Member Reviews

Rating 4.5

I picked this story up off the 'Read Now' section of Net Galley as an Advanced Readers Copy (ARC) and I'm so happy I did because this story was the absolute most perfect pool side read while I was on vacation. Honestly, I picked this story because of the cover and wasn't disappointed. This is a sweet romance but also read like a coming of age for the Main Character.

Merry DeLuca's life is changing quickly - her sister (who's the kind of little sister who gets everything she wants) is marrying her best friend (and Merry is hopelessly in love with him). After a blacked-out night at the wedding with the best man, Noah, and a conversation with her godmother (Jupiter), Merry launches into her escape plan - to take some time for herself and reset. It just so happens that Jupiter has a French Castle that she owns (as her own escape plan) and offers it up to Merry for 3 months and to let her find her own French dream (a French man that she can fall in love with... or at least keep her occupied while she's there!)

But France isn't everything that Merry was expecting; The castle has it's own set of issues (it's falling apart at every moment) and it comes with company (Noah is actually there as well...Flaky Jupiter "forgot" she rented it to him too). While acknowledging the awkward-ness, Noah and Merry commit to making this vacation work for both of them and to get through their time together but add in the fact that Noah is famous, arts are important in France, friendly neighbors, and a dark past and these two end up facing more than just "making it work" and quickly learn they need each other.

Merry was such a wonderful character to read about - I loved her personality and how Ready was able to make her shine through the pages. The additional characters were a little harder to connect with and actually annoyed me to an extent, but it made me love Merry and Noah that much more. I also enjoyed the pace of the story and loved how it was more than a romance story. Merry comes out of this story a stronger woman and Noah gets to do some personal healing - the growth of these characters made the Romance seem like it wasn't the only story line. This read would be perfect for someone wanting to transport themselves, enjoy some romance and fall in love with relatable characters!

Thanks to NetGalley who, in collaboration with Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC, released this copy with a Read Now options so that many of us get to read this early copy of the story!

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The book' felt like I was the one going on holiday and I had a good time reading it. The male and female lead were so fun!
One of my dream trips is going to France and this book was fun to read! I enjoyed reading it! It was fun and full of banter!

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I wanted to like this, the cute cover and title had me thinking I would howeverrrrr. This one fell flat. I was bored for the majority of it and found the characters very immature.

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Tropes: Forced Proximity, Slow Burn, Enemies to Lovers, Unrequited Lover, Found Family, Vacation Romance, One Bed

This was such a fun book. I laughed out loud multiple times and then cried others. The main characters have a past. Merry thinks that Noah hates her, and Noah knows that Merry will never be his, or that's what he thinks. Noah is on a quest to find his unrequited love, but it isn't what you think. Merry needs a break from life.
When Jupiter gives both of them the opportunity to stay at her French Chateau,- unbeknownst to them-everything falls into place.
So many parts of this book made me laugh- the rat and the lobster were by far the best.
I love the one-bed trope and this was done a little differently than normal which I appreciated. I did enjoy the side characters for the most part I didn't really like the sister...
It wasn't overly spicy but it didn't need to be. It was sweet when it needed to be there was a little steam in the perfect places.
Overall a cute rom-com and I am glad I ran across it on Netgalley!

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French Holiday is a rom-com kind of book. It's super fun, easy read, with a lovable main character, Merry, and a hot love interest, Noah. Most of the story is set in the French countryside, in a chateau. I was super excited to start reading it, especially after reading the synopsis but when I finished it, I was glad it has ended.
At the beginning we follow Merry’s sister’s wedding with her best friend, who she’s had a crush on for the past four years. Merry’s sister’s always got what she wanted and now she also got the guy Merry was in love with. And it was extremely easy, because they got engaged after a less than a day of knowing each other. Love at first sight, they called it, they just knew this was it, they said. And even though Merry was not the merriest about the situation, she was happy for her sister. After the wedding, Merry flied to France for a vacation at her godmother’s chateau, but the plot twist—Noah, who was also the best man at Merry’s sister’s wedding, a famous travel documentarian and her enemy, has also rented the chateau. They made a deal to live together and not bother each other, since they were there for two different reasons—Noah to write his new book and to find someone, Merry to get swept off her feet by a beautiful French man, preferably named Pierre. And a beautiful French man, named Pierre, entered the chateau. While Merry was trying to date Pierre, she gets to know Noah at the same time and started to fall in love with him.
But here comes another plot twist. Her sister called and told Merry that Noah is a murderer. But as it turned out, he of course wasn’t, and it was all a big misunderstanding. Only a few chapters later, Pierre accused Noah of committing a crime and that he should be in jail, but that turned out to be false too.
And the person Noah was searching for? It was an artist, who was supposed to be his father. But when he tells Pierre that information, he tells Noah, that he’s got it wrong, the artist is actually Pierre’s father. But when they visit him, it turns out, Noah was right all along.
At the end I was willing to give this book three stars, because it was funny and cute, but Noah proposed to Merry after approximately 3 days of “dating”. That’s where I drew the line.
An honorable mention of Louis, the lobster. It was funny to read about him jumping out of the pot with boiling water and then the struggle of catching him, but keeping him as a pet? I think this decision should be reconsidered.
After all, if you don’t mind the many plot twists and quick engagement, you should read it at the beach on your next vacation, or even in the French countryside.

