Member Reviews

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Putnam Books for an ARC in exchange for my honest review!

This was my first Lucy Clarke read, but definitely won't be the last! The Hike has multiple point of views of the four friends hiking together, which I'm a fan of this format, plus a fifth sprinkled in and I was excited each time one of the chapters popped up. I have been lost hiking before, so that definitely added to the suspense for me having experienced a taste of that type stress.

This was a quick read for me, about a day, which is my favorite kind of book because it keeps me turning the page. Lots of twists and turns, plus with four lifelong friends there are plenty of secrets and drama! I relate, on some level, to all four women, which definitely kept me reading to see what was coming next. An engaging, vacation gone wrong thriller with plenty of gasps, twists and stunning scenery along the way.

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I liked this book even better than her others. Great atmosphere (Norway) with descriptions that make you feel like you are right there with the characters, going through their trials. I love survival reads and this was part mystery, part survival thriller, with suspense and twists along the way. I did not see the ending coming. Highly recommended. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC! #TheHike #NetGalley

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Lucy Clarke has written another thriller. I read this in three days and couldn't wait to finish it. Strong female characters face their modern world problems on a dangerous hiking expedition where the weather turns. What a perfect recipe for disaster. This book makes me want to travel to Norway! Some sacrificed their life on that mountain. Well done!

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This was a quick read that was a solid thriller (it reads like a mix between a murder mystery and a survival thriller). The setting is a mountain hike in Norway and the atmosphere is very present in the story. I felt like the four women in the main group were distinct individuals and I cared about all their POVs, which really made this a more enjoyable read.
I liked it a bit more than One of the Girls but that’s probably just because I love climbing thrillers!
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!

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Liz, Maggie, Helena and Joni are all best friends since childhood. Every year they plan a vacation with just them four. This year they are headed to Norway for a four day hiking and camping trip. Sounds beautiful and fun right? Think again. Tensions rise when things don’t go as planned. Also, there is a killer out on the mountain. Who will be the ones to finish the hike? What secrets are everyone hiding?

I really enjoyed the author’s last book so I was very excited to receive the ARC for the Hike! This thriller did not disappoint. In this read we explore female friendships, find out secrets, go through a lot of crazy things, all while in a mountain setting. Will all the women make it to the end?

What I enjoyed:
- the pacing. At first it felt slow burnish but I think that helped develop the relationships. Once i hit the half way mark, I couldn’t put it down. I stayed up late just to finish the read
- The four women are all flawed. Maybe not really likable at times. But I liked seeing how their different personalities meshed. They felt real and relatable for someone who is also in their early 30s
- The setting was fun and sounded beautiful. I had an easy time imagining their hike. The imagery was very colorful.
- Multiple POVs which makes you want to continue going!
- I did not expect one of the big twists. Or how this would end!

Overall, I really enjoyed this book! This was a fun and fast thriller read. I will be adding more of this authors books to my TBR. 4 stars out of 5 stars! Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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My first Lucy Clarke book and it won't be my last!! It was a super fast read and the writing flowed seamlessly. Clarke did an amazing job at creating a scenic yet spooky atmosphere. The suspense was a little late to the story, but it sure did grab a hold of me and I was terrified for these women. I wasn't thrilled with the ending though. It wasn't bad, I just wanted a little more of an explanation and some closure before the afterword. I think that most suspense/thriller junkies will enjoy this one. I definitely recommend it for a fast and easy read!

Thank you to the author, PENGUIN GROUP Putnam, and NetGalley for allowing me digital access to this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion!

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I have no idea why I love these "hiking in the mountains" books so much. They are just the creepiest and the most exciting. This was amazing. There were so many twists.
Thank you for the ARC.
Can't wait for the next one.

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This is my first book by Lucy Clarke and I was super excited to receive an advance copy from NetGalley for my honest review. 

The synopsis of "The Hike" is this:Four lifelong friends embark on a challenging 4-day hike in Norway, each with their own secrets, personal history, and other travel experiences. None of them are super eager for this hike because they are not really prepared for it but they are (pretty much) committed to doing it. Along the way, they hear about a missing girl who looks similar to one of them and then things begin to unravel about this mountain. 
My opinion: This book fell completely flat to me. It felt like a story we've read before, it was slow paced, kind of boring and nothing attached me to the characters. I could not tell the difference between Helena and Maggie and quite frankly I did not care. I also did not care about what happened on this mountain that impacted the side characters. I almost DNF'd this book because nothing really kept me interested. I wasn't sure why I should really care about what happened on this mountain. 
I will wholeheartedly forget about this book within 20 minutes of finishing it so I had to write my review fairly quickly.

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This book was incredible, I highly recommend it. It was tense and intriguing enough without actually setting me on edge or making me jumpy like some other thriller/murder mysteries. I found the characters to be fascinating and multifaceted in a way that gave them a lot of life and invested me further into the plot. Great book!

