Member Reviews

"Change of Plans" is a charming romantic comedy that not only brings laughter but also explores deeper themes of loss, trauma, healing, and family.

Bryce Weatherford, a talented chef, is suddenly thrust into the role of caregiver for her three young nieces after the death of her brother and sister-in-law. Her determination to protect and care for her nieces despite being unprepared for the task is both heartwarming and inspiring.

Ryker Matthews, a reclusive Marine veteran grappling with PTSD and a below-the-knee amputation, is a particularly compelling character. The author portrays his struggles with sensitivity and realism, giving a glimpse into the harsh realities faced by veterans returning from service. As Ryker's character develops throughout the novel, readers witness the raw emotions of his journey towards healing, making him a truly endearing hero.

The romance between Ryker and Bryce builds gradually as they navigate life's hurdles together. The chemistry between them is evident from their first encounter, and their banter adds a touch of humor that perfectly balances the more serious themes of the novel. I found myself rooting for them..

The secondary characters, especially Bryce's three nieces, are well-crafted and add another layer of warmth and charm to the story. Their interactions with Ryker bring out his softer side, showcasing the growth of his character as he learns to embrace love and family once again.

With well-crafted characters, delightful banter, and a perfect balance of humor and emotion, "Change of Plans" is a wonderful love story that will leave you with a smile on your face.

Thank you to Netgalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for the ARC.

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Ugh, I love the Matthews brothers so much, they’re each so good in their own different ways.

Between Bryce and Ryker, life hasn’t been easy lately, but I really appreciated how they recognized what the other needed, and stepped all the way up for each other.
My heart went out to Addison, Cecily and June as they navigated the grief and trauma of losing their parents, and while I didn’t particularly like Harvey and Adele, my heart went out to them as well.
I really loved getting to know Ryker more, because I definitely liked what I saw of him in How Sweet It Is and All Fired Up. It was nice to see him come out of his shell after everything he’s been through.
As for Bryce, while it was sometimes heartbreaking, it was interesting to see her navigate the role of guardian while also grieving the loss of her brother and sister in law.
It’s always nice to see appearances from Kate & Drake as well as Imani & Zander, I wish there was another brother so we could see them more!

Once again, Dylan Newton knocked it out of the park. Thank you to Forever Publishing for sending me a copy of Change Of Plans in exchange for review!

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Change of Plans is a small town romance with a single guardian (the aunt- Bryce) who gains custody of her three nieces after the death of her brother. She meets a local veteran (Ryker) who lost his left leg in Afghanistan, and they start a tentative friendship, all while dealing with the drama of handling a 5 (Addison), 8 (Cecile), and 13 year old (June). Oh, and did I mention the girls maternal grandparents undermine Bryce and are suing for custody?

This story is about more than a developing romance between a shy, awkward Marine and a tough as nails Chef. It’s also about healing, dealing with various types of loss, and handling becoming a new parent. It shows us that there is no manual to life and that sometimes we make mistakes, but that’s how we grow and learn.

I loved watching the dynamic change between the kids and their aunt throughout the book, especially Bryce’s relationship with June. And when I found out why Cici refuses to bathe or let her clothes be cleaned, I cried my eyes out. I went through the emotional ringer with the end of this book, and loved every minute of it. It’s definitely something I would re-read.

A huge thank you to NetGalley and Hachette Book Group for the eARC in return for my honest review. This ARC put this author on my radar!

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The heroine has been appointed as the legal guardian of her three nieces after their parents died from a car accident. Struggling being a single parent as well as dealing with her nieces' maternal grandparents wanting guardianship, the heroine encounters the hero at the supermarket when one of her nieces needed help. From that auspicious meeting, the heroine and the hero have more encounters that brings them closer together. Yet they also must deal with their own personal issues, which includes the hero's health and the heroine's future career path.

This is the third Dylan Newton book I've read and it's also my favorite one. This book has a disabled military hero dealing with PTSD and other health issues, who is also not looking for any romantic entanglements, but the heroine changed his mind on that. The heroine is dealing with grief and the struggles of being the guardian of three grief-stricken children, which changed the direction of her life. The precarious nieces have strong personalities that have distinctive ways of dealing with grief, yet they are endearing characters who really love the heroine and began to get closer to the hero as time goes on. The main couple were surrounded with supportive secondary characters, especially the hero who has his brothers and his military friend. I would have liked a bit more details in certain areas of the story, but my particular preference wasn't detrimental to my enjoyment of the book. Overall, a highly recommended Dylan Newton book and I look forward to reading more from the author in the future.

** Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the review copy. All opinions and thoughts in the review are my own. **

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There is just something about these Matthews brothers.

Ryker is back from Afghanistan with one less limb and a whole lot more PTSD. He's taking every day one at a time and keeping his hardships to himself.

Then theres Bryce. She became the guardian for her three nieces after a tragic accident that left them without parents. Bryce has absolutely no idea how to parent ( I mean, who does?).. and is in survival mode trying to make sure she can keep custody, make money and be there for all of her nieces needs.

When Ryker and Bryce stumble across each other, its game ocer. Ryker Is just the kindest MMC, Who has the biggest heart. Unfortunately his communication skills aren't great, but let's be honest... I think that's just males in general.

I love how this novel really shows how challenging it is to be a parent, no matter what your circumstances are. There's no perfect way, and supporting one another is really the only way to go.

The witty banter was on point in this novel. I loved Bryce's new nickname at the end of the novel 😍

Fun fact... I don't know which brother is my favorite yet. I need to go back and read All Fired Up!

Thank you @readforeverpub for a copy of this novel!!! I loved it!

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This book was adorable! From the meet cute in the supermarket to Ryker building a pirate ship for Bryce’s nieces, there were so many heartwarming moments. Along with the heartwarming moments, this author did a great job at showing the difficult parts of life, from struggling with your past to the challenging parts of parenting. As both characters tried to rise above their challenges, they grew together and developed such a sweet found family. Highly recommend this sweet rom com if you want to read a lighthearted book that will make you feel all the feels!

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever Pub for giving me access to this ARC in exchange for an honest review. 💕

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4.5 Stars

Life can change in the blink of an eye and tragedy can strike at any moment. Bryce Weatherford, a Florida-based chef, is whisked away from her beloved life when she suddenly becomes the guardian of her three young nieces. The Weatherford girls have to navigate the stages of grief, a new way of life, and the chaos that can come with parenthood.

Ryker Matthews is a veteran that was honorably discharged from the Marines after an in-battle injury ended his career. Years after his below-the-knee amputation, Ryker is haunted when phantom pains, PTSD, and the painful realization that he can no longer follow in his father's footsteps. After helping the Weatherford girls out of a tight spot, Ryker knows his life is forever changed… hopefully for the better.

Watching Bryce grow into her “mom-like-creature” role came with so many laughs, a few frustrations, and a lot of heartfelt moments. Readers got to read about how the Weatherfords got through each and every growing pain; each niece had their own hiccups the family had to navigate and the chaos and growth were illustrated perfectly. The three girls may be side characters, but they were written with so many details that they felt so powerful to the storyline. Ryker, the reclusive cinnamon roll, added plenty of heartwarming moments to the book; his inner monologue let readers in and helped clarify a lot. The mental health and disability representation in this novel was refreshing and author Dylan Newton wrote every detail in a respectful and informative way. Although there were some frustrating bits here and there with the usual miscommunication we have all been through, you could tell how every character grew from it and built a better bond. The end of this book was a rollercoaster of stomach-cramping laughter and heart-tugging love; it was worth every second spent reading

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DNF at 15%

This book isn't bad and I would recommend it to certain friends, but it isn't for me at this time. I struggled with the pacing of the writing, which felt choppy, as well as some of the language used (for example, the word "kook" and also the idea of being a "real boy"). Ryker and Bryce seem like wonderful MCs and I hope so many others get to enjoy them.

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It's official Dylan Newton is an auto buy author! I love the Matthew brothers. I read How Sweet It is when it came out and adored it, as well as All Fired Up. I couldn't wait to read Ryker's story. And it did not disappoint!

Ryker is very closed off ever since he retired from the marines and lost part of his leg. Understandable. But we have the best meet cute ever, when he runs into Bryce and her nieces at the grocery store.

Bryce has a lot on her plate since she is not guardian of her three very active nieces after her brother and his wife are killed in a car crash. I felt like this book dealt very well with hard topics without making it too heavy.

I loved how into each other Bryce and Ryker were. It was cute to see them navigate their relationship with so much else going on.

Definitely a 5 star book!

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Thank you for allowing me to read and review. This is my first book by this author but I enjoyed it so much I hope it’s not my last. It’s a very heartwarming story between Bryce who has just become the guardian of her brother and sister-in-law’s three kids when they die in and accident and Ryker who is a veteran who was injured in the war and is dealing with PTSD. Two unlikely characters whose paths cross. I love how they work together to help each other through their differences. I hope you decide to read the great story bro see how their lives play out.

