Member Reviews

4 sweet sweet stars!

Fake-dating plus grumpy-sunshine trope.. sign me up!

This was such a sweet, clean (no spice) read that I was pleasantly surprised and did enjoy. Harper is moving back to her small hometown and moving forward from a bad breakup with her famous ex who’s also from her hometown; Christopher is visiting the town due to his job, which is the source of the little drama in this story. Opposites attract in this one and bring out the best in each other, so so sweet!

Thank you NetGalley & the publisher for my ARC in exchange for this honest review!

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In this light romance set in a charming small town, Harper doesn't want people playing matchmaker or feeling sorry for her. After the big breakup, she is done with love. When Christopher enters the picture, she comes up with what she thinks might be a perfect solution - pretend to be in a relationship so everyone will leave her alone. Not something most of us would try, but on an impulse she just goes for it. Even though the two are polar opposites - the sparks are quick to fly - they both do their best to suppress their growing feelings, fearful they might not be reciprocated. As in any good rom-com, there are bumps in the road on the route to their happily ever after. This nicely written, clean romance was an enjoyable and is likely to appeal to fans of rom-com novels and Hallmark movies.

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Publish Date: March 14, 2023

From the very first chapter I knew I was going to enjoy this book.

Really likable characters, in a very likable town, with such likable friends lol.

Harper and Christopher are completely opposite but from their first encounter you can see that he's gonna fall first, and I love that! As they find themselves spending more time with each other, they start realizing that there's more to this "fake dating". They really start to care for each other.

Christopher was a "grump" but oh gosh he had such a sweet side! Bringing her the daisy's! 🥹

I loved that Harper was a teacher! I adored all the parts with her class and the fact that Harper became her own independant woman. Deciding what she wanted for her. Go Harper!!

I just adored this book. A great fake dating story that was believable, fun and really sweet. It's a very light read with some kissing.

If you like romance books, I don't think you'll be disappointed with this one! 💗

Can't wait to read Gabes and Rhyns, I think their story is gonna be fun!!

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First, I assumed this would be a grumpy sunshine situation given the title but our leading man is not a grump. He’s serious, professional and possibly on the spectrum. Second, They went from strangers to in love entirely too quickly. They spend a few moments in a bar together and one evening out and she’s already wanting to “be with him”.
I found the dialogue to be painful and boring between our leading duo. They lacked chemistry.
This one simply wasn’t “it” for me and I struggled all the way through.

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Another great book by Katie O’Keefe. This is a Rom-Com that involves a fake relationship in a small town. I loved watching them come together for their HEA.

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A good story about a woman Harper, who gets dumped at the opening when she thinks she is going to be accepting a marriage proposal. The only problem is that she is filmed pouring her soda over his head while they stand on the pier at Santa Monica with the ferry's wheel in the background, not the scene she was hoping for. Her ex and she were both from a small town in Washington and she has helped him with his film or T.V. career, at least she finished her dream of becoming a teacher. Though now she must go home to the small town where she did not want to leave in the first place and pick up the pieces.
Christopher aka grump is working in New York and wants a promotion as Jiunor partner. His nemesis or thorn in his side is always needling him and like always he gets to him. Just when he thinks he will be going to Chicago for a job his nemesis is going there and he gets the pleasure of going to Hunters Creek. He does not know what a Hunters Creek is and is a total surprise as besides the undertaker he is the only other person in town wearing a suit. He does eventually meet by happenstance Harper and she is the one that actually makes him to be her fake date. Which he goes along with. Harper's character is fresh and stays true throughout the book. I really liked her character. Christopher was good for the story but at times he seemed a bit clueless I have run into those types plenty of book sense but you know takes a while for life experience. His character though does stay true as well. This is a really good story and kept me interested from the first page until the last, very much worth the read.

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This is a sweet small town romance I could read again happily! So excited for this wonderful series and glad I’ve discovered this incredible author. This second chance romance is swoon worthy as Harper is healing from heartbreak and Christopher is your typical workaholic city boy visiting a small town for work and falls for the local girl. I couldn’t get enough of this book and this wonderful love story.

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A sweet, low drama, slow burn romance. A meet cute. A fake relationship turned into more in a small town setting. This book was cute and fun for a nice evening to relax and enjoy romance.

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I’m so excited to share this review, my very first ARC read. And I’m even happier about it, because I adored this book.

