Member Reviews

I'm DNFing this book early on because I'm not getting on with the writing style. This wasn't a bad book story wise, but the writing style was taking me out of the story so I figured it was best to DNF it.

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I was getting bored of historical romance but this book was a breath of fresh air into a tired genre. The characters were creative and interesting the plot was well-paced with a good balance of story and steam.
I am a sucker for love after marriage and this book did not disappoint. I highly recommend it to fans of historical romance.
I received an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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3.5 stars
Oh, to be a woman when marrying was the only way to mean something. We have a sister who was happy to not be the diamond of the season, no, she wants to just be and be as free as possible. Fate though, has a man who was the spare...but now is the heir and needs a wife who is uninterested in parties or society.
A perfect match...or maybe not.

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This was a gorgeous read! Just what I needed. I loved the characters and the storyline. 3.75 stars it was very entertaining I really enjoyed it. Thank you to netgalley for providing me with a copy for review.

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I wanted to love this book, but it fell short for me. The premise was cute, but I got bored, which is unfortunate because I love this author's other books. Oh well, not every one is going to be a winner.

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Lavinia and Alexander...honestly, I think out of the four featured between these books, this was was favorite pair! They were PERFECT for each other and the whole “ugly duckling turned swan” story for her was a long time coming...after all, just because she doesn’t simper and try to impress, shouldn’t make her any less marriage material, and really, how can a fellow bookworm not recognize herself in Lavinia with her perpetual turn towards books when social situations become simply too much? Being herself allowed her to be found for the treasure she truly is...even if Alexander can truly be as much an a**hat as the next gent in thinking for even a moment that she would share...well, what he thinks she did, and step all over her heart, only to have to suck it up and seek help from someone he would rather not in order to win her favor once again! Yes, be prepared for the ups and downs, but they are SO worth it in the end!

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I know meet-cutes are typically a rom com saying, but I absolutely loved how these two initially met. It was cute and set up the rest of the story perfectly. The fact that the two main characters were both introverts warmed my heart, but because of this I think the banter was missing. I liked how close they became even though their communication was a little rocky about certain aspects of their marriage. Lavinia’s relationships with her sisters grew as well as her confidence as she performed her duties of a duchess. I loved the writing style and it was a fast read.

Thank you netgalley and the publisher for the gifted copy.

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You can always count on a Michelle McLean book to keep you smiling and give you a happily ever after. I thoroughly enjoyed this book from start to finish. The meet-cute between Lavinia and Alexander was adorable, and their subsequent relationship development post-arranged marriage was engaging. I enjoyed watching these two strangers fall in love with each other, through all the banter, lust, and misunderstandings. I loved how emotionally intelligent Liv is, and how her character grew over time as she navigated a new world being married to a Duke. I was also entertained by Alex’s work and his academic rivalry with one of Liv’s closest friends.

Thank you Michelle McLean, Entangled Publishing, and Netgalley for the ARC eBook.

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This book was a decent enough story, but I did not like how rushed the beginning was. I believe the story may have benefited by being fleshed out more with the main characters in the beginning. We do not really get a good feel for who they are other than the surface before being rushed to the alter. It was more than unbelievable and not even enjoyable with how rushed they were to marry and move on with the story. Other than that, it was a lighthearted and quick romance novel to read. I hope to see more from this author in the future.

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I’m a sucker for a good historical romance and this one was definitely a good one! I was drawn in by the cover but the story was great.

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Delicious. I liked the banter between Lavinia and Alex and they both said things they didn’t mean as well. It was a fun read.
Many thanks to Entangled and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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All they need to do is communicate.....

I enjoyed this story very much. It was fresh and endearing. I instantly liked our hero and heroine. Both a bit socially awkward and unsure of themselves, they were perfect for each other. Their biggest problem... Communication.

The story took a turn at the wedding and it frustrated me that they didn't talk! They didn't discuss expectations or how they were feeling. You knew they were each floundering and it was sometimes painful and you just wanted to shake them. The characters were strong and it was paced nicely, just frustrating. When it was finally worked out I was satisfied.

DISCLAIMER: I received a complimentary copy of this novel from the publisher. This has not affected my review in any way. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are 100% my own.

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I had read a couple of Michelle's other books (westerns!) and was excited to see her take on a historical.

I loved Lavinia and Alex. They're both good, loyal people who have a spark during a chance meeting. I loved reading them figure out how to navigate their newly found responsibilities as well as the chemistry between them. There are a few other characters here, but this story is firmly on the two of them.

Plot wise, it's good. There are a lot of balls and parties, yet it didn't feel repetitive. The botany aspect was interesting and not to science-y to feel lost while read the details. The conflict was fantastic, the grand gesture was even better, and the epilogue left me wanting more of them.

Overall, this was a quick and fun read and I know it'll be one I come back to.

