Member Reviews

I received an arc of this title from NetGalley for an honest review. I thought this was the book about Tatum, a lovely puppy that I follow on Tiktok, but it was a fun fictional read about a dog similar to Tatum and his story. Great for animal and dog lovers.

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you NetGalley and Kensington Books for this digital copy.

I adored this book!! It was everything I didn’t expect, which made it so much more!!

If you’ve never heard of, you need to fix that immediately!! Tatum is one of my most favorite insta-famous pets. The voice Tatum’s dad (Charles) uses to narrate his thoughts is so much fun! And the best part is that there are small sections of the audio book that Charles narrates IN TATUMS VOICE!!! It’s such a special experience that I HIGHLY recommend.

Now … I knew of Charles, Tatum, and his Mama (Nic) long before this book came out. So, you best believe I requested it IMMEDIATELY when I saw it on NetGalley. However, I assumed this book would be story of Tatum’s real life rescue; a memoir, if you will. But, what I got was even better!!

Tatum Comes Home is a fictional novel of Tatum’s journey as a lost pup after running away during a major storm that left the majority of the region without cellular and wireless service for days. Even though I knew the story was fictional, I cried countless times thinking of how I would feel in Nic and Charles’ shoes losing their beloved fur baby. And Tatum’s journey home is nothing short of a miracle!

This is a story of love, hope, faith and endurance. This is a story I highly recommend to any reader who loves stories about animals, especially those told from the animals point of view.

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Wonderful story, great character development, great writing! Highly recommend this book. I thoroughly enjoyed it

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Thank You NetGalley for the free eARC.

As soon as I saw Tatum had written a book, I had to read it. I love seeing Tatum on TikTik and his other social media accounts. He and his family are so funny and adorable.

Although Tatum is the star of the book, his parents make appearances. The story starts with Tatum going to the hardware with his dad, Charles. While there, a bad storm rolls through, and Tatum becomes scared and runs off. Tatum goes on an adventure of a lifetime, meeting new friends, exploring new place, wondering if he will get to eat pizza again. While his parents are frantically trying to find him.

Some points of the story seemed repetitive, but all in all, a good read. I enjoyed all the characters. It's a cute, heart warming, story about the love and bond between parents and their furbabies.

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"Tutum Comes Home" is a heartwarming tale that follows Tutum's journey. Filled with joy and life lessons, it's a charming story about the importance of belonging and family.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of the book in exchange for a review.

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I requested this book because I absolutely love tatum on tiktok; however, I sadly dnf'd this book. I tried to read it on both my kindle and on audio but still did not click with the book. I felt like it was definitely for a younger age group but was not advertised as such. I think that maybe if tatum would have done the whole audio voice, I would have liked it better since I did get the book for him. I hope this book is good for others & I will definitely keep watchin tatum on tiktok!

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Such a cute story! I've followed Tatum for years on Instagram. It was so fun to read this story and get to hear his coming home story through his voice. You know you're going to hear his voice in your head as you read this!

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The most humorous and heart-warming tale about a lost dog. My dogs hate storms and I have a fear of them running away during a storm, I try to be home when they hit but it's not always possible. This book settled my fears slightly and it was so enjoyable.

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I’ve followed Tatum on social media for a while now and when I saw that they were writing a book I knew I had to get my hands on it! This is such a heartwarming, feel good story and I couldn’t love it more! I feel like Tatums “diary entires” were my favorite part because if you watched his videos you can literally hear his voice as you’re reading lol.

this is definitely a must read for any animal lover out there that need a smile! :)

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I would like to thank NetGalley and Kensington Books for providing me with an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. It’s available now in your local and online bookstores and libraries.

I read this book for one reason: Tatum, the dog and our protagonist, is one of my favorite accounts on TikTok ( His dad talks for him in this adorably goofy voice, and I just love their videos. So when I found out there was a book, and more importantly, an audiobook, I had to read/listen to it.

This is a really sweet story about a lost dog finding his way home. Along the way, he changes lives. It’s very wholesome and cute. I liked it!

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This is a heartwarming story about a lost dog and the people who help him along the way. We get to see how one little dog, Tatum, can bring together dog lovers and change their lives. We also get to see Tatum’s family and how devastated they feel losing their beloved fur baby and the lengths they will go to find him.

Being a dog lover, this book really pulled and my heart strings. I related to Charles and Nicole. I had a dog get lost once and I could not sleep until he was found. But on the other hand the story melted my heart at what length these strangers went to help Tatum find his humans and Charles and Nicole find Tatum.

If you are a dog lover I highly recommend this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own, I have not been influenced by anyone.

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Full disclosure, I love Tatum! I follow him on YouTube and enjoy the content that his family puts up. This book was a fun, heartwarming read as I could hear Tatum's voice in my head as I was reading and could also feel the heartache his family would have if he did become lost.
The other nice thing about the book is the people that help Tatum along the way. It felt like that Tatum was bringing people together while trying to make his way back home. The people he met along the way were very likable and really touched my heart. In my head, I like to think that they have all become family. That is why I would suggest this book to others that are looking for a heartwarming and wonderful story about love and how one dog brought people together while finding his way back home.