Faking It With the Grump has two of my favorite tropes ever: fake-relationship and opposites-attract.
Basically, it has a little bit of everything and it’s very well done. The story is lighthearted with sprinkles of fun and lots of cute romance. Honestly, it was everything I needed today.
This is one of those feel-good romances that makes your heart warmer and let’s your mind get easily lost in the scenario. The small town behind it is very endearing and absolutely deserves a charming series to go with it.
The characters are definitely the stars of this show. There is a little bit of plot and it’s interesting, but it’s mostly background for the romance and the issues are easily settled. I wish maybe their angst lasted a little bit more, but that’s a personal preference.
I really enjoyed the main couple, they were the epitope of opposites. Not only in a grumpy-sunshine way, but in every aspect of their lives. Christopher is not only grumpy but uptight and set on his ways of seeing things, he easily appears standoffish and the contrary of funny. However, he comes alive during the story and it’s beautiful to see him losing it up. He is absolutely one of the good guys. Harper is not only sunshine, but one of the biggest people-pleasers ever. She doesn’t know how to say “no” to people, even when it might hurt her. It was amazing to see her grow up and understand that she can always help, but not at her own expense. They were a great couple together, that made each other better.
It was my first book by Kate O’Keeffe and I’m more than pleased to say that it was awesome. Her writing is easy to read and flows seamlessly. It was very easy to feel completely immersed in the story which allowed me finished the book in just a couple of hours. I’m absolutely looking forward to reading more from this delightful author and her lovely stories.

Disclaimer: I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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While I enjoyed this on a rom-com perspective, I would classify this as a Young Adult novel as it stays PG throughout the book. Because of this and the MMC's overall personality I didn't get much of the "grump vs. sunshine" trope. The fake dating trope is there, but felt premature and uncomfortable. It is a decent debut but I prefer more meat in a plot.

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Hallmark Channel where you at? Perfect book for a hallmark movie! I love a good grump who turns into a softie! Unfortunately I was bored the majority of the way through! I like books with little to no spice but this just had nothing exciting for me to hang on to.

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"Faking It with the Grump" is filled with quirky, sweet, small town charm and coated with a fake dating trope, which I love. Kate O'Keefe has such a beautiful way of setting the scene and I thoroughly enjoyed the world created with its quirky characters and quick pacing. Think "Gilmore girls" meets Hallmark. It hooked me from the beginning, and I couldn't read it fast enough.

It's the first title in the Second Chance Cafe series. Small town girl moves home to straighten out her life after a breakup with her Hollywood actor boyfriend to figure out her next steps while a big city lawyer moves to town temporarily to focus on buying the lumber at the local mill and get that promotion at his firm when he returns.

However, love has other plans as Harper pulls Christopher into a fake dating scheme so the town doesn't pity her over her recent breakup and returning to her hometown while her ex moves on, living his Hollywood life.

O'Keefe did a really terrific job of encouraging readers to be just as interested in the townspeople's lives as much as the lead characters. Sometimes even more so.

At times, it felt like there wasn't much at stake as the plot and momentum of the story evolved, which slowed it down for me a bit. But, overall enjoyed the plot, the characters and story. I look forward to reading the next book once released to have another visit to the small Washington town.

I read an advanced copy, thanks to NetGalley!

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Have you ever given up your dreams for that one person who only turns around and breaks your heart? Ms. O’Keeffe tells a lovely story about following your dreams and finding your happy.

Harper Cole is back in her hometown of Hunter’s Creek getting over her first love and local hero who humiliated her by dumping her in a public place while she dumps a drink on his selfish head. Did I mention he’s an upcoming actor and the event was posted on social media? Needless to say, Harper is reminded daily of her failure, but she’s ready to start over with her dream job as an elementary school teacher in the place she loved. Enter the handsome uptight corporate suit, Christopher Young, a management consultant visiting the local mill. In Harper’s mind, he would be a great candidate for a fake relationship to get the locals off her case about the ex and, in turn, he could win hearts by being her boyfriend. After all, everyone loves their small-town girl who has come back home to stay. The first kiss was to convince everyone of their ruse, but the ones after that were for real. Can she keep this up knowing he’s leaving in two months?

Christopher Young is on his way up the corporate ladder and hopefully, this trip to Oregon will seal his promotion in the firm. He’s worked hard to get here to take care of his younger sister and make sure they are financially secure. The people of Hunter’s Creek have welcomed him, but no one more so than the beautiful and charming Harper Cole. When she suggested the fake relationship with a surprising kiss for show he thought she had lost her mind, but the kiss disarmed him and the chemistry between them was electric so he gave in. It was out of character, but he couldn’t stop thinking of her. What was happening to him?

