Member Reviews

What a delicious, beautiful, entertaining and heartwarming story! I love this book! Love it, love it, absolutely love it!!

I think I was at 4% of this book when I knew right away it'd become one of my favourites of 2023. And how happy it makes me that I was so right!

The story follows Katie Collins living in a tiny Irish village of Ennisbawn, close to her friends and part of an amazing family-like community. It's a peaceful and quiet place, overlooking a lake and beatiful lavender fields.
Well, it was quiet and peaceful until a wealthy development company decided to purchase half the land and start loud and annoying construction work. Unfortunately for Katie, the noisiest site was right across the street from where she lives.

But Katie is a determined woman with quite nice convincing abilities, so of course she storms out to said construction site one day at 7 am, wearing nothing but her cute PJs and having a friendly encounter with Callum Dempsey aka the guy responsible for the lack of peace of Ennisbawn.

Oh, as if this weren't enough, Katie and the community find out that the plan is not only to build some hotel, but they're also planning on knocking down the only remaining pub - which is also the place Katie works. Yeah, hell no. This ain't happening. Over Katie's dead body!

And Katie just knows exactly what to do. The solution to all the problems is to bring Ennisbawn’s famous Matchmaking Festival back! TA-DAA! Did I mention it also has a magical wishing well? Oh, yeah! This will solve it. This will prove that the village isn't forgotten, it's full of life and the pub must not, under any circumstance, be destroyed.

So let the adventure begin, and with such adventures challenges follow, but there's nothing in the world that can put a stop of a determined woman's mind when she knows exactly what she's fighting for. Right? Right??

Honestly, this was such an amazing book! I absolutely loved Catherine Walsh's writing - it's so light, it's well-paced, it's funny, it's beautiful.
I absolutely loved the story, I'm obsessed with the characters - and Gosh I love Katie SO SO MUCH!, - I love how the story is not only focused on the main characters, but on the community, on friends and family, on standing together, being united and fighting for what's important.

I love Callum! I didn't expect an almost instant attraction happening, but it's so well-presented that I honesly have zero complaints about it whatsoever. It just makes total and perfect sense! And I loved watching Callum and Katie's relationship evolving. They're just too sweet, and Callum is so loving and lovable.

"How can I get tired of it when all you need to do is stand there breathing and you have my full attention? Katie, for the first time in my life, I feel like I've found a place I can call home."

Yeah, if you couldn't tell by now I'll repeat myself: I absolutely loved this book! I cannot wait to own a physical copy, I cannot wait to read everything Catherine Walsh wrote so far and will write in the future.

Thank you so much NetGalley, Bookouture and Catherine Walsh for providing me the ARC of this book! <3

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Someone sharing their passion for something, no matter how banal, will always be endearing. As such, Katie Collins, a lifelong resident of the sleepy Irish village of Ennisbawn, is the most charming figure one could ever meet. She's never left her hometown and has no desire to; she's content with living with her grandmother and working in the village's only pub.

That is until a large development company begin building a hotel complex, which means she's awoken every morning by machinery, meets the all-too-intriguing site manager, Callum, and the pub is threatened with demolition. Acting in haste, she makes one too many declarations, finding herself saddled with hosting a matchmaking festival, with no budget available and on the receiving end of every intimidation tactic the developers can think of. But Katie is never one to back down from what she believes in.

For anyone wanting a thoroughly lovely small-town story, full of wit, charm and personality, this is perfect. In truth, so is any Walsh story.

This type of story is not meant to be shocking. They feature many predictable plot points (we can all predict the romantic interests mere lines after their introductions) and the narrative progresses through them. As such, while there are a few welcome surprises, the story is a gentle one.

It is all quite gushy, but there are enough points to ground each of the characters: Callum is going on dates with other women, Katie has concerns about her dog's welfare and Gemma worries for her son's well-being in a single-parent household. Also, there is a serious discussion about the failings of umbrellas. They all build their relationships from a broader character basis, making for nuanced and compelling dynamics. This is particularly evident in the arc of the book; rather than the couple getting together in the epilogue, they build their relationship throughout. They reach a firm basis by the halfway mark, which allows for deeper character development in the latter half, as opposed to a repetitive 'will they, won't they?' badinage. Walsh's version is just far more interesting to read.

This isn't flawless writing, however, any critique of Walsh's writing can be acknowledged, then swiftly countered. For example, the male love interests always make grand gestures whilst the women do little in return or to initiate, but Walsh writes a great romantic speech (42%). The characters jump to make such gestures, but it's wonderfully heart-warming for the reader. There are pros and cons each way, yet she's perfectly understood her readership and how to endear her characters to them.

Principally, this book is funny. The characters are comic, their antics are, at points, comical and always full of heart.

