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I’m pretty late to the Lucy Score party and have been playing catch up on all of her popular romance novels. When I saw that Bloom Books was reissuing her Benevolence series with gorgeous new covers, I decided it was a good time to snag a copy of the first book in the series, Pretend You’re Mine. And boy did this story hook me — I read it cover to cover in one day!

Luke Garrison is beloved by everyone in the town of Benevolence. He’s a hometown hero whose life has been touched by tragedy. He has no interest in building a life with someone and thus fully devotes himself to his business and to serving his country through the National Guard. When Harper Wilde comes barreling into his life, he has no idea that his life will never be the same.

When we meet Harper, she has just caught her boyfriend in bed with another woman. Furious, she grabs her car keys, and nothing else, and just starts driving. She runs out of gas in Benevolence and while she’s trying to figure out what to do next, she witnesses a man assaulting a woman in the parking lot and without thinking, rushes over and actually jumps right on the man’s back. The man she went after has a reputation for being abusive, so Harper becomes a bit of a hero in the town herself for taking him on. Luke witnessed the incident in the parking lot and immediately made it his business to look after Harper, even reluctantly allowing her to stay at his place and temporarily work as his office manager once she confesses that she has nothing but a set of car keys to her name at the moment.

Pretend You’re Mine features so many of my favorite tropes. In addition to the small town romance, it also features forced proximity, only one bed, and even some fake dating. The fake dating aspect was probably my favorite because Harper agrees to go along with it to give Luke some peace from his well-meaning, but very meddlesome, family. Luke’s family is so sweet and loving, and I love how quickly they all fell in love with Harper and made her feel like she was part of the family. Since we learn early on that Harper’s life was also marred by tragedy that left her in the foster system, that made the Garrison family’s love for her all the more touching.

With its mix of sexy, steamy moments and full-on rom com antics, Pretend You’re Mine kept me thoroughly entertained, although I will admit that it also frustrated me at times. Luke was especially frustrating in that he was practically paralyzed from moving forward in his personal life because he felt like he was betraying the memory of someone else he cared about. He sent Harper so many mixed signals that at times, I just wanted to shake him. Even though I occasionally wanted to throttle Luke, I was still rooting for him to sort himself out and not lose Harper and I can’t wait to dive into the next book in the series and see what the folks of Benevolence get up to next.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for the e-arc of this book for my honest review. This was such a great romance, it was a fresh change from my usual thriller reads. This was my first Lucy Score book but will not be my last. The characters were well developed. It was both sad and heartwarming, just a bit long for my liking. Knocked off a star for that. 4 Stars

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May 2023 Reread: it is hard to believe it's been 6 years since I first read Pretend You're Mine. Thank you to Bloom Books and NetGalley for providing a copy that made me want to pick it up again. This book was just as wonderful as I remembered. Lucy created such interesting characters in Harper and Luke. They each had their flaws and heartaches to work through, but from the moment they met there was a connection. Despite knowing what would happen, I felt just as emotional at certain moments as I did the first time.

I still felt rhe town and secondary characters added so much to the story. I am so glad she wrote more books set in Benevolence. It was such a great experience rereading this book, and I definitely want to pick up the rest of the series again.


This was my first Lucy Score book, and I enjoyed it so much that I immediately bought her others.

Harper meets Luke in the small town of Benevolence after having a terrible day. They agree to a pretend relationship that is only set to last until his next deployment.

I have read a few other books recently about fake relationships that develop into more, but I was pleasantly surprised that this seemed to be just the jumping off point for their story. As Harper and Luke get to know each other there are a number of other things that come into play.

They both have struggles that they are grappling with. The way that they grew both individually and together was done in a believable way. There were no instant fixes and both made mistakes along the way. Their development felt true to life, even at times their actions were frustrating.

One of my favorite parts of the book was all the secondary characters that made up the town of Benevolence. They added a lot of humor and love to the story. I really appreciated that they were fleshed out and not just one-dimensional.

I am looking forward to reading more from Lucy Score and plan on starting the Blue Moon series soon!

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Small town romance 💘

Many thanks as always to Bloom books and Net Gallery for the ARC.
Lucy Score does it again ~
If you’re looking for a stand alone book (potential to continue) with favorite tropes (small town, fake dating, one bed, possession/touch her you 💀 vibes, spicy 🌶️…), and also want to cry your little heart out, this book is for you!

Harper left town after walking in on her boyfriend in the act with another women. Taking just her keys, she left and didn’t look back. Her & Luke crossed paths as Harper stood up for a women named Gloria who was being abused by her boyfriend. Harper with no place to go is offered a spot at Luke’s place. As the two of them fake a relationship to please Luke’s family, you get to understand why Harper is willing to defend her family & why Luke is so guarded.
Lucy does a great job making you feel as if you are there, and you have known these characters forever. There is great development with even the supporting characters, that will tug at your heartstrings. If you’re wanting a read that will make you blush & also cry the next moment, this is for you!

