Member Reviews

Change of plans by Dylan newton is an emotional and sweet found family book that pulls on all the heart strings.

What I loved about this book was reading about two people that are dealing with different things become friends and each others support system. She’s doing her best working and being the guardian for her brothers daughters and it’s not easy. It’s messy, it’s hard, the days are long sometimes but she really does step up and doing her best for them. I loved him too. He was such a stand up sweet character that didn’t hesitate to drop what he was doing to make her life easier helping her with whatever she needed, even if she didn’t ask. It has disability rep, a military mmc that that deals with PTSD and despite that, he is still sweet and kind and wants to be with her and takes them all as a package and loves them.

I thought this was such a great sweet story with harder topics that were dealt properly and I thought that their story was emotional, cute, sweet, with some mutual pining and friends to lovers trope that just made sense. This is such a fluffy sweet romance book and definitely not my last read by this author.

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Real life, mom life, character development. A little bit of space and a little third quarter miscommunication breakup with a happily ever after. It’s cute. It’s funny and it made me cry.

Stepping up to the plate and all the challenges that entails feels so relatable. It’s a must read.

Thanks to netgalley for letting me read in exchange for a review:)

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A very fun completion of the Matthew's brother's series. I read the whole book in one sitting and was delighted by it. Of the series I will always love How Sweet It Is best, but Change of Plans is definitely next. The nieces were really well written as angsty kids, navigating an awful situation, and I loved watching Ryker learn to be vulnerable with his family and with Bryce.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for proving me this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This was the first book I have read from this author and it definitely won't be the last. What an absolutely wonderful rom-com with so much heartfelt emotion I couldn't put it down. 

Ryker is a marine vet that was injured at war and has PTSD. He has closed himself off from family and friends, using his garage where he works as a mechanic as his place of refuge. His life is forever changed on a random day that he literally runs into Bryce and her tornado of gaggling girls and he comes to their rescue forming a life changing bond that neither saw coming.

Bryce is like a walking disaster. She has taken on guardianship of her three nieces and has had to uproot her life from being a chef to guardian of three tornados all under the age of thirteen. She is barely holding it together and you can really see her struggles and through it all the love she has for these girls.

Bryce and Ryker were absolute magic together, they just immediately fit like a puzzle that needed the right missing piece. However, Ryker was dealing with his own issues and did not know how to communicate what he believed were his shortcomings to Bryce which led to all sorts of misunderstandings. It was an epic journey that had me hooked from the first page until the very last. I loved every minute and would highly recommend.

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Having enjoyed the previous two titles in this series, I’ll admit that I’ve been specifically looking forward to Ryker’s story. And I’m so glad that I got to read it ❤️

After the (off page) death of her brother and sister-in-law Bryce is the guardian of her three young nieces and trying to figure out how to parent, grieving her family, and trying to keep her head above water when she meets Ryker, the middle —— brother.

Bryce was the perfect partner for Ryker and their stories and trials just combined to make this one really special.

I loved the importance of mental health in this and, as someone who also has complex PTSD, I appreciated Ryker’s difficulties in expressing his feelings and his journey through.

There are triggers here, plenty of them, but Ms. Newton’s writing made them far more palatable to read.


Thank you to Forever and NetGalley for the DRC!

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This was a such an entertaining story with lovable characters and a ton of heart.
There is very serious subject matters and situations, they’re handled really well in my opinion and it didn’t feel too heavy, it made the story richer and the characters more interesting. There’s tragedy and the characters journey to deal with that is a big part of the emotional appeal.
There’s plenty of light and hilarious moments that balance the big emotional moments.
I love the writers style, it was such a fresh and lovely read.
I fell in love with the couple, Bryce and Ryker. Their interactions are fantastic and their connection is a beautiful thing that develops stronger as the story goes on.
Bryce’s three young nieces, who she is now guardian of, added so many great moments to this emotional and uplifting story.
I loved everything about this story, it’s low on the steamy/spicy side and that fit perfectly with the story’s vibe. I can’t wait to read more from this new to me author!

