Member Reviews

Narco-Saints vibes, anyone?

I didn't really enjoy this much, which is a surprise to me as I've loved all of the author's other books. Never mind it was slow-moving, but everything was predictable and the protagonist was unbelievably dim. So many painfully obvious things that are clear for all (including the reader) to see and yet you're telling me Ruth has no idea? Nah.

In true Ashley Winstead style, the novel's feminist themes were very well-written. I particularly liked what she said in the author's note about how it was important to her "to show that there are multiple ways of resisting". Equally intriguing was her take and analysis of Twilight đź‘Ź

However, I was not a fan of the overdone and tired tropes. Whether it was the religious cult thing or the whole 'I have so much darkness in me, I'm such a monster' blah blah blah, there was no fresh spin to any of it.

Overall, this book was more dark drama than twisty thriller. The only reason I'm giving it 3 stars is because of the ending, which I loved. Wild or what?! As aggravating (in a good way) as it was, I thought it was perfection.

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Winstead does it again! This book was a slow burn of pure chaos. I loved rooting for Everett even though he was the “bad guy”

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I love a book that challenges me to ponder concepts that are important to society. In this novel we are confronted with questions about what is just, what is moral, and what is legal. In this well plotted story, Ruth and Ever, the main characters, are put in situations that force the reader to examine his/her own beliefs. Both are likable and believable characters. Religion, group hysteria, family dynamics, and power that corrupts all contribute to the strength of this novel.

Thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for the ARC to read and review.

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I'm so glad to have had the opportunity to read this book! I really enjoy this author's work. I think it's wonderful that she is willing to branch out and try different things.
That being said, this was not the book for me. I didn't connect to Ruth or the other characters, and I frankly found it boring. I did enjoy the Twilight tie-in; I thought it was very amusing. The ending just left me more confused.
I will definitely read more by this author in the future, but this one was meh. Thanks to NetGalley for the book to review.

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QUICK TAKE: loved the small town vibes of this one, but struggled to connect with the central relationship and mystery. Ultimately not for me, though the read was enjoyable and ending kinda bad ass.

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Folklore about a Vampire in a strictly conservative town? Here are reasons to read the thriller:

Preacher’s Daughter - In a small Louisiana town, with very small minded people, Ruth lives as a preacher’s daughter.

Childhood Friend - and on the night a skull is found in the swap, her Childhood friend Everette shows up again

Low Man - Many people think this death has to do with the Low Man, a vampiric creature who kills sinners.

First, Check your trigger warnings as there are quite a few here. And then I need to say that I absolutely love some of this author’s books, and while this one is not a bad one, it just didn’t do it for me. I got lost in the past timeline that jumps around, making it hard to remember what happens when. When you start to understand who or what is responsible for these killings, it’s almost a let down. And then you get to the ending, and WOW does it leave you hanging both figuratively and literally. I felt halfway satisfied and also very much, not. I wish I could talk about it more…but I can’t.

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I really enjoyed The Last Housewife so when I saw Midnight is the Darkest Hour, I knew it was a must read.

OMG, it’s everything I expect from Winstead. It’s atmospheric, dark and disturbing, cultish and more. Set in a small town in the swamplands of Louisiana, Ruth and Ev form a bond over a traumatic experience as teenagers, and what was an unlikely friendship has carried on into their adulthood. She’s the daughter of the town pastor’s daughter, he’s the town drunk’s son. Ev comes and goes from town, and always makes sure to make time for Ruth. The town is in a frenzy over a recent discovery in the depths of the bayou, as well as some mysterious symbols appearing on trees in the clearing, and talk of an urban legend The Low Man is high. Ruth and Ev find themselves in the middle of a murder investigation and all the townspeople have their eyes on them. That ending though 🤯 She really left it off in a way that it could end up being a series. I typically avoid series (too much commitment for this mood reader!) but I would 100% read it if it became one!

Thanks to the publisher, Sourcebooks, for my eARC. Midnight is the Darkest Hour will be available 10/3.