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This may be my favorite Lucy Score book yet! I loved the characters. They were relateable and drew me into the storyline. This book definitely had me in tears both from laughing and crying. The story had a lot going on but not in a bad way. It flowed well and had me wondering what was going to happen next. I can't wait to read the next book in the series. This book was enjoyable through and through. 4½ Stars

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This is the first I have read of this author even though my daughter has been telling me for quite a while I needed to pick up one. Now I have read this entire series and I am hooked. This one is the first in the series and is about Luke and Harper. Harper runs out of gas and glides into the parking lot of the bar in Benevolence. Before she can go inside to find a phone she comes to the rescue of a woman being battered and when she is knocked out she comes to looking into the eyes of Luke. He has a possessive streak that will not stop and when he steps up and gives her a place to stay the night, it turns into longer. Soon he has a proposition for her. He needs a girlfriend to keep his mom from constantly fixing him up, at least until he deploys again. What starts as a fake relationship turns into more, until Luke cannot cross into what he really feels. Will these two finally realize what they have before it is too late?

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Actual rating: 3.5 STARS
I really enjoyed this book! I think Luke and Harper were great characters and the drama pieces were amazing! There were definitely parts where I wanted to punch Luke and wrap Harper in a hug because how dare he hurt that sweet angel.
One thing I loved was how quick we got some drama/action (within the first chapter). Right off the bat we find out just how strong Harper is and I thought that was great. I also loved the last few chapters. We love a protective MMC.

I did feel at times like this book was slightly longer than necessary. There were parts where I felt like it was extra filler material that didn't need to be there.

Overall, I enjoyed reading this book and will continue reading Lucy Score books! While this wasn't my favorite Lucy Score book, I'd still definitely recommend it to other romance and Lucy Score fans!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Lucy Score's "Pretend You're Mine," the first book in the Benevolence series, enchants readers with its small-town charm and heartwarming romance. Harper, a resilient survivor, and Luke, a man haunted by personal tragedy, feel an undeniable connection despite their initial resistance. Score skillfully weaves a tale of found families, second chances, and the power of love, unfolding against the backdrop of a fake dating scenario and the complexities of Luke's past. The book's engaging characters, intimate small-town atmosphere, and authentic portrayal of emotions contribute to its undeniable charm.

The town of Benevolence, with its delightful and quirky side characters, adds depth and endearment to the story. Harper's unyielding resilience and refusal to tolerate nonsense make her a captivating protagonist, while Luke's gradual transformation and journey toward redemption bring a sense of fulfillment. The chemistry between Luke and Harper is palpable, and their journey from pretending to be in a relationship to discovering their true feelings is a delightful experience. Score's ability to evoke both pain and angst enhances the emotional depth of the story, ultimately emphasizing the themes of unconditional love, forgiveness, and seizing happiness.

With its blend of heartwarming romance, engaging plot twists, and vividly crafted scenes, "Pretend You're Mine" keeps readers engaged from beginning to end. The book strikes a perfect balance between sensual allure and narrative substance, avoiding being solely reliant on explicit content. It offers a lighthearted and pleasurable reading experience, leaving readers eagerly anticipating the next installment in the series. Fans of small town romances and fake dating tropes will find themselves immersed in the captivating world of Benevolence.

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Not my favorite Lucy Score but still enjoyed it for the most part. Hot spicy scenes, and good resolution. Didn’t wnjoy the way deployment dragged out for such a long period, and the twists felt a little predictable but the main character was fun..

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I am fully convinced that I'll love anything that Lucy Score writes. Going in, I'm not too big on reading about soldiers MMC. Usually, it's very emotional, and I'm never emotionally ready enough to handle that. HOWEVER, this was magnificent. I loved Luke with all my heart.

Harper rolled into town with basically nothing except her car and cheery disposition. And a mean right hook. Who knew that she was exactly what Luke needed? In return of fake dating him, he gave her a place to stay for a month. The tropes were excellent: Grumpy vs Sunshine, Small Romance, Fake Dating, One Bed, etc.

This book was everything to me. I read it in 4 hours, practically inhaling it. I was so still that the motion lights turned off TWICE because I was so entranced. Lucy can write a romance and she can write it damn well. The spice, the chemistry, the swooning, the emotions, they were amazing. I loved all the characters, and I can't wait to buy more Lucy Score books.

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A small town romance with tons of charm.

Harper is a survivor that sees the bright side to everything. Luke is trying to get through life without romantic love after suffering a tragedy. What neither want is each other--which is exactly what actually need.

I loved this book. It's long, but didn't feel that way. Small towns and found families are something that I love if it is done right, and this was. The entire town of Benevolence is just adorable. All of the side characters are great and quirky in their own way. I liked Luke and how he thawed slowly throughout the book. BUT, Harper stole my heart. I wouldn't describe her as a ball of sunshine but she is so positive and is almost like the town therapist. She has an outlook on life that more people should have.

This is a great--and Spicy--read.

