Member Reviews

3.5 stars

Just vibes.

The things this book does well, are done very well. The setup had everything you could want in a gothic YA horror, making you ask all the right questions. There is a friends to enemies to lovers trope going on that actually makes sense, and you can feel the history between them. Add to the mix a small town with (cultish) secrets, bugs, and a cold woods. It lost me as it tried sprinting to the end. With such a short book everything had to be wrapped up way too easily, and problems solved with two minute conversations. If you like these sort of fast easy endings, it may not bother you but with such a good setup I was a bit let down.

Thank you to the author, NetGalley, and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was written so beautifully. It was seriously like reading poetry sometimes. The imagery was both horrific and wonderful all at once.

I heard the MMC, Elwood, described in this book was a Disney Prince and I would agree with that. He's soft and kind and has a horrible family and, oh yeah, some strange connection to nature.

The mismatched group of friends was a lot of fun. I initially thought it was going to be only Elwood and Wil fighting off the cult, but adding in the three side character friends was a great choice by Arndt and made this feel more Stranger Things or something.

As well, I loved that every character was a little messy and volatile. Wil was brash, aggressive, and was not really a traditionally attractive character. And all of the friends had their quirks and personality traits that made them imperfect and messy. I really liked that.

This book was actually funnier than I thought. I figure it would be pretty serious the whole time, but there were moment of reprieve. Some light in the darkness.

Overall, this was an enjoyable read. I read it in about a day and a half and have no regrets. If you enjoy teenagers taking down adults, towns with dark pasts, and a soft boy caught in the middle of it all, you'll like this one!

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Thank you @penguinteen for the eARC and @prhaudio for the complementary audiobook.

Book thoughts:
Honestly I still haven’t decided how I feel about this one. I won’t even lie I wanted this based solely on the cover. It’s absolutely stunning! I am obsessed.

While I did like this book I feel like I finished it with so many questions. I initially assumed this was about a cult. But then there was the supernatural aspect that I’m still so confused about. I feel like I must have missed a whole chapter because I don’t get what happened 😅
I would have loved this one if the characters were more likable too. I wasn’t a fan of anyone. I’d say overall I liked it I just didn’t fall in love like I hoped.

Audiobook thoughts:
While I wasn’t a huge fan of the book itself, the audiobook was great. We got a dual POV with Michael Crouch and Jesse Vilinksky, both whom I love. They did a fantastic job at keeping the creepy feel of the book. Highly recommend this format.

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As soon as I saw the cover I knew it was a book I wanted to read.

Unfortunately, the amazingly beautiful cover was misleading. While I overall enjoyed the idea and premise of the story, the writing fell a little flat, and the formatting was kind of confusing at times. I was also disappointed by the “romance” aspect of the book as it was almost nonexistent and felt like it was thrown in so this could be categorized as a romance. The two main characters were best friends and the story would have been fine with keeping them that way. The book also led up to this big showdown with the cult leader and it was very anticlimactic and took up all of 2-3 pages of the book. I think if this book had been edited and flushed out better, some scenes removed for continuity and pacing it could have been fantastic, but unfortunately i just didn’t vibe with it.

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Skyla Arndt's debut novel, "Together We Rot," delivers an electrifying and chilling blend of horror and romance that will keep readers glued to its pages. With a sharp wit and a keen eye for both the tender and grisly, Arndt crafts a story that is equal parts haunting and heart-wrenching. The story follows Wil Greene, a determined teen girl searching for the truth about her missing mother, and Elwood Clarke, her former best friend, who seeks to escape his cult-leading family's sinister plans. As they form an uneasy alliance, their journey takes them deep into a web of secrets, dark rituals, and unearthly horrors that have plagued their town for years. Arndt's writing is immersive and evocative, enveloping readers in a world where danger lurks in the shadows and where the line between love and fear becomes blurred. The chemistry between Wil and Elwood crackles with tension, and their emotional journey is as compelling as the mystery they're unraveling. "Together We Rot" is a pulse-pounding and atmospheric read that cements Arndt's place as a captivating new voice in the world of YA horrormance. This novel sinks its roots into your imagination and refuses to let go, leaving you eagerly anticipating what Arndt will conjure next.

