Member Reviews

I liked their first book better, but this one was still great! I love how these two are able to hit difficult topics that are couched in an entertaining story. The character development was strong and I felt so much compassion for everyone, but particularly Daisy. I will absolutely be adding a hard copy to my personal library.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 “I think I’ll wait for Santa this year,” -Me, refusing to be left with this gift at the park.

🥂𝒫𝒶𝒾𝓇𝓈 𝓌𝑒𝓁𝓁 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽: Flaming Fireball Shot- you’re not really sure what to do with it, but you take it anyway.

✍️There are few things I enjoy more in life than sitting in the park on a sunny day, reading my book, snacking on chips and let’s be honest…scrolling Tik Tok. No one to bother me, ask me questions or talk to me. #alonetime

If anyone comes within twenty feet of my lounge chair, I’m like STRANGER DANGER ⛔️ and pretend I’m asleep.

Cinnamon, maybe you should have done the same thing! One day, the 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕎𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕖 protagonist is relaxing in the park on her lunch hour and the next she has a new BFF. Sounds nice…until that “BFF” leaves her a small gift one afternoon and then straight up disappears.

What’s that small gift, you want to know? Well let’s just say Cinnamon’s quiet time will cease to exist for the next 18 years.😱 #whatsthereturnpolicy

⚠️ May cause readers to take the term “no new friends” a bit more literally.

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Cinnamon has had a hard life, but now she's got a husband, a house and a good, steady job. Until one day, she finds a baby, abandoned by a young white woman named Daisy. She finds herself at a crossroads - if she raises this baby, her past will come back to haunt her. Bit how can she not? When the baby's grandparents show up, demanding that they don't want a black woman raising their grandchild, Cinnamon and Daisy's lives become more entangled than ever.

I liked this book. It presented an interesting concept, and it felt eye-opening to read about how people thought that the black woman with a white baby was the nanny or even worse, a kidnapper. Worth a one time read, but probably not a re-reader.

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I woke up in the middle of the night and decided that I needed to finish this book immediately. I felt deeply connected to the character of Cinnamon and invested in her journey.

Many descriptions of this book explain the custody battle between Cinnamon and Daisy’s family. I was (pleasantly) surprised to find the story is much deeper. It asks us to consider the many ways families are created, how we were raised impacts our identity, and how mothers impact us (whether they were present or not). For me, this was a story of a woman who finally discovered who she wanted to be in the world after years of being told who she “should” be.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book "You Were Always Mine" and all opinions expressed are my own. I did not read the first book by these authors. I thought that there were some things that were left hanging in this story. I felt it was a bit slow to start. Overall an okay book.

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Short synopsis: Cinnamon is a Black woman with a troubled past and an uncertain future, when she’s sitting on her usual bench to meet her unlikely friend she hears a baby cry. This white baby has a note with it asking Cinnamon to take care of her.

My thoughts: I haven’t gotten to the first novel by Christine Pride and Jo Piazza quite yet, but after reading this I’m carving time out of my TBR to pick it up!

Filled with issues such as racism, childhood trauma, abuse, the foster care system, and of course motherhood. The authors did a fabulous job of discussing such topics in a straightforward but delicate way, bringing up racially charged ideas I’d never considered.

The pacing was somewhat slow, but overall I really enjoyed the plot and the storyline.

Read if you love:
🌼 Diverse families
🌼 Foster care
🌼 Found family
🌼 Difficult topics
🌼 Diverse reads

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I adored the last novel by this author duo and happy to say I liked this new release from the them as well.
A novel exploring what it means to be a mother. A black woman finds an abandoned white baby and this brings up all sorts of questions (of our day) surrounding race, motherhood and what does it mean to “mother?” The storyline at times lagged, but really like the overall message of this book.
Thank-you to NetGalley and Atria Books for the eARC of this novel.

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Thank you for the opportunity to review this book!

I enjoyed Pride and Piazza's first book and was very excited to read this one as well, which did not disappoint. I loved both of the main characters - Cinnamon and Daisy - though the ending left me wanting to learn more about where they ended up.

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Thank you so much to Atria books and Simon Audio for the chance to read/listen to this book prior to release.

I have had these authors debut book on my shelf since it came out and haven't read it yet, but after reading this one, I will definitely be going back and reading it!

This one took me a little bit of time to get invested in, but once I was invested, I needed to know how things would end! I disagree with some of what the main character did, but I can still sympathize with her reasoning for her choices.

I do think some of the descriptions were a little more drawn out than was necessary and I wish things could have stayed on track just a little more, but overall, it was a pretty good plot!

The narration was 5/5 and I would highly recommend the audio version!

This book will be available for purchase on June 13th.

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What a beautifully written story that addresses the unconventional family and the impacts of multiracial families. Based on Cinnamon's own past experiences with the foster system I can understand her hesitation to involve law enforcement or CPS when she found the abandoned baby. This story magnificently intertwined so many real and tough issues into one great read. It really portrays how childhood and past traumas affect our future decisions. I also enjoyed reading about Cinnamon's journey of becoming a mother even though it wasn't in a way that she would have expected. I admired her ability to love that child like her own and her determination and perseverance in doing what was best for the baby and not letting her go so easily, even despite all the struggles she encountered in doing so.

By the end of the book I was in tears. Not many books can have that effect on me.

Thanks to Netgalley and Atria books for a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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After growing up in foster care, finding a family member, but getting kicked out at 17, Cinnamon has always had to fight for herself. She now has a good job, a lovely husband, and a home to call her own. When Daisy doesn’t show for their weekly lunch date on the bench, she is curious where she is until she hears a small cry. Taking in the very white, very blue eyed baby is something Cinnamon must do, especially once she sees the note from Daisy asking her to care for the child. When Daisy’s grandparents show up and want nothing less than their great grandchild being raised by a Black woman, the real fight begins.