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I thought Holiday Romance was Catherine Walsh's best work, but this book?? Takes the cake. I loved the character depth of Katie and Callum, and I'm a huge sucker for an enemies to lovers. I love Walsh's writing style and how strong she makes her characters connections. I appreciated the look into the side character's lives and relationships made me super happy. I loved Katie's passion and related too much to her thinking she was boring 🫣 Watching these characters fall in love with themselves, each other and this small town made my heart so happy. I read this book in one sitting and would pay to read it again for the first time.. 💰💰

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Catherine’s writing had me hooked. Especially when Katie stormed into the construction site in her PJs, she had me laughing right off the bat. It was also the moment that Katie encounters Callum, and it was clear that they have a connection that would enthrall me from start to finish.

Next to the MC’s love story, the quirky Ennisbawn community is a big part of the book with great secondary characters. Katie’s besties are key for her confidence growth, but my favourite was granny Maeve for sure. She had some great lines.

So we get to know more of Ennisbawn and Katie’s inner circle when they try to stand-up against the hotel development. In the attempt to save Kelly’s pub & wishing well, Katie has to revive the yearly Matchmaking Festival to its former glory. This leads to a whole set of twists that kept me locked into the story, wanting to discover how they would pull of this festival and when the chemistry will spark.

I loved all the laugh out loud moments, the quirky characters and the way Catherine describes the ins & outs of the small town Irish village of Ennisbawn. There were so many moments that I felt like part of the community, I even started daydreaming of living in a tiny Irish village to meet my own Callum.

Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for the chance to read a free advanced copy of this ebook in exchange for an honest review.

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4.5 ⭐

Holiday Romance was one of my favourite romance of 2022, so of course I just had to get an ARC of Catherine Walsh's new romance. And I'm so glad to say, it did not disappoint!
I absolutely loved this book and it was a pleasure spending time with Katie and Callum in Ennisbawn.
What I love about Walsh's work is that, you just know you're in for a treat when you read her books. It just gives you a warm feeling and like the comfort hug you need at the end of a long day. The small town vibes are impeccable, the characters all unique and so endearing, the plot so good, going beyond a basic romance scenario. Katie is passionate and you're sitting back, saying "GO GIRL" at every chapter. Plus she was all "trusting the chaos" and I'm here for my fellow chaos girlie.
One thing worth mentioning are the supporting characters in this book. I really loved Katie's best friends and her grandmother. The relationships were really well exploited here and it's rare you get to root for the HEA of the side characters as well, but here, you just wanted all the girls to have the happiness they deserved and I was here for it.
Just a beautiful story all over. I can't recommend this book enough to all my small town romance lovers 💞

Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Another Perfect Read From Catherine Walsh!

Catherine is becoming one of my favourite authors and I find myself counting down the days until she has a new release, beacuse yet again The Matchmaker is a truly delightful swoon worthy romcom from an upcoming Irish queen of the book world.

Katie and Callum have great chemistry that we watch flow back and forth from one end of the enemies to lovers spectrum to the other, all the time being surrounded by a wonderful world that Catherine has created for her characters and a supporting cast of just as interesting and fun people who you will become immediately obsessed with. And a moment of applause for the build up alone! The tension I was kicking my feet twirling my hair so nervous excited! A must read for everyone who adores a truly fun romantic read.

Thank you to Netgalley & Bookourture for the arc in exchange for an honest review. Easiest review ever! 5 Stars!

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Katie Collins has always lived in the quaint Irish village of Ennisbawn, content with her life and her job at the local pub. But her peaceful existence is disrupted when a development company plans to build a hotel, which would require the demolition of the pub. Determined to save her village's heart and soul, Katie decides to revive the matchmaking festival that used to be held at the pub.

In the process, she meets Callum Dempsey, an employee of the development company, who is planning to knock down the pub. Despite their opposing views, the two find themselves drawn to each other. Along with a cast of supportive friends, Katie and Callum navigate their feelings for each other and their desire to save the pub and the village.

All of the characters add depth and richness to the story, and they make Ennisbawn feel like a real place with real people. Even though the book is primarily focused on Katie and Callum's relationship, it's the supporting cast that makes the story truly come alive. Granny Maeve, who has raised Katie since she was five, steals the show with her spunk and sarcasm. Nush, Katie's bi-sexual best friend, is a particularly standout character. She's quick-witted and full of sass, always to put her body between her friends and any potential threat. Lastly, Gemma and Adam. Two characters who also find love through each other in the most adorable way.

The Matchmaker by Eileen O'Keeffe Walsh is a heartwarming, fun read that captures the small-town feel of an Irish village. The chemistry between Katie and Callum is electric, and the banter between the characters is witty and engaging. While the romance does suffer from insta-love and lack of development, the book is saved by the endearing characters and the theme that sometimes, bigger is not always better.