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This is definitely a story that i needed this week. It was very up lifting and heartwarming
Many thanks to Kensington and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Thanks to Kensington & NetGalley for a digital advance reader's copy. All comments and opinions are my own.

This was an easy-to-read, feel-good story about a loveable lost dog getting help finding his way home. It was reminiscent of a fairy tale in that everyone who helped him ended up being helped as well. As noted in the book’s intro, this is a novel of “uplifting themes of friendship, second chances, and what it means to call a place – or a person – home.”

I wasn’t aware of Tatum prior to this novel, so didn’t know he is an internet celebrity via TikTok and Instagram. This plot isn’t inspired by true events but is based on Tatum’s voice and quirky personality.

There were some things about the novel that I had to overlook in order to read the story. Each chapter begins with a diary entry written by Tatum. There is never an explanation as to how the dog is writing in his diary, especially when he is not even at home. Is he using paper and pen? digital? dictation? And his unique spelling, word misunderstandings, as well as illogical logic were supposed to be cute, but I found this aspect to be cloying. There were also some questions I had about the characters’ use of the internet in attempting to contact his owners, but don’t want to spoil it for readers so will just caution you – this novel isn’t meant to be analyzed or it will fall apart.

I liked the human characters Tatum interacted with, and enjoyed how several of them were brought together as they tried to find Tatum’s owners.

I have read and loved other books with a dog as the protagonist or main character (for instance Spencer Quinn’s “Chet and Bernie” mysteries, “Lily and the Octopus,” and “The Art of Racing in The Rain”) so I was hoping this book would have been as good. Alas, not for me.

The publisher promises more books about internet pets. This is the first of “The Dog Agency Novels.” I probably won’t be reading any others.

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I cannot resist to a book with a dog or a cat on the cover and I know I will cry bucket if the pet is abandoned or something happens.
This book made me cry and smile. Even if I'm always a bit wary of the TikTok part this is a well plotted and sweet story.
Loved Tatum, made me wish I could adopt a dog
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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First of all, get out the tissues and be prepared to shed a few tears when you open this book and get lost in the story of Tatum. What a sweet lost/found dog tale. Tatum’s diary entries at the beginning of each chapter had me chuckling. While you are stressed for Tatum’s mom and dad as they do their best to find him, the people he interacts with and the adventures he has make up for it. The people in this book are delightful and caring. Because of this book, I have started following Tatum on social media. It is always one of the highlights of my day to see his videos. I strongly encourage you to grab a copy of this book when it is released and discover the many ways Tatum touches the lives of the people he meets on his adventure.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington for my advanced review copy. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

For more reviews, please visit my blog at: Over 1000 reviews posted!

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This book is a *Must Read* for all dog lovers. I love Tatum and this book is a 5 star read!
I received a complimentary copy and was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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When I saw this book I knew I had to read it. I LOVE watching Tatum on TikTok and I absolutely love dogs. This is a perfect book for dog and Tatum lovers!! If you love A Dog Purpose series you will most definitely want to read this. You will find this book has mystery, love, comedy and might give you some anxiety (LOL). I highly recommend this book!!!

Thank you NetGalley and Kensington Books for allowing me to read this ARC in advance for my honest opinion.

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Very cute book about a dog named Tatum, who gets confused during a storm, jumps into the wrong truck, and begins the adventure of his lifetime! All along the way, he recounts (in a diary/social media way) who he meets, how they treat him, what he's "finking" and feeling.

This story is based on a dog who is said to be a social media star, but is really just a dog. A good dog, a good boi, but a dog nonetheless. Any dog lover should give this book a try!

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book, but my opinions are my own.

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Tatum Comes Home is a cute family themed story of a beloved pet (Tatum) and the people who help him find his way back home. The story is loosely based on TikTok sensation Tatum of Tatum Talks. While I did check Tatum’s Instagram account, I didn’t feel that Tatum’s social media status added any value to the narrative. In fact, I think the social media posts detracted from the storyline in the novel.

The plot follows a pretty straightforward lost and found theme. There weren’t any plot twists. But there were tangential stories that were supposed to add some additional drama. However, I felt that those tangential stories were there as fillers to boost the word count as I didn’t think they did much to enhance the story itself.

There were so many characters in the novel that it got a little tedious to keep track of them all. And because there were so many characters, I didn’t feel that any were developed to their full potential.

Overall, I found Tatum Comes Home to be entertaining and enjoyable. And since I love animal stories — especially dog stories, Tatum Comes Home was a win with four stars.

I received a DRC from Kensington Books through NetGalley. The review herein is completely my own and contains my honest thoughts and opinions.

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