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This cover is stunning and this book was cooking! It grabbed me from page one and never let me go. Please read this book this year!! Great writing and kept me guessing until the end. This book also. had a lot of commentary and discussion points! What a ride!!!!

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#TogetherWeRot by #SkylaArndt is a fantastical book that keeps the pages turning.
Deep in the woods in PinePoint Michigan lies a small town that is almost eclipsed by the wild woods that surround it. Woods that seem to continually creep ever closer to a town that almost seems to worship them.
Wil Greene and her father live in what is now a run down motel where her father who used to be vivasious and full of life as the chef now spends all of his time in a drunken state greiving the disappeance of his wife. Wil is angry and suspisious of the members of The Garden of Adam. She is sure that they had something to do with her mother vanishing. Elwood had been Wils best friend up until the moment she accused his family of hurting her mom and she forced him to choose.
Now somethingreally strange is happening and Elwood is beginning to feel the flutter of wings in his chest and visions of a giant moth in the mirror instead of his reflection. He has never got on with his parents but living in a highly abusive home run under the thumb of a man who considers himself the right hand of God leaves him terrified of defying his parents. That is until he over hears a conversation that leaves his pulse racing.
Elwood flees in fear of his life into the woods that have always felt like home. Little does he know that these woods aren't as safe for him as he believes that they are.

Thank you to netgalley for the chance to read the eArc of #TogetherWeRot in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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While most kids look forward to their eighteenth birthday and all the wonderful things that come with it–graduating high school and heading to college, living independently, and heading towards the next stages in life. For Elwood that excitement is nonexistent. When Elwood graduates it is expected for him to join his father and dedicate his life to the Garden of Adam, a congregation. Little does he know the church, and the woods, demand a blood sacrifice, and Elwood is to be that sacrifice. Desperate to escape he turns to Wil, a classmate who’s mother has been missing for over a year, a classmate that believes Elwood’s father had something to do with her mother’s disappearance, but nothing can prepare them for the realities that they soon uncover.

Together We Rot is a rather twisted, gothic young adult novel with a little romance thrown in (I honestly skimmed that part; not my thing). It was a little slow at times for my tastes, as sections seemed to drag a little. I liked that there are multiple points of view, allowing the reader to experience the actions, emotions and motives of the characters better, although I struggled to connect with any of the characters. Normally I am a huge fan of novels involving cults, mystery, or the paranormal, but I struggled a little with it. I think that there is an amazing novel within the pages and ideas in Together We Rot, but that it was not executed as well as it could have been.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC of this book.

When I first heard of Together We Rot, I KNEW I had to get my hands on it. Cults, mothman, eerie vibes? Sign me up!
It feels like a very niche book and it's not one that I would universally recommend, but if you enjoy dark books about cults with supernatural elements (and moths), then this is definitely worth picking up!
Despite it being YA, it got quite dark, make sure to look up trigger warnings before reading, the three biggest ones being animal cruelty (no pets are harmed) and child abuse (not sexually), and of course religion/cults.

The atmosphere was soo good, it felt eerie and spooky and I had a movie playing in my head.
The plot was super intriguing and the way the dark secrets of the town's local church were uncovered kept me on the edge of my seat, I couldn't wait to find out what was really going on.
The cult aspect was SO GOOD, I love books with cults and this one just really hit the spot for me.

I liked the characters for the most part, though the teenagers, in particular, had a bit of a... 2000s teenage movie feel to them, where I just wish they had more depth and some of the dialogue really sounded straight out of a dramatic horror movie. It wasn't bad, but I think there is some room there for improvement.

The resolution of it all was a bit wild, though I've noticed that the type of horror that was used here is one that I haven't enjoyed yet, it's just not my cup of tea, but I think it was executed well.

Personally, I'm certainly looking forward to the author's next book, and if the synopsis of this sounds like something you'd enjoy, definitely pick it up. If you're not into horror etc., then this is not the book for you.

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SO GOOD. The ending kind of threw me off a little but the rest was really interesting. It wasn’t as creepy as I thought it would be since it was advertised as a horror, it wasn’t really creepy at all. And I feel like most of the plot occurs in the last 70 pages of the book and everything is just context and romance. But 5/5 ⭐️ definitely a must read! The writing was beautiful as well, I’m so excited to see any other works this author puts out in the future.