Thank you to @netgalley and @bookouture for a free copy in exchange for my honest review.

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𝕓𝕠𝕠𝕜 𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕖𝕨 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖 💖

Author: @catwalshwriter
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫
Release date: April 18, 2023
👈🏽 for description

This book was decidedly fun, adorable and a treat to read. Katie finds herself trying to save her bar and the shenanigans and matchmaking that ensue were top-notch.

I loved Katie and her small town and heck, if anyone knows of any good matchmaking festivals do let me know because it sounds like fun. That was only a small part of what made her so lovely, though, she’s a character that’s just alive and comes off the page and one so endearing you have no choice but to fall in love with her.

Callum had me as soon as he laughed, so I really have nothing else to say. Except, that’s a lie because he’s just such a good guy and such a stud I can’t help but wonder if walking in on a construction site is, in fact the way to find love. I’m getting all sorts of ideas, I tell you.

I do wish, though , that we could have seen more of the supportive cast of characters. That might be a me thing and what we did get to see was lovely and such a treat.

All this to say, this book is ideal for all small town romance lovers and lovers of books with big hearts and wishing wells.

🌶️ some open door scenes

I’m adding spice ratings (indicators? idk) because sometimes a girl just wants to know if she has to skip some parts

Thank you @netgalley and @bookouture for the digital copy in exchange for an honest review.

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An adorable Irish romance.

Katie is trying to save her sleepy small town from a company coming in to make it a tourist destination. This is especially true when they plan on demolishing her cherished pub.

Katie decides to revive the matchmaking festival where her parent met.

Overall it was a cute, but I wasn’t a fan “insta-love” romance. I didn’t find it very believable. I was however, rooting for the pub as well as a side couples romance.

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Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with this arc in exchange for a review!

It’s been some time since I read an arc so I was excited when I decided to pick up this one and I’m not disappointed. It was delightful!!!

Small town romance with a lovely main character and a hot and sweet love interest… what else can we ask for?

Katie is a small-town girly, she has always lived here and is comfortable and happy with her friends and community... until one day the town is taken over by a construction company looking to build a hotel resort, and that also means taking over her favorite place, the pub where she works at. So Katie decides to organize a matchmaking event, one that used to take place years ago and had disappeared, will she be able to save the town?
During this, she also meets Callum, a developer that works for the enemy. What could go wrong?

It's your typical small-town romance but it's such a comfy and lighthearted read, perfect if you're in a reading slump or for the summertime. I can't wait for yall to read this!!

The only thing I have a complaint about is the insta love since we're not even halfway into the book and he's already telling her that he will follow her anywhere she goes. I felt like the relationship could've had more substance to it like they didn't really have a reason for getting together, not much chemistry, you know? I still think they're very cute and all, but it was missing something.

“You told me once that Kelly’s was your favorite place in the world. Well, you’re mine. You’re mine and I’ll go where you go. For as long as you want me to, I’ll be right there with you.”

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OKAAAAAAAY- THIS BOOK IS JUST SO FREAKING GOOD- LIKE ACTUALLY GOOD- sometimes I forget why do I like certain authors and only remember why once I read their books again. This was exactly how I felt when I read Catherine Walsh once again. There's a huge fucking reason why she's one of my most favorite author and why from 4 of her books 3 made it into my favorite shelf.

This is why:
☆ first thing first, I just really love witty and charming and smart and funny and quirky her writing is. And this is not only just from the whole conversations between the characters but also the narration. And I fucking love it so much because I kept cackling and giggling throughout the read. It's really been a long time for me to really enjoy a good and funny romcom bookend to really found myself gasping, laughing, snickering, giggling, cackling, howling while reading it.
☆ the characters and their development were jsut so fucking perfect? Like there was no characters that appear awkward or flat or bland. There's no one that get on my nerves in a bad way too. Everyone is so likable and funny and charming, everyone has their own quirks and just so adorable.
☆ although like I said, it felt like I read this somewhere. It's the whole one community fighting against property developer shit that feel not-so-refreshing, but the execution when where the plot heading was clearly new and refreshing! It was something that I never read before and I fucking love it so much.
☆ CHEMISTRY BETWEEN THE MCS WAS JUST THROUGH THE ROOF. Tbh I felt like the fmc has some sort of insta-attraction but it wasn't the one that like instalust or something. It wasn't unrealistic and nobody gives a horny vibe towards each other for me so I think the insta-attraction just so well executed and I lowkey love it.

I have no complains you know? And this is just so fucking perfect and I love it so fucking much. I knew it from the moment I received the arc I'm going to love this. Sure, I was skeptic at first but it ceased to exist the moment the mcs both starting to bickering and bantering to each other.

