Member Reviews

This is a fun contemporary romance. The characters are loveable and the plot fun. Overall an excellent reading experience.

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A good book about finding yourself. Our main characters are carrying baggage from family and previous relationships. She doesn't understand why she can't say those three little words. He is desperately clinging to his sobriety. They each take a journey both good and bad and find each other at the end.

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Thank you NetGalley, Erin La Rosa, and Harlequin Trade Publishing for this ARC copy of Plot Twist in exchange for my honest opinion and review.

This was a wonderful follow up to Erin's previous book: For Butter or Worse. This time around we follow along the FMC's sister: Sophie's love story with former Hollywood heart throb: Dash. I love the more modern elements of involving TikTok and social media influences with romances. These two find themselves benefiting each other in more than one way as this hilarious and charming story unfolds.

Read if you love:
-Friends with Benefits
-Best Friend's Brother
-Celebrity Romance
-Mental Health/Addiction

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I loved the tension in this book right from the start! Absolutely a must have on your summer reading list.

Dash, being Sophie’s best friends brother and her landlord, has always been off limits. But when Sophie and Dash exchange her writing skills for his TikTok ones, they end up spending more time together than expected. They also get to know each other outside of the boundaries of their regular passing acquaintance status and start learning things about each other no one else knows. Soon, the physical connection they initially feel grows into something deeper and they challenge each other to face their demons and be their best selves.

Really enjoyed this book and can’t wait for the next Erin La Rosa book!

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This is a really sweet, swoony romance book for anyone who loves:

- grumpy / sunshine
- neighbors
- celebrity (or ex-celeb) MMC
- best friends brother
- forced proximity (he is her landlord)
- friends with benefits situationship

It definitely had laugh out loud moments and lovable characters, however I felt that I really had to push through this book. I wasn't connecting with the plot at first and then I felt like it picked up steam but overall I thought the tension in their relationship could have been a little higher? Really I just felt like the plot was dragging a bit.

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this pun-filled steamy rom-com was written by my agent sibling, it was one of the most requested books on netgalley in april 2023, and it has a BEAUTIFUL pink cover (with a pan main character) so you KNOW i just had to request and read!!!

PLOT TWIST comes out in november, and i am so sorry to everyone else who has to wait that long to dive into these pages (could never be me) because it is such a fun time. our main character is named sophie lyon. she's the sister of the fmc from la rosa's fiction debut, FOR BUTTER OR WORSE, and it's her turn to find love in PLOT TWIST—in the form of her landlord, local hollywood heartthrob actor-turned-craft-tiktokker (and recovering alcoholic) dash montrose. if that sounds like a lot, it is! but la rosa handles all the twists and turns of PLOT TWIST with a hand that clearly knows how to juggle elements—from the "only one bed," "best-friend's-brother," and "friends-with-benefits-but-not-actually" tropes, to sophie's struggles with writing her second book (as a romance author who has never been in love) while meeting up with her (four) individual exes after a TikTok goes viral of her drunkenly confessing this fact at a karaoke bar, to a weird crocheting stalker who makes weirdly-accurate dolls of people (I KNOW!!!), to supportive friends and dysfunctional families, and over-involved (bad) momagers.

all in all, a lot goes on in this book, and it is an incredibly enjoyable time. i especially loved reading about dash's struggles with alcoholism and his arc as a character, from believing he isn't worthy of love to finally accepting all the good he finds in sophie—he deserves a big hug and the best nap of his life tbh.

thank you to netgalley, my absolute best friend. for sending me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review! and thank you to erin la rosa for writing it. <3 excited for more from her to come!!

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This book was just so refreshing. Can we talk about how straightforward and communicative the two leads were?? I know there were still secrets and a few "hmm better not say that" moments because it was good for the plot, but overall reading characters who, for the most part, just said what they were thinking or feeling instead of letting misunderstandings take control of the narrative was exactly what I've been needing in a good romance lately. And their chemistry? Their first scene together?? Holy heck, I was not expecting that. The banter was engaging, the relationship dynamics were well-rounded, and I just has such a good time strolling through their story. I could not put it down. 4.5 stars rounded to 5 because I loved it so much.