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This book wasn't horrible as I was able to finish it unlike a few other previous ARCS I was given. I think this is one of those books that had a lot of potential and it kind of fell through. The book is a little under three hundred pages and I thought it would've been a bit of a faster read then it was too.

I didn't think any of the characters were really likeable or had anything special about them that made me think wow I really hope nothing bad happens to you. Wil and Elwood were kind of flat. Wil is angry most of the book and Elwood is kind of just existing. They were both kind of just weak characters and I wish there was more cemented into them that made me care if something happened to them.

There's also the idea of them being in love which I found a bit hard to be plausible. She spends most of the book hating him, yet being fascinated. One kiss and it's like her whole world unraveled. Oh yes everything in the past between us just makes sense now and we're in love. There weren't a whole lot of lingering touches or looks that made it seem like they had a connection.

There's also the weird moth/bug thing that Elwood relates to throughout the whole book. It seemed a little repetitive and he seemed a little too focused on them for metaphors.

I loved the idea of there being a cult especially when it relates to religion and then a character breaking free. I just wish we got to see more of that. I wish we got to see a change in Elwood. I wish he became a little more reckless or as a character we got to watch him grow. I just didn't see anything. He kind of gave up and gave in. Yes, I understand he broke the cycle that'd been going on for such a long time but he didn't get to really change as a person which I think is really important in books.

Then there's the ending. To me it wasn't a satisfying ending. It was one of those endings I read it and I couldn't help but think seriously... this is it? That's all that happens. For something that should've been a short read it felt like it took a while to get through. The book read for me at a slow pacing. Usually I would expect something a little faster for a YA books.

There's also the aspect of is supposedly being a horror book but there weren't really any aspects that made it scary. I know that can be many things in a horror book but there's nothing to me that stood out. Even if I were younger as this seems to be for a Young YA I still don't think any young teen would read this and feel those small goosebumps or scares.

I wanted to like this book but I just didn't. It doesn't make it a bad book as I did get all the way through it. It's just one I could've skipped and been content with. I probably won't read it again. Don't forget just because the book wasn't for me doesn't mean it won't be for you.

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thanks to NetGalley for the eARC

⭐️=4.25 | 😘=3 | 🤬=4.5 | ⚔️=5 | 🍺/🚬=2 | 15/16+

summary: so the boy and the girl stopped being friends after her mom disappeared; she thinks her mom is missing because of his dad who runs a weird cult thing, but he didn’t believe her. anyway a year later he finds out his dad is trying to sacrifice him to the forest and now he’s on the run and she's trying to help him escape and it's very spooky but also romantic, so, like, horrormance, I guess??

thoughts: such a weird blend of genres that actually managed to work!! very much an edge-of-one's-seat read with complicated characters and creepy cults and gross bugs but also simultaneously a really engaging romance?? like how is this possible

the very last chapter was a little iffy for me—it felt almost lazy? (SPOILER) like I almost wanted the author to have a sad ending where he's like absorbed into the forest and his actual body is never seen again because it would make more sense but idk?? undecided (END SPOILER)—but besides that I liked this a lot. also, the cover is ridiculously gorgeous

content note(s): domestic abuse and violence, some gore, creepy bugs, also there’s a freaking cult

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Thank you netgalley for the arc. I loved Elwood and Wil. I'm not sure where I thought this story was going but this wasn't it.

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What I loved:

The cover. Equal parts creepy and whimsical, this cover is a MUST have for any horror lover’s shelf. The skeletal boy, the wispy plant tendrils, the bright moths, and butterflies give cottagecore meets the coroner vibe. And yet, there’s a soft and romantic mood in the way the characters hold each other. I’m obsessed and will openly admit that I requested this book based on the cover alone.

The premise. A fanatical cult mixed with their own brand of lore that’s tied to the forest. How could you not want to read this?

The dual POVs. Wil and Elwood are such a contrast. Wil is full of fiery anger and determination to take down the church that she know’s has something to do with her mother’s disappearance. She’s jaded and hurt. She lashes out at almost everyone and incinerates people’s feelings with her sharp comebacks. The evolution of her character as the story progresses is bittersweet, because it takes so much to embrace her softness and let down her defenses. I adored her headstrong perseverance and loved more when she realized that sometimes there’s strength in letting people you care about see your vulnerability.

