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Pretend You’re Mine is my first Lucy Score book. Written a few years ago it is now being released with a fresh new look. This book has everything you want in a romance; a meet cute (however very different than most lol), sizzling chemistry, a fun loving community, and hopefully a happy ending.

Harper is down on her luck and on the move again. When she makes a wrong turn Harper finds herself with a broken down car in a small town she has never seen before. It is here she finds herself in the midst of a scuffle and face to face with Luke Garrison.

Luke is a hero in the community. A local business owner, and member of the National Guard, Luke is stern and closed off. Having suffered many losses in the past, Luke is not ready to love again.

This book is enjoyable. The characters are interesting and have depth. Some of the most beautiful characteristics a person can have are found in Harper. She has strength and resilience that is admirable. On the other hand Luke is kind however quite brooding. It seems his behaviour verges on abusive at times which is unfortunate. Some might think it sexy but I think a line needs to be drawn at times. Still the characters intertwine creating interesting dynamics that keep the reader engaged throughout.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Bloom Books for the opportunity to read and review this arc.

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Accident prone Harper just caught her boyfriend cheating and ends up in small-town Benevolence, where she meets Luke, who is getting ready to redeploy for the National Guard. In a twist of fate, Harper ends up intertwined in Luke's life as his fake girlfriend. But, can what was supposed to be one month turn into more?

This was my first book by Lucy Score. I was quickly drawn in by her descriptive and lighthearted writing. The story flowed easily, although the added curveball from Harper's past left me scratching my head as it really wasn't needed. I did struggle at times to love the dynamic of the MC's as Harper allows herself to be walked all over, and Luke came across as cold-hearted and cruel at times.

With all of that said, I look forward to reading the other books in the Benevolence series as I really enjoyed some of the other characters that were introduced to us.

3.5 / 5 (Rounds up to 4)

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Welcome to a small town where everyone knows everyone and this happens to be Benevolence, Maryland. Harper has just left her cheating boyfriend and decides to drive to her old college roommates' home to couch surf for a bit. However, Harper ends up stopping in a small town called Benevolence and happens to see some jerk wad named Glenn hurting a woman named Gloria. Harper ends up attacking Glenn to get him to stop hurting Gloria and Harper ends up getting a bit hurt. When Harper opens her eyes, she is met with a face of a beautiful man. This man happens to be Luke and Luke informs Harper that she has driven four hours the wrong way from her destination. Sophie, Luke's sister insists that she stay the night with Luke and that Harper and Luke should pretend to date for one month until he deploys overseas for six months, and the reason for the fake dating is so everyone can get off Luke's back on making sure he is okay and for Harper to find a place to live within that month. Harper is given the office manager job at Luke's business and as she makes it easy for him and makes his home feel more like a home, will Luke allow her fully in? Will Luke allow Harper to know why he struggles with letting people in?

I first read Lucy Score back in March 2023 and that was Things We Never Got Over, which I absolutely adored. I saw Pretend You're Mine on NetGalley and knew instantly I needed to request it and I even made the decision back in March to read as much Lucy Score books as possible because she seems like an author that is going to become a favorite.

Pretend You're Mine is one of Lucy's older books that is being released so that is something to keep in mind as you read my review.

When starting Pretend You're Mine, I became instantly excited over the fact that this book takes place in Maryland! I grew up in Baltimore County, Maryland and have not lived in Maryland for almost a decade, so seeing books that take place in any area of Maryland makes me heart happy.

The beginning of this book felt a little too insta love like for my taste, but that feeling of dislike for insta love was quickly thrown away as I kept on reading. The chemistry between Harper and Luke is intense and it just leaps off the page.

It was so fun reading this and the dynamic between Harper, Luke, the Harrison family, and just the whole town. One thing I really loved about Things We Never Got Over was the small town and how it came together for the main character and how a found family was formed and these things were found too in Pretend You're Mine.

I squealed, laughed, swooned, and teared up a bit as I read this amazing book. Harper cracks me up with some of her decisions and one of my favorite scenes is when Harper brings a dog home to Luke's named Lola and he is pretty annoyed by this, but he falls for Lola and ends up bringing a small tripod terrier dog home named Max and tells Harper to not say one word about this due to all the grief he gave her over Lola. I teared up during the revelation about Luke and even teared up as well as swooned when Luke came home from his deployment.

Harper and Luke make one another better and pulls each other's strengths out and loves one another for who they are even when they do not want to admit they love one another. Harper brings life back to all areas of Luke's life even when he is not wanting it and expecting it so it was nice to see Luke grow from Harper.

