Member Reviews

The most chaotic lovable bunch of characters I love them all. The PTDS scene with Ryker was emotional, Bryce was a great support in that moment. Bryce’s nieces were very cute and realistically written kids, I loved their comedic timing.

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I really liked the book. As a veteran with PTSD, I will say it takes a very cookie-cutter approach to how we come by the disorder. While it absolutely can come from combat situations and loss, it can also come from non combat living environments. The nuclear power ratings of the Navy have extremely high incidence rates of mental health issues and just about zero direct combat experience. Anyway, it’s still good to have some representation, even if it reinforces a combat-veteran-only public assumption. And I loved Bryce and her nieces!

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Change of Plans by Dylan Newton is a heartwarming and emotional tale that follows the life of Bryce, a talented chef, who, upon her brother’s sudden passing, becomes the guardian of her three nieces. After upending her life in Tampa to take care of the girls in Wellsville, New York, Bryce struggles to balance her new responsibilities as a caregiver with her passion for cooking.

Amidst this chaos, Bryce meets a former Marine, Ryker Matthews, the middle brother of the Matthews brothers, who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and is trying to rebuild his life. Introverted and emotionally closed-off, Ryker comes to Bryce’s rescue as Change of Plans opens, immediately engaging the reader with romantic tension. As they spend more time together, they find solace in each other's company and develop a deep and meaningful connection.

Newton does an excellent job of portraying the characters' emotions and struggles in a realistic and relatable manner. Bryce’s struggles to cope with her new role as a caregiver and her passion for cooking are portrayed with sensitivity and compassion. Similarly, Ryker’s struggles with PTSD and his attempts to find a new purpose in life are depicted with great authenticity. The chemistry between the two is palpable and heartwarming, and the reader can't help but root for them as they navigate their way through their personal challenges. The story's pacing is perfect, with just the right balance of romance and emotional depth.

Overall, Change of Plans is an engaging and emotional read (have a few tissues handy!) that will appeal to anyone who loves a good romance. The characters are well-developed, and the story is both heartwarming and poignant. Newton’s writing style is engaging, and the story flows effortlessly, making it a perfect read for a lazy afternoon or a cozy night in. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a charming, uplifting romance.

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3.5/5 stars

i was very excited about this book and it ended up being good but a little disappointing.

i liked a lot of things in this book, such as the main characters' individual arcs & growth, the heartwarming community aspect, and how the antagonistic side had depth and was not one-dimensional.

the slight letdown i had revolved around the relationships. the romance between bryce and ryker was very sweet and i appreciated how realistic their issues were and how they handled a lot of it. however, i do think there could've been a bit more development before things got really serious between them. furthermore, i really wanted more scenes & development between ryker and bryce's nieces.

ultimately, despite my disappointment, it was still a good book and i would recommend it if you're looking for a romance book with heavier feel & themes.

thank you to forever and netgalley for providing this arc!

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This book tugs so sweetly at the heartstrings. Bryce is a strong willed chef who loves her nieces with her whole heart and Ryker is a sweetheart who's a little afraid. Their relationship blossoms at the perfect rate and I adore that Ryker loves June, Addison, and Cecily just as much as he does Bryce. Just when I thought I was done crying, I swiped to the recipe at the end of the book. Literally sobbing. So. Fucking. Sweet.

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I read the first two books in this series last year, and I've been so excited to read Ryker's story and it did not disappoint!! Dylan Newton does such an amazing job of writing stories for characters that know how to pull at your heartstrings but also make you smile all the time. I really liked how she would put these little references to the characters from the other books, without making them too big of plot points in this story. Bryce and Ryker are such a cute pair, and I loved reading how their relationship developed!

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Thank you NetGalley for an early copy of Change of Plans by Dylan Newton in exchange for an honest review.

This book had a lot of the right ingredients, but, unfortunately they did not mix well together.

I was so excited to read this book. Based on the synopsis, it was just the feel-good rom com I needed. As I kept reading, though, I realized this book was mis-marketed. Where was the rom? Where was the com? It had a few chuckle moments and a couple of romantic gestures, but overall, it read more like a drama than anything.

Each time Bryce had a parenting fail, I either hurt or cringed or wondered when her win was coming. They weren’t even funny or silly mishaps that happened less over time as she learned how to parent. It was just constant problem after problem. I kept wondering when was she going to have fun experiences with her nieces, when where they going to bond? It was just one dumpster fire after another and each one made it harder and harder for me to want to pick the book back up.

