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Together We Rot Book Review
Because not everything is as it seems.

Song Vibe Check:
"Middle of the night" By : Elley Duhé
"Liar, Liar" By: Dylan & Bastille
"Evergreen" By: PVRIS

NOTE: Thank you to Netgalley for the early copy of this book.

In an attempt to explore new genres, I realized that horroromance is a thing in the literary genre world and after seeing the pretty cover and the summary, I thought I would give it a try. After all, while horror is not my usual genre, I do like my stories to have some romance present. Trigger warning though, this book includes the mention of a cult, sacrifices, etc. so be warned.


Short summary: The local outsider must team with her ex-best friend/definitely not a crush to uncover the secrets of a cult that may be hiding many more monstrous secrets than they thought.

Long Summary:Wil Greene's mom has been missing for over a year, and the police are ready to call the case closed--they claim she skipped town and you can't find a woman who wants to disappear. But she knows her mom wouldn't just leave...and she knows the family of her former best friend, Elwood Clarke, has something to do with it.

Elwood has been counting down the days until his 18th birthday--in dread. It marks leaving school and joining his pastor father in dedicating his life to their congregation, the Garden of Adam. But when he comes home after one night of after a final goodbye with his friends, he discovers his path is not as virtuous as he thought. He's not his father's successor, but his sacrifice. For the woods he's grown up with are thirsty, and must be paid in blood.

Now on the run from a family that wants him dead, he turns to the only one who will believe him: Wil. Together, they form a reluctant partnership; she'll help him hide if he helps her find evidence that his family killed her mother. But in the end they dig up more secrets than they bargained for, unraveling decades of dark cult dealings in their town, led by the Clarke family.

And there's a reason they need Elwood's blood for their satanic rituals. Something inhuman is growing inside of him. Everywhere he goes, the plants come alive and the forest calls to him, and Wil isn't sure if she can save the boy she can't help but love.

I don't want to spoil anything but I just want to say that Elwood was my favorite perspective to follow even if he had the bigger burden to deal with and him and Wil were just everything to me that I devoured this book in record time and was left with tears by the end. I STILL NEED TO RECOVER BUT SKYLA ARNDT IS NOW ON MY LIST OF AUTHORS WHO I WILL BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR FUTURE WORKS.

But also because now I need more gothic/horroromance in my life. This book will be out August 29 so go preorder now!!

Overall: 5/5 stars

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Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin for an eARC of Together We Rot! I was not sure quite what to expect with this book. Paranormal romance/horror is not what I typically gravitate toward, but I have a lot of students who do and honestly, the cover sucked me in. This book was absolutely fantastic! The writing is stunning--vivid descriptions, atmospheric in the best possible way, and I really felt like I got to know the two main characters well despite the short length of the book. The story was captivating from the start, and how could it not be with cults, missing people, and best friends who are in love with each other, but circumstances have driven them apart. Oh, and the forest is possibly alive? I will be purchasing a copy for my classroom immediately and cannot wait to get it into the hands of students! They're going to love it.

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I received an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. This book was so surprising. It handled grief, the breaking and rebuilding of friendships and familial relationships, and finding oneself during this whole process in a really unique way. Especially while dealing with big feelings. It was definitely a spooky story in spots and I loved that in some places you couldn’t tell if what was happening was metaphorically happening or really happening to the characters. Worth a read for spooky season!

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This book was wonderful beyond words. I already preordered it. I just couldn’t get enough of it. I just couldn’t. Skyla is brilliant with words and character building.
Highly recommend this story to anyone who loves all things spooky.
10 out of 10 and then some.

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I was lucky enough to get Together We Rot as my first ever ARC and wow am I glad I did. This debut author can write! Her voice throughout the entire story is a whole vibe and I am obsessed. The characters feel real and the story is such a page turner. I really cannot say enough about the voice and vibe of this story. It's earie, dark, creepy and takes place in my home away from home so I really connected with alot of the scenes locations. I absolutely loved this book. Go read it now!!!

