Member Reviews

As a big fan of Elizabeth Peters’ iconic Egypt-set Amelia Peabody mystery series, I fell upon Kelly Oliver’s latest Covert in Cairo with glee and thoroughly enjoyed every single page.

Cairo, 1917 and following a tip-off from notorious spy Frederick Fredricks, Fiona Figg and Kitty Lane of British Intelligence find themselves travelling all the way to Egypt where they quickly discover that the tombs of the Egyptian capital aren’t solely reserved for ancient mummies. As a young French archeologist is discovered dead in a tomb in the desert with his head bashed in and an undercover agent goes missing, the threat becomes far too close for comfort for Fiona and Kitty.

As they start to dig deeper into the case, Fiona and Kitty uncover a veritable smorgasbord of suspects which includes rival excavators, jealous spouses, secret lovers and belligerent spies with many an axe to grind. With danger round every corner, Fiona cannot help wondering whether the infamous Frederick Fredericks might be behind these murders – or whether there might be something even more sinister afoot!

With time not on their side, Fiona and Kitty need to work fast – or else they risk spending eternity trapped in an Egyptian tomb!

Covert in Cairo is a fun, engaging and nail-biting historical mystery from Kelly Oliver that will certainly keep readers turning the pages late into the night. Brilliantly atmospheric, immensely suspenseful and packed with twist after twist, readers who enjoy cozy historical mysteries with spirited and intelligent sleuths and plenty of humour, tension and charm will want to add Kelly Oliver and Covert in Cairo to the top of their must-buy list.

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1917, Fiona and Kitty head to Egypt to search for the spy Fredricks who hinted at a German plot which could be important to the war effort. They meet famous archaeologists Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon before finding a freshly dead body in an ancient tomb...
Covert in Cairo is the second book to feature Fiona and Kitty as they try to work undercover to help win the First World War. I have previously reviewed the first book in the series, Chaos at Carnegie Hall.
Despite her mistrust of Fredricks, Fiona follows his advice and heads to Cairo alongside Kitty and Clifford in the hope of uncovering a German plot. Soon after their arrival a body is found, then they discover two injured men in a tomb. One dies and the other is Fredricks who quickly disappears again. There are plenty of red herrings, suspicious behaviour, lies about alibis, and a host of suspects for Fiona to investigate.
The book is written from Fiona's first person perspective and this adds a personal and chatty tone to the narrative. There is humour as the women get into scrapes trying to follow clues and find the killer, as well as Fiona's scorn towards Poppy the dog. The author has researched the 1910s and the social conventions of the time that governed the attitudes of the characters. I liked the inclusion of real characters from the era and location.
Covert in Cairo is an enjoyable cosy murder mystery mixed with history and espionage.

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This is Fiona Figg and Kitty Lane’s second adventure. I really enjoyed this one more than the previous one, perhaps due to knowing Kelly Oliver’s style of writing better. It is set in Cairo in December 1917. Here their mission is to foil the sabotage of the Suez Canal.

It is a bit madcap at times. Fiona can find herself in somewhat comical situations. She tends to solve her problems somewhat ingeniously. The scene on the runaway horse made me laugh out loud. In addition, both Kitty Lane and Sir Archibold are with her again. Fiona continues to be surprised by Kitty’s training. We learn very little about Kitty’s real past, although I believe Kelly Oliver dropped a subtle hint. Sir Archibold continues to be a bit of a hapless chaperone. They also have Kitty’s dog, Poppy, along with them. They are up against the Germans once again. Fiona’s nemesis Fredrick Fredricks continues to tease and elude them.

Thanks to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for the free Advanced Reader’s Copy in exchange for my honest review. I would also highly recommend the audiobook narrated by Willow Nash. I gave this book 4 stars. I recommend it to anyone who likes a fun historical spy nov

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I quite enjoy cozy mysteries and ones with strong female protagonists are interesting to read! Covert in Cairo has it all. Set during World War I in Egypt, the author gives us a glimpse into the excavations of the time, some famous archeologists as well as Egypt in the time of the war.

