Member Reviews

hange of Plans by Dylan Newton follows the third Matthews brother, Ryker. Ryker has left the Marines and prefers to be working in his garage over interacting with people.

Until he meets Bryce. Bryce works in a bakery while taking care of her 3 nieces after their parents passed away.

I loved:
How Bryce and her nieces became a family
Food (duh - this always gets me)
The nieces - they were fun but always kept it real

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This was a,sweet, heartfelt found family rom com. The strength of the story was the characters. Ryker and Bryce were both messes but they had big hearts. Neither one of them was smooth and I liked that. They clumsily saved each other from loneliness, fear and sadness. My only criticism are that some of the antics were over the top. But the charm and love that used from this adorable story made up for it. 3.5 stars.

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Change of Plans was an adorable romcom with flawed characters trying their best.

Dylan Newton brought hard to have conversations into a beautiful story about life, love, and moving forward. I loved the characters in this book, and while I’m not one for children being a large plot point, this book wouldn’t be what it is without them!

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Change of Plans by Dylan Newton good read! Cute book about a girl named Bryce who is left to raise her three nieces after her brother dies. She moves to a new state and starts a new job so she can take care of her nieces. She meets Ryker along the way who is a retired Marine who suffers from PTSD and is an amputee. They learn to work together to help overcome their challenges. I’d recommend!

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Bryce is a chef whose life takes an unexpected turn when she’s named guardian of her three nieces after her brother and sister in law pass away. While adjusting to her new life, she meets Ryker, a veteran who is learning to life with his PTSD.

I have to say I was a little turned off at the beginning of the book by the amount of raunchy jokes and comments. A big part of the dynamic between the main characters involved raunchy dad jokes, which was fine but sometimes the comments went too far. “Ryker pursed his lips in the way thirsty women did on their ‘gram.” Like we’re really describing women as “thirsty” in 2023?? Come on. I will say this died down halfway through the book and definitely didn’t ruin the book for me.

What I love about the book is the depth of all the characters. It was so beautiful to see how they all navigated the loss of their loved ones and figured out how to support the little girls. I loved hearing about Ryker’s struggles and his quest to get a support dog was so heartwarming 😭 I sometimes felt like the chemistry between Ryker and Bryce was lacking but the richness of the rest of the plot made up for the lack of spark there.

Overall I enjoyed this book and look forward to going back and reading about the first two Matthews brothers!

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever Publishing for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review!!

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Change of Plans
Author: Dylan Newton

I requested a digital advanced readers copy from NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing and providing my opinion voluntarily and unbiased.

Synopsis: When disaster strikes and chef Bryce Weatherford is given guardianship of her three young nieces, her life goes from cooking with fire…to controlling a dumpster fire. Five‑year‑old Addison refuses to remove her fairy wings, eight‑year‑old Cecily won't bathe, and tween June is majoring in belligerence. With all this chaos, Bryce jettisons hope for a life outside of managing her family and her new job.
It's been years since Ryker Matthews had his below‑the‑knee amputation, yet the phantom pain for his lost limb and Marine career haunts him. To cope, he focuses on his vehicle restoration business. He knows he's lucky to be alive. Yet, “lucky” feels more like “cursed” to his lonely heart.  
When Ryker literally sweeps Bryce off her feet in the grocery store's baby aisle, they both feel sparks. But falling in love would be one more curveball neither is ready to deal with… or is it exactly the change of plans they need?

My Thoughts: This is book no. 3 in the Matthews Brother series. I did not read the first two books and had no issue following along in this book. A young, aspiring chef has to leave her life behind to raise three young children when her brother and his wife were killed in a tragic accident. An unexpected meet cute in the grocery store leads Bryce and Ryker down a journey. This follows the tropes of found family, small town, and miscommunication.

The story is narrated in a dual POV, which I love. The nieces all have quirky attitudes. June is very sarcastic with an attitude to boot. Cecily despises taking a bath and further despises having her clothes laundered. Lastly, Addison, cutest six-year-old ever is obsessed with her fairy wings. Bryce does not know what she is doing but is taking it day by day, she loves like there is no tomorrow, but is insecure at times. Bryce has a lot on her plate, learning how to be an instant mother, walking through their grief with them, all while battling the grandparents for custody. Ryker is charming, extremely charismatic, and suffers from PTSD from the war. The author did an amazing job at representing PTSD and disability. The characters were well developed, witty banter, chemistry, and intriguing. The author’s writing style was complex, creative, had serious moments balanced with witty moments, flowed well, and had excellent pace.

I loved this book. It was a first read for me by Newton, but I will go back and read the prior books. It was an endearing, sweet, heartwarming read that just engulfs you in a hug through words. I highly recommend picking up today.

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The first two books in this series were such a joy, and this third book is no different - what a joy to read! While this book was a little more intense with references to some PTSD-related episodes, it was generally a fun, easy read. The almost slapstick antics of the three girls also made it laugh out loud at times!

