Member Reviews

If you love classic adventure fantasy, role play games like D+D, found families, then this series is for you.
Have been loving this series but was worried the ending wouldn't stick the landing. I had nothing to worry about, this was an excellent ending to a new favourite fantasy series!
We got a lot more points of view in this one due to the wondering Sols being separated after the last one. Really enjoyed the different POV's and getting to know more about each of the characters that I have learned to love over this series. Sorin especially was great in this and has become a fav character.
We also finally get to find out who the mysterious figure is which I did not guess at all, and said goodbye to some of the team. Liked that everything was perfect at the end and as Evren said "Every time Eith breaks, there will be someone there to fix it" This world bleeds heroes." Which is so true that things will happen and there will be hard times but together people can make it better, it might just take time.

I was disappointed to find this is the 5th book in a series, but gave it a game try anyhow - and was immediately intrigued! The writing is evocative with only the occasional dip into litRPG terms. The characters feel real and weary, caught in the aftermath of a horrible battle that they certainly did not win. I want to start this series from the beginning and travel along with these people to see how they end up here!