So here's my 5 stars for this book.

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I liked this book. I had heard good things about the author and it didn't disappoint. My only thing was it felt a little slow at the start
It took a while to get going but once i was involved I was hooked. I love the character development.
I also enjoyed the revitalisation of a village concept. As a girl from a village it reminded me a lot of my own childhood and the families you gain by living in a village. A solid 4 stars for me.

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This was overall a light and easy read. I liked the premise of the book’s plot and the setting. This story is about Katie, a late 20’s small town kinda gal whose Ireland town is being overtaken by the construction of a mega monster hotel/resort. Having a bone to pick about this sitch, she clashes with the construction crew feat. Callum Dempsey (dreamy name alert!). Katie resurrects a town tradition of hosting a matchmaking festival as her "Hail Mary" to save the town's treasured Pub from being bulldozed in this resort's construction. Would this ever happen IRL? Probably not. Did I eat it up anyway? Yes.

For all the "big cute" living within the premise of this book, I was disappointed by the relationship between Katie and Callum. They didn’t seem to have any real substance to their relationship nor any well-established on-page chemistry. I honestly thought they high-key hated one another before they got together, although I wasn't exactly sure why. Since their relationship was pretty central to the plot, the lack of development/flow there made the book feel a little bit flat.

TY NetGalley & Bookouture for the ARC!

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I really enjoyed this small town romcom! I thought the characters had great connections, I need a second book that focuses on Gemma and Adam. This was my first Catherine Walsh book, but definitely not my last!

Thank you, Netgalley and Bookouture, for the ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Heartwarming, feel good, small town story!

The Gist:

Matchmaker is a sweet story about a girl named Katie who desperately wants to save her favorite pub. It’s full of hilarious, face moments that have you rolling!

Callum works for the enemy but still finds a way to make her fall for him, all while she’s saving the pub from utter destruction- at the hands of his company.

Things I loved:
☘️ Small Town
☘️ Ireland

My Reflection:
Katie’s duck PJs had me dying laughing. She’s a hot mess, which is what makes this whole book!

I really wanted to see more of Katie and Callum in the first half. I think there was a bit too much town drama and not enough swoony romance going on.

Read if you like:
🍀 Enemies to Lovers
🍀 Saving a small town

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I was so excited to get an arc of this book especially because I loved Holiday Romance so much. This book just fell slat for me. It started off so good and the promise was there... but I feel like too much was happening at once and too many characters were involved and I found myself just skimming the ending of the book. It was longer than what it needed to be- and it just missed the mark for me. I think I would have liked a story of Gemma and Adam more because I was literally screaming when they got set up because I called it from the start.

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DNF @ 30%. I’m so bummed this one didn’t work for me as I loved Holiday Romance. I didn’t connect with the main character at all and was not invested in the pub. Just not for me

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Katie has lived in Ennisbawn all her life. She works at the local bar, and is quite content with her simple life that's ticking along nicely, until a big shot development company comes to town and starts work on a big hotel that will change the home she loves forever. The locals are adamant that this is not what Ennisbawn is about, and no one more than Katie. As she comes to blows with the developer, she meets Callum, the inconveniently handsome project manager. With the fate of her beloved pub on the line, she decides to revive the towns matchmaking festival, putting everything into saving her home and preserving everything that makes it so. She expected a fight - but she didn't expect Callum Dempsey. As they begin to get close, she struggles between following her head or her heart.

The best thing about Catherine's books, for me, is how I instantly feel at home in the pages, and this book was no exception. The Irish, small town vibes, where everybody knows everybody else (and everybody's business), and the depiction of this tiny rural town with its one pub and a handful of shops, gave me all the feels. There's more to this book than just the romance; it's not just about romantic love, but also a love of family and community. I really fell for some of the side characters and became just as invested in their stories. As per usual, Catherine's humour is sharp and witty, and I found myself laughing out loud on so many occasions! What is endearing about this book is Katie's love of her town, but also the fact that she is perfectly happy where she is and there wasn't the typical want or need to break free from rural life.

Thank you to Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review. The Match Maker is out on April 18th! This heartwarming, hilarious romantic comedy is sure to be another hit for this talented Irish author. ☘️

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This was cute and I really loved it but I wanted them to interact more in the first half of the book. The second half was so much fun and when he quit his job for her, I was gobsmacked. He was obsessed with her in the best way. I also want some extra chapters about Gemma and Adam.

I received an arc through netgalley.

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This was such a fun book to read. It’s a light and funny romance with strong characters and small town vibes. Callum and Katie are so cute and I loved the fact that they had so much chemistry since the beginning! I also enjoyed learning more about Irish folklore and it made me want to buy a plane ticket right away! Overall it was a very good story and I had a lot o fun reading it.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a free eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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