Member Reviews

As soon as I saw this cover I knew I wanted to get my hands on it. This cutesy rom-com book was just what I needed to bring me back to my romance obsession.
I really enjoyed all the characters and the writing flows beautifully-not robotic at all. It definitely had me laughing and smiling.
Sophie- pansexual, romance author, never been in love- revisits her past relationships to figure out what went wrong.
Dash-ex actor/heartthrob- struggles with keeping his recovery and identity a secret.
Together, they learn to navigate their struggles and learn to lean on each other as they confess their fears. The steam factor is mild but sweet and genuine.

A few things I didn’t care for. I dislike the word guffawed and it appears multiple times in the book. Again personal preference. The book is also heavy on the tropes, and trope talk which is understandable since the FMC is a romance author.
I thought the mention of TikTok would get old but it’s not really the centerpiece, which I’m thankful for.
I give this book 3.7
Thank you to NetGalley, Erin La Rosa, and Harlequin Trxade Publishing for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Sophie and Dash were so loveable !!! I like that it was relatable, and I think the plot and characters were executed beautifully!

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Ahhh this book was just perfect!! I absolutely loved Sophie and dash!! Their relationship was the cutest!! In the beginning I loved the rom com vibes of it but as I went on it lost my attention a bit!! Great book though!! I can’t wait to read more of her books in the future!! Can’t wait for the release!! Thanks netgalley!

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dnf at 30%.
there’s not a lot that irks me more than when a book references tiktok. don’t get me wrong, in some instances pop culture references CAN be done right, or less badly, but having them take up a big part of a book will make me instantly want to dnf.
ALSO it was already clear in the first few chapters how “tropey” this was. it was very obviously built around the tropes rather than either the plot or the characters. and in my opinion there’s absolutely no point in throwing in a handful of popular and well liked tropes; it won’t automatically make a book good.

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I really liked this book! I like stories with characters who are sober because I think that's an important area of life that needs representation in books. My heart really went out to Dash, struggling with his self worth, love, and acceptance while acknowledging his sobriety is what will keep him healthy and alive. I also loved his friend Chris as his friend and sponsor in this story, considering Dash's family needs to work on being loving and accepting. I really liked Dash and Sophie's story too! I don't really love the trope of going back through exes to learn what went wrong, but I liked that wasn't the main focus here, and more background to Dash and Sophie's story. Overall, cute story with some serious topics. I laughed and cried a lot reading this.
Thank you for the ARC!!! :)

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Goodreads review in link. Thank you for the book!

I enjoyed this book, it was kind of ironic how an author who writes romance novels had never been in love herself. The plot was really good were the characters.

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Plot Twist pulled me in from the first chapter. Sophie and Dash’s characters are so beautifully flawed that you truly can’t help but love them. They make mistakes, don’t realize when they’re doing something wrong but they also communicate really well. Sophie’s fear of trusting enough to fall in love was written in a way that was so easy to relate to, as was Dash’s fear of simply not being good enough to be loved. I will say I wished we got a little bit more in their epilogue but overall was a great read

Thank you to NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for a review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Plot Twist by Erin La Rosa

I received a digital copy of this book from NetGalley for review. My opinions are my own.

5/5 stars

I’m fan-girling over this book. I read it all in one afternoon, in bed sick with a cold. I could not stop. It was that good. I believe this is La Rosa’s second romance trope and I’ll be checking out her debut soon.

If you’re a fan of the grumpy meets sunshine and one bed tropes, this one is for you. TW: this does deal with some family dynamics and alcoholism so if you struggle with these topics, it may be best to skip.

Sophie is a romance novelist who has (gasp!) never been in love. She embarks on a journey to figure out why, by contacting her ex’s. Dash, her landlord and best friend’s brother, helps her along the way.

Again, loved this book!

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I was just so into this book the moment I opened it. It was just so cute and easy to fall into with so many of the romance tropes I just love and look for in romance novels.

I absolutely adored the immediate sparks between Dash and Sophie and while I wish they had been able to sit in their feelings a bit longer especially knowing that they shouldn't get involved because of Dash being her best friend's brother, they both definitely deserve each other in the end. They bring out the best of each other and that's always the best.

Huge thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the ARC of this amazing book.