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Rating: ⭐⭐⭐
Spice: 🌶️🌶️

Change of Plans was cheesy from beginning to end but it was still an enjoyable read overall.

Ryker, a military hero suffering from PTSD and lingering pain due to an amputation, had hidden away from everyone, including his well-meaning family and friends. He was tired of feeling pity and couldn't imagine a life outside of working at his garage and sticking to himself.

"Because I avoid the café, my family, and all civilians as much as possible. That may make me a rotten son, but my presence lately is far worse." - Ryker

Before meeting our heroine Bryce and her wild brood, Ryker was uninspired with life, but soon after realizing that they needed him, the sense of purpose propelled him to forge ahead in finally tackling his demons. His interactions with the kids brought out a softer, more playful side of him that would have any woman swooning.

"He opted for more pirate. More pirate was always safe. 'Arrgh! Yer aunt be a wise lass.'" - Ryker

My heart hurt for Bryce, doing her best to raise three girls, while slowly drowning in the responsibility and endless struggles of parenthood. Time and time again life threw curveballs at her but she still had such a warm, winning personality even when her back was against the wall.

"But then again, these past months in Wellsville had felt similar to stepping on dry land after a day spend Jet-Skiing in the choppy waters of the Tampa Bay - she was in a constant state of dizzying vertigo as she struggled to keep her feet pointed in the right direction." - Bryce

I loved how outgoing Bryce was as her relationship developed with Ryker, willing to say what she wanted. She was frank, honest, generous and the perfect person to grab Ryker and push him out of his comfort zone.

Bryce and Ryker's chemistry could have been stronger. Half of the time, Bryce just talked at Ryker while he was having the rest of the conversation in his said before giving one-word answers back. I'd have liked a little more connection between the two, with sexual tension shown more than told. Despite the descriptive language and graphic details, there was very limited spice to our two main character's interactions.

The three girls were all delightful characters, if a bit exaggerated. There is a trend in romance books to use kids and their outlandish behavior to drive the story forward and I am not a huge fan. A few scenes were just over the top, the first chapter specifically, but I have to admit I had a smile on my face when Addie, Cecily, and June were up to their latest hijinks.

"This was serious. Her niece had nailed a guy in the prunes. He might really be hurt." - Bryce

I'd recommend Change of Plans to anyone who enjoys romance books with military heroes. This book is a stand-alone but features several characters from previous Dylan Newton books "How Sweet It Is" and "All Fired Up". I would suggest reading those two books first to get a better understanding of Ryker's family.

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I have loved this series and Dylan's writing but oh man Change of Plans is my favorite and one of the best books I have read in a while.

Ryker Matthews is still trying to adjust to civilian life after a combat injury resulted in a below-the-knee amputation that ended his military career. He has the most adorable meet-cute with Bryce Weatherford who is not responsible for her three nieces after a family tragedy. Soon helping Bryce, who is struggling to balance being a guardian to three kids, working and making ends meet, turns into a reason for Ryker to leave his life of solitude and start to heal.

Bryce and Ryker are EVERYTHING. If I could give them more than 5 stars I would because I loved this book that much. Ryker and Bryce are both beautifully broken yet so strong and resilient. They help each other deal with their grief and pain in ways they didn't even know they needed.

My favorite part of this whole book revolves around their first hug and oh man did my heart explode. I read the majority of this book on airplanes and in airports and I will just say I have cried may tears over this story in public! I related to much to Bryce and her struggle to make ends meet while trying to keep tiny humans alive. There were so many parts of this book that moved me to tears simply because I felt seen. Bryce is strong and fierce and so quick witted that you want to both hug her and go get a drink with her.

Ryker is the hero I didn't even know I needed. His struggles with PTSD and adjusting to civilian life will pull on every heart string.

As always this book has such great interactions with all of the other members of the Matthews clan which was such a fun way to end this series getting to see where they ended up.

While I loved the first two books in this series Change of Plans is honestly one of my top reads in a while and will without a doubt be one of favorite books of 2023.