Harper and Christopher’s Hallmark love story is sweet and full of well-meaning, meddling family and townspeople. Harper is well-loved in her town. She’s a helper and a people pleaser to the detriment of her own happiness and well-being. Christopher is so reserved and focused on his career to his sister’s dismay that he needs to loosen up and have some fun. As opposites go, these two meet the requirements, but the advantage is that Harper lights Christopher up while he calms her. They slowly fall in love; however, their time together has an expiration date. Christopher confesses the real reason he’s in Hunter’s Creek and has a life-changing request for Harper. It’s a game-changer for Harper which tears them apart and makes them miserable, but there’s a happily ever after with a grand gesture that saves their hearts and the town.

I am delighted to recommend this engaging story with fun characters in a lovely small-town setting.

Thank you to Ms. O’Keeffe for giving me the opportunity to read this book with no expectation of a positive review.

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Such a cute story! I loved getting to know Christopher and Harper. Their love story and is so sweet. Exactly what every girl is looking for when they think about their own love story!

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4.5 stars

Harper Cole has just been dumped by one of the most popular actors in America. She had been with Dex since high school and thought they were going to get engaged. So she leaves LA - where she didn't really want to be, anyway - and head home to Hunter's Creek, a small logging town in Washington. It is, unfortunately, a place where everyone knows her, and knows Dex, and knows what happened between them. So, naturally, everyone and their mother is trying to set her up, to help her get back in the dating game, or else they are sending her pitying looks that she definitely doesn't want. The solution? Convince the new guy in town to pretend they're dating so everyone will leave her alone.

Christopher Young is a driven, smart lawyer who works on mergers and acquisitions, and is sent to small Hunter's Creek to determine whether his company should take over the lumber mill there. He is definitely a fish out of water, wearing suits in the bar where the uniform seems to be jeans and flannel shirts, and requesting espresso in a tiny cafe that only serves drip coffee. He is hoping to make this a quick examination of the mill so he can get back to New York City and earn his much desired promotion.

Neither expects what follows when Harper approaches Christopher with her fake dating proposition. Suddenly they're kissing, and they're not mad about it. But it's just for show, right? Harper has sworn off men, and Christopher has a whole life in the city and his future waiting for him, so nothing can really happen between them. Right?

I loved Harper and Christopher together, they were so cute, and the grumpy vs sunshine they embodied was super sweet. The small town setting was fun, making the cast of characters manageable. This was the first book in a series about Harper and her sisters, and I am definitely going to read the next one.

This story was a version of the 'big city guy goes to small town and falls for a girl. She changes him, but he still goes back to the city, but will he stay, or will love win out?' story. It's been told before, but this was a well written interpretation, and I was happy the whole time I was reading it. It was a quick read with almost no spice, but I really didn't mind that. I usually want more than sweet kisses, but it wasn't strictly necessary for the success of this story. I read most of it with a huge grin on my face. It felt like a Hallmark movie and it made me happy.

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This was a sweet and fun read. The town is a great setting and I look forward to reading the next book about Ryn and Gabe.

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The cute cartoon cover of this story caught my attention. I also adore a grumpy hero who falls in love. This had amazing small town vibes and I just adored Harper and Christophers relationship. It was the perfect execution of fake dating and I can't wait to read more from Kate.

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Harper just broke up with Dex, the man she thought she would marry. Heartbreak is difficult enough, but now everyone is trying to set Harper up with any eligible bachelor they know! A new man, Christopher, comes to town, and Harper decides to get to know Christopher better. Christopher is only in town from NYC to buy the town's lumber mill. He is counting the days until he gets out of Hunter's Creek. He doesn't expect to be kissed by Harper, nor does he expect that she wants to fake date him!

This was a clean romantic comedy. Harper was a loveable character; she sounded like your best friend. She was the complete opposite of Christopher's suit and tie, rigid routine. Plus, the banter between Harper and Christopher was perfect!

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Super cute and easy to read story that isn’t to deep in the plot line. Definitely one to check out if you like the chick lit side of romance.

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New-to-me author alert. Small-town girl (Harper) comes back to her small town after a very public break up with the small-town guy who has become a very famous actor.

The very serious Christopher lands in Hunter Creek, population 8K, to do due diligence of the mill company that may be up for sale. His suit wearing serious self for this small town has been the towns folk a bit suspicious, but they settle down when Christopher and Harper starts the fake dating.

Their "meet cute" is different, but the attraction the broody Christopher was undeniable.

This was a very slow burn, little to no drama. Very sweet romance. No spice, so if you're looking for the dirty talking or sexy times, it is not there. Generally I do not mind it, but this book was a little too sweet for me. If you are looking for a sweet small town romance, this is the book for you.

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