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I wasn't sure I would like it - as the cover made me think it was a bit lighter than it was. Don't get me wrong, it was no heavy tome, but the characters had more depth than I thought they would. It kept me up way past my bedtime, which is a sign of a good book.

Thanks NetGalley for the advanced reader copy!

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

This book was such a fun read, but it definitely had an identity crisis about half way through. What started out as a super cute "quitting life to move to France to get over a man," lighthearted and breezy, took a turn around the romantic climax wherein the playful comparisons to gothic novels suddenly became a lot more real. It wasn't bad, per se, but felt a little off in tone. I did still enjoy the mystery element quite a bit, and when everything finally resolved, it was less dramatic (in a good way) and felt more in line with the first half of the book. And the ending is about as cliche as could be, but I didn't mind so much.

This book really shines in the characterization of the two main leads and the beautiful descriptions of Annecy + the dilapidated chateau. Everything else was a bit lacking in my opinion. The side characters were fun, but they felt 2-dimensional and like they were only there to further the plot; no real friendship vibes, unfortunately. And as I said above, the dramatic plot twist felt gimmicky, like it was trying to fit a retelling rather than being an organic shock; you don't ask someone to be in your wedding party and then suddenly drop a bomb like that just for the plot's sake. It felt so inauthentic.

Overall, I did find this an enjoyable reading experience despite its flaws, so solid 3.75 stars. I'd definitely recommend as a beach/plane read for those who enjoy getaway romances and a hint of mystery.

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This was a really sweet story. Mary has unrequited love for her best friend Leo. She is dismayed when he meets her sister Angela and they get engaged the very next day, She is thrown together with the best man Noah who she thinks despises her. They both get drunk and end up in his room where she wakes up in bed next to Noah naked. She is mortified and flees the next morning. Her life spirals from there and she finds herself taking a holiday and goes to her aunt's chateau in France. There she comes face to face with Noah who is there to gain inspiration for his next documentary. There in the run down chateau they are forced to face their feelings and learn some hard lessons about love and life. This was a very cute story and I enjoyed going on a French Holiday with them and the narration.

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French Holiday is a perfect lighthearted beach read for the summer! There are elements of seriousness that keep the book grounded. Merry, suffering from unrequited love, is quite relatable... we've all been there at some point, right? Of course Merry has one up on most of us... she gets to escape to a French chateau when life gets too overwhelming.
The dynamic relationship between Merry and Noah is great to follow as the story progresses. There's snark, drama, resignation, and perhaps a change of heart. Overall, a funny, cute, and surprising read!

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Super cute and quick romcom book! Frenemy to lovers trope. Some secondary storylines took away from the main story but not enough for me to give up the story. Overall it was a fun read.

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I loved this book. It was so fun I couldn’t put it down. I had low expectations going in but it wasn’t formulaic and kept surprising me. I will definitely check out more on this author and be recommending her!

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Merry is in love with her best friend, Leo. And Leo just married Merry's sister, Angela. Merry's quirky godmother helps her escape life for a bit and lets her stay in her French Chateau for 3 months, but what Merry doesn't know is that Leo's best friend Noah (who Merry DESPISES) is also staying at the Chateau.

The first half of this book felt like a completely different book than the second half. The first half was such a fun enemies to lovers read and I loved it. The second half of the book focuses a lot more on the mystery subplot and not so much the romance. I also felt like this story dragged in places and this book definitely could've been shorter.

I really enjoyed the main characters Merry and Noah, and I loved the setting of the French Chateau. An even though this book felt a little long, it was overall a quick fun read!

Thank you to Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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What a beautifully inspiring love story. It was so sweet and emotional. I loved it and the narrator was simply perfect.

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“Champagne is the devils brew.“

“I didn’t know, I only hoped.” 😍🥰

This is a book to be savored. A book you will not want to end. I’m the type of reader who will blow through a book in a day or so, but with this book…I found myself reading.…stopping to take it all in and then coming back to it again and again. I didn’t want to finish this book too quickly because I needed time for it to continue to soak into my heart & soul. It was beautifully written and so very atmospheric.

I don’t think I’ve ever read a book where someone was attacked with a food or attacked BY their food. I was cracking up reading it.

I loved Merry (Meredith) and Noah. Angela was perfectly annoying which balanced the story out well since Merry her polar opposite. Leo was…well everything everyone (except Merry) knew he would be. Merry’s godmother Jupiter couldn’t have been any cooler. All of the characters were just incredibly endearing.