Well heck, can Christine Pride and Jo Piazza write a damn good book together. This one instantly grabbed me in the way Cinnamon immediately loved and cared for this innocent child. My heart absolutely broke for what both Cinnamon had gone through in her life, but also for what Daisy had fought at the hands of her family. Jo and Christine have such a way to working together and writing about race, family, trauma, and so much more. I truly loved every second of Cinnamon and Bluebells journey, it made me want to be there to watch their love in person.

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Thank you Atria Books and NetGalley for this arc. The story was interesting and showed a different side of motherhood discrimination; a black women finds a white baby at a park and wants to keep her safe. This book is not as good as their first book, but it was a nice read anyway. I like how the authors can take serious topics nad create a story to display and discuss them.

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I absolutely loved this duo’s first book, and I couldn’t wait for another from them. Like We Are Not Like Them, You Were Always Mine tackles racial dynamics head on. Cinnamon, a Black woman, is left with an abandoned white baby and a note asking her to raise it. Her own past is complicated, and baby Bluebell brings everything back to the surface. What unfolds is a slow burn with themes of motherhood and healing. The authors have a great message and purpose behind this book; however, there were moments I had hoped for a bit *more* from the story. Still, the final product has a timely and important message.

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You Were Always Mine is the sophomore collaboration by Christine Pride and Jo Piazza. Cinnamon, a Black woman, (who has hidden her past of growing up in the foster care system from her husband and best friend), befriends a young white girl, Daisy, during their daily visits to a quiet park. Nineteen year old Daisy has a past and present she is trying to hide as well. One day when Cinnamon is at the park, instead of Daisy, she finds a baby...a blonde hair, blue-eyed baby abandoned with a note that says "Please Cinnamon..." And so the journey begins....
I enjoyed the book even though I felt parts a little too unrealistic (or maybe I just don't know how things work.) If you do not like a book that goes into detail about trigger warning topics such as rape, incest, or sexual identity you may appreciate this one as it just glazes the surface of those topics and they are a small backdrop in the history of some of the characters. What I like about the book are the questions I believe the book is centered around, "Can a Black woman raise a blonde hair, blue-eyed white baby?" While you see stories of white families adopting Black children (or other races) often, you rarely see the reverse. Will society, in general, give the Black woman the side-eye, assume she's the nanny , or assume there's something wrong with this picture? (Yes, yes, and yes). Is motherhood a right or privilege? Is motherhood for everyone....can any woman be a mother?
Overall, an engaging read. I enjoyed the duos first book more than this one, but I look forward to seeing what this team creates next.

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I hated this book. It was SO unrealistic, and Cinnamon made such bad decisions. Why would you not call the police when you found a baby?!?

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Short Synopsis:
Cinnamon finds an abandoned white baby in the park with a note from the birth mother asking her to raise the baby. But what happens when a black women tries to get custody of a white baby?

My Thoughts:
I love how the authors explore race on topics that more people really need to think through. I LOVED the overall plot of this one. I did find this book slower than their last book though. And the chapters were sooooo long it made the book overall feel much more slower-paced. But the ending more than makes up for that. It’s a beautiful story.

Read if You Like:
🍼 We are Not Like Them
🍼 Exploration of race
🍼 Foster/adoption stories
🍼 Marriage in crisis
🍼 Found family

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You Were Always Mine by Christine Pride and Jo Piazza was a powerful and thought-provoking story.
This book touches the subject about two lifelong friends whose relationship is tested in ways they never dreamed and some of the most critical issues facing society today.
This is told in alternative perspectives, which I found interesting.
This book really dives deep into friendships and racism. It was honestly compelling and insightful.
A remarkable, heart-rending, but also a hopeful read that would make a great book club pick!

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You NetGalley and Atria Books for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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Having read and loved the authors' previous novel, We Are Not Like Them, I was excited to read their newest collaboration You Were Always Mine. While I liked this book, I did not love it. In this novel, Cinnamon, a black guidance counselor, has formed a friendship of sorts with Daisy, a white young lady whom she met at a local park. The two meet regularly over greasy french fries and share a superficial bond. One day, Daisy does not show up for their lunch and instead Cinnamon discovers a beautiful blonde-haired, blue-eyed baby along with a note from Daisy asking Cinnamon to care for her.

The story seemed a bit surface level compared to the duo's pervious book. While there were interesting points made in the book regarding race, foster care, and motherhood it was not as compelling as the duo's previous novel. One thing I did enjoy was the Easter egg the story contained naming one of the characters from their previous book. (I love when author's do that!)

Overall, I am glad I read it and will definitely be on the watch for their next book. Thank you to Simon & Shuster as well as NetGalley for a free copy of the book in return for my honest feedback.

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First of all, thank you very much for the opportunity to read and review early. It is a privilege that I don't take for granted!

I have historically always read Jo's novels and am absolutely loving these books she is cowriting with Christine Pride. The characters are so well developed and the storylines that deal with complex struggles with racial differences between friends are so thoughtful. These books would make phenomenal book club selections as they would spark great dialogue between friends.

The plot of You Were Always Mine was a slower burn than We Are Not Like Them, but I grew to love the characters more by the end. Cinnamon and her mother in law's relationship was so touching, as was Daisy and her grandmothers. By the end of the book I should have already predicted the last line, but it still gave me chills. I would 100% recommend this book to friends!

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As a whole, I think the premise of this novel is important and raises important questions about race and privilege, and the judgements we cast on families when their appearances aren't the same. There are a lot of gaps in the storyline however, especially when it comes to how irresponsible, and illegal a number of Cinnamon's actions are and the overall message of the story gets muddled in the process. Thank you Netgalley for this ARC

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