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this was my first Erin La Rosa book, and it was definitely a cute read, but i felt it was lacking some of the angst that the issues tackled in the plot could have brought in. both main characters have their flaws that make a reader love them, but something just felt like it was missing in how easily conflicts were glossed over between the main and secondary characters. it was still a decent read, just felt a bit more fluffy than my own personal preference and what i often gravitate towards. if you’re looking for something easy, steamy, and not too tense, i think this would def be enjoyable for that kind of mood read!

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Plot Twist by Erin La Rosa is not out till November 14th, 2023, yet I have been seeing it EVERYWHERE. I have a feeling this is going to be a hit when it is released, so I wanted to read it as soon as possible!!

Romance author Sophie Lyons, just did the unthinkable. Got drunk and went viral on Tiktok for never being in love. Not only does she have writers block and her next book is late, now the entire world knows she is a fraud. How can a romance author write about love if they never were in love themselves? That is until her landlord (and new friend) Dash tells her about using Tiktok to help her career. Sophie comes up with the idea of interviewing all her exes and finding out WHY she has never been in love. By writing and sharing her journey on social media, she is hoping it will spark inspiration and her second book will be released.

The word that comes to mind about this book is CUTE. The characters were cute, the theme was cute, and of course the ending was cute. I enjoyed the use of Tiktok in the book because it's so relatable. I also enjoyed that the main character had both heterosexual and homosexual relationships throughout the book so it could relate to most audiences. This book had me laughing out loud while also gasping at some of the hot and heavy romantic scenes. When Plot Twist by Erin La Rosa is released this fall, it will definitely be all over Tiktok for being a must-read romance.

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This was my first book by Erin La Rosa and I hope to read more in the future! I loved the concept and got into this book right away because it gave off serious rom com movie vibes.

This book has some of my favorite tropes such as grumpy/sunshine, best friends brother, friends with benefits and there’s some wonderful LGBTQ+ representation!

I was rooting for Dash and Sophie from the get go but I feel like there was a missed opportunity to let them mutually pine and let the tension build a little bit longer.

Thank you to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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The cover and summary of this book had me very excited to read it. The main character is a romance author that is having trouble writing and realizes she's never been in love. Her landlord is a former actor turned crafter that helps her with figuring out what went wrong in her previous relationships.

There are so many issues that both characters Sophie and Dash have to work on with themselves that it feels wrong for them to be in a relationship. Dash is working to be sober and constantly states that he is not ready for a relationship. It is difficult to root for the characters to be together when it would be best for their mental health to be apart. The characters do support each other through their struggles but it I would've liked to see more of their relationship developed once they are settled within themselves rather than while still in the middle of some serious life issues. The really electric love scenes between them would have more satisfying if they were after when the characters had more stability and confidence in themselves.

Thank you NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the chance to review this ARC.

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Was this book absolutely miserable? Nah. Did I enjoy it? Meh!
I don't have enough strong feelings to do a full, three-paragraph review, but in general: Thought the characters were fine, but didn't adore them, thought some bad decisions were very avoidable, and had to call over my friend to read one absolutely insane line in one scene. Was it a negative experience? Not really, but I didn't adore it or anything.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Canary Street Press for the eARC.

I want to start by saying that can we as a society agree to not talk about social media in books? It was really difficult for me to move past the whole TikTok thing.

Other than that, the protagonist Sophie is childlike and gave off major “My life is so depressing and I have so many issues but I will not do anything to resolve it since I have big titties and I am a good person so good things are bound to happen to me” vibes. The other protagonist Dash was okay-ish. He is a good(rich) guy but he acted like he needs a mother rather than a lover. Both of them had issues but none of them were doing anything about it. The only time they helped each other was when Dash helped her understand how TikTok works and when Sophie helped him get laid.

The author's idea was good it had a lot of potential but unfortunately, it wasn’t implemented correctly.

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I was seriously impressed with Erin La Rosa's writing and the adorableness of this book. I mean a ex-actor (teen heartthrob) and a romance writer, what else could you want. Dash and Sophie were both lovable characters and their interactions were fun to read. I enjoyed their banter and the pining had me at the edge of my seat!