Harper is a really resilient character with all she goes through and even when her dark secret comes out. Luke and all the town members of Benevolence make her feel like the first time she actually has a family and because of that she really starts to flourish and grow into such an amazing character.

I could gush and gush about how amazing this book is and how I loved each and every part of it, but we will be sitting here forever. Just know that this book is amazing with all the dynamics packed into it and that it is a pretty spicy romance that has a lot of sweet moments, but at the same time deals with grief, other day to day life problems, and is about finding yourself as well as growing a found family.

You all seriously need to get this book and read it. I guarantee you that you will not regret it!

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I didn't realize this was a re-release with a new cover but I am not mad about that. I really loved the story. This book grabbed me right from the start. Luke and Harper were adorable. I loved both of their growth and development throughout the book. The small town setting, Luke's family. and their best friends were an added bonus to the storyline. The ending was perfection.

I received an Advanced Reader Copy from NetGalley for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the advance copy as they’re released with new covers.
I was really excited to see the Benevolence books re-released with new covers! I hadn’t read some of LS’s earlier books so this was a fun read. There was a lot of good spice, characters that were beautifully flawed and so loveable, and so many supporting details that made the story hard to step away from.
I loved Luke and Harper and this little town.

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This is only the second Lucy Score novel I've read and just like the first one, I was immediately hooked and entertained. In Pretend You're Mine we meet a spitfire named Harper and Mr. Reticent to feel anything, Luke. Their meet cute is amusing, despite the seriousness of the incident that causes their meeting, and Harper's filterless mouth and general outlook on life made it so that not only could Luke not resist her charms, I couldn't either. She's just got this kind and sunny disposition; she can take any crappy situation and somehow find the silver lining. Given her personal history, some may find her outlook on things to be surprising but I find it refreshing. In so many contemporary romances our main characters who've suffered through tragedies can't seem to get through them to a happier place and somehow Harper does. It's not that she doesn't see that bad things happen or exist, and she definitely doesn't try to minimize the hurts or pain of a situation, she just seems to have a knack for looking at alternative ways to see the situation and somehow comes to the conclusion that life is for living and embracing, not for hiding and eschewing. Her polar opposite, Luke, is the perfect example of allowing a truly horrific event determine his emotional availability and not only does he suffer for it, but everyone who cares about him suffers as well. She manages to sneak in past his defenses, though, and begins to show him how to live again. Their relationship isn't without its rough spots--mainly Luke's inability to articulate what was going on in his head and Harper's plowing right ahead, head first, into everything-- but there are plenty of sweet and funny spots too.

There were a few things that I had to just kind of accept--that his mom would buy into him meeting a girl and quickly moving her in after years of no real relationship, or how quickly some other things happened, or how a subplot just cropped up toward the end--but none of those things distracted me from the pure entertainment of this story. While there are some heavier issues, they never really are delved into and while some may find the exploration of those issues shallow or dismissive, I guess I saw them more as a vehicle to push the plot along, not as the main focus. Whether that's a good thing or not is for other more thorough reviewers to tackle; this reviewer has much more serious life things happening right now and escaping into this sometimes funny, sometimes heartbreaking, sweet romance was exactly the thing I needed this weekend.

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"’s not easy to be friends with someone who keeps making the wrong decision over and over again. Eventually everyone has to decide whether it’s worth it to keep trying.” ~ Gloria

New to me author Lucy Score wrote Pretend Your Mine in 2015. Bloom Books, an imprint of Source Books, re-released it with a new cover. Lucy Score has made quite a name for herself and gathered loyal fans in Bookstagram and Booktok.

Pretend You're Mine focuses on brokenness in individuals and how that effects relationships. Some of the tropes in this books includes:

-Fake Dating
-One Bed
-Psychological Abuse
-Dead Spouse

Harper Lee Wilde cruises into Benevolence on fumes and immediately launches into action when she sees a man choking his girlfriend in the parking lot she landed in. Even though she gets knock around pretty good, she finds herself staring into the eyes of a handsome stranger, Luke Garrison. And that is how the story starts.

What did I like about this story?

First, I loved the town of Benevolence itself. It reminded me so much of the town I grew up in. Everyone knows everyone. For the good, the bad, and the ugly. Benevolence may have been the setting but it many ways it was a character in and of itself.

The strong, healing relationships between the women. Harper is a stranger in Benevolence and she immediately comes to the aid of Gloria. Sophie comes to her aid. The whole town welcomes her. But she has a group of women who cluster around her to gird her up.