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Wil Greene's mother disappeared over a year ago and Wil has made it her mission to find out the truth of what happened to her. Wil is convinced that she was killed by the family of her former best friend, Elwood Clarke. Since the police are convinced that Wil's mother simply left town, Wil is the only person investigating. While her investigation hasn't turned up much information, Wil continues to narrow in on Elwood's parents and their church. Elwood and Wil encounter each other at a party where Elwood is trying to enjoy his 18th birthday after sneaking out of his house. Elwood has known his entire life that once he turned 18, he would start his studies to become the new leader of the church. It's not the life he wants, but he doesn't have any choice. When Elwood returns home, his parents punish him for disobedience, but Elwood also discovers the darker side to his parents and he runs away to the only person that he thinks can help him, Wil. Together with three of their friends, Wil and Elwood start to unravel the truth behind Elwood's family, their church/cult, and it's connection to the town. They also discover that Elwood has a secret that is connecting him forever to the town. This is a creepy paranormal story with a friends-to-enemies- back-to-friends/best friends romance.

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The story was both beautiful and heart stopping. I enjoyed the small town with secrets as well as a childhood crushes into more.

For a smaller story I felt parts were both rushed and dragged but well crafted plot.

For a debut novel it is really good.

Thank you both to Netgally and the Author for allowing me to read the arc!

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What a great debut novel! The students at my school are always clamoring for new horror books; I know they will love this one. Looking forward to procuring it for my library when we place our next order! Thank you NetGalley and Penguin for letting me read this one in exchange for an honest review.

I really liked that not every little detail was spelled out for us in regard to what happened to Elwood and what happened in years past at their church. We get just enough information and exposition to get hooked on what's unraveling as the Scooby Gang of Pine Point, MI follows the clues to help their friend. The book was on the shortish side at 272 pages and I'm glad the author and publisher didn't add another 50 or so to "flesh it out" because that would have been to the story's detriment.

I loved the friendship and romance between Wil and Elwood, LOVED Cherry and Starlight the cat, and also loved how the Michigan snowstorm became something of a supporting character. If you've ever experienced a midwestern winter storm, you know how brutal it must have been for Wil and Elwood to ride a bike through that! I'm shivering just thinking about it. What I loved most about this novel, though, is that it doesn't have your typical Ever After in the Happily or even Sadly sense--it's bittersweet and a tad melancholy, but still lovely in its buggy, branchy way.

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This book was amazing emotional rollercoaster. The writing is spectacular and keeps you on the edge of your seat. It was a unique and haunting read great for the fall and Halloween season

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3.5 stars

Arndt’s debut novel is nestled in the YA Horror and Lite Dark Romance genres. It tells the story of Wil who has been searching for the whereabouts of her mom for over the past year. She fears her mother was murdered and none other than by her childhood best friend’s family.

That friend is named Elwood Clarke and his parents are members of a cult like church. His life has been planned for him. When El realizes that his father plans to kill him in some sacrificial ceremony the plot really gets going.

I liked Wil and Elwood’s relationship, as well as the other teenagers they were acquainted with that reminded me a bit of the Scooby Gang. The plot was interesting. It had me engaged from the first chapter.

I think this book could have benefited from additional character development. There were parts of the book where I didn’t follow what was going on and found myself going back to see when I missed the progression of the scene. Another round of edits would have helped.

The ending was good. Overall, I liked it. Would read another book with these characters.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC.

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I’m stunned speechless, this book was so excellent. Truly an artwork and masterpiece. From the first page, I was transported into a cruel bitter cold town and I enjoyed every step of the journey that followed.
I adored all of the characters. They were so incredibly real, their struggles and their triumphs, they had whole personalities, and I loved their friendships and the relationships.
I loved the discussion of grief and loss and loneliness, and I absolutely adored the writing. Across the board the writing was phenomenal especially when it came to the prose, the author had a way of taking something simple and writing it in a beautifully twisted way; often incorporating plant life, roots, and decay into it, as if the woods had taken over everything in the book. It was a type of foreshadowing before you knew it was, and a subtle hint after, engrossing you further into this bitter world.
I absolutely adored this book in every way and am so incredibly happy I read it. A natural horror beautifully written.