**Huge thanks to the publisher for providing the arc free of charge**

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This is Alex and Lavinia story. Lavinia is your typical wallflower and Alex snatches her up quickly because he believes that's what he wants in a Duchess. Someone he can put on a shelf and look at from time to time. However after they get married Lavinia seems to slowly break out of her shell ! This was a nice and lighthearted read with misunderstanding, pariah of the ton, and love.

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As the middle of three sisters, Lady Olivia Wynnburn has always been rather overlooked. She’s content enough with being relegated to the corners, that way no one notices her social mistakes. But all that changes when the Duke of Beaubrooke selects her over her sisters to be his bride.

Alexander Reddington never expected to be the duke, but his brother’s passing thrust him into the role. He’s more content to spend his time engrossed in his botanical studies and couldn’t care less for social engagements. But now he must fulfill his late brother's marital obligations and when he winds up sharing a corner with a lady who is just as socially inept as he is, he believes he’s found the perfect wife who won’t hound him about attending society events.

To his surprise, however, after their marriage Lavinia begins to gain confidence and accepts many more social invitations than Alex ever expected. Even worse, Alex seems to be losing his heart to her and he has no idea how to handle any of it with his research due date to the Royal Society looming.

This was a fine story, though rather slow. The conflict relies heavily on misunderstanding and miscommunication, and the MCs seemed to have the same argument over and over again. I enjoyed seeing the overlooked wallflower finally begin to come into her own, but Lavinia was also frustratingly naïve at times. In many ways, Alexander was just as naïve, so this caused most of their disagreements, but sometimes the story was bogged down by these little minutiae and that made it hard for me to stay invested. He was too suspicious for no reason and somehow, I was just left wanting more. I wanted her to take her sister and her supposed friend to task in a more dramatic fashion and I also wanted real communication sooner. That said, this was still a sweet, enjoyable story, and I very much appreciated how low angst it was.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I received an advanced reader’s copy of Four Weddings and a Duke by Michelle McLean.

Alexander Reddington, Duke of Beaubrooke marries Lavinia Wynnburn because he had to choose one of the Wynnburn sisters and Lavinia seemed the one most likely to fit into his life without disrupting it. Lavinia who has grown up feeling unwanted and unseen, finds that she enjoys getting the attention she receives as the new duchess and enjoys entertaining. They end up at odds with one another and their relationship becomes strained.

Overall, I enjoyed this story about the struggles of two people who don’t know each other very well learning about their differences and figuring out how to compromise.

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I have not had the privilege of discovering this author before this book. I absolutely LOVED it! I always enjoy when the underdog turns out to be the strongest and most in depth character of the bunch. Ms. McLean wove together a truly fun story about 3 sisters, and a Duke who must choose one of them for his arranged marriage. Their fathers made the agreement at birth, but did not specify which daughter the Duke must choose. I loved how this author wove this story, and how drawn in I was right from the start. This story is greatly enjoyable, and I will be seeking more stories by Ms. McLean in the future!

I will absolutely be recommending this book on my blog found at I only publish reviews that meet a certain level of criteria on this blog, as I search for the very best work (in my opinion).

Thank you, Entangled Publishing, for this opportunity to read your books simply in exchange for an honest review.

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Four Weddings and a Duke is a historical romance that will have you smiling and laughing. It is a marriage of convenience and very entertaining. Alexander Reddington wants nothing more than to do his botanical research. Instead he finds himself sitting next to a wallflower of a girl at his cousin’s wedding having a delightful conversation and finds her refreshing. Soon it will be his own marriage to attend but he needs to figure out who the bride will be. It’s been arranged for him to pick from one of the three Wynnburn sisters. When he notices that the wallflower miss is the middle sister, he proposes to Lavinia and prays that she’ll make the perfect duchess and deal with his social calendar. Lavinia and Alex embark on their married life which both find of a bit of a challenge in unexpected ways.

I was totally enthralled with this story because the main characters made it entertaining. Alex and Lavinia were both learning about the other and navigating their marriage. I would even say that it was a coming of age story for Lavinia because she was finally able to grow as a person and at the same time, as a wife. The secondary characters of Kitty and Nigel brought delightful humor, and their banter kept the story flowing forward. There were a few bumps along the way but both Alex and Lavinia learned what truly was important to them, and the grand gesture at the end showed how much they’ve grown in love and hope for their future. Michelle McLean is becoming a favorite of mine for her vivid writing, intriguing characters and interesting stories. Historical romance fans should be happy with this wonderful story.

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Lavinia Wynnburn knows she's a wallflower and the least likely to find a match as the middle sister. She catches his eye when she inadvertently meets the Duke of Beaubrooke at a social event, without knowing who he is and who has been promised a Wynnburn sister's hand in marriage. He turns up the next day asking for her hand in marriage, and their adventure into love begins. She is aware of her duties as a Duke's wife but also that she was not prepared for the role. As she struggles to fit that role, their relationship struggles too. It's an entertaining Regency romance that is quite funny, especially as readers are given insight into all the mishaps and misunderstandings.

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.

I had a hard time getting into this book. It did get better as it went, but overall, I didn't love it.

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