Member Reviews

I had trouble keeping interest in this audiobook. I found it to be pretty boring, predictable and all over the place. I wanted to like it but I really struggled through it.

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Thank you NetGalley and HighBridge Audio for the opportunity to listen to this audiobook.

OK.. I did like the now and then....... There was the "twist"

UMMMM... This book was OK. Just OK. Voted up ??

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An excellent dark psychological thriller!
This book kept me engaged and longing for more the whole time, anxious to see what was coming around the corner. An author that’s always two steps ahead and an ending that I never thought would happened.
Tried and true tale of long term friendship, secrets, success and lies.
The narrator did an amazing job of also keeping me engaged and feeling all the feels of the story.

Thank you NetGalley for this advanced audiobook in exchange for my honest review.

Release date February 21, 2023.

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I listened to the audiobook for this one and I have to say that the narration was one of the best parts. I had a hard time connecting to the narrator mostly because every choice she made had me rolling my eyes and groaning. I had the twists figured out for quite some time before they finally twisted and I didn’t find it to be as suspenseful as I would have liked. (I’ll admit I was suspicious of something else that didn’t happen, but overall it was a lackluster ending for me). The story is told in two main timelines with glimpses of where the second timeline ends. The first is what happened with Sylvia and her friend Tess were in their teens. The point of these was looking at the death of Sylvie’s boyfriend but it goes into more of their relationship, her relationship with Tess and everything that was happening. I know she was 16 but every choice she made back then kind of had me hating her (and Tess based on the descriptions). The other timeline is the present day where Sylvie is an ambitious barrister set on being a judge. But the things happening in present day are tearing apart the life Sylvie worked so hard to build for herself. Overall I gave this one 3.5 stars which I rounded up for the narration.

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Thank you Netgalley for the gifted copy of this one in exchange for an honest review!

Overall this was a decent thriller. I thought the entire story was unique and interesting. I felt like you couldn’t trust any of the characters which made for a good thriller. The whole book seemed to be well paced until the end. I felt the end was rushed and chaotic and I definitely guessed the ending pretty early on. Overall this one is okay!

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IT ENDS AT MIDNIGHT by Harriet Tyce and narrated by Lucy Patterson, George Weightmore, and Samara MacLaren was a dark thriller that kept me guessing!

The story begins with a fox sniffing out the blood of the bodies that have fallen from the roof, impaled on the fencing. (Like I said, dark, but what a gripping start!) As the pages turn, we go back in time to Sylvie being pushed into her long-time friend Tess's world with the revelation of a brain tumor. This begins the events of a vow renewal on the Scottish new year's celebration of Hogmanay, the night of the fox's discovery.

Sylvie and Tess have a complicated friendship and as Sylvie is climbing the judicial ladder and presiding over a case that stirs old concerns, Tess is pushing to drag the same event up for some sort of closure with the looming threat of her tumor.

There were layers to this story that I don't want to spoil, so if you enjoy a darker thrill, go in blind!

I would caution ⚠️ those sensitive to sexual assault and more graphic descriptions. This is my first of Tyce's novels, so I wasn't as prepared. Fortunately, that wasn't too long, and the story at large was compelling enough for me to get past it. (I don't enjoy any "open door" scenes, consent or not.)

The various narrators were a great feature of this story. In between Sylvie's story and memories leading up to midnight, there were peppered scenes of police witness statements, and then from one of the victims after the fall. It made for a very dark, atmospheric read!

Again, a shout out to @hankpryan for introducing me to this story via her YouTube channel, A Mighty Blaze! I listened to the author chat, checked my @NetGalley and requested the audio! I am grateful to @tantoraudio and @recordedbooks for this @sourcebooks title that you granted to me. The audio will be available February 21st!