And the romance needed a lot more development. Bryce was confusing and inconsistent with her thoughts and feelings towards him and Ryker never really communicated much of anything with her. The I-love-yous were much too soon and felt super forced. They didn’t spend enough time connecting and learning enough about one another to fall in love in such a short time period. The ending also wrapped up way too neatly and didn’t feel realistic at all.

All that said, there were some things I did like about the story. The “hug emergencies” were super cute and very relatable (I do this with my boyfriend.) The three girls were adorable in their own, unique ways. And I liked the way Ryker tried bonding with the girls.

2 out of 5 ⭐️

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Ryker and Bryce fit in all the right ways and I loved their journey as they figured it out. Bryce unexpectedly and tragically finds herself the guardian of her 3 nieces. She's moved to their town, gotten a job at Pattycakes, and is doing the best she can. But the girls@maternal grandparents also want custody, and becoming an instant-parent to grieving girls is no easy task. They encounter Ryker in an epic meet cute at the local Walmart- it was laugh out loud funny, mortifying, and poignant all at once.

Bryce has this love of life and ability to show up and just keep trying. She is also able to play and be present. Ryker has PTSD from the military believes he is protecting his family and friends by not sharing how he's really doing. But he and Bryce connect and he comes out of his shell. They are so good for each other. I loved the details/research into PTSD and guardianship, the girls and their antics, and Bryce and Ryker being both open and vulnerable. I recommend putting this one on your TBR list!

Thanks to the author for a copy. All opinions are my own.

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This was a quick, funny read that was a nice change of storyline from your typical romance. I loved how Bryce and Ryker aren't your typical romance characters and each had their own unique battles they were facing. I thought their banter was well done and that the characters were well developed.

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All I’m saying is we don’t deserve dogs and the last couple of chapters had me crying (maybe it’s the pregnancy hormones?)

This was such an incredible end to the Matthews brothers. I really loved getting to know Ryker and seeing all the characters from the other books in this one.

Ryker Ryker Ryker….I really love how he grew in this book. I think it’s easy for all of us to hold things in thinking we are sparing our loved ones from our problems when they really want nothing more than to help. I loved this journey for him. Also there’s Six and I just want to love on her.

Obviously I don’t want anything to happen to anyone’s parents, but when the aunt becoming the guardian is done right? It’s magical. I loved Bryce’s journey with her nieces.

Ryker and Bryce were the one the other could rely on. Ryker really started to break out of his shell and want to get back to civilian life after he met Bryce. And he was absolutely amazing with the girls🥰

If you haven’t read the other books in this series, what are you waiting for? They can all be read as standalones, but I think it gives you more of a background for this book.

This one releases August 1st and you don’t want to miss it! I received an early copy in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was a really sweet read. I really loved all of the characters, but I could have done with a little less miscommunication towards the end. I’ll definitely be picking up another Dylan Newton book!

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I did not expect this book to hit me as hard as it did. It’s beautifully written, and written with so much heart. Love is woven into every line and so easy to feel as the story develops. Change of Plans by Dylan Newton is marvelous.


I loved Bryce fiercely. She’s so open-hearted, never one to judge, but always one to ask questions out of sincere curiosity. Her smile is as bright as her wit, and her spirit as wild as her feistiness. But she is not without vulnerability. The author does a wonderful job at seeing when the smiles cracks— when her happy-go-lucky expressions slip— how the grief of losing her brother, her fears at raising her nieces, her personal doubt of her own capabilities set in. I wanted to shout to her that she was doing just fine, that she was doing better than fine! I loved her and loved how she grew in confidence and certainty of her own capabilities.


What a gorgeous male lead! He’s the perfect counterpart to Bryce, together they balance one another beautifully. He’s very self-sufficient and on the dime when ti comes to helping others. But when it comes to receiving help, he’s not as forthcoming. This is something he has to come to terms with throughout his arc.

Ryker has PTSD, and the narrative takes great care in how it’s reflected throughout the book. I thought it was all handled very well. I was proud of Ryker’s journey.


The romance verged on insta-love, which is typically one of my least favorite tropes, yet it made sense here. I whole-heartedly believed in Bryce and Ryker’s connection and chemistry from the very first moment they clashed into one another. Perhaps the romance develops quickly, but it still feels natural and it absolutely wanted. I loved how it all played out .