Full Thoughts:
The characters were amazing. I loved Wil. A girl grappling with grief and pain, alone and struggling in all parts of her life. But determined. I loved her spunk and her spite, but the deep caring and grief under that. I really loved her journey through the book and her character, and I adored Elwood. I'm a sucker for a soft boy. He made my heart cry and deserves the world. His journey was so powerful throughout the book. Starting as a timid scared boy, his growth was also very drastic but not jarring. I loved both of them and their relationship, built off of friendship, broken by trust, and renewed again by desperation and love. And I had a soft spot for Lucas as well. He was really the only one who was realistic throughout the story and I loved his commentary. Every one of the side characters had a fully developed and crafted personality and life. I felt like they were real people with problems and issues. Each one grew throughout the book and so did their relationships—which I adored!
I love depictions of good friendships and I loved Elwood, Lucas, and Kevins’. I also really liked Veronica and Wil’s, and their sisterly bond. Primarily the story focuses on Wil and Elwood. They had such a beautiful complicated relationship. I adored reading all the different twists and turns. Also, the relationship between Wil and her dad was very well written and added another layer to her character, her loss, and grief.
There was a lot of growth in the characters and their relationships as well. It never felt rushed and always felt right and fitting.
The book's plot was great. In the first half, you're plunged into the frigid small town, with a dark secret. You don't know what's going on and it's this small-town horror story set in the middle of a blizzard. Then the second half brings an almost fantastical element while still continuing the horror element. The plot was wonderful.
A good mystery, where you know what’s happening but you still don’t know what's happening. It unfolds beautifully and everything was connected in the end.
Lastly, the writing is so utterly phenomenal. I cannot stress enough how beautiful the prose was in this book. Not overly flowery, but certainly not bland.
Across the board the writing was excellent, but the prose was like a shining star on top of a Christmas tree. It was so expertly written and crafted I honestly was so happy and overjoyed reading it. Especially in the way, almost everything is described in this twisted dark way involving plants, roots, moths, etc. It gave this book a whole other level of craftsmanship.
I'm so glad I read this. I loved the characters and the relationships. It had such a gripping plot, I couldn't put it down. The author did such a great job crafting every element of this book down to its aesthetic. I could not stop reading once I started and I didn't want to either.
One of the best books I've read this year. And will remember it for a long time.
Star Rating: 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Thank you so much to NetGalley and the author for this ARC :)

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this e-arc. As soon as I saw the cover I knew I wanted to read this. The story was ok, I did enjoy the romance portion, but sometimes was a bit confused at times. I read it a little slower than I do other books, not sure if it was because I was a bit disinterested. Overall it was ok, I would give it a try. 3 stars!

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Wils mother has been missing for over a year now, and the local police are ready to close the case, despite Wils insistence that she just knows that Elwoods family know something.... got to be hard when you think your ex best friends family is involved in your mothers disappearance

Elwood has been brought up in the Garden of Adam church and is counting down to his 18th birthday, but not for good reason as it means he'll have to step up and be more involved in the Church

Very soon, Elwood finds out this doesn't mean what it thinks it meant, and he is in a lot of danger.

Elwood runs to Wil, and they form a reluctant alliance to save Elwood and maybe even figure out what happened to Wils mother along the way. Little do they do what they are about to uncover!

This is creepy, culty and almost gave me silent hill kind of vibes book. Really enjoyed this story and definitely a great wee read for spooky season coming up... already mentioned to to a few that I know will love it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Books/Viking Books for the chance to read and review this book early.

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This book simultaneously had me turning pages and kept me up at night.

