Member Reviews

Finished ✔️ The Pearl River by Mark Butterworth!
5 ⭐️’s
Publish Day: February 28th, 2023
Kindle Unlimited: No
Talks about the armed forces in a post war world in 1949
Definitely the perfect read for military buffs
Held my attention the whole time
Could be a great book for a high school history class or a college history class
Highly recommend this book
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This is an absorbing and intelligent novel with engaging and believable characters. The author captures with perfection the atmosphere of the late 1940s when Britain had to reimagine her place in a post-war world.
The plot is clever and compassionate,and the writing has great moments of tenderness but doesn't flinch from the suspicion, tension and brutality of life in Hong Kong on the wrong side of the tracks.
Adam Devon and Hannah Shaw add a love interest and throughout the novel has a glorious nostalgic period feel. There's plenty of action in the air ad the RAF attempt to quell a threatened Chinese invasion. Highly recommended.