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Of course I had to read this! A psychological Thriller set in the isolated wilderness in Norway! A close-knit group of lifelong female friends....but they're not really alone? I couldn't resist being terrified!
The Reader's Hook: oh my!! Grabbed me by the throat! Then: the sense of impending doom HG hanging Continually I'm shouting at these hapless, feckless, self-centered, over-trusting characters:
"Haven't you read RITUAL? Or surely, you've watched the film. You don't go foolishly hiking in the Norwegian Wilderness!!"
Well, they didn't listen to me, and they didn't listen to the locals. [On principle, I wouldn't trust them anyway. I know what isolated camping leads to.] So I'm racing along, and a third of the way in, I'm "officially frightened" and I'm looking for air transport out of that forest, right now; and I'm only reading a novel!
But of course, the frights don't stop here, and everything is not all right. In fact, just about everything I could imagine goes awry, and even events I couldn't have imagined! This will truly be an enactment of "what doesn't kill me makes me stronger, " (re these characters), and "what doesn't make me stronger....will surely kill me instead."

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The Hike by Lucy Clark is a wilderness thriller told from multiple POV’s. Each character has their own set of problems, but together they balance each other out. While taking their annual friendship trip, the women head to the mountains in Norway, and it soon becomes clear that everyone has a secret and will they all make it out alive? I read Lucy Clark’s “One of the Girls” and personally preferred that one to this one. There is nothing wrong with this book, but the actual mystery was more enticing to me compared to this one. This is a pretty quick read and I appreciate the fast pace and beautiful mountain scenery.

ARC provided by @Netgalley and the publisher.

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Goodness… Talk about one unsuccessful girls’ trip!

Liz, Helena, Maggie, and Joni have been friends forever. For this year’s annual trip, Liz picks Blafjell Mountain in Norway, a brutal hike to die for. Each of the women are going through their own personal drama that seeps into their friendship, which taints the trip and sets the mood. Estrogen and tensions fly high. Fingers are pointed full of blame at one another. But, of course, the power of friendship is… well, powerful, so there are some let’s-pull-through-this-together moments.

Anyways, The Hike is a survival thriller with big themes of friendship, betrayal, suspicion, and a little dusting of coke. This is a fast-paced thriller novel that you can read in one sitting. However, if I’m being fully honest, it’s not a book I’d easily recommend to others. I think it was almost a little too cheesy (with the power of girly friendships) and maybe a little too predictable of an ending for me.

That aside, Lucy Clarke’s writing was captivating and the storyline was very easy to follow. The chapters were broken up into the perspective of each of the four women on the trip, so it was a great way to get inside each of their heads and see who these characters were.

I am grateful to have read this eARC though! It was a nice palate cleanser between my other reads.

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I really enjoyed this book! Loved the relationship between the four women - well written and really fleshed out. The setting was great and really added suspense to the atmosphere of the book. Thanks to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for the ARC.

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Four friends on a Norwegian adventure hike. Of course tensions can bring out the worst, and the best in friendships. Great characters and relationships. The book begins with a dead body and this is a real page turner figuring out who it is! Another #ARC from @netgslley.

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Four friends set off for a epic hiking adventure in the Norwegian wilderness. There are plenty of towering mountains, gorgeous lakes, log cabins and forests straight out of a fairytale. It’s the perfect place to lose yourself. Then a broken body is found at the bottom of a ravine. Someone knows how she died…there’s a killer on the trail.

I love this author after discovering her last year when I read One of the Girls. She writes in such a way that you can picture yourself among the beautiful scenery she writes about. I would love to hop on a plane to Norway just to experience this forest! I could do without the killer on the trail though. I love a good survivalist thriller and this one sure did deliver. It was so captivating and held my interest throughout. I didn’t want to put it down. There was so much going on but I didn’t get confused – which takes a lot! I will admit that this one took me a bit to get into it, but once I did it was worth the wait.

If you are looking for an edge of your seat thriller than make sure to check this one out August 29th.

Thank you to the publisher Penguin Group – Putnam, @putnambooks, @penguinrandomhouse, and Netgalley, @netgalley, for this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Netgalley will be updated with social media links once posted.

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Heart pounding thriller that left me on the edge of my seat. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one. Definitely one of the best books this year.

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Thank you NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam for this ARC! After reading and loving One Of The Girls, I was very excited to read The Hike by Lucy. I really enjoyed this book and I read it one sitting! I love to be outdoors and hike so I was drawn to this book because of that. The Hike has the perfect amount of suspense and drama that makes for a great atmospheric thriller.

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Thank you to the publisher for letting me read an early copy in exchange for review.

I’m sad I didn’t enjoy this as much as I thought I would. You have great female friendship but however the story ended up being predictable and the ending lackluster.

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A highly original thriller about four friends going on a hiking trip up a treacherous mountain trail in Norway. Properly thrilling and impossible to put down. I read it in a matter of hours and enjoyed every twist and turn.

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Thanks so much netgalley for the chance to read this book early!
I knew going into this book something big was going to happen and I was not disappointed! I really enjoyed this one and was surprised at many parts especially close to the end.
The author kept me engaged and now I want to read her other books!

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