Together We Rot follows two teens in their small town filled with mystery, surrounded by a forest that smells of decay.
Wil Greene's mom has disappeared and she is convinced that the town's preacher is involved. Her mom wouldn't just leave town. The police have decided to close the case, so Wil takes matters into her own hands - and ends up barreling into her ex-best friend and son of her #1 Suspect.
Elwood Clarke has been in the church his whole life, counting down the days to his 18th birthday with dread, knowing he'll have to leave everything behind. For what, he doesn't know. It's not until he gets caught sneaking back in after a farewell party that he overhears his father's plans - to sacrifice Elwood to the forest surrounding them.

I loved this book. It was the perfect amount of spooky to read at night, and I've found that I am very drawn to thriller books that focus on sentient nature, such as House of Hollow or Where Darkness Blooms. This book did not disappoint. I was hooked on this story from the beginning, loving every minute I spent creeped out and wanting more. The storytelling was very effective, and I loved traveling around this small cult-centered town. I love a good "everyone is in on it" story. Also, can we talk about that cover? beautiful. I'd read this book just for that.

I found myself falling in love with the characters as they were reconnecting with each other, and it felt so natural to root for them. Wil is strong-willed (hah) and determined to solve her mom's disappearance. Elwood is shy and resigned to accepting his fate as the future head of the church, until he finds out the truth. One fateful night throws our protagonists together - for better or for worse. Oh, and did I mention that they used to be best friends? Yeah, until a year ago when Wil made Elwood choose between her or his family, whom she is convinced was involved with her mother's disappearance. As they reconnected and resisted falling into old habits, they learned just how much the other person has changed in their year apart.

I thoroughly enjoyed this story of reconnection, mysterious disappearances, cult behaviors, and living forests. This book is the perfect way to kick off spooky season.

I received this ARC from NetGalley and Viking Books in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and publishers for the e-arc!

Let me just start of by saying that this book was the weirdest book I’ve ever read. Well, it was more like a stretched out short story that had the potential to be an amazing book if given the right opportunities, but where it stands right now, it’s just either too short or too long. That was definitely the downfall of this book, however I still thought it was fun. For me, the romance and pining between Elwood and Wil was the highlight of this book because the angst was just *chefs kiss*. "The ones that had me praying" is definitely my “lift your hips for me love”.

All in all, solid bone structure, it’s just not living up to its full potential.

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If there’s one thing that makes me squirm, it’s bugs, and supernatural thriller Together We Rot is crawling with them. I just — I can’t do bugs. *shivers* I can’t, but good writing has a way of pulling me in and keeping me there. Skyla Arndt’s creepy and chilling debut novel follows ex best friends Wilhelmina and Elwood navigating the horrors of a small-town cult. Bugs aside, I am allured by all things dark, and exploring all the mystery and complexity of that, so I was excited to get to the bottom of this cult business.

Wil is sure that her mother was taken and possibly murdered by Elwood’s religious family, and she’s devastated when Elwood refuses to believe this and basically chooses his family over her. Elwood’s father is intense and straight-up abusive, but Elwood can’t fathom the idea of him being a killer. Of his church being a cult. Of anything Wil is accusing them for. But there’s so much he doesn’t know, and so much that’s going to rock his world.

We get to see both characters’ POVs, and I liked alternating between the angry, headstrong Wil and the soft, innocent Elwood. I was particularly drawn to Elwood’s chapters because he’s so deep in his religion, physically and mentally. He misses Wil, he wants more out of life, but he feels bound to his role in the church and doesn’t see any way out of it. His only bits of happiness come from his two buddies at school and his beloved butterfly collection — which, of course, his dad disapproves of. It only gets worse as Elwood discovers that the “role” his dad is preparing him for… is to be a sacrifice. Cue the record scratch, followed by horror music.

The book had a pretty slow start, setting us up with where Wil and Elwood are in their lives (separated, miserable, the whole thing), and it’s here, when Elwood realizes his fate, that it kicks into high gear. The two are reunited and reluctantly agree to team up — Wil hides Elwood from the church, and Elwood helps investigate Wil’s mother’s disappearance. Their relationship is deliciously tense, since Wil struggles with her own hurt and anger towards Elwood. That, mixed with plenty of unsaid romantic feelings. The more they learn about the cult, about the supposed evil stirring inside Elwood, the more they realize they need each other.