I have been so thankful to be a traveling ARC leader for Dylan's books and am appreciative to Forever and Dylan for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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Bryce was living the single life as a chef in Florida. Ryker had a long career in the Marines ahead of him. But, you know...plans change.

I picked this up mostly for the disability rep, as Ryker is a BK amputee. (I have no personal connection to amputation stories, but diversity in romance brings me joy.) His injury happened long enough before the story starts that, although there are ongoing complications, it's not his primary focus. Similarly, Bryce has been her nieces' guardian long enough that they've passed the hump of "new situation and we're all basically strangers" and moved into the muddier, more complicated waters of "figuring out how this is going to look in the long term." As far as I'm concerned, it's a much more interesting place for a character to be, and that's where Bryce and Ryker find each other—figuring out the long term.

The rapport between the characters is excellent, and I love that Bryce's aunt-ing adventures feel so chaotic—these are not five- and eight- and twelve-year-olds who sit around quietly, smiling angelically and waiting for the next time they're needed in the story. I also love that Bryce and Ryker *try* to communicate, even when they don't get it 100% right, because one of my pet peeves in romance is conflicts that could be solved by a simple conversation. (There's some of that here—Six-y, I'm looking at you—but usually those conflicts are solved pretty quickly, and they can get back to questions of whether either of them is in a place for a relationship at the moment.) Is Ryker a bit too good to be true? Probably. He should hang up his shingle as a mechanic and start peddling his services as a child whisperer. But if a romance novel isn't the place for a check-all-the-boxes hero...what is?

Thanks to the author and publisher for providing a review copy through NetGalley.

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I am in love with all of her books they just keep on getting better and better. this was another good one. glad i found this author and have the privilege's to read her books.

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Change of plans by Dylan Newton is a heartwarming tale of love, loss, and family. The story follows Bryce and Ryker, two individuals who come from vastly different backgrounds but are united by their love for the children in their care. Newton’s writing is both sweet and tender, bringing to life the challenges and joys of blended families.
The characters are well-developed and easy to relate to, particularly Bryce, who refuses to shy away from difficult conversations and is dedicated to providing the best possible care for the children. Ryker's struggles with communication and change add depth to his character, and readers will root for him to overcome his obstacles and find happiness with Bryce.
The children’s interactions with Bryce and Ryker are heartwarming and authentic, and readers will appreciate the emphasis on the importance of community and support.
Overall, "Change of plan “ is a touching and uplifting read that will leave readers with a renewed appreciation for the power of love and family. Highly recommended for anyone looking for a sweet, funny, and honest romance.

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4 Stars Change of Plans by Dylan Newton is the final book in the Matthews Brothers series and is my favorite of the three. Chef Bryce Weatherford suddenly finds herself the guardian of her three nieces--Addie (5), Cecily (8), and June (12)--after her brother's and sister-in-law's sudden deaths. The girls maternal grandparents are challenging Bryce's guardianship in court and the attorney fees are quickly dwindling Bryce's savings. Bryce is managing a whole new life and new job, just barely hanging on, when former Marine Ryker Matthews suddenly saves her and the girls during a grocery store mishap. It's been years since the partial loss of Ryker's left leg in combat and the loss of his military career, and he is still floundering with how to move on with his life. Both Bryce and Ryker are struggling in different ways, yet when they are together, they feel support, understood, and a sense of "wholeness."

I loved reading how Bryce and Ryker navigated their growing romantic feelings towards one another. There was some miscommunication, but for the most part, they had a great policy of always being honest with one another, no matter how awkward or uncomfortable the truth was. The theme of helping yourself so that you can better help others was especially poignant and not enough people consider this in real life. The entire story and Bryce's and Ryker's separate conflicts all wrapped up perfectly.

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This was my second Dylan Newton book, I read the first book in the series and received an ARC from NetGalley and Forever for Change of Plans.

