Member Reviews

Very cute book! I enjoyed “Aunt Beamed” and Ryker from the very beginning! I love the emphasis placed on the mental health and well-being of the girls, plus Ryker being aware of his PTSD and wanting to work on himself for him and for Bryce! I love that at the heart of it, this was a story of family romance and this forever family that was created.

*I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and my reviews are my own*

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Thank you Netgalley for the arc!

I have read the other Dylan Newton books and knew about these characters from them. I liked the relationship of Bryce and Ryker.

The book was was good and sweet but very predictable.

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Change of Plans is a good hearted, sweet romance story. Bryce is a chef that gets custody of her three nieces after her brother and sister-in-law pass away in a car accident. Ryder is ex-military, suffering from PTSD. A meet cute encounter at the grocery store causes these two to form a friendship and feelings start to fly. I loved the characters and the chemistry between Bryce and Ryder. The three nieces were adorable and the scenes with them were heartwarming.

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Chef Bryce left her big city life in Florida for small town New York when her brother and sister in law were tragically killed, leaving her in charge of her three nieces. Enter former Marine and amputee Ryker (sorry, I just hate the name) to the rescue. He has his own PTSD issues to deal with, but sparks fly from the beginning with these two. Maybe together they can heal their own traumas and find their person along the way.

This romance grabbed me from the beginning, and that’s not easy! The author has created real and relatable character and we can just feel their connection leaping off the page. There is one open door spicy scene, but if it isn’t for you, you can easily skip past that section.

Bryce and Ryker have many misunderstandings and miscommunications along the way, which honestly seem a little unrealistic and childish for two grown and responsible adults. But if you take into account they both have experienced trauma in their adult lives, I guess it can be an explanation to them both leaping to conclusions.

This is apparently the 3rd in a series about the Matthews brothers, but it perfectly functions as a stand alone. And now I need to go read the other two stories! If you are a fan of Abby Jimenez and Tess Bailey, this author is one you should check out.

Thanks to NetGalley and Forever Publishing for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest opinions.

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This was so cute and also had a lot of solid representation - disability, PTSD, grief, etc. Ryker was so immediately infatuated with not only Bryce but her whole little family, and it was adorable.

The miscommunication trope is heavy in this, so if that’s your go-to, this is the book for you. Because if there is one thing Bryce and Ryker have down right from the start, it is getting their wires crossed or just not even having wires in the first place. Get it together you two.

I also liked the juxtaposition of all the different kinds of family and how valid each form is. It wasn’t stated outright, but it was definitely made clear that each different cluster was just as important and real in their own way.

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Bryce is the legal guardian of her three nieces after her brother and sister-in-law died in a car accident. Ryker is a war veteran amputee dealing with PTSD. The author dealt with grief and loss in a great way. Bryce's nieces were all dealing with the death of their parents in different ways and each way is given balance and credulity here. The amputee representation was done well and not shied away. This is the third book in the Matthews brothers series, but can be read as a stand alone.

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Swoony and fun! I absolutely loved Dylan Newton's Change of Plans. There's a lot of great banter, romance, and good character development. I think this is a new author to watch.

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Ryker 😍 this man is amazing! When he gets Bryce and the girls, he takes to being a man they can count on so well! He has a hard time often saying what he means to say (um.. This is me in this character form!) and he does have PTSD to deal with so that might also be a factor.... But he's great!

Bryce is just such a special person! She has it in her head that she's not doing a good job with her nieces but I beg to differ. She's tough where she needs to be, kind and forgiving when she needs to be, and there are just some things that even moms have trouble with in relation their own kids.. She's not doing anything wrong because she's an aunt... It's life and bad this can happen but it's all in how we face it and keep trying and she does it well even with self doubt.

Now the girls are so precocious and funny and moody and give Bryce a run for her money at all times, but they are a tragedy made family who has to figure this life out together.

I loved this series so much!

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What a cute story with such a sweet love connection!! The book was a little slow in the middle, but picked up again in the second half of the book

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Bryce Weatherford finds herself raising her 3 nieces after a tragic accident happened to their parents. Ryker Matthews has returned from Afghanistan where he was the unfortunate victim of an IED explosion and now has a below the knee amputation and debilitating PTSD. Ryker comes to Bryce's rescue in the grocery store and spark begin to fly between them. They each have their own insecurities, traumas, guilt, and past to face in order to overcome the things that can keep them apart.

This book addresses some tough real life issues and really conveys the emotions and struggles that come along with each. I loved the chemistry between the girls and their aunt and between Bryce and Ryker. A 5 star read for me!