They need more than each other, though — their friends get involved and won’t leave them to handle the dangers alone. It’s a fun aspect, with many different personalities in the group. Their chemistry and banter is great; they’re like a proper Scooby Gang. I especially enjoyed the character Lucas, Elwood’s friend. He and Wil are both stubborn and naturally butt heads, but they care so much about Elwood and are determined to help him. Characters like that, that would do anything for their friends despite how scary the situation is, get to me.

The characters are one of the strongest parts of the book, along with the lovely writing that makes the dark and scary come across as ethereal and beautiful. There are a lot of good pieces working together, but it did feel like too much was jam-packed into the second half of the story. Things were happening and progressing very quickly, and it was hard to keep up. Still, I’m super impressed with Skyla Arndt’s debut and hope to read more from her. Even if there are more bugs involved…

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The cover is definitely what drew me in when it came to this book. It’s so cool with all of the little intricate details! This was kind of a mixed bag for me though and ultimately I didn’t end up loving it.

The book is told from two point-of-views and they come from Wil Greene and Elwood Clarke. They both learn that they have grievances with the Clarke family, the one that Elwood comes from. I think this is one reason they grow a bond outside of him being her former best friend. I thought that their romance was decent but it wasn’t really a plotline that I focused much on.

A lot of the plot is filled with the mystery of the cult that was formed in this town. It was interesting to see it play out, but it felt a bit slow in the beginning. Even though the book is on the shorter side I didn’t find myself wanting to pick it up often.

Overall, this was okay but just didn’t keep my attention.

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Together We Rot, Skyla Arndt's magnificent debut novel, blends paranormal horror with gothic romance. This unconventional story is laced with cultism and eldritch horrors, set against the unsettling backdrop of an eerie forest, which is softened by the thoughtful exploration of tense family dynamics and sacrifice. Despite the slow start in the first quarter of the book, the rest of it absolutely enthralled me. I could not get enough of the world, but I would have loved for the lore around the forest to be a bit more developed. Still, all in all, a strong debut.

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A big thanks to NetGalley and Penguin for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

A new favorite spooky read!

Together We Rot by Skyla Arndt is YA gothic fantasy novel about a girl wanting to look for her missing brother, in exchange for helping her former best friend hide from his cult-leading family. Wil Greene’s mom has been missing for over a year, and the police are ready to call the case closed—they claim she skipped town and you can’t find a woman who wants to disappear. But she knows her mom wouldn’t just leave…and she knows the family of her former best friend, Elwood Clarke, has something to do with it. Elwood has been counting down the days until his 18th birthday—in dread. It marks leaving school and joining his pastor father in dedicating his life to their congregation, the Garden of Adam. But when he comes home after one night of after a final goodbye with his friends, already self-flagellating for the sins of drinking and disobeying his father, he discovers his path is not as virtuous as he thought. He’s not his father’s successor, but his sacrifice. For the woods he’s grown up with are thirsty, and must be paid in blood. Now on the run from a family that wants him dead, he turns to the only one who will believe him: Wil. Together, they form a reluctant partnership; she’ll help him hide if he helps her find evidence that his family killed her mother. But in the end they dig up more secrets than they bargained for, unraveling decades of dark cult dealings in their town, led by the Clarke family. And there’s a reason they need Elwood’s blood for their satanic rituals. Something inhuman is growing inside of him. Everywhere he goes, the plants come alive and the forest calls to him, and Wil isn’t sure if she can save the boy she can’t help but love.

The only complaint I have about this book, is that it's too short. At only 256 pages it doesn't have enough room to breathe and expand in it's world building. But it is still a solid spooky read.

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okay, this was so good! the spooky vibes, the creepiness, the characters, everything. i was in awe at how much i enjoyed this book! i will be rereading this for a fall readathon because the vibes were so great! i've already told about 5 people that they need to read this when it comes out because it'll be right up their ally! the writing style was so nice, i loved how every character had a really thought out personality! that was amazing and needed in more books!

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