Member Reviews

Finished ✔️ Emily Essence by Lila Fox
4 ⭐️’s
Kindle Unlimited: No
Interesting characters
Interesting story line
Wish the characters had more quirks
Overall a great book
Beautifully written
Yes, I’d recommend
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3.5 stars for me
I loved the start of this story. The way Hawk stepped up & saved Emily, then helped her find somewhere to call home. I enjoyed the camaraderie of the MCs joining together and loved the other old ladies. Sadly the ending felt abrupt and I had questions about moments from the book that were left unanswered. A good read that could have been great.

I couldn't put my phone down! I started this ebook at 1:23 pm, and I finished it at 7:16 pm. I genuinely enjoyed it so much! i'm giving the book a 4 star rating because it kept me wanting more, and more. The few times I had to put my phone down, I couldn't stop thinking about what would happen next with Hawk and Emily. This was a great read, and I can't wait to read more by this author. They definitely have a great way with words.

Fantastic for MC Readers.
I would recommend this book to readers that like MC romance and spicy scenes from the characters in this book. I love Emily- despite being abused by her father, she tried to save herself by running away and she doesn't just cry when there's a problem fall upon her. Loved a blunt Hawk also, even though he is not comfortable dealing with feeling but he doesn't beat around the bushes to show that he want Emily. I would love to continue reading this whole book series. Absolutely curious to know each of the MC members' story.

Sadly not the best read. While it had a lot going for it, the execution was not there- undeveloped plot, dry characters, and just a lackluster feel. I still managed to enjoy the experience but would not read again or recommend

It felt like there was something missing from this..
I also didn’t really care for Hawk or his back and forth attitude. Yet the second Emily is hurt he acts like someone messed with his woman.. Cry me a river.