》A Little More Conversation《

If there were any change I would have liked, it’s more personal conversations between Bryce and Ryker, as well as Bryce and her oldest niece June.

Part of the miscommunication between Bryce and Ryker develops because of the latter fear he may become sterile due to a treatment involving radiation upon his leg. The fear is that Bryce, who may want children, will not want him. I expected a deep conversation between the two, to clear the air, instead it’s just sort of thrown out there and brushed away— and publicly so. They couldn’t even have a private conversation without prying ears.

Something that truly bothered me (but in a good way,as I think we were supposed to be bothered as readers) was the mistreatment of Bryce as a parental figure. She tried her best every step of the way— even during those missteps. She’s far from perfect, but she’s been thrust into a role she is still learning as she goes. Every time she felt humiliated, cast aside, looked down upon, I just wanted to rush in there and hug her— to thank her for all she’s doing for her girls. But one of those girls didn’t make it easy. June is the eldest at 12, and while still very much a child, she’s old enough to know the power of words and the pain they can inflict, and she inflicted that pain time and time again towards her aunt. I understand the deep hurt she must be after losing her parents but I really would have loved just one scene of only Bryce and June talking together.

》The Beauty in Endings《

My heart filled right up as I read through this one, to the point I cried a bit over a recipe (a recipe!). It was such a moving, beautiful tale of family and love. Of determination and belief. I am so happy to know this book.

Thank you NetGalley and Forever for providing me an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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I have loved the Matthews brothers series, and Ryker's story is a continuation of the good vibes! Bryce Weatherford has recently found herself in Wellsville as legal guardian of her three nieces after her brother and sister-in-law's untimely passing. Her life is chaos and learning curves, but she's the spunky, strong-willed heroine we want to root for. Ryker Matthews is struggling with PTSD and other reverberations from his time deployed when he meets the woman who might pull him out of his social reclusiveness.

This is a beautiful and sweet story of love, friendship, and family. I loved the way this book discussed family (the kind we are born with and the kind that we make), handling adversity, and making giant life pivots after the unthinkable happens. The characters are vibrant and relatable, the setting is full of small town goodness, the romance is sweet and just spicy enough, the humor is spot on, and it's just an overall feel-good read. I highly recommend this whole series and can't wait for whatever Dylan Newton writes next!

Thank you to the author, Forever, and NetGalley for gifting me an ARC to review. I loved it!

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Bryce is given custody of her three nieces after her brother and sisiter-in- law are killed in an accident. . very sweet story.

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This book was fantastic! I loved the storyline of Bryce getting guardianship of her nieces, and it being a disaster, then finding Ryker and that whole storyline. The disability rep was great, as well as the military rep. I think overall it was a fun read that also touched on a lot of tough topics!

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What an adorable, fast read! This book is the third in the “series” but is considered a stand-alone and I ate it up! Bryce (obsessed with her name!) was so likeable and relatable.. she is a mom-like-creature but everything she goes through is so relatable! She’s also so funny! This book has a strong PTSD premise following Ryker (another great name!) who is a war vet with a traumatic experience. The attention to detail that Dylan placed in such a strong topic was so well done. Lots of quirky little jokes and adorable banter. I also loved the flirting. I’m such a sucker for flirting and there was so much! This book also has a lot of grief and trudging through all that is grieving, it gets deep at points!

Thanks so much to the author, Dylan for gifting me an ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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This is the third in series but can be read as a standalone. However, it will spoil the ending of the first two books.

Bryce’s brother and sister-in-law passed away in a car accident leaving her with the custody of her three nieces. Bryce misses her life as a saucier, but has no regrets over becoming the guardian to 5 year old Addison, 8 year old Cecily, and tween June. But, it isn’t easy. Her brother Bentley was a natural with kids and she … she is struggling.

During a disastrous trip to the grocery store, Bryce and her nieces meet Ryker and his baby niece Elise. He saves the day but he is still adjusting, seven years later, from his deployment in Afghanistan. She doesn’t shy away from asking him about his prosthesis, she seems to understand he wouldn’t want that. But … when he learns she is the new sous chef at his moms cafe, he is skeptical. Was it a set up? Was it real? The last thing he needs is for his family to have been right about a potential date. Sigh. What’s Ryker to do?

