Member Reviews

I have been slacking on my beloved @lisajewelluk #reads and I finally caught up to this one, which did not disappoint. 100% my favorite of her last few #books. Fair warning, this one features a woman that is about as absolutely nuts as Hannibal Lecter (and far less likable) - I felt NO sympathy for this woman.

Two very different women, chic hit podcaster Alix Summer and “only wears head to toe denim”, unknown and isolated Josie Fair, randomly discover in a local pub that they are both celebrating their birthdays - and are, in fact “birthday twins”.

Oddly enough, Alix begins to see more and more of Josie, someone she has little in common with apart from being a wife and mother (and their experiences of marriage and children are about as polar opposite as you can imagine). Eventually, Josie throws out a podcast idea wildly unlike anything Alix has done before and on a whim gut feeling, Alix agrees to work with Josie’s idea - an idea that centers around Josie’s own story and future.

When the audio is rolling, though, Alix becomes more and more disturbed about the life and stories of this woman she knows - and yet knows nothing about - and, finds herself in the presence of this complicated and strange Josie Fair more and more, the consequences of which will change her life forever.

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Podcast books seem to really be picking up in recent years. Alix is a podcast host, highlighting the lives of different women. When she runs into Josie at a restaurant on both of their forty-fifth birthdays, Josie latches onto Alix, convincing her that she deserves to be the subject of a podcast.
The book bounces back and forth between present day narrative of the two women interacting, snippets of their recorded podcast, and updates from a documentary about them. It’s clear based on the documentary that something dark is coming for the two women and it made it hard for me to put this book down.
Josie is one of the most spine-tinglingly off-putting characters I’ve read. Clearly unreliable, her actions made me cringe throughout the entirety of the book and I wanted to shake Alix sometimes. The real story here is incredibly dark and twisted, so be warned.
Despite the snappy format, I found that the narrative dragged toward the middle. We kept getting story after story that we couldn’t trust and I was ready for things to be figured out long before they were. I also did not think the ending did justice to the rest of the story.
Solid, but not standout.

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I was really pulled in by the synopsis, but found the overall story wanting... I wasn't able to connect with the characters and didn't find them believable. It looks as though I'm far from the majority on this though and recommend you pick it up if you're a fan of thrillers.

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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! No spoilers. Beyond amazing I enjoyed this book so very much. The characters and storyline were fantastic. The ending I did not see coming Could not put down nor did I want to. Truly Amazing and appreciated the whole story. This is going to be a must read for many many readers. Maybe even a book club pick.

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A strange one!

Alix Summers is a well-known podcaster. She is celebrating her fortieth birthday at the local pub with her husband and friends. She is happy. On a closeby table, Josie Fair is also celebrating her birthday. She is also turning forty. When Alix goes to the restroom, Josie follows. They have a brief interaction where Josie tells Alix, they are birth twins.

The next time they see each other, Josie is outside her children's school. Josie convinces Alix that she will be a great next subject for Alix's new podcast. Josie tells her, she is on the brink of major changes in her life and that she is ready to tell her story.

The more Josie reveals, the more shocked Alix is. On the one hand, Alix wants to stop because Josie has a dark energy but on the other hand, she knows she has gold in her hands. The podcast will be a sure success. Then Josie and her husband both disappear.

What has Josie done?

I did enjoy this book until the last part. I felt too many things were left open-ended. What was true? What was a lie? Who killed who? I am okay with leaving things for the reader to interpret but here there were way too many unanswered questions.

Would I read another book by Lisa Jewell? Of course, I would.

Cliffhanger: No

3.5/5 Fangs

A complimentary copy was provided by Atria Books via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Lisa Jewell does it again! Another fast page turner with unbelievable twists and turns! I couldn’t put it down. I loved that the ending left me questioning and turning over the events of the book in my head. I highly recommend this book!

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Wow. I loved this book. I think it's Lisa Jewell's best book to date. I read it in one day- couldn't put it down.

Josie is such a complex character and I found her story captivating. I enjoyed the reveal of what was happening in her life.

Read this book if you like books with dual POV's and suspense!!

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A gritty, intense, fast-paced, riveting, edgy thrill ride full of dark secrets, shocking plot twists and pulse-pounding, palpable tension. A MUST for fans who thrive on high octane. superbly-written, unputdownable thrillers!

*I received a complimentary ARC of this book in order to read and provide a voluntary, unbiased and honest review, should I choose to do so.

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In true Lisa Jewell fashion, we have a good twisty thriller that kept you on your toes. This was a little bit different than her other books, especially with the “leave it up to the reader to decide” ending. All in all it was enjoyable, but not my favorite of LJ.

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I was hooked from the start! Fresh take on a genre that can become stale with the same old murder and mayhem. Well done!

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This book was phenomenal, one of Lisa Jewell's best. I was wondering the entire time if the narrator was reliable and could be trusted. I picked this book up and finished it in 2 days. The story kept moving at a quick pace and the twists and turns were NOT predictable. I also truly loved the idea how this was recorded as a podcast.