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I am in awe of how well all the various storylines wove in and out of each other with such ease! Nothing felt forced, the characters felt real, and watch out for those secrets and twists!! I absolutely loved the relationship between Ruth and Everett, two young adults both struggling with what was expected of them. This book felt like the best combination of a coming into your own and a small town hiding dark secrets. And, weirdly enough, I finally found a good reason for having read Twilight, though it isn't a requirement to enjoy this book. I won't say more because I already feel like the book summary gave a bit too much away and I want anyone I know who reads this book to enjoy finding those "ooooh!" moments for themselves!

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This was a little too relatable as I grew up with Texas Christianity. The rapture, holier than thought, calling everyone a satanist- it’s all too true🥴

It also very much reminded me of Where the Crawdads Sing with the atmospheric writing and the slow paced mystery.

I just love how this whole book is morally grey. Religion is evil and laws are out the window. I dug it.

It was chilling and just what I needed. And that ending🤯 feel like I need to evil laugh after this one!

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I audibly gasped about 6 times and sat in silence over the ending. This one is beautiful, bloody, and tragic. Ruth is such a great protagonist and I loved watching her learn and become such a bad ass!! it’s very rare to find a thriller that leaves you let’s you think but that’s exactly what this one does! The twilight was an added bonus that had my teen heart beating!!

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I love Ashley Winstead books so much, I almost want to read her romance books. I don’t do romance, so I won’t. But after this book, I may be interested…
First of all, we need to talk about the incredibly atmospheric this novel is? Winstead describes the swamp like it’s a magical place. I could almost see the fire flies and smell the breeze. It was almost poetic at times, the descriptions so vivid and gorgeous. With a setting like that, there was no way this book couldn’t have a love story woven into it. Let me tell you, the way the love story was written, may convert me to romance. Maybe..
The story isn’t a romance though. It’s actually a story about murder, secrets and deep rooted religious beliefs. No wait, it’s actually about fighting the patriarchy, women being silenced and overlooked, and breaking free of their shackles. Most Winstead books have this theme, but this book really embodies it.
In all of that, yes, there is a love story. And it’s awesome. It totally stole my Twilight loving heart. It’s a bad boy and a good girl, with darkness and love sick moments. Omg it’s so freaking broody, moody and delicious. So we’ll written, it sucked me in for one sitting.
I’m not giving the story away, but I need to tell you that ending is everything!!!!!!!!! This has to be a movie. I need to see it in real life.

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This dark and atmospheric thriller explores the story of Ruth, currently a librarian in the small town where she grew up in Louisiana. Her parents are considered leaders of the town, but Ruth herself has often felt like an outcast. Since she was a child, Ruth had difficulty making friends other than her fellow outsider Everett. When a skull is discovered by the police in a the local swamp near some mysterious carvings, the town is inflamed with the possibility of a killer in the midst. As various parts of the town try to determine what really happened, the dark history of the town and many of its residents become increasingly clear and threaten to shatter the lives of many of the town's inhabitants, including Ruth and Everett.

This was a terrific story, both a strong and suspenseful thriller and a perceptive story about living and growing up in a small town full of secrets.

Highly recommended!

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Here is a dark tale for the fall season. It is about Ruth the daughter of a born-again fundamentalist Christian pastor in the town of Bottom Springs, Louisiana. Her dad holds the riches and power over everyone in this town including the Sheriff and deputies. He rules his family with an iron fist and Ruth takes the brunt of it over her entire childhood. She is a godly daughter still. But Ruth has a passion for reading and indulging in stories that were prohibited in her home and in her town. Stories of love and obsession. She dreams of the right man who will take her away from Bottom Springs. Her family refuses to allow Ruth to get a higher education and she finds herself working for the library, continuing her love of forbidden reading. Ruth’s misfit friend Everett is the boy they call the Devil’s son and is an outcast, Everett has survived an abusive childhood living off the land in the swamps. The story encompasses Ruth and Everett’s attachment and their subsequent quest to save themselves and their town from secret cults, ancient myths, corruption of power, and witchcraft that prevail within the creepy swamp. It is a very heart-rending love story that includes multiple murders and suspicion, with many twists and turns with an unusual ending.
I wasn’t sure I was going to like it due to the dark nature of the story, but I found that I was enjoying the cravenness of the people and the craftiness of the characters. Ruth and Everett are people who love and love others under the strangest of circumstances. Their love story is not only bizarre but fantastical and rare and also very addicting to read! I gave this 4 stars. Thank you Sourcebooks and Netgalley for this book. It is due out on October 3rd.