Harper's relationship with Mrs. Agosta, Robbie, Henry, and Ava. As a former foster kid, she understands what it is like and she is able to connect with them on a level that is unique because of her experiences.

Claire and Joni - I loved their relationship to Harper. It was absolutely beautiful. Especially Joni. She really was able to overtime so much.

Luke standing up to Harper's abuser. I'm not going to elaborate on this so it isn't a spoiler.

What was OK.

I liked that Luke gave Harper a job in his office. It sounds like it was right up her alley and she was truly able to help him and Beth with updating his systems.

Luke's doing things to show he cares for Harper. Luke maintains he isn't in love with Harper. But he does things to make sure she is cared for. Fixing her car. Making sure she is OK after the attack. Furnishing the house.

What didn't float my boat.

Luke. Luke Garrison is so flawed I cannot believe Harper didn't get the heck out of Benevolence. Then again she is flawed. But his flaws are horrid. The way he treats Harper - a sex object to be used, an office manager to be praised, but let anyone else touch her and they are trounced immediately. She is his property.

The sex scenes - I don't know if these are just Lucy Score learning to write sex scenes or if this is what she thought was good. It wasn't. In fact, the scenes described talk about the violence of the act and it was a turn off. I began skipping over them because after you've read it 6 times, it becomes the same. And I didn't need to read acts of sex making in violence again.

Overall, I'm giving this book a 3 stars.

I received an Advanced Reader Copy in exchange for an honest review of this book.

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Pretend You’re Mine by Lucy Score
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Genre: contemporary romance
Format: ebook
Length: 451 pages

Thanks to NetGalley, Bloom Books, and Lucy Score for an e-arc of this book in exchange for my honest thoughts.

✨Read this if you enjoy: ✨
🏘️Small town setting
🌶️Open door romance
💕Fake dating
🎖️Military romance

Pretend You’re Mine is one heck of a roller coaster to read but I enjoyed the ride from start to finish. In this book we follow Harper, who just left her cheating boyfriend and finds herself broken down in a small town. She isn’t sure what’s she’s going to do next so Harper decides to stick around before making her next move. During this time she find herself living with and working for the local town hero, Luke Garrison. Suddenly she’s also agreeing to be his fake girlfriend to help him fend off his meddling family. But as time goes on things aren’t feeling so fake anymore.

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Pretend You're Mine by Lucy Score is the First book in the Benevolence Series. This is the story of Luke and Harper. This was a prefect read for me. I loved Harper with sunny ways and Luke who was the best book boyfriend. Enjoyed.

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Lucy Score's books are just plain fun and this was no exception! I enjoyed the fact that Luke is a military man (being married to one myself) and could totally relate to the months apart that he and Harper had to go through. This was a great romance to read when you just need to step out of reality for a bit. Next up for me to read is Finally Mine which is book 2 in the Benevolence series.

Honestly, I've never met a Lucy Score book that I haven't liked!

Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review. All opinions are my own.

Published 9 May 2023.

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This is one of those books where you ignore the things that don’t make sense, just enjoy the vibes, and go along for the ride. Was there somethings that were incredibly farfetched - like someone letting a complete stranger stay in their house and agree to fake date them after meeting them for the first time? Yes. Did I eat this book up? Absolutely I did. The chemistry and tension between Luke and Harper was so palpable I could taste it and the banter between all the characters was so funny and natural. I really enjoyed the side characters and the town of Benevolence and I’m actually excited to read the next book in this series.
I love how Lucy Score creates the perfect balance between light and fluffy, dark and steamy, and sweet and tender. She is such a beautiful writer that really knows how to make people lose themselves in her small towns.

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I just love me some Lucy Score! I was so excited to get approved for this rerelease thanks to Boom Blooks. Lucy is the queen of small town romance and this is no exception! Loved this story- I did struggle with some of the steamy scenes but that’s only because my daughters name is Harper and you know- weird! Didn’t stop me from completely demolishing this is one sitting. My heart broke and was put back together! I will forever be a Lucy fan! Thank you to Lucy and Bloom books for letting me read this one in exchange for my honest review.

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LOVED this book!!!
I’ll start off by saying that of Lucy Score wrote it, I’m reading it. She is an automatic buy author for me! I absolutely love her writing style and feel like her books have originality to them. This one did not disappoint!!

Harper is driving through town, leaving her past behind, and pulls into a bar. She saves a life but then gets a concussion doing so. When she wakes up, she sees Luke, and is attracted to him. His sister, Sophie, suggests that Harper should stay with Luke for the night.