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This one felt a little confusing to me. I kept getting confused on the characters and who was doing what but in my defense most of these characters were sketchy. This was an audiobook and my god this cast did an incredible job. It literally felt like I was watching an episode of the first 48 (my dad loves that show it’s always on in the house lol). But these characters are definitely sketchy this book dives into some deeper topics (pedophilia and abuse for sure) and it was definitely a darker read. I still enjoyed it and recommend it but I would be aware of that if you’re not into those things. Highly recommend it on audio it really added to the story!

Thank you for allowing me to read & review this title. My review can also be found on my instagram, @manymerrybooks.

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Lisa Jewell had me completely invested in this novel. "None of This is True" is a page turning story that I truly enjoyed. I don't think I'll ever see denim-on-denim the same.

Thank you NetGalley and Atria Books for my digital arc in exchange for honest review.

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I have been a Lisa Jewell stan since I picked up a copy of "Then She Was Gone" six years ago. I have not missed a single release since then, and I can say confidently that "None of This is True" is one of her very best. This novel is all-consuming and sucked me in from the very first chapter in the very best way. I was riveted as I read through the pages, desperate to see what would play out as Josie and Alix recorded their podcast and with the present-day updates that showed the fallout from the events of their recordings. I rarely hope a book will be made into a movie or TV series, but I would love to see this play out in the medium in which Jewell wrote it!

"None of This is True" starts with a seemingly innocent meeting between two women, each out celebrating their 45th birthday at a posh restaurant. When one woman identifies herself to the other as her "birthday twin," podcaster Alix Summer is charmed by the denim-clad woman who seems both so much older and so much younger than she does. When a second meeting brings them together she begins to imagine that Josie could be the perfect subject for her new podcast series. She invites her 'birthday twin' to share her life story with her as she finds herself on the verge of a milestone birthday, teetering on the edge of a major change in her life. Nothing could have prepared her for the tornado of chaos and deceit that Josie Fair would bring into her life.

As Alix tries to find the thread of truth in all of the dark secrets that Josie begins sharing with her she finds herself unable to withdraw from the dark orbit Josie has created, both around the series and in Alix's personal life as she finds ways to burrow her way closer and closer to Alix's inner circle. Just when Alix feels she can take Josie's presence no longer, she disappears just as suddenly as she had arrived. When the initial wave of relief passes, Alix finds herself in the middle of her own true crime podcast as Josie's final actions have consequences she could never have seen coming.

An absolute must-read for fans of the genre, the queen of psychological thrillers, Lisa Jewell, packs an incredible punch with this novel. Book clubs will devour "None of This is True," eager to delve into the secrets left behind by Josie and to unravel, if they can, what really happened behind the denim curtains of her small apartment. Special thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for providing an Advanced Reader's Copy of "None of This is True" in exchange for an unbiased review.

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I had to take a few days to mull over my thoughts on this one because Lisa Jewell has once again left me speechless. This bone-chilling psychological thriller will have you on the edge of your seat. I couldn't flip the pages fast enough. The ending left me absolutely reeling.

Josie and Alix meet while celebrating their 45th birthdays at the same restaurant. Although being born on the same day and in the same hospital and living their whole lives in close proximity, Alix and Josie are two very different people. Josie is a wife to a much older man and mother to two grown children. She works a mundane part time job as a seamstress. Alix is married with two young children, living in her dream house, and hosts a popular podcast about women empowerment. Josie convinces Alix to listen to her story and interview her for her podcast. She tells her that she has a lot to say as she's hit 45 and is reflecting on her life choices thus far. The farther Alix gets into the podcast, the more complicated things become. Is Josie the victim of years long abuse, or is there more than meets the eye? Alix soon finds herself in the midst of her very own true crime story.

Read if you like:
Unreliable Narrators
Dual POV/Timelines
Ambiguous Endings
Fast-Paced Suspense
True Crime Podcasts
Psychological Thrillers
Twists and Turns

4.5⭐️ rounded up to 5

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Wowie Zowie! This was a great fast-paced read! It wasn't a "who-done-it?" kind of story. But it was a thriller nonetheless! I loved the two women main characters and hearing both their sides of the story. And I loved the interviews/documentary feel by throwing in the Netflix angle. Really clever and great story-telling! Loved every minute of it!
Thank you SO MUCH NetGalley and Atria for providing a copy.

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This thriller was SO good and twisty. I absolutely love Lisa's writing, and I found myself unable to put this one down. I completely enjoyed this wild ride!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advanced copy of None of This is True by Lisa Jewell. Two women meet by chance and find out they are "birthday twins" and become entangled in one another's life from that point on. Super interesting and disturbing, but I loved it!

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I enjoyed a twists at the end. Two lives are more connected and mixed then what is seamed. Is one of them crazy or just killer.

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O.M.G. 🙀 I binged this book on our way home from Idaho yesterday. Looking back at the beginning of the book I would have NEVER guessed how it would end .😅This was creepy, twisty, and disturbing. I loved it. BRB on my way to read every Lisa Jewell book.

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