It was nice being reunited with characters of books past, and we got to see a particular house, but this book shines because of Bryce, Ryker, June, Cecily, and Addison. The characters were well developed, well written, had their own struggles, faults, and flaws, but were characters you want to root for. I thoroughly enjoyed being part of their world for a few hours.

Some of the struggles were easily avoidable, but potentially realistic. I’m not a huge fan of the “I’ll solve all my problems alone” method of causing relationship drama. In this case though, I do feel it was truthful to characters past and personalities.

This book tugged on the heartstrings but was overwhelmingly optimistic and hopeful. I hope other enjoy it even half as much as I did.

CW: Siblings death (off page), PTSD, description of war, legal fight over guardianship

Thanks to NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for an arc of this book.

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This is unfortunately very very not for me.

This is about Bryce and Ryker, who both frankly have way too much going on. Until a few months ago, Bryce was a single chef living in Miami, until her brother and his wife suddenly died, forcing her to move to a small town in NY state to take care of her three nieces where she has to fight their maternal grandparents for custody. Ryker is a former marine who was honorably discharged after losing his left foot on duty. He has PTSD, and apparently a complete inability to communicate. They (kind of) date?

First and foremost, these two people just had way too much personal drama to actually be in a successful romantic relationship with each other. So much of this book was about their individual tragedies that it barely felt like a romance, and more like two people who interact sometimes while they figure out their stuff separately. I certainly don't mind external plot and personal growth, but I kind of like romance to be at the center of my romances, ya know?

I have a pretty low threshold for the miscommunication trope. Sometimes it's realistic, and sometimes it's relatable, but sometimes it's like this. Every time they need to have a big important conversation it's like "we really need to talk" and then a wacky mishap will happen and then they never talk. Or one character literally LEAVES TOWN for days without telling anybody where or why (it's literally to get a dog, okay), and then they're shocked that the other person thinks this is a bad sign for their relationship. And it's just all of this on repeat for like 300 pages. There would actually be very few obstacles for this couple if they simply had one fairly short conversation.

It is also never clear to the reader (or I guess maybe just me) exactly why Bryce wants custody of these children. She was named as their guardian in the will, but admits that she's never actually spent much time with them. She talks a bit about the grief of losing her brother, but nothing really indicates why she feels like she needs to take this on, or why he would have chosen her to do it. Especially when the grandparents, who have been a constant presence in the children's lives, really want to do it. Maybe I just don't have a maternal bone in my body, but I would simply let them have the children...

Finally, Ryker is a military vet. And while that might work for some people, this man is out here using military jargon constantly -- including during their one weird sex scene (like he is literally saying things like "Roger that" while he is inside her; I would LEAVE).

Objectively, I actually don't think this is a bad book, but it was unfortunately a big collection of things that I really just don't like. I would actually recommend this for anyone who is a fan of The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez (which I did give one star lol). This had a really similar writing style/relationship dynamic, and deals with similarly heavy themes.

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This contemporary romance grabbed me by the heart and just wouldn’t let go! I was rooting for the main characters so hard! Change of Plans will totally suck you in - I read the book in less than 24 hours because I just couldn't put it down.

I had so many feels during this book - I laughed at the nieces’ antics as they caused mayhem and cried during Bryce’s grief and Ryker’s struggles with PTSD and survivor’s guilt. Dylan Newton struck the perfect balance of humor/care/angst.

You get so many things!

Small town charm
Family support and drama
Angst of all flavors
Manic pixie child with a talent for groin shots
Delicious food descriptions (there’s even a recipe included!)
Opposites attract
Car geekery
Competence porn
Dual POV
Dirty mechanic jokes
Cinnamon roll MMC
Amputee/PTSD rep

CW: Loss of a family member/grief

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I’ll read and devour anything Newton writes.

Change of Plans by Dylan Newton is such a fun rom-com that was charming, engaging and very entertaining.

It was such a great read and gave me all the warm feels that I love to have while reading a romance novel! Once I started reading, I couldn't put it down.
The characters in this book are so fun and entertaining. I fell in love with them both instantly.
I loved Dylan Newton writing style. She can set the scene perfectly and creates the most memorable and interesting characters. Her style instantly pulls me in and once I start there is no stopping me.
I was so engrossed in the book that I finished it in almost 2 days.
It was a quick read and left me craving for more.

I’m already anxious for her next one and doubt she has even started it.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You NetGalley and Forever for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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