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It Ends at Midnight is a twisty but slow mystery. Sylvie and Tess are old friends who have secrets. Tess is determined to right wrongs from the past, and at a fancy party, those wrongs end in someone dying. There are quite a few twists in this one, and it is amazing how much perspective matters (though that is all I can say without spoilers). I did feel like some parts of the story seemed to repeat themselves and drag on quite a bit, and I was not a huge fan of any of the characters. Yet this did not deter me from reading the entire story to see what happened and what the twists and the ending were! I was surprised to find I was not correct about who ended up murdered.
Thank you to Netgalley and Sourcebooks for the opportunity to read and listen to the audiobook for this one in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This book had me hooked all through out the story but I was also torn about liking it or not liking it but it kept grabbing and having me wanting more and to know what the heck is going to happen the switching back forth just to keep you more intrigued then I finally finished not excepting the end at all My final thought on the book though was I liked it did drag out a little in my opinion but I would definitely recommend this to book it was worth the read for sure.. Thank you for allowing me to preview there book before release.

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Thank you, NetGalley and HighBridge Audio for the advance copy of It Ends at Midnight in exchange for my honest review.
"It's New Year's Eve and the stage is set for a lavish party in one of Edinburgh's best postcodes. It's a moment for old friends to set the past to rights—and move on.
The night sky is alive with fireworks and the champagne is flowing. But the celebration fails to materialize.
Because someone at this party is going to die tonight.
Midnight approaches and the countdown begins—but it seems one of the guests doesn't want a resolution.
They want revenge."

I enjoyed the dual timeline and multiple POVs however this book was not my favorite.
I really struggled with the narrators, and the story itself felt very predictable and bland.
I hate leaving reviews like this. II really wanted to like this book but it just wasn't for me.

*edit after posting this and then posting to goodreads I noticed this is a very outlier opinion, so it might just be the book for you!

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Though the writing of this was pretty good I just couldn't get into the story... ended up being too blah and I did not finish it.

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This story was good and well paced. Tess & Sylvie both annoyed me and I did suspect the ending / bad guy early on. I wasn't really wowed by this but it was still good.
Huge Thanks to NetGalley & the author for this ARC.
I received this advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarilv.
This is set to publish 2/21/23.

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2.5⭐ for the audiobook

Featuring ~ multiple 1st person POV, dual timeline, lawyer, court proceedings, s$xual assault, toxic friendship

Sylvie & Tess are bff's and Tess has dropped a bomb that she has a brain tumor. The story weaves back in forth in the present and when they were teenagers with toxicity galore.

This was just okay for me. I did not really care for any of the characters or feel invested in the story. It was pretty predictable too.

On the plus side ~ I like the cover, it was fast paced and it didn't take me long to get through. There are a bunch of 4 and 5 star reviews, so don't let mine sway you.

Narrated by George Weightman, Lucy Paterson and Samara MacLaren for 8 hours and 20 minutes. I was happy with all of their performances.

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📖Book 26/100
💫Genre: Mystery/Drama/Thriller
Narrated by:
George Weightman; Lucy Paterson; Samara MacLaren
This was a dark and twisty story that sucked me instantly with a crime as the opener. Sylvie & Tess are close friends with a past that continues to haunt them. Guilt of the girls, new trials they both face as they battle trying to get closure, but someone wants revenge!!! This was such a suspenseful psychological drama with a great ending, and the narration was perfect!
⚠️Trigger Warnings⚠️

💫Thank you @netgalley and @highbridgeaudio for this amazing and enjoyable read in exchange for an honest review.

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Fast paced, entertaining, and expertly narrated. A recommended purchase in all formats for collections where thrillers are popular.

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Big thanks to NetGalley and HighBridge Audio for the free Audio Arc!

Sylvia's life in on the fast track- but everything she has worked for is about to be derailed.

Her best friend Tess has a brain tumor and is separating from her husband.

The trial that Sylvia is sitting as a judge is the one that can make or break her career and she has a hot chef boyfriend. Life is good- until Tess makes a request.