Overall a wonderful read. I’m so bummed this series is done (I would keep reading more about all these character if continued!), but I can’t wait to see what Dylan Newton writes next!

Thank you to the author (Dylan Newton) NetGalley, and the publisher for an ARC of this book on exchange for my honest opinion.

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Bryce drops everything when her brother and his wife pass away to become the guardian to their girls. That means relocating, finding a place to live and finding a new job all in addition to learning to be a parent to 3 grieving young girls. It doesn't end there, because she's also in a custody battle with the children's maternal grandparents who just think they can do it better. Ryker is a Vet who has returned home after being injured and must learn to deal with his PTSD and his amputation which is causing him some health issues. There two have a very unlikely meeting in a grocery store, yet there is an instant connection. Life seems to throw them together, the fact that Patty is both Ryker's mom and Bryce's boss also plays into it! Neither is looking for a relationship, but Ryker notices he's happier when he's with Bryce and she notices she's more at ease and comes to rely on him a great deal. There are the girls to consider and bad communication between them doesn't help either. This is my first book by this author, and I feel the delicate subject matter was dealt with very well. We are also treated to some great laughs along the way as Ryker and Bryce figure things out. I received an ARC and am voluntarily leaving my review.

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Thank you for this ARC! I fell in love with the cover and the summary. While I really dislike the pregnancy trope, I love unexpected children. The story follows Bryce who had named sole guardian of her brother’s 3 children. After a tragic car accident that kills both her brother and his wife, she takes on the challenge of trying to raise three girls on her own. During a grocery store outing, she meets Ryker. And there’s an immediate connection. From there they go through so much together from his PTSD to her learning to navigate as a new parent. This story was fun and really enjoyable. I really liked learning about Ryker’s background, and learning about how he deals with a lost limb and PTSD. I also, enjoyed seeing Bryce navigate girls, getting to know them, and dealing with the custody battle. And while I feel like kids sometimes are such an annoyance, I really enjoyed the three of them, and felt like they really added to the story. Dylan Newton made a point to give all the characters a lot of backstory, and made them feel well rounded and overall really well developed. I highly recommend this book! 4⭐️s

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Bryce is a young and up and coming chef living in Florida when tragedy strikes. Her brother and his wife are killed in a horrific car accident. Much to the surprise of everyone they have left Bryce as the guardian to their three young daughters.

To say she's learning on the fly would be an understatement. Her 12 year old niece, June, has a permanent scowl on her face and sarcasm quick on her lips. Cecily, her 8 year old niece, has decided she no longer wants to bathe or have her clothes washed, and it's becoming an epic battle between the two. Addison, a vivacious 6 year old, refuses to remove her fairy wings and is convinced she'll one day be able to fly.

Thankfully, Patty from Pattycakes, has taken her under her wing. Giving her a job making various soups for the cafe's menu and an apartment to rent right above the shop.

During a shopping trip at the local grocery store Bryce and her nieces make quite the spectacle of themselves catching the eye of a fellow shopper, Ryker. When it appears that Cecily finds herself stuck under the shelving in an attempt to save her favorite rock it is Ryker that swoops in to save the day. And he may have stolen a heart or two along the way.

This was a super sweet romcom that kept me smiling and rooting for that happily ever after. Bryce was a fabulous character. A woman that loves with all her heart even though she second guesses herself time and time again. And let me tell you she had my tummy rumbling in hunger pains with all the descriptions of yummy food she makes. Ryker, oh my, tough on the outside and all ooey gooey on the inside. He is a veteran that lost part of his leg in Afghanistan and suffers from severe PTSD. His anxiety is a burden he carries everyday but when he lays eyes on Bryce and her nieces it's as if hope for his future doesn't seem impossible anymore.

Of course, there's oodles of miscommunication, which at times was frustrating but I've come to expect that in this genre. All the best things in life are worth fighting for if you truly want them badly enough.

So Bryce and Ryker are great but it was really the nieces that stole the show here. The shenanigans Bryce and the girls would find themselves in never failed to make me chuckle. I adored them.

When I requested this book I wasn't aware that it was book 3 in a series but I felt it read just fine as a standalone. If you're looking for a sweet treat that isn't too spicy then this may be just what you're craving. 4 stars!

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever for my complimentary copy.

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I really enjoyed this book. Anytime a man buys menstrual products, I'm sold. I also love a military veteran story and a man who loves children. This book had some excellent banter and so much Western New York/ Buffalo representation. I highly recommend.

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"I reserve the right to throat-punch you..." may be my new favorite line in a romance declaration scene.

I have loved each of the Matthews brothers, but Ryker was the brother whose story I most pined for from the very first moment we meet him. Grumpy and sexy and sad? YES PLEASE.

And if you know me at all (and you should, I'm a delight) you know that perfectly behaved kids/tens in romances drives me insane. I'm not here for the Jerry Maguire kid. The kids in CHANGE OF PLANS are my favorite! They are really and hurting and sometimes awful. I loved them.