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I love Sophie and Dash!! I haven't been able to stop thinking of them. This is a must read Romance! Put this on your TBR.
I just reviewed Plot Twist by Erin La Rosa. #PlotTwist #NetGalley
[NetGalley URL]

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Wow, "Plot Twist' had everything that I look for in a romance and so much more:
-forced proximity (he is her landlord/neighbor)
-one bed only
-best friend's brother
-romance writer with writer's block
-former teen heartthrob from a famous Hollywood family
-steamy scenes
- pan representation
- emotionally rich characters (I sobbed so many times!)
- earned HEA
- friends with benefits
- characters with realistic struggles
- authentic journey of an alcoholic (things felt so real with Dash)

Sophie is a romance writer who is struggling to finish her second book. She has never been in love, and she can't figure out how to write the HEA for her characters in her novel. She decides to visit her exes to determine why she didn't love them and what went wrong. As she begins her journey, she realizes things about herself that lead her to make some changes in her life.

Dash is her landlord/neighbor, but he is also her best friend, Poppy's, brother. He is a former teen heartthrob who has left the spotlight of Hollywood to focus on creating anonymous TikTok videos to show his crafty side. He starts to spend more time with Sophie, and he helps her chronicle her reunions with her exes on TikTok.

The spark between Sophie and Dash is undeniable, and their scenes were steamy! Their chemistry jumped off the pages and burst into flames. Dash doesn't want commitment yet because he is focused on his sobriety. Dash hasn't told anyone about his sobriety. He wants to keep it that way, at least for now, because has an overbearing mother who keeps pushing him to go back into the spotlight.

Sophie and Dash went through it together, and there were some parts of their story that really brought me to tears. At times the story felt too real, which is an amazing thing for the author, Erin La Rosa, to achieve. I loved every step of the journey that Sophie and Dash went on together, and their HEA was so well earned and deserved.

Thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for an ARC of this amazing book. I definitely recommend it!

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3.5 Stars I really enjoyed Plot Twist, Erin La Rosa’s follow up to her debut novel, For Butter or Worse. Plot Twist follows Sophie Lyon (sister of Nina from the first book), a romance author experiencing writer’s block who then goes viral when a video of her drunkenly proclaiming she’s never been in love is posted to TikTok. In order to finish her book before the six week deadline and to inspire her own love life, she makes a plan to reunite with her exes to learn while she’s never fallen in love and to document the whole experience on TikTok. Sophie’s landlord and best friend’s older brother, Dash Montrose, is a former child star from a famous Hollywood family and a recovering alcoholic who is working to stay sober. Unknown to almost everyone, he runs an anonymous TikTok account where he documents his crafting and pottery. With that TikTok expertise, Dash offers to help Sophie if she’ll help him write a speech for his father’s upcoming Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony. Their attraction to one another is undeniable, but Dash isn’t sure if he’s in a place where he can commit to a relationship like Sophie wants, so she proposes a friends with benefits situation. Cause that always works out—right?

This was a fun and easy read, despite the serious topic of alcoholism and addiction. The main characters were perfectly imperfect and learned to embrace their flaws while working to better themselves. It was fun seeing Nina and Leo from For Butter or Worse again. With the conflict between Nina and Sophie at one point in the novel, I was disappointed that we didn’t get more than one conversation where they could work on their sister relationship, especially since Sophie felt disappointed that Nina wasn’t sharing important parts of her life with Sophie. This felt unresolved, even though Sophie’s conflict with her best friend and Dash’s sister Poppy was resolved with a couple conversations. A good read and the parts about Dick the squirrel (and Richard Gere) were hilarious.

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I was able to read Plot Twist due to Netgalley just as a heads up! Anywho onto the book!

So first off, I'm a sucker for the little cartoon covers that basically show you how the author imagined the characters. It really helps when imagining them, granted I also picture actors anyways but either way the cover is absolutely adorable and what originally drew me to the book. The premise of the book is that Sophie is a romance writer who has never been in love and renting a home from her best friend's brother, retired childhood/teenage indie heartthrob Dash. News gets out that she hasn't been in love after she drank too much so she goes on this self reflection journey by meeting up with past ex-lovers, and during this ends up falling for Dash. Dash is a recovering alcoholic who loves crafting more specifically pottery (which is lowkey attractive af, like he can make you the plates and cups of your dreams, I wish). Anyway, that was basically rewriting the summary without trying to give away the ending but like you kinda already know that they will fall in love.

