Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.

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This collection will give readers, writers, Syracuse’s, and students the opportunity to learn, grow, and consider perspectives both similar to and vastly different from their own.

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Writing in Color is a well curated anthology collection of essays on writing and craft by authors of color edited by Nafiza Azad and Melody Simpson. Released 22nd Aug 2023 by Simon & Schuster on their Margaret K. McElderry imprint, it's 256 pages and is available in hardcover and ebook formats. It's worth noting that the ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents as well as interactive links and references throughout.

Finding the way as a writer (which is a somewhat solitary and often fraught occupation) can be difficult. Getting a book to print is almost -always- a long and difficult process. Doing so as a writer with a minority voice can be overwhelming. That's one reason that community strength and experience is even more important.

This is a book for everyone: writers, and women, and people of color, and allies, and readers. Everyone who loves books and wants to understand more of what the challenges are and how to compensate and overcome them.

Diversity is critically important to shaping society and the next generations of readers (and writers). These experienced authors provide a glimpse into their own encounters in the overwhelmingly white-centric, market driven publishing industry.

It's a fast read, and as with any collection, there are essays which resonate more and hit harder. They were all worthwhile to read however.

Five stars. Really interesting viewpoints and valuable information to know, both for writers -and- readers.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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I needed Writing in Color's compilation of essays years ago, especially when I was feeling a certain way about the industry. The essay that hit close to home was about Imposter Syndrome, which is one of the issues I have about writing—wanting to write but feeling as if it's all for naught because who wants to read this. Writing in Color is a great book for beginners to advanced writers who want or need a connection to industry insiders and their experiences.

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This is a great compilations from a lot of very talented writers. It is a challenge to get published in general, but it seems that writers of color have it even harder.
This is a beautiful compilations of their voices and letting them be heard. A great read for any aspiring writers.

Thanks NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book.

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This anthology consists of stories for aspiring bipoc authors, how to find ideas, stick with your idea, characterization, etc. HOWEVER, as the publishing is white-centred company, these essays also revolved around systemic racism, colorism, selected diversification and unfairness. Thus, making it very very valuable.

As a person of color myself, if not an aspiring writer, I feel seen and understood. This is what I've been dealing with my life the whole time and things I shouldn't be comfortable with. Things about being global south countries🫶🏽

Some of these essays are totally wholesome 😭🥺

It told about affirmation as well as struggles. But it reminded us all the same that we're not doing it alone💗

I love it. Highly highly recommended 👌

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This was such a fun read! I love dissecting everything about an author's writing process, the choices they make, and what influences them. I especially loved Chloe's the most. For authors whose work I've read before, it was wonderful to get a behind-the-scenes peak!

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