Elwood is so scared of his parents. He radiates a quiet, almost doomed energy, like he’s accepted his fate that he’s destined to live for everyone BUT himself. It’s heartbreaking. The yearning he has to be accepted and loved by his family and the horrific abuse he gets in return. The way he sees Wil is honestly, poetic. Your heart will definitely flutter.

The secondary characters were memorable and just fleshed out enough to be interesting but not overshadow the main characters.

The setting is perfect for this kind of story. Small town with secrets.

The paranormal twist. No spoilers but this is the kind of ending I live for. This is one of the best YA books I’ve read in a long time.

If you’re a fan of Dawn Kurtagich (And the Trees Crept In, The Dead House), April Genevieve Tucholke (Wink Poppy Midnight), and Kim Liggett (Blood and Salt) this is right up your alley.

What could have been better:

The pacing. Everything happened all at once. So much of the story is based on the past-past events, past relationships, the history of the cult. The now is so rushed it somehow doesn’t meld well.

There wasn’t enough of the sinister, goosebumps inducing feeling that makes you wonder what’s lurking in the shadows. Morguewood is a terrifying place. And it becomes more so as the story progresses. However, there’s no real build up. Had there been little incidents that were unsettling sprinkled throughout, it would have upped the horror vibe. For a lot of the story, yes, the woods smell terrible, yes, they’re kinda creepy like any woods are at night and/or covered in snow, but beyond that, it felt like normal woods.

The cult. Everything about Garden of Adam is revealed in a very short span of time. Had there been more moments of discovery and reveals in small chunks, it would have built up and really hit hard when the truth was out.

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the story was really cool but i feel like romance and young adult fantasy is just not for me...

thank you, again, netgalley for allowing me to read this beautiful book!

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I loved Wil and Elwood. This was such a spooky and engaging read! Kept me on the edge of my seat and up late a few nights. I loved the dark atmosphere and the creepy vibes. I wanted to know more about the characters but the author did a great job. The ending was a stunner. Didn't see that coming at all!!

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I did enjoy this book. It was very fast-paced, which made it a quick and easy read. However, it was lacking in character development. The characters were very one-dimensional. When there were changes in the characters it was instant, you didn't see the development. The story has a lot of potential if it could have been fleshed out some more. I still have a lot of questions and don't understand the cult aspect of it. There was lack of detail.

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WOW this book was really it for me. This was one of most anticipated releases this year and it did not disappoint. The authors writing is so atmospheric, it has the perfect amount of creepiness, there was an unhinged cult (which we all love) and it was so fast paced the entire pages basically turned themselves.

If you are looking for an atmospheric YA horror, I recommend this. Also, if you were a fan of House of Hollows I think this is for you.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an arc in exchange for my review. This comes out August 29th!

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*I received a free copy of this ebook from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*

I had hoped to like this book more, and I really did get sucked into it for the majority of the wild ride that it was. However, the ending was pretty disappointing. I've debated between giving the book 2 or 3 stars, but I'm granting it 3 because I didn't hate it or love it, and the ending wasn't awful--it just wasn't great. The story as a whole was interesting and unique, and quite honestly rather disturbing in a way. But not so much that I didn't want to read it. And the real bonus for me here were all the insects (I love them)--I think the insects saved this book from a 2-star rating.

Wil and Elwood (both turning 18) are pretty much opposites, especially since her mother died. She's all jagged edges and angry spines, while he's like the butterflies he pins for his collection. Except Elwood is also untamed and wild. Somehow, they make sense together, though. I liked the way their friendships with each other and their other friends (Ronnie, Lucas, and Kevin) changed shape throughout the book, along with their perceptions of each other.

Even if I wasn't satisfied by one major aspect of the ending, I did appreciate other parts of it; there was more hope, at least. Sort of. I feel like there could possibly be a little sliver left open for more story, but I'm not sure where it could go that would provide more resolution and a happier ending.

Note: Swearing, including some f words. Violence. Human cult sacrifice.

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What a good book to start into spooky season with. The vibes and atmosphere were so perfect. I really enjoyed Wil and her take no nonsense attitude.

Honestly was expecting a bit of a different ending but think Skyla did a good job overall. It was a nice quick read.

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