Thanks to Netgalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing), Forever for a digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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🌶️ 🌶️ (one open door scene)

➡ Life's thrown a series of devastating curveballs at Bryce Weatherford: she's been given guardianship of her three nieces after her brother and his wife were lost in a fatal car accident, uprooted her life as an up and coming chef in Florida to relocate to New York and is spending every cent she has to battle her brother's in-laws for custody of the girls. With one niece refusing to take off her fairy wings, another refusing to bathe and the third refusing...well, everything, Bryce isn't making plans past surviving the day when she bumps into Ryker Matthews at the grocery store. Ryker, a retired veteran and mechanic, is fighting his own battles but sparks immediately and with Bryce, he feels a sense of completeness he hasn't felt in years. Their lives are complicated but something about their connection seems worth changing plans for.

🙏 Thank you to @Netgalley, @dylannewton and @readforever for an eARC of Change of Plans in exchange for my honest review.

🎯 What I loved: This was such a sweet story about two incredibly giving humans. Both protagonists were so likeable and their connection felt genuine and realistic- two people facing challenging circumstances that deserved to find a little happiness in the world. Some of the chaotic scenes with Bryce's nieces had me laughing so hard. I think any caregiver will smile knowing how close to reality these situations really are. I also liked the representation in this book. It seemed well-researched and was articulated with sensitivity which I always appreciate.

I'm not a huge fan of the miscommunication trope but this was less a miscommunication and more of a "I felt so secure in how I felt about you that I didn't think to..." situation. Every time Bryce looked at her phone waiting for Ryker to reach out, I felt it deep in my gut, so I guess you could say I connected well with the characters in this one.

🙅‍♀️ What I didn't: Without spoilers, it felt like the 'issue' Ryker kept trying to share with Bryce never really got resolved. He communicated about it and they moved on, but they never had a deep discussion about what it meant for them which felt unresolved because of how much time he spent worrying about its implications. And, although this was easily a stand-alone, I initially had no idea that this was the third book in a series, so make sure you dig into the other two Matthews brothers' books beforehand (I certainly will be now)!

Read if you love:
*cinnamon roll MMCs
*series where each sibling gets a book
*complex family dynamics + blended families

See also: Trish Doller's Beck Sisters series, Bergman Brothers series, Hot and Hammered series (Tessa Bailey)

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As the sole guardian of her three nieces, the FMC feels like her life is a mess… until she meets a military veteran who helps lighten the load.

I came into this book not realizing it was part of a series. I usually hate when this happens because I don’t get the full back story on all the characters and feel thrust into an already moving storyline. This book, however, can be read and enjoyed as a standalone. If you’re a fan of love in the form of acts of service, this is the book for you! It is delightfully sweet and full of moments where you truly believe in their compatibility.

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“Those Matthews boys are like cinnamon rolls—sinfully decadent, but sometimes you’ve got to unwind them to see what’s inside.”

When I started to read “Change of Plans” I didn’t realize that it is the third story about the Matthews brothers. This story centers around the middle brother, Ryker, who is struggling with PTSD after returning from Afghanistan due to an injury that took his left leg and his friend’s life. Bryce is an acclaimed chef whose life was uprooted when her brother and sister-in-law died tragically leaving her three nieces in her care. It was a very sweet story, a quick read (I read it in a day). Each of these characters were suffering from loss, and they helped each other start to heal. I laughed a lot - these girls definitely got themselves into some ridiculous situations. Warning: the main female character is a chef and her dishes sound pretty fantastic. Do not read on an empty stomach or you’ll find yourself raiding the cupboards!

Thank you to Netgalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for an advanced copy of this book.

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First, as always, the biggest thanks to NetGalley and Dylan Newton for this ARC!

Bryce, once a shining chef in Florida, moves to small-town New York after her brother and sister-in-law are killed in an accident, and she is made guardian of their three young daughters. Ryker, a former Marine, has been struggling with the PTSD from the traumatic event that led to his honorable discharge from the military and loss of his lower leg. As the two get to know each other after a grocery store meet-cute and many small town run-ins, they have to figure out whether there is a place for each other in the fragile chaos of their lives.

Change of Plans was a cute and speedy romcom/romdram! While it touches on heavy topics (TW for PTSD flashbacks, grief, and death, among others at the bottom of this caption), it also has plenty of lighthearted moments, particularly the shenanigans of Addison, Cecily, and June, Bryce’s three nieces. Though the plot felt a bit predictable in places, the chaos of Bryce’s life, and the anxiety and pain of Ryker’s, both felt real enough to have me rooting for them both! If you enjoy a romcom/romdram from Abby Jimenez and/or Christina Lauren, this book will likely make you smile!