Bryce is trying so hard to do her best and failing in so many ways. THIS is the kind of parent I love reading about! When this hurting and healing group of characters gets their shit together I was deliriously happy. And even though there was only one sex scene, it was it all worked out.

CHANGE OF PLANS is such a great read that had me laughing, smiling, swooning, and sighing. It tackled some seriously tough topics, but did it well. I don't want this series to end!

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I'm a huge fan of Dylan Newton's books! I fell in love with her writing and her character in How Sweet it is, then I loved All Fired Up, and now Change of Plans is added to the list. I love these Mathews brothers so much and how unique they are. In each book, we got to know them more and more and see their own love stories blossom. In Change of Plans, Ryker shines. He's a grumpy, stubborn injured veteran, Don't let his tall walls fool you though. The Ryker meets Bryce and her three nieces, the connection between the two upends their lives. Bryce, a single chef who is given guardianship of her nieces after her brother and his wife's death, is struggling to do it all. Take care of the girls, make time for her career and herself. This journey was all about healing and supporting the people you love. Ryker quickly became a steady pillar for Bryce and her hectic life, while Bryce became a safe place for Ryker to be vulnerable about his PTSD. With cameos made by the other two Mathews brothers and their partners, the lovable Patty, and Bryce's three nieces, this was such a funny, tender, romantic, moving love story about family, grief, mental illness and healing. Easily a five star read.

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I absolutely loved this book and am so happy I had the opportunity to read it. I have not read any of Dylan Newton's books yet, but I am planning on reading them! Such a good book!

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Chef Bryce Weatherford becomes the guardian of her three young nieces after the death of her brother and his wife, suddenly changing her world. She moves from Florida to a small town in Western New York to care for them and fight with the in-laws to keep them. Five year old, Addison refuses to remove her fairy wings, Eight year old, Cecile won't bathe and June resistant tween. The last thing she needs is a complicated relationship (or any relationship) with a man. Ryker Matthew, runs a vehicle restoration business and is struggling with PTSD and phantom pain from an amputated limb after his military service. In the small town, Bryce and Ryker keep running into each other.

Wow, this was a compelling read. I finished this book in slightly more than twenty-four hours, which includes working my full-time job that day! This book discusses hard topics like grief, loss, and trauma, but through humor retains an overall lighthearted spirit. Change of Plans also has great food descriptions and discussions so do not read this book hungry.

Five stars! Change of Plans is the first book I read by this author but I hope to read more of her works. Thank you NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for letting me check out this book! I will post reviews on post this review on Goodreads, Bookbub and Amazon.

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If you are a Jill Shalvis fan you MUST read Newton’s latest (and the two that come before). COP is laugh out loud funny at the same time it hits you in all the feels. Ryker easily made it onto my top 10 wounded warrior list. Though nothing will ever top the crypt scene in book 1 (IYKYK) the grocery store scene comes a very close second.
4.5 stars

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So excited to finally read Ryker’s story and was not disappointed! Bryce and Ryker had fantastic chemistry and banter. Loved how they help each other and overall had a nice warm fuzzy feeling while reading the whole book! Would definitely recommend :)

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I love love love this book. It’s so funny. The quippy one liners kill me. Being a step parent I definitely related a lot to Bryce and I can appreciate Ryker’s story immensely. This book made me laugh, cry, rage (with the characters) and think. I couldn’t wait to get back to reading it and I thoroughly enjoyed the storyline so much I bought book 1 and 2 not knowing this was a series.

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this was a really cute book!

thank you to the author, netgalley, and the publisher for this advanced copy to review!

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When Bryce Weatherford's brother and sister-in-law die suddenly in a car crash, she moves home from Florida to take guardianship of her three nieces. Things are no where near easy though as she's constantly putting out fires, fighting their grandparent's for custody and dealing with three rambunctious, grieving girls. Between running around trying to make end's meet, keep up with the girls schedule and

Enter Ryker Matthews. A small town well known brother with a hero complex, who is suffering from PTSD after serving in Afghanistan and losing part of his leg to an IED. Ryker seems to be in the right place at the right time when Bryce and the girls need help and soon these two lost adults find comfort in an unexpected place. When some serious miscommunication threatens to break what has developed what will happen?


This duel POV rom-com was fantastic. I loved the personalities of all the characters from Ryker's broody RBF, to Bryce's choatic life of always seeming to be one step behind, to the moody teen June (who secretly loves Ryker's author brother Drake), and can't exist without fairy wings Addison. I love the found family trope of Bryce getting custody of her nieces and Ryker being his awkward self trying his hardest to help, even if sometimes it backfires (I'm looking at you Easter Bunny Ryker).

I did not know this was part of a series following the three Matthews' brothers lives, I am going to have to go and find the others to read. This book can be read as a standalone, Ryker’s family makes multiple appearances and I didn’t feel I missed anything not knowing his brothers’ backstories.

Book 1, How Sweet it is. (Drake's story)

Book 2, All Fired Up. (Zander's story)

Book 3, Change of Plans. (Ryker's story)

Thanks to NetGalley, Forever and Dylan Newton for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review!

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