innocent project for Alix after meeting Josie in a restaurant bathroom and discovering they shared the exact same birthday - turns dark and ominous almost immediately. So many layers of deceit, madness and pure evil await you in these pages. One of my favorites by Jewell yet!

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