Rating: 4/5
Spice: 1/5

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This is part of the brothers series, but this works well as a stand alone novel, so don't be concerned or worried if you haven't read the previous book.

I really enjoyed seeing the growth of our main characters. From surly to smiling. It was sweet and enjoyable.

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Thank you to Net Galley and Forever Publishing for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of Change of Plans by Dylan Newton. Easily giving this a 4 out of 5 stars. The only reason it doesn't hit a 5-star rating for me is because "How Sweet It Is", the first book in this series will forever be my favorite.

Not to say that this one doesn't hold a very close second. Dylan has a way of writing her characters so that you physically feel their emotions. I felt the pain that Bryce had to go through as she was suffering through her grief while also trying to figure out this new role in her life. I loved the friendship that developed between Bryce and Ryker before their relationship. Neither was emotionally ready to dive head-first into a new relationship when they first met. They each had their own journeys and demons they had to overcome before they could come together as a family in the end.

Seriously, a beautiful book and one I already know I will be rereading. I can't wait to see what Dyan Newton writes next!

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Bryce is navigating life as a mom-like creature as she becomes a guardian for her three nieces, when she runs into real-life superhero Ryker Matthews who helps in her time of need.

I was so excited to pick up Ryker's story. We see our characters struggle through the tough parts of life as Bryce fights for custody and feels like she's failing as a single parent, and Ryker suffers from PTSD and problems with his leg injury.

I loved how supportive they were for one another as they tried to help each other lighten their own burdens. Ryker comes out of his shell and was so sweet with the girls and Bryce is truly trying her hardest as she tries to find balance in her new life.

There's great chemistry and emotional connection as our characters open up and learn to ask for and accept help. There's a bit of miscommunication which is always annoying, but comes from a good place as Ryker is afraid to add more complexity to Bryce's already hectic life.

It can easily be read as a standalone, but I've loved getting to know the Matthews brothers so also recommend How Sweet It Is and All Fired Up.

Thanks NetGalley and Forever for my advance copy; all opinions are my own.

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I adored this book! I didn’t want it to end. I loved the first half so much. The second half had my anxiety going through it!!! The miscommunication was so hard to get through. The missed phone calls and the misunderstandings. My stomach was in knots. I loved Bryce and Ryker and loved reading about them falling in love and I hated when they were a part. I couldn’t put the book down. I wish I had another 100 pages to read of these characters.

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4.5 stars rounded up. I’ve had Dylan Newton’s previous two books on my TBR for a long time and after reading this one, I’ll be moving them up in the queue ASAP. This book focused on deep issues families face with an approach that had a feel of lightness and hope without undermining the seriousness of the topics being covered. Bryce was trying so hard, and my heart broke for her as it felt like the universe was continually conspiring against her. Ryker tugged at my heartstrings. His struggles in talking to his family and Bryce felt so understandable that the miscommunication aspect of the story didn’t even frustrate me like it normally would; my heart just hurt for him. He was so good with the kids, and I appreciated that it didn’t feel like he was trying to swoop in and save the day but rather he genuinely wanted to be helpful and lighten Bryce’s load a bit. There were a few areas in the timeline where things felt rushed or skimmed over that I wish had been a bit more detailed, but aside from that, this book was a win for me.

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Change Of Plans was so touching and cute. Our main characters, Bryce and Ryker, have endured difficult and tragic things in life. Bryce just lost a sibling and is the guardian of her three nieces, while Ryker is a disabled Veteran who is still working through his PTSD. Bryce juggles being a parent figure, work, and a guardianship contestation, and meets Ryker after he steps in and is there to help Bryce with her nieces and becomes a source of support for them.

As they spend time with each other, Ryker finds that he's smiling more and loves spending time with Bryce and the girls for the first time since his accident. I liked how the author wrote grief and caregiving it was well done. There were very serious topics but humorous moments that reduced the heaviness. The characters were excellent. I loved the nieces and the community and grew to love the niece's grandparents. I liked the romance between Ryker and Bryce, it was sweet, with some low-spice moments. They were perfect for each other. I wish we had gotten more communication and conversations between them about their relationship.

I didn't know this was part of a series, and now I have to read the other books. It's a standalone, so nothing was spoiled. Overall this is a heartwarming well written rom-com with great characters and a quick read.

Thank you, Forever Pub, for this arc for an honest review.

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