Though I haven't read any of Fiona's previous adventures, I really enjoyed this one as she and Kitty embark on a new mystery while trying to uncover a murderer as well as save the world. Another aspect which kept me interested was the character of Fredrick Fredricks. I could not quite figure him out and it was fun to read about him, painted as a villain. The question of is he good or is he bad kept arising and solving that particular conundrum was intriguing.

The story was a little slow in some places and I guess this was deliberate on the side of the author. Overall though I quite enjoyed how the author carried the story forward and introduced us to some very fascinating characters. This was a good read and I am sure that fans of mysteries and historical fiction would enjoy the book.

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Fiona Figg, super file clerk and mistress of disguises, is in Cairo with Kitty Lake and Clifford Douglas. They’re there to find Fredrick Fredricks, and foil whatever plot he’s got on the go for the Suez Canal.

Fiona and Kitty become acquainted with British stationed there, as well as the archaeologists looting, I mean, excavating, sites. Fiona quickly runs into Fredericks, who teases and flirts with her, making it that much harder for her to find the missing British spies she's been sent there to find. Kitty continues to look pretty and actually be pretty deadly, increasing Fiona's curiousity about the school Kitty went to in France. And of course Fiona and Kitty are successful in their mission, though their superior Captain Hall continues to admonish Fiona for her use of disguises, despite Fiona's many successes in the field.

The story is full of historical detail, figures of the time, unearned British superiority, pomposity and raging xenophobia, misogyny, and silliness. Kelly Oliver again skillfully treads the line between farce and humour, while adding some social commentary, taking Fiona from archaeological dig sites to ballrooms, all while Fiona uses her considerable wits and sense to crack cases.

It's a fast-moving story, and fun. As Fiona is left with a message to come to Italy by the ever-frustrating Fredericks at the end of this novel, we'll happily be getting more of the intrepid Fiona Figg.

Thank you to Netgalley and to Boldwood Books for this ARC in exchange for my review.

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Kelly Oliver’s Covert in Cairo is an enjoyable and nicely-paced mystery. I love the well-written setting and the twists. However, while I like the characters, they are sometimes inconsistent and the quirkiness can be overbearing.

It’s December 1917. Fiona Figg of British Intelligence is in Cairo trying to stop an attempt on the Suez Canal by infamous German spy Fredrick Fredricks. Along for the mission are her chaperone Captain Clifford Douglas and the mysterious Kitty Lane. However, Cairo turns out to be a hotbed of activity. A French archeologist is found murdered in a desert tomb and an undercover British agent disappears. As Fiona and Kitty investigate, they uncover spies, competing archaeologists, and a dastardly plot involving valuable antiquities. Is smarmy spy Fredricks to blame? Or is someone else at the heart of this mystery?

This is a light and entertaining romp! I love the well-written historical setting. It’s evocative and realistic. I also love that the author chose the unusual location of Cairo at Christmastime which adds a lovely cosiness and charm. The overall writing is good and mature with wonderful descriptions and light humour. However, the writing sometimes gets repetitive. Furthermore, I have to admit that the quirkiness almost made me stop reading as it is laid on thick and cheesily at the beginning. However, the writing eventually settles into a more palatable and less distracting level of quirkiness and fun.

I like the well-paced and interesting mystery plot. There are several viable suspects and some good plot twists. I love that the action jumps from many locales: the desert, a theater, a hunting club, and of course, a fancy party or two. I also enjoy the fun hijinks and the hilarious disguises. I also appreciate the relevant social commentary on things like feminism, the ethics of war, and tomb excavation and the way that these elements are worked in organically and realistically into the book.