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I did not want to put this book down it was so good! This book was third in a series, but it’s one of those lovely series where you don’t have to read the previous books to understand things. This book has everything a romance reader wants from an adorable met-cute, all the gooey parts in-between, no third-act breakup, and a wonderful ending. Bryce is such a normal (in a good way!) FMC. She is overwhelmed with trying to be a guardian to her three nieces, while their grandparents work against her, but learning how to change her plans to be the best person for her nieces. She is sunshine but also stressed. Ryker avoids everyone since his military days but is instantly attracted to Bryce. Her nieces rope him into their lives and he starts to enjoy his time with them and their aunt Bryce. This book doesn’t shy away from each character’s lesser qualities, but shows them all trying their best. Bryce and Ryker had clear chemistry and I loved how refreshingly honest and open Bryce was. She knew what she wanted it and was straightforward about her intentions. I liked seeing their bumps in the road because it made them real. The author did an amazing job at showing their depth while also having a lot of fun moments. I was smiling along to so many parts and had happy tears at the end. Really worthwhile read and I can’t wait to go back and read the second book in the series (already read the first and it was amazing too!)! 5⭐️, 2🌶

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Thank you so much for the eARC of Change of Plans. There were aspects of Bryce and Ryker’s story that I really enjoyed and some things that fell flat.

I loved how strong and independent Bryce was throughout the story. She didn’t need saving and I love that in a female character, especially in a romance novel. The inclusion of PTSD and veterans added depth and meaning to the story.

About halfway through the story really started to drag for me and I found myself putting it down and not feeling a pull towards it later. The miscommunications were a bit too much for me as well.

Overall it was a solid romance/contemporary fiction that’s fun for summer.

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I would love to go back and read the first two books - I didn’t realize they were interconnected standalones! Which is my favorite kind of book series! This one was so sweet! It tugged at all my heart strings! There were so many parts where I had tears in my eyes! It had such good representations of grief and PTSD. There was so much chaos and love!

I loved Bryce and her nieces!! They each had their own, VERY strong personality. All four of them were grieving the loss of the girls’ parents and Bryce’s brother. And even though things hardly ever went right, they were all doing their absolute best and it did really show!

I also really like Ryker. Even though he didn’t have it all together, really he was so far from it, but he was so willing to be there for whatever Bryce needed. And that was exactly what she and the girls needed! I loved his family! They were all so sweet! And so so supportive of him even before he as ready for them to be.

I did really like Ryker and Bryce! Their instant attraction and now quick they were to try and make things work, all while involving the girls was so sweet. And while I think that their individual stories were so important and necessary for them to go through, it was rough reading through it at some points. The lack of communication killed me. They wanted to badly to make it work,but they just never talked about it. And they’d make little efforts…and then stop?? And while it mostly made sense character wise I just didn’t love that part of it.

Thank you so much to Forever and Netgalley for this ARC I exchange for an honest review!

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I am forever in love with the he falls first trope, so no duh, I'm in love with this book!

This was really cute. The meetcute in the grocery store might be one of my fav meetcutes EVER. Bryce and Ryker were perfect for each other. They just fit so well, and they were there for each other. And the found family trope honest to God had me squealing. Usually I'm not too into children in books, but Dylan did this well and made the kids be fully dimensional and felt real. This book was full of loveable characters, heartfelt moments, emotions, and there was a lot of me swooning.

I can't wait to read the others in this series!

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"Change of Plans" is a really sweet romantic comedy. Bryce and Ryker are both loveable characters with a lot going on and you can’t help but root for them.

Bryce and Ryker are both facing some pretty serious issues in their personal lives – Bryce being a new guardian to her 3 nieces and fighting for custody, and Ryker going through some challenges with PTSD and complications from his amputation – but the characters are very understanding and supportive of each other, and there was a really nice balance with the light-hearted and romantic moments.

The kids were also absolutely adorable in this book and I loved all of their interactions with Ryker. Found family is one of my favourite tropes and initially what drew me to this book. I would definitely recommend this for anyone who loved The Godparent Trap by Rachel Van Dyken because they have a similar tone as well as some common themes.

The one issue I had with this book is that it wrapped up a little too quickly. The pacing was delightful throughout most of the book, but then Ryker revealed some personal information to Bryce right at the end and it felt a little bit glazed over. I would’ve loved for it to be extended just a little bit more to see Bryce’s reaction and a slightly more complete ending.

*Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book is SO GOOD!!!