He is getting ready to deploy soon and not looking for love. They decide to be in a fake relationship to get his family off his back. It’s not like they’ll develop feelings for each other….
Harper is an open book. Luke is closed off. They were fantastic characters, and the secondary characters were just as great!
This book was fun and emotional and I loved everything about it! I couldn’t put it down! If you love small town romance and fake dating, you will fall in love with this book! Definitely add to your tbr list!

📘: Pretend You’re Mine by Lucy Score
🗓️: May 9, 2023

Thank you to NetGalley, Lucy Score, and SOURCEBOOKS Bloom Books for this ARC!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

*Reviewed on NetGalley and Goodreads.

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I love Lucy Score, but I think her Knockemout series has spoiled me. I approached the Benevolence series thinking I would devour these books in the same way, but unfortunately that didn’t happen. The main hero and heroine, Luke and Harper, are likeable characters, but their relationship felt “off” to me. For instance, Harper slept in the same bed with Luke only a few hours after meeting him and she knew nothing about him. Would most normal women do that? I don’t think so. (At least, I hope they wouldn’t). Harper also decides to jump right into a fake relationship with Luke the very next day to appease his family, whom she’s never even met. It just felt like Harper was TOO trusting. Also, throughout most of this story, Luke is emotionally tied to another woman, but he kept stringing Harper along on his emotional rollercoaster, and that bothered me. I’m not giving away any spoilers, but let’s just say there comes a time when you need to move on and try to love again. Anyway, on the plus side, as per Lucy Score, I laughed out loud many times while reading this book, and I teared up several times too. Knockemout will always be my favorite book series by this author, but I would still recommend this series too.

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Pretend You’re Mine pulled me in from the beginning. Harper is starting over and landed in Benevolence.

Where Harper is spirited, sassy, and wants a home Luke is against all of it. He does agree to a fake relationship to hold off his family matchmaking.

This book has so much packed into one book. From one bed, loss of a family member, ptsd, grief and loss, military deployment, found family and all the feels.

I laughed out loud, I cried, and a hoped for all to heal and find their happy ending. It pulled every heartstring! I also loved Aldo and Gloria and can’t wait to read their story next!

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I really enjoyed Pretend You're Mine by Lucy Score. I really liked the main character, Harper, who was always upbeat and approached life with humor and grace. Luke, the other main character, left me feeling hot and cold at times. Once I finally got over his demeanor, I did enjoy their story. Once thing I wish was that Harper didn't forgive Luke so quickly. She could have made him work a little harder to win her over. Overall, this was a cute read and I would read more books by this author.

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I really enjoyed the set up for this story. I like how Harper jumped in to protect Gloria without knowing anything about her or her situation and how Luke was there when she woke up. It did seem a bit odd that Harper was willing to stay the night at Luke's and even share a bed with him after just meeting him. She had no where else to go and clearly Luke is a trustworthy guy but it still seemed a bit too trusting especially when later on in the book we learn more about Harper's past. Despite that, I had a really fun time reading this book. I found myself rooting for both characters and hoping that Luke could get over his past trauma to have the life he deserves. I can't wait to read the next book and am dying to learn more about Aldo and Gloria's relationship that we see starting to take shape in this book.

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I absolutely loved this book, as I love all Lucy Score books! Diving into the first chapter feels like pulling a warm blanket up over your lap. Her writing style, in my opinion, is distinct among romance authors, and the predicability never detracts from the plot or story. I give ratings based on how much I enjoyed the book and if I'd recommend it to others who enjoy the same genre, and this is absolutely a five star read for me!
Thank you to NetGalley for the arc of this book, all opinions are my own!

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I will definitely say I liked Things We Never Got Over better than this one? But it wasn’t a terrible read. I probably won’t read the second book because I wasn’t that invested in it? But as a small town romance, I can see how people would enjoy it. Tragic backgrounds and coming together in the end.

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I really enjoyed reading this book, it was both fun and emotional. Harper was an amazing character, so easy to relate to and love, while Luke was a hot military man who had been through a lot of pain in his past. The fake relationship they entered into soon turned real, and their connection grew into something deep and passionate, making me cheer for them all the way. I loved how the author incorporated classic romance tropes like one-bed and fake dating, but gave them her own unique twist that kept me completely hooked. The best part of the book for me was the author's writing style and humor. It was easy to read, and I found myself laughing out loud on more than one occasion. Overall, this is a great romance novel that strikes the perfect balance between humor, heart, and steamy moments.

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