-small town
-fake dating
-found family

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Tropes: Military, One Bed, Fake Dating, Office/Workplace, Small Town Romance

TW: Verbal Abuse (Not from MCs), Physical Abuse (not from MCs), Mention of Cheating (Not from MCs), Mention of Death, Mention of House Fire, Mention of Foster Homes, Mention of Child Abuse/Neglect, Alcoholism (Not from MCs).

Thank you to NetGalley and Bloom Books for providing me with an E-ARC in exchange for my honest opinion!

In this book, we follow Harper and Luke. Harper is running away from her life after she finds out her boyfriend cheated on her. After storming out of the house with just the clothes on her back, she is heading to Fremont so she can stay with her best friend, Hannah. Harper ends up stopping at a gas station, and she sees this man screaming at this girl and being violent towards her. Harper ends up running after the man and getting into a fight with him, until a police officer sees them and steps in. Luke is in the military, and he is a police officer for the small town, Benevolence. Also, he owns his own construction/remodeling company. All Luke likes to do is work and go home to his empty house. After losing his wife, Luke believes that he shouldn't be happy and move on with his life. Until Harper came along...

THIS BOOK. THIS BOOK IS AN ABSOLUTE MASTERPIECE! If you're looking for a cute fluffy & emotional romance, this book is for you! I love these characters so much. Harper is an absolute firecracker, and she is so loving and caring. She puts everyone in front herself and make sure everyone else is happy. I have never loved an FMC so much until I read this book. Luke is a possessive man who doesn't know how to share his feelings but knows how to take care of Harper. The chemistry between these characters were so strong. Watching these characters grow and getting to know them was everything. There was no boring point in this book. Each page was better than the next, and I was so invested in this story, I couldn't stop reading. Even the side characters were amazing, I loved all of them. This book has made it to one of the favorite books of all-time list, and I'm 99.9% sure, I love this book MORE than Things We Never Got Over. I just finished this book, and I already want to reread it. This book is home to me. It makes me feel so happy (even through some of the sad moments). I'm so excited to read the next book, Finally Mine, and getting to know Aldo and Gloria more.

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Luke, one of Benevolence’s hometown heroes is getting ready for his next overseas deployment with the National Guard. All he needs is to keep his mother from setting him up with the single women in town. He’s not ready to move on from his past.
Enter Harper, a modern day Pollyanna who’s starting over yet again. When her car breaks down in front of a bar she witnesses a domestic assault. Not one to standby and do nothing, Harper wades into the middle of it and is injured.
Is Harper the answer to Luke’s problem? His sister believes she is and convinces them to pretend they’re a couple. Just until Luke’s deployment in a month when they’ll stage a break up. What could go wrong, right? They’re both adults and know the plan.
I throughly enjoyed this book. The characters, both primary and secondary, pulled at my heartstrings.
Did I get frustrated at situations, absolutely. But, what these two characters have faced in their lives their actions were understandable. I will say that the strong relationships between Harper and the other women was nice to see. To often women are pitted against each other, but not here.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Lucy Score is one of the best Romance writers, in my opinion. She creates characters that are relatable, yet intriguing. Her stories never lag and are perfectly balanced with the romance and the drama of relationships, family, jobs, and more.

While Pretend Your Mine follows the same path as most of her other romance novels, Score created characters I, as a reader, envied. And with that, it makes it a book I will undoubtably read again.

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Oh my, I thought this was going to be a fun, funny, light read. Holy crap it was so much more! Its starts off hot oit of the gate and just keeps going. So good. So much feeling, so beautifully done. Your heart just breaks, and you fall in love with these characters and this town. Did I say it was beautiful? So many jaw droppers in here too. Very well written, I just didn't want it to end.

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Maybe it's just me, but I hate when the conflict of the book is centered around the MMC not being over another person. For like...most of the book. Also small town romances also might not be my thing. Sometimes its trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.

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I was able to read the re-releases of these books and unfortunately they were not my favourite. The chemistry between Luke and Harper felt too rushed and forced. Neither of them are very likeable and her attacking someone right at the beginning of the book? A little far fetched for me.

All in all this was an OK book but not fantastic.

Thank you to NetGallery and Bloom Books for this eARC!

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This is classic Lucy score and one of her earlier works from 2015 but with a different cover . This is book one in the benelovence series . The writing is good . The story is sweet . There is a lot of drama and Luke doesn’t communicate with her about his past. There is a plot and some steam as well . I like the relationships the main character develops in the town . It’s a happily ever after type book.. Luke story was sad and sweet.

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I was given an Arc copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

I absolutely loved this book! It wasn’t all hearts and flowers but it was real world problems and working through them to overcome and still have a Happily Ever After!

I know I’ve read reviews and people seem split down the middle in their opinion of this but I thought it was sweet!

Harper sets off after finding her boyfriend cheating on her and doesn’t even take her phone! She ends up at a bar in a small town trying to find a pay phone! There she runs into Luke who turns her world upside down! Like isn’t ready to fall head over heels quite yet though he’s got some baggage that needs dealt with.

I really liked this one and would recommend it!

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This book was so good! I can’t wait to recommend it to all of my reader friends!! Such a good read! Thank you!!

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