Bryce's brother and his wife passed away in a horrible car accident and they granted custody of their three daughters to her. She quit her job as a saucier in a hot Florida restaurant and moved to where her nieces live. She gets a job at a cafe, and is living paycheck to paycheck raising three kids and also paying legal fees because their grandparents want to have full custody. She is having a really rough day trying to control the wild kids in the supermarket and a nice (and hot!) man with a baby helps save the day. He also happend to be the son of her boss. But Bryce has too much baggage for a relationship. And Ryker has is own issues like PTSD from his time in Afghanistan where he had to be amputated below the knee on one leg. So the two stay put in the friend zone, though their chemistry has other plans.

I liked Bryce and Ryker, they were both kind, well-meaning people. I was a little grossed out by some of the scenes with the kids because I'm not sure if I want poop or vomit in my romance novels. The miscommunication in the third act did not help drive the story. This was a fine read, but not a super love.

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This is my second Dylan Newton book and it definitely won’t be my last! Dylan has a way with words. The words just flow and you don’t want it to end. I love the balance she presents between real serious things the main characters are going through and the sweet romance!

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I thought this book was such a delightful read, filled with so many cute moments. While I liked the cute moments, I think the added heavy notes of PTSD and Bryce’s grief added a lot of depth that really made the story feel real. I did wish that we got to see a little more development between Bryce and Ryker. At times I felt like their relationship was a little rushed for me. But all in all I really enjoyed this read. I found it adorable, fun, and filled with so many feelings.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for providing me this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This was my first read by this author and it definitely will not be my last. As a military wife and as a person who is diagnosed with PTSD this book hit me in the heart in all of the best ways.

I fell in love with all of the characters and had a hard time putting this book down. It was an amazing rom com that had me laughing out loud in the first chapter and reminded me that there is lots of love amongst the chaos. Even if things are a little dented and damaged they're still beautiful things.

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A sweet and touching book with great characters!

Ryker is a former marine who was injured in Afghanistan. He is the sweetest cinnamon roll hero. Bryce is a chef who becomes a guardian to her three nieces after her brother and his wife passed away. She’s an uplifting character doing her best to deal with the hand she’s been dealt. Their paths collide in a hilarious grocery store encounter. I loved their chemistry, which was off the charts from the beginning.

The lengths Ryker goes to, to help Bryce and the girls is touching. He’s a great hero. There are many epic moments with the girls.

While this book dealt with serious topics, they were handled perfectly.

This was my first book by Dylan Newton and I enjoyed every page. It’s part of a series but can be read as stand alone.

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Wholeheartedly one of my favorite romcoms to date! Likable cast of characters facing real life issues. additionally, the parties all took time to work on their own individual problems before getting together at the end. So often, issues get swept under the rug in order to move the plot forward. Here, the characters did the work! LOVE LOVE LOVE this book.

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this was a very sweet, tender, funny story! I loved Bryce and Ryker’s relationship from hysterical start to loving end and all the sweet, funny, honest moments in between. I love especially that Bryce refuses to let the uncomfortable or sensitive nature of topics interfere in her willingness and ability to converse in them. I wish Ryker hadn’t let so much go unsaid, especially since everyone (and I mean every single person in his life) told him to just talk to Bryce, but to someone going through so much change and not being very open in the first place, I understand why it was hard for him to change so drastically like that so quickly.
I absolutely loved the kids in this story. it’s so hard to capture the nuance of how kids deal with big feelings like grief, guilt, loneliness, hurt, and anger and so much more that come from early traumas, and I think their portrayals were bittersweet, tender hearted, and realistic. each of them had such sweet souls and different ways of coping with their new reality and I loved them so much (but I always love kids, in stories or real life, so this wasn’t a shocker to me lol) and Bryce is dedicated to being the best caregiver she can be, sacrificing so much to give the kids their best chance. with the help of her friends and the grandparents, she learns that it really does take a village and so many people in her life mean well and also want what’s best for the kids, but also her
overall, I really loved this story. the humor kept it light in dark places and the love was ample and never ending.
thank you for the ARC!!!

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This was such a fun and cute read with witty banter and swoon-worthy moments. This is a perfect spring/summer read!

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