Member Reviews

What an informative and useful book! It should be required reading for everyone. Diet, exercise, foods to avoid, supplements to try: it's all here. I only wish my sister had read it before she was diagnosed with Stage 4 stomach cancer.
Many pages read like a medical textbook, and readers can skim or skip, as needed.
This is a great reference book.
Easy to read, thoroughly researched and documented, with references to so many studies and other books.
Highly recommended!

There were lots of things I love about this book. I pick the main two:
1. The author based everything on the sad fact that traditional treatment is a must-be for many kinds of cancer, and all her supplements or ideas or herbs or thinking can be used additional. There is correctly no promise of healing cancer by „dancing the wolf“. As a former breast cancer patient I saw too many girls dying by trusting on alternative methods alone.
2. The author gave thoughts to every thinkable and practical aspekt of what/how the treatment could be made easier, life afterwards be supported, the chance of staying cancer-free at least not harmed. Not everyone will find their personal aha-moment, some ideas won‘t fit but to think them over and consider is a great first step in my view. Cancer changes everything and that includes our brains, even though we need time to accept that. For this progress the book is of good and solid help.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the copy!

Such a fantastic and informative book
A lot of good ideas to take on board, not just for a cancer patient but a good guide for everyone.
Thank you Jenny Graves for writing such a great book

Naturopath and cancer survivor, Jenny outlines treatments that can safely be used in conjunction with orthodox medicine for an integrated journey back to health.
This book is a great addition to the toolbox of the patient as well as healthcare professionals.

A friend ahs recently been diagnosed with cancer. A very informative guide that I hope will help.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book.

4.5 rounded up
Informative andveasybto understand. Lots if information laid presented in sn easy to find way.
Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book

This was a great helpful guide that I wanted to acquire for our health section. As someone who has family that has had cancer run quite a bit through their family as well as friends ect. This helpful guide gives wonderful information on natural ways you can support yourself or someone going through this horrible cruel diseases it is important to always consult with your physician, but I’ve found even with my own health issues it helps you feel more in control to be able to have information and make informed decisions for yourself to help yourself in any way you can.