I really enjoyed this book! Dash and Sophie were so cute and so supportive with each other during their hardships within the book. I wish I had a friend like Poppy (sister to Dash and best friend to Sophie), like healthy understanding queen. Definitely recommend reading this book if you want a cute easy read!! Very predictable which it's a bad thing cause it's a romance novel not a thriller or murder mystery where they want you to be on your toes.

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Please Twist by Erin LA Rosa

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Was this cute? Yes. Was it deliciously cheesy? Absolutely. Was is so chalked full of tropes I had a hard time not rolling my eyes at some things? Again, guilty. But it was super cute. The struggles of the main characters are super relatable and the delicacy and respect of the writing about addiction was super refreshing.

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Thank you to Harlequin Trade Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this novel. There is still some formatting that needs to be done to make this story work appropriately on the kindle but it did not distract from the story. I enjoyed the dual pov and there are some great tropes that I love in this story including best friends brother and high school crush. Sophie and Dash have great chemistry and I love them together. Sophie feels relatable but not all at the same time. Who hasn’t had a drunken confession they want to take back or wondered why past relationships never worked out for them? She began to feel unrelatable when she gave off what I would consider all the stereotypical LA vibes like the snack choices and the leaks to the paparazzi. Overall, I really enjoyed the story and would recommend.

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I'm on bookish cloud nine. Plot Twist is the perfect beach read. Funny, charming, sexy, and heartfelt, it has all the ingredients that make this a delightful book. Sophie and Dash’s journey was delicious. Overall, this book has been fantastic, and I don't think I would want to change any of it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Dash and Sophie are on a journey to find self-acceptance and end up relying on each other along the way. Their romantic connection is complex and realistic, but still pure and focused. Sophie’s bisexuality was discussed unapologetically and in an understated manner, which I really appreciated. This book is the definition of a modern romance, with frequent references to TikTok that offered an airy feel to the book. Overall, it’s a quick read that will leave you feeling content.

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I love a good meta romance and this one did not disappoint. Sophie is a romance writer who’s got a secret: she’s never been in love, and her writer’s block on an HEA for her second novel may cost her her book contract. Landlord and best friend’s brother Dash agrees to help her seek out past relationships and see what went wrong. Dash is a former actor from a Hollywood dynasty who has some secrets of his own. They definitely shouldn’t get involved, but it’s increasingly hard to stay away from each other.

A lovely follow up to For Butter or Worse, featuring some returning characters. I loved Sophie and Dash and was rooting for both of them. Not to mention Richard the squirrel.

Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for the ARC to review. All opinions are my own.

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This unfortunately fell a little flat for me and also I think it could use one more pass through the editor(s), I clocked a handful of (mostly negligible) errors while reading. The title is eye-catching and the cover is gorgeous imo.

This plot had so much potential unfortunately it failed to hook me in. I didn't feel engaged, invested, or interested. The story and characters just didn't feel relatable or interesting enough for me to want to care about them getting their HEA. The MMC and FMC individually just came off as super...pathetic.

I'm also not a big fan of the whole "revisit your exes and interview them to meet 'xyz' goal" trope and also the cheating trope. The cheating is super gray but even a whiff of a possible cheat is enough to shut my reader brain off and force me to not care about the rest of the entire book, which slogged on anyway.

Solid 3 stars, I'll reread when it's released just to see if this is a #moodreader problem

Thank you to NetGalley & Harlequin Trade Publishing for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Thanks to netgalley and the publishers for this copy of the e-arc in exchange for a honest review.

Plot Twist follows romance writer Sophie who is having trouble finishing her second book due to her never actually being in love. As well as Dash, former teen heartthrob and Sophie's landlord and brother to Sophie's best friend.

Sophie decides to help her overcome her writers block to meet up with her exes and share on it tik tok after getting the encouragement for Dash.

Dash is struggling with maintaining his sobriety and has turned to crafting (mostly pottery) and has been posting to tiktok anonymously. With the dread of writing a speech for an upcoming event for his father, Sophie has offered to lead a had and write the speech for him.

I really loved reading Sophie's and Dash's love story, Erin is a great writer and I will be going back and reading her other books.

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