When they were teenagers something happened- and Sylvia has blamed Tess for it their whole adult lives.

But is Tess really the villain Sylvia tells is she is? And who is Sylvia, really?

Forward flashes of other people's perspectives and Sylvia's narration bring this novel to a close with a stunning revelation- a tad predictable foe the twisty thinker, but well executed.

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If you liked Tyce's Blood Orange, you'll love this. The story is very well put together, if a bit predictable. Like Blood Orange, It Ends at Midnight is filled with toxic relationships and fraught situations. It goes incredibly fast. I was absolutely never bored. If social horror was a thing, this would be it.

Plot - 4
Writing and Editing - 5
Character Development - 5
Narration -5
Personal Bias - 4
Final Score - 4.6

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It Ends at Midnight
A Novel
by Harriet Tyce
Narrated by George Weightman; Lucy Paterson; Samara MacLaren

Rating: 4/5 Stars

It Ends at Midnight is the story of of Sylvie and Tess, and their longtime friendship. Twenty years later, Tes surprises Sylvie with a cancer diagnosis and it sounds like she doesn't have long. Her dying wish is to right a wrong from a long time ago. Sylvie is on the fast track to becoming a very influential judge in the courts and Tess' wish could ruin her career. I don't want to give anything else away, but this is a fast-paced novel with some fun twists and turns.

I had a suspicion fairly early on as to what was going on and I have to say, I didn't much like Tess, as it really seems like she was a crap friend to Sylvie, but it was entertaining how various revelations were made and how the whole story came together. The narration was great and the narrators really brought the characters to life.

Thanks for much to #NetGalley, #HighBridgeAudio and the author for the chance to listen to and review this ARC!

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This was just an okay listen. If I was reading the paper version, it might have been a little more clear on who was telling each chapter. There were some random chapters narrates by people that I didn’t feel were an important part of the story.

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Outlier alert! I wanted to like this one, I really did. But the more I read the more I rolled my eyes and got so absolutely annoyed with the characters. I saw where this was going from a mile away and was sad when I was right.

Sylvie is a barrister who has aspirations to be a judge. Her best friend Tess has just been diagnosed with a brain tumor and wants to renew her wedding vows and wants Sylvie to be part of her wedding again. She also wants to the two of them to confront a situation that happened when they were young in school. We know that some deaths have taken place in the present day, and so the narrative looks back in the recent past and in their time in school to piece together the sequence of events.

I didn't like Sylvie. I thought she was in turn overly naïve, overly a doormat, and overly just plain stupid with her choices. For as intelligent as she had to be to do her job, she certainly spent a lot of time making poor choices and acting hysterical and simpering, especially towards Tess. Having a brain tumor doesn't make you queen of the world and Sylvie should have just told Tess firmly "No, I'm not going to do that."

And as I said, I saw the ending "twist" coming from a mile away, and how Sylvie couldn't see it made me do another round of serious eye rolling.

As she is sitting on the bench, presiding over the trial, her mind kept wandering to the past and to other things. I would never have wanted her to be my judge, as little attention as she paid to the proceedings.

Let me not fail to mention the events of the past when they were in school. Where were the parents/guardians? There was a lot of scary stuff going on (drugs, sex, etc) and you would have thought they were much older than 16 for their lack of any sort of supervision.

I generally love a good unreliable narrator story, but this one was just not for me. I listened to the audiobook and I thought the narrators did a great job at keeping me interested and invested in the story. Props to them for one of the best parts of the book.

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This just wasn’t for me. It felt overly familiar and not in a good way - more like a I’m sure I’ve read this book before but I haven’t because I have early copy. Once the ending rolled around I realized it’s so familiar because it’s a very typical thriller novel.

I didn’t particularly care for the “layout” I guess of this one - we have multiple timelines and POVs and they didn’t mesh for me.

I received an advanced copy through NetGalley and I want to thank them for it!

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