This was like a modern day, whimsical fairytale with good sex…but not too much. Just a nice sprinkling. Towards the end, that scene with Leo…I was holding my breath!

This book was delightful, a perfect escape. It’s no wonder that it’s Sarah’s husband’s fav book so far.

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I was pleasantly surprised by this book. At first glance, it seemed like a simple romance novel, but it ended up being so much more than that.

The story follows Merry, who has been in love with Leo for four years. Just as she's about to confess her feelings, Leo falls in love with her sister Angela and they get married. To make matters worse, Merry must see Leo's friend Noah, who seems to despise her, at the wedding. Unexpectedly, Merry and Noah end up in bed together, but she assumes she'll never see him again. However, when Merry's godmother Jupiter offers her a stay at her chateau in the French countryside, Noah joins her on this journey, and they embark on an unforgettable adventure together.

This book explores themes beyond just romantic love, and I appreciated how it delved into the complexities of human relationships. The characters were well-developed with rich back stories which made you root for them, and their interactions felt authentic. The French countryside provided a beautiful backdrop for the story, and the writing was descriptive and evocative.

Overall, I highly recommend this book for anyone looking for a captivating and charming read.

Also a thank you to NetGalley for the ARC

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This was a beautiful book that I devoured start to finish in one sitting. The writing was so intimate that it almost felt like the characters diary and her thoughts and feelings were so vivid that I couldn’t help but love her with every word.
From the first interaction between the two main characters it was easy to assume how their relationship was going to go but I like that predictability especially in a romance book. Their chemistry was of the charts and they were so raw and real with eachother.
The storyline was interesting enough to keep you hooked but not obvious enough that it got boring.
This book has the potential to be on par with books like The Spanish love deception and the love hypothesis.

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I loved this book! It is romance with some mystery involved. Definitely worth reading!

Merry has fallen for her best friend, only to have him fall for and marry her sister. Work is terrible, having to tell so many co-workers that they are no longer employed. Merry has had enough and decides to take a vacation to the French countryside, living in a castle owned by her Godmother. Once she arrives, she is surprised to find Noah, the best man at her sister's wedding, of whom she is not very fond. What happens next involves a castle that is falling apart, a Frenchman named Pierre, and some interesting banter between Merry and Noah.

This book had me laughing, rooting for different couples, and wondering how the mystery would unravel.

Thank you to Swift & Lewis Publishing and Netgalley for this ARC.

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Merry DeLuca is no stranger to unrequited love, but suddenly her nightmare comes true, her sister is marrying the man that she loves! What could be worse than that?!

Needing a fresh start, Merry heads off to the French countryside to a dreamy chateau. She’s got plans for a soft, romantic summer filled with vineyards, a charming lover, and rediscovering herself.

Of course, these things never go how they're planned. Merry arrives to find a barely habitable chateau, and to top it all off, she finds the best man and famous travel documentarian, Noah Wright, is also here for a stay.

Noah and Merry have never gotten along, and Merry is furious to find Noah where he will ruin her perfect holiday. After some debating, the two decide to do their best to live together and stay out of each other’s way for the time being.

Merry is in for a summer of new friendships, stunning vineyards, a crumbling, haunted chateau, and a seemingly parallel story to a gothic mystery/romance novel.

💖what I liked:
- One bed trope, a CLASSIC
- The setting. It was gorgeously written and I was totally immersed in the dreamy French summer vibes.
- While the book had lots of stereotypical romance tropes and has a storyline that’s a little out there, you won’t find any one dimensional characters or lack of depth here. The characters feel so real and the whole story is beautifully written. I’m obsessed with the descriptions and with Merry’s inner monologue.
- Louis the lobster!

🤔what I didn’t like:
- Nothing, I honestly loved this read! Going to have a serious book hangover from this. 

Thank you to Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC and NetGalley who provided me with an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This novel has some fun tropes: Grump/Sunshine; antagonists to lovers; unrequited love; sibling rivalry; complicated family issues. The tone is broadly humorous, particularly in the first part of the story; the rom-com weighs heavily on the com side. This sort of thing isn't my favorite type; I prefer my romantic comedies a bit more subtle and witty, a la Nora Ephron 90's movies style. I found myself getting much more absorbed in the story in the latter half--the characters take on more depth as their backstories emerge, and their somewhat antagonistic relationship morphs into friendship, acceptance, and finally love. The storyline is as improbable as most romantic comedies, but it's fun to suspend disbelief and go along for the ride. There are some appealing features: a crumbling French chateau, a famous missing artist, secret identities, a mother with a tragic past, suspicion of murder, and a ghost story. All in all, I enjoyed the novel, especially the main characters Merry and Noah.

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I just struggled to understand, is this a cute rom-com? Turned thriller 😅 There is a lot going on. Like we're ticking off the tropes as we go...

I loved the relationship between Merry and Noah! 💞💞

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