The book features a cast of unique and interesting characters. I love former petty criminal Kitty who is fascinating with her deadly hidden talents. She could have been a caricature but her girlish love of fashion and her adoration of her dog Poppy gives a lovely approachableness. I actually do not care much for our protagonist Fiona. Don't get me wrong, she’s a decent character with great values. I admire her bravery, forward feminist thinking, and her disguises. I also don’t need her to be likeable but she’s a little boring and too self-righteous. I also dislike her terrible attempts at sleuthing which make for some ridiculous (and not in the laugh-out-loud way) moments.

My favourite character is the mysterious spy Fredricks with his amusing and unhinged antics. I could never figure him out at all and I absolutely love the unpredictability! However, I did find the characters to sometimes be inconsistently written as their behaviour and actions flip flop strangely. I also think that the relationship between Fiona and Kitty could have been more consistently written.

🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♀️ out of 5 spies!

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher, for allowing me to review this book in exchange for an honest review.

I read other reviews giving this book 4 stars and up, and I was looking forward to reading it. It took me a while to warm up to the characters. This is also my first read in this series.

Clifford's character reminds me of Capt Hastings from the Poirot BBC series. Speech, mannerisms, and sayings.
Kitty - not sure what to make of the 18-year-old wonder sleuth
Fiona - I'm not sure if I'm sold on her - I feel like she just mucked along until everything was solved.
Frederick Fredricks - A villain I would love to have in my life and obsessed with Fiona.

Fiona is a file clerk for the British govt. Who sends her along with Clifford and Kitty on undercover operations during WW1 (the great war). Frederick Fredricks is a thorn in the British gov't's side, he has an unnatural obsession with Fiona.... There is a threat that the Suez Canal will be blown up, so Fiona is sent to find Frederick to stop the bombing.... but is the bombing a hoax? What about the red herrings? maybe wrong location? And what is going on with the antiquities being looted from the tombs of pharaohs and sold on the black market...

German Spies, red herrings, and mishaps make this a fun read, just not a 4-star read for me.... The book is enjoyable non the less.

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Fabulous and fun. Read in one sitting and will be looking out for more from this writer.

Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Fiona Figg and Kitty Lane team up to save the Suez Canal and Egyptian antiquities from German spies and thieves in Covert in Cairo. As usual they get involved in ridiculous but deadly imbroglios while they have to ride camels and meet archaeologists of renown in World War I. Enjoy the romp.

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A good mix of historical fiction and mystery, a light and entertaining story featuring likeable characters and a vivid and well researched historical background.
Many thanks to the publisher for this arc, all opinions are mine

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As usual in my reviews, I will not simply rehash the plot.

This is the second book in this "Fiona Figg and Kitty Lane" series (there's also a separate "Fiona Figg" series that I've yet to catch up on!). Once again I found this to be an enjoyable, light read - a combination of spy novel, vintage travelogue, and social observation.

This book follows on from the previous novel "Chaos at Carnegie Hall", following a tip-off from the nefarious yet charming "Fredrick Fredricks" (what a great name!).

This time the action is set in Cairo, Egypt in 1917 - in the thick of WW1. There are some excellent supporting characters, including real life figures of the period such as Lawrence of Arabia and Howard Carter. I enjoyed the descriptions of the settings, the camels, the fashions, food etc, as well as the plot of course!

We get to know more about Fiona, and a little more about Kitty Lane - though she remains a rather mysterious figure, as we are yet to learn more about her history in France for example.

I love Kelly Oliver's writing style - the language is generally spot on, and some scenes made me laugh out loud.

This would be an ideal book to read on a journey or holiday, or if you're looking for an enjoyable mystery to pass a few hours. I will be happy to read more in this series, and will try to seek out the other "Fional Figg" series too!

My thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for an ARC. All opinions my own.

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This is a fun novel of mystery and intrigue set in WW I Egypt. My favorite aspect of this series is the well developed characters. Clifford is portrayed as a typical clueless British man. Kitty is a daredevil, skilled in all things investigative and always up for an adventure. And our heroine, Fiona, is a capable office person turned spy. She's not always perfect in her work, but she gets the guy, in more ways than one.