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I LOVE all of Ashley Winstead's work & she did not disappoint with Midnight Is The Darkest Hour! It is so wonderfully different and more than just the typical small town murder mystery. The mystery of it all was excellent and no stone was left unturned, but the twisty, dark, occult elements really brought it to another level!

I will be posting a full review on my bookstagram:

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I have to start by saying that I think that having the right expectations are super important before you read this book. Yes, it’s a thriller but it’s also part dark love story at its core and the mystery itself is somewhat quieter with a sinister edge than a true fast paced and exciting thriller. I also think this will be a polarizing read for most, you’ll either really like the unique way the story unfolds or you’re hate it and I fell on the side of really liking it. There are quite a few triggers but there are content warnings at the beginning of the book and if you like The Last Housewife this one wasn’t quite as dark. It explores religion, small town small mindedness, child abuse and sexual abuse alongside this dark and unsettling mystery that is very haunting. I don’t want to really dive into the plot but if you like really different thrillers with a strong atmosphere and a truly WTF ending this was great.

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I'm a huge fan of Ashley Winstead's thrillers and was so excited to get an early copy of Midnight is the Darkest Hour.

I don't want to give too much away but you are either going to love or hate this book. I'm still trying to figure out where I land. I liked it, but I didn't at the same time.

I liked how the author makes you question a lot about religion & morals and the atmosphere was great, but there were a few too many Twilight references for me, and the beginning was really slow.

Thanks to Sourcebooks for my advanced copy of Midnight is the Darkest Hour.

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In the deeply religious town of Bottom Springs, Ruth Cornier should be the most God-fearing of the residents. Daughter of the reverend and essentially the ruler of the town, Ruth has followed her parents’ aggressive beliefs and is seemingly a perfectly holy, devout woman. But Ruth has her own secrets. When she was seventeen, she befriended the town’s black sheep, Everett Duncan. Everett and Ruth bonded over an adoration of books, a disdain for the other members of Bottom Springs, and a shared, dark secret. Everett has spent the last several years away from Bottom Springs, only to return to visit Ruth briefly in the summers; the town still looks at him as a pariah, a devil-worshiper, and an overall demon. But on his most recent visit to his hometown, Ruth informs Everett that a skull has been found in the swamp and the very secret that tied their friendship together could be unraveling.

Holy wow. This book is unlike anything out there. Similarly to Winstead’s book “The Last Housewife,” there are deep and harrowing themes such as religion, corruption, the occult, and more. The general theme of good versus evil is so well done. As you’re reading you’re unsure how deep the story is going to get. Is it supernatural elements? Genuinely evil forces? Or simply horribly corrupt people? I couldn’t put this book down. It’s absolutely a perfect read for this spooky season. Thank you to Net galley for the advanced copy, as Ashley Winstead has become one of my favorites; she simply does not miss

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I just finished this book and I’m already annoyed at the week I spent reading it.

At first I appreciated the Twilight references and then they grew tiresome. It made the story feel very YA at times and the miscommunication trope grew old.

This felt too drawn out and predictable and that ending had my eyes rolling.

I finished it and enjoyed the small town setting so I’ll settle on 3 stars.

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Ashley has quickly become one of my favorite thriller authors, so I was super excited to get to her newest. One thing I love about all her stories is the unique storytelling approach she takes. Midnight is the Darkest Hour is unlike any other thriller I've read in the sense that we kind of know what happens all along, but the eerie/thrilling elements are the atmosphere and the religious cult-like following that keep you turning pages. I loved the romantic sub-plot and the past/present chapters of Ruth and Everett. I did feel like the ending 10% lacked little bit of wow-factor compared to what I've felt with her last two, but then the very last page really shocked me. It isn't my favorite of hers, but I still really enjoyed and will recommend!

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I tried this book 4 times. I have previously loved The last housewife but this book wasn’t at the same level for me. I ended up reading 54% before officially giving up. I’m quite bored and have no interest in what’s happening - which just doesn’t feel like a lot. The vibe of the book is great but the story is just pretty lacking

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