After a devastating accident, Bryce Weatherford is given guardianship of her three young nieces. Addison, who is five, decides she wants to wear fairy wings everywhere. Cecily, who is eight, does not want to bathe, ever and June, is a tween goth who does not have any interest in having Bryce as a guardian. In the blink of an eye, Bryce goes from working in a restaurant to managing pure chaos everyday. With parenting three nieces, finding new footing at her job, and trying to find a life for herself Bryce has a lot on her plate. She thinks she can't handle anymore, but there is one person who she just might have to let in, Ryker Matthews.

Ryker Matthews is an ex-marine who lost his leg in the field. Since he returned home a year ago, he has been dealing with his injury and learning how to cope. His past trauma haunts him, causing him to suffer from PTSD. Ryker rarely leaves the house and prefers to be alone which is why he starts a vehicle restoration business. There is nothing wrong with his plan until one day, while in the grocery store, he meets Bryce.

I absolutely adore this book! It is truly a beautiful book. It made me laugh and also cry. I fell in love with the characters and will forever wish for the kind of relationship they have with each other. If you get a chance to read this book, PLEASE DO. IT IS WORTH YOUR TIME!!!! Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC! I am so happy I had the chance to read this book.

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Thank you NetGalley for an ARC and the opportunity to provide my honest review. Having never read book #1, I can still safely say this is my favorite out of all three. Ryker is my favorite brother and the book is totally fine as a stand alone. As Bryce navigates going from Aunt to 'Mom', I enjoyed her encounters w Ryker as well as his with her nieces. I live with a marine leg amputee and feel that the physical description regarding the prosthetic etc. was done well. I am less sure with regards to the dog but I loved Six, but the abrupt chaos around some of the encounters may be a bit much and too overwhelming for a well-trained service/therapy dog to react that way. And for that matter, for Ryker. I did like how the book portrays his struggles and how he attempts to deal with it and shows the many avenues that are out there for help, be it family, therapy, fellow brothers, the VA etc. if only they can get themselves to the point of reaching out. The love story is cute and spicy. While the in-laws initially are grating and not on my favorites list, it is pretty clear that they are clearly suffering from severe grief as well and struggling and dealing by lashing out (unjustifiably) in the only way they can. The ending was very satisfying to me. Perhaps a bit more could have been addressed for the kisd dealing with grief and the teachers whom seemed to not handle the situations well at all but overall i flew through the book and really enjoyed it. I mean it is Fiction and I just want to escape and have fun --Arrgh!

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Change of Plans is the third and final book in the Matthews Brothers Series which works just great as a standalone or first read of the series.

This was such a heartwarming and sweet read. I laughed out loud so many times and just fell in love with the characters.

I am not a fan of vomit humor in any form, so be prepared for that if it’s rough for you, too. Otherwise, this was a great read.

My thanks to @readforeverpub and @netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book before its publication date.

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Thank you Netgalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for this ARC in return for an honest review.

1. This is a standalone HOWEVER - Dylan Newton has written two other books about the Matthews brothers - and our main male character is Ryker Matthews - the middle brother who hadn't gotten his HEA yet.

That said - you don't need to read the other two first - however, Ryker's brothers - and their love interests do pop up in this story, and their storylines are lightly referenced. It didn't take away from enjoying this book - I'm just saying - if you like to read books in order - this is book three.

2. This is considered a romance - but I would say - romance plays a part in the story (totally cheering on Bryce and Ryker getting together) HOWEVER it's also about so much more than that.

* Bryce - a single chef is thrown into guardianship of her three nieces after her brother and his wife are killed.
This story is as much about her figuring out how to parent, how to balance work/home, how to grieve her brother... it's about all these massive changes in her life and how she is navigating it.

*Ryker - a former marine who is suffering from PTSD and is trying to figure out his new normal; dealing with on-going health issues, his mental health, getting himself back on his feet... learning how to let people into his life.

Told in alternating points of view - this is a story about love, change, loss and moving forward. It was just a nice read - well written, well paced and with some laugh out loud moments (those Weatherford nieces are hilarious).

3.5 star read. Recommended if you just want to feel good about the world.

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The description makes this book sound much heavier than it is. Dylan has a knack for incorporating real-life tragedy into her characters' stories, but keeping the actual story light-hearted and fun. I love all of the Matthews brothers, but I always have a little extra love for a middle child and Ryker was no exception.

Despite their entire relationship starting out on miscommunication and assumptions, I loved how quickly they admitted their feelings (at least to themselves) and adored the banter. The little girls made the mishaps so realistic and hilarious, and I loved the little extra spice this book had!

𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮:
🚌 love the brooding, silent type suffering in silence
🚌 enjoy stories about family dynamics, especially around parenting and loss
🚌 like a miscommunication trope layered onto hysterical mishaps

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