The plot contains interesting information about antiquities and the archaeologists who were looking for them. There is also information about German influence to incite Egyptians to expel the British. There was also concern for the Suez Canal, its operation essential to the war effort.

I appreciate Oliver clarifying what figures and events are historical fact and which are fiction. It was fun having figures like Lawrence of Arabia, Gertrude Bell and Howard Carter appear in the narrative. Other characters in the novel are based loosely on actual people. Reading Oliver's Note is like getting a little history lesson.

This is the second novel in a series but reads relatively well on its own. It would seem more adventures are on the horizon for Fiona, Kitty and Clifford so I will be watching for the next one featuring them.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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‘Covert in Cairo’ is a light-hearted romp through the Egyptian capital, chasing murderers into tombs, camel chases and the intrigue of the war! This is the second in the series and although it can be read as a standalone I would recommend reading the first book. It does explain a bit of background on why the ‘villian’ of the piece is fixated on Fiona etc.

Fiona Figg and Kitty Lane have been asked to follow notorious spy Fredrick Fredricks to Egypt in order to foil a plot to blow up the Suez Canal. Whilst in Cairo they become involved with finding a missing undercover British agent who they think is linked to a suspicious death. A young French archaeologist has been found murdered in a tomb and has had his head bashed in! Fiona and Kitty are soon deeply involved as Fiona thinks that Fredrick could be involved! Will they sort out the mess before they themselves find in danger?

As much as I like Fiona I want to know more about Kitty! What is she up to when she disappears, what was she actually doing in France and how did she get her skills?! She is the more alluring of the characters and I would like to see her more centre stage as I think it would be a delightful riot! Fiona needs to understand their relationship has changed from when they were in New York and she needs to view her as a colleague rather than a ward. Hopefully, this will start to develop in further books.

This is a fun and exciting historical mystery! The author manages to evoke the sense of Egypt in the first world war. I particularly liked the inclusion of Egyptians wanting to retain their history and culture. So much was stolen from them and carted off to private collectors and museums. Once again real historical figures have been interwoven into the narrative which makes it feel authentic and believable.

Let me know if you pick this one up!

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The 4th book in this highly entertaining series finds our Ms Fiona Figg in Cairo trying to prevent the sabotage of the Suez Canal. Each book in the series could be read as a stand alone but you'd miss some of the back stories and miss seeing the continued development of this cast of characters. Part cozy mystery, part historical fiction and 100% entertaining, I've read all four in the series and can't wait for #5.

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I really enjoyed this book. I am a sucker for a historical murder mystery and the fact that this one is set in Egypt made it more enticing. The plot is captivating and the writing enjoyable.

Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read an advanced copy.

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The story follows a spy Fiona Figg who is working for British Intelligence in Cairo. Her mission was to trail German spy Fredrick, report back to her superior Captain Hall. She works together with her aides Kitty Lane and officer Clifford to uncover the truth about the mysterious murder of a French archeologist, missing British agents and the goals of Friedricks.

The title of this novel attracted me at first, but the story is more indulgent and marvelous than the name sounds. The pacing is great in my opinion. It hooked me from the start. There wasn’t a single time I was bored or skipping through the pages. The mystery element kept me on my toes throughout the story.

This is a cozy mystery read with adventure, action and humor as well. I enjoyed and liked almost every character. Fiona is my favorite character. I agree with her views about many aspects.

“Women’s equality was one thing. A woman’s virtue was another.“

She is such a determined and stubborn character. There is her aides Kitty Lane who is an amazing foot fighter 😂 and officer Douglas Clifford who is a great story teller. Fredrick is really an intriguing and unfathomable character. Every time, his appearance in the novel is speechless and astounding.

Once you’ll read the novel, you’ll get what I’m saying 😉.