Plot Twist 4/5 ⭐️
🗓 Release Date: November 14th
✍🏻 Grumpy x Sunshine
✍🏻 Best Friends Brother
✍🏻 Close Proxmity

Thank you so much NetGalley for sending me this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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I enjoyed this book overall, despite its shortcomings. The main issue I had with it is that it did like it was still being edited, and I’m not sure if that’s because I have an ARC, There were a few plot points that were oddly out of order of the story’s progression. I also think there were too many sub-plots that didn’t contribute to the book or that ended up contradicting what was previously said,

Minor issues I had with the book were that while the sex scenes were a little steamy, didn’t feel fully flushed out or they felt completely sudden and rushed. Additionally, I wish the sister and best friend were more involved in the story, but I’m not sure if the sister character contributed much to the story or character growth. Lastly, I wish the author integrated more descriptive language rather than making the plot primarily dialogue-driven.

Aspects of the book that I enjoyed were the major plot, the themes (ie. trust, family conflict, sobriety), and I admired both Dash and Sophie as individuals. The book had humorous moments and it was enjoyable to read overall.

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I absolutely adored this book! The entire book was sweet, spicy and heartfelt! enjoyed seeing the characters progression into romance while they work on their own personal lives/goals. Their story progression was more than just a romance, which made it interesting and kept me wanting to know what was going to happen next. I also loved the use of tiktok and the comments in the story. 🥹 I even stayed up super late to finish, so that means it’s an easy 5 stars for me! 💕

TW: substance abuse

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Plot Twist

Plot: 1
Writing: .5
World Building: .5
Chararacters: 1
Themes: 1

Spice: 3 - Dirty talk is *fans self* hot. I wanted more of it!

What you can expect:
- One Bed
- Best friend's brother
- Tiktok Influencers
- Romance Author
- Sobriety/Alcoholism
- Bi rep
- Dual POV with short chapters

When I first started this book, I thought it was going to be a fun, fluffy rom com. I was very pleasantly surprised at the depth and care we got in our characters and their struggles. Don't get me wrong, there are definitely some fun moments and cheesy dialogue, but Plot Twist was so much more than just a romance.

With Sophie being a romance author, we get fun little nods to other romance authors and indie bookstores! I enjoyed seeing her growth throughout this book and wanted even more on it to round her out as a character.
There are many nods to being a Tiktok influencer and lingo that may date this book in a few years.

Plot Twist feels like a younger sister to Abby Jimenez's books: tough topics but still does a good job at balancing it with lighter moments.

Thank you to NetGalley and Canary Street Press for a copy of the eArc. This is my honest review.

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This was cute. I wanted to love this, but couldn't quite get there. I will say that Erin La Rosa took a lighter spin on a heavier topic and I enjoyed that aspect. Dash's sober journey and Sophie's writing journey come together and spin a cute tale.

#PlotTwist #NetGalley

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Plot Twist is an adorable and steamy delight. It is FULL of tropes and side quests but I didn't find that to be a bad thing. Sometimes you just need a book that hits all of the things you expect from a romcom and nothing more.

Erin La Rosa explores Dash's alcohol use disorder in a way that makes sense to the reader and doesn't shy away from the actuality of going to meetings and what it means to slip up. It also showed how a non-sober partner can work with someone going through sobriety.

The supporting cast contributes just enough to move the plot along but doesn't get in the way.

I do think that some other readers went into this expecting a bit too much and this is a lot lighter than anticipated.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for this review.

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Romance author Sophie Lyon’s ironic secret just went viral: she’s never been in love. Though her debut novel made readers swoon, Sophie’s having trouble getting her new characters to happily-ever-after, and she blames it on her own uninspired love life. With a manuscript deadline looming, Sophie makes an ambitious plan to overcome her writer’s block: reunite with her exes to learn why she's never fallen in love—and document it all for her millions of new online followers. Which also means facing her ex-girlfriend Carla, the one person Sophie could have loved.

I wanted to love this book, and it is one I may try and pick up again in the future but I could NOT get beyond the first few chapters. It felt like it was going to be too predictable and I personally am not a fan of having a lot of social media (in this case Tiktok) being a huge plot point of a story. I have enough social media in my everyday life, when I read I don’t necessarily want to be immersed in that all over again.

The writing itself was ok… there are cases where I can look past a not so great plot if the writing is exceptional but I didn’t find that to be the case with this book. That being said, I am usually a fan of books written about authors as an aspiring writer myself, so I may make my way back to this read at some point but it wasn’t for me at this point in time so I put it aside.

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