Next as we are in Cairo, Kelly describes the city in a great way. From the 20th century Cairo’s architect, Egyptian food, pyramids and the native people’s views about WW. Kelly explains details of these in an interesting manner.

The most important thing I liked about the novel is the wonderful and amazing history it describes. Although it is a work of fiction and characters are loosely based on real life people. But still I think it depicts what I should say: actual circumstances and issues at the time of 1917 during WW1.

Also, I liked the way the writer described the wrong doings of both countries, Britain and Germany during WW1 and brutal aspects of British colonization in South Africa, Egypt and India.

In the end, I’ll recommend this novel to everyone who is a fan of cozy mysteries. I’m so excited for the next novel in the series “Mayhem in the Mountains”. Can’t wait to see what next mission is prepared for Fiona.

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This was an exciting story Fiona Figg is in Egypt with Kitty and Clifford investigating a plot to blow up the Suez Canal in World War I. They are after a German spy Fredrick Fredrick's who sends Fiona messages inviting her to follow him. I loved this mystery and you visit an actual Archeological dig and meet Lawrence of Arabia. The hunt is afoot and the sense of being there in the middle of the mystery was exciting.

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Covert In Cairo is a fun cozy mystery set in Egypt during WWI. The references to actual people in history were an interesting addition and I loved the author’s note at the end telling all the research that Kelly Oliver did in preparation for writing this book. The setting is fabulous and gives way to many interesting scenarios that our MC, Fiona, finds herself in that involve sand, camels and lots of outfit changes.
Fiona reminded me of a female Sherlock Holmes with the awkwardness and bad luck of Bridget Jones or Finlay Donovan. With her wig and propensity of finding herself in the wrong place at the wrong time (in the wrong attire) she added a side of humor and relatability to this exciting whodunnit.
I haven’t read the first book in this spinoff series or the original Fiona Figg Mysteries series, but the characters and past adventures were explained well enough that it wasn’t necessary in order to enjoy this book. I do, however, want to go back and read the previous books just to see all the mishaps Fiona found herself in in the past and how exactly she went from being a file clerk to a spy.

I will be posting this review on Instagram


And Amazon.

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Having not read the first book in the series I worried I would be lost. I will say there were plenty of characters with plenty of foreign names that my southern self could quite wrap my head around if I was mentally pronouncing them correctly. Fiona was once a file clerk but is now a spy and I will say she is pretty good at it too.

Along with Kitty and Clifford they are in Caio to stop the enemy spies from harming the Suez Canal. Gertrude Bell, Lord Carnarvon, Howard Carter, and even Lawrence of Arabia all make an appearance which I felt really added to the book. The plot is great and if you like history than I this is certainly the book for you.

I am a huge British mystery fan and this to me was on par with plenty of the books and shows that I watch. I loved that it was set in Cairo as it added a layer of extra mystery. Let's face anytime we think of mysteries and the British during the early 1900s we think of them in Egypt. They just go hand in hand together.

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Take a trip to Cairo in 1917 with a delightful trio - Fiona Figg, Kitty Lane and Clifford Douglas - as they search for German spy, Frederick Fredericks. The fate of the Suez Project is at stake according to Fredricks so it's off to Egypt. Fiona (temporary agent) is tasked with the assignment because Fredericks seems to be seriously fixated on her. Clifford is along to act as her chaperone because it is, after all 1917 and ladies can't travel alone and Kitty is added to the trio. She has some hidden talents of her own.
On a case that starts out as focusing on the Suez Canal Project it morphs into the theft and illegal sale of artifacts and then the bodies start to pile up. Fiona, Kitty and Clifford will have to keep their wits about them as try to figure out what is really going on while staying alive or out of jail.
This is the second book in the series but works fine as a stand alone. The puzzle is engaging with twists, turns and some red herrings and there is a nice touch of humor. I have a spot saved for the next book in the series.
My thanks to the publisher Boldwood Books Ltd. and NetGalley for giving me an advance copy in exchange for my honest review.

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