Member Reviews

***2.5 rounded to 3****
I love dogs and I love books bout dogs! So I thought I'd be the perfect reader for this book. Unfortunately, although Tatum Comes Home (a fictional story about a real dog who is an Instagram star--I never followed him before & now I do!) is a sweet story, it is rather simplistic, reading more like a fun, younger, middle grade book or a story that could have been made into a beautiful picture book for younger kids. It is very repetitive, repeating the details over and over, seemingly almost to the point of feeling like a filler to make a complete book rather than adding to the story. When I listened to the actual Tatum's "voice" on Instagram, it was cute and fun, but Tatum's written "voice" at the beginning of each chapter felt annoying with it's intentionally misspelled words and baby talk. It wasn't as funny or insightful as the Instagram version. The many, many characters also detracted from and diluted the story, with the best part of the story being where the hiker who finds Tatum and the man on the trail meet up. It felt most like a more mature story that could have easily been explored more and been the basis for most of book. I think I might have also. rated the story higher had it been based on a true story about a dog or a true story from Tatum's life.
This is a sweet story that will be perfect for those who love dogs and want a simple story that will make them smile.

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I enjoy books about dogs, whether fiction or non-fiction. Despite Tatum having a TikTok following, I haven't heard of him. The story itself is a bit predictable about a dog trying to find his way home. What I disliked was the voice of the dog. I'm not a fan of giving a dog a cutesy voice, and it was rather annoying and slowed down the reading. Others might disagree.

Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of this book.

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This was such an adorable doggie lost & found/rescue story. Yeah, it reads like a Lifetime movie, but here’s the thing about that, I enjoy a good Lifetime movie every now and then, especially with doggies!!! In the spirit of total transparency as well as for anyone who hasn’t read many of my reviews, I am a diehard, devoted, long-time, dog mama who has been blessed to have made a home for a boatload of amazing rescue doggies (over the course of 30+yrs) and who will now hold a place in my heart and soul forever.

The book summary pretty much lays out the primary storyline. What the book summary is pretty vague about is the devastation that Tatum’s family is experiencing and the lengths that they go through to find their precious fur baby. There are also all the really wonderful dog people that Tatum has the good fortune to be “found” by. Because we all know, there are a lot of people that would not be kind, at all, to a lost doggie. Kind and considerate dog people are good people in my book😊

There’s Jeb, the lonely widower whose own pup recently crossed the rainbow bridge and who has a crush for the local vet, who may have a crush of her own for Jeb. Then there’s hiker Cheryl who is struggling with a contentious relationship with her mother, since her father left a few years ago. Ther’s hiker Frank who has lost his beloved parents, but still manages their bookstore that he inherited from them. There’s the rural farm family who are in the beginning stages of an empty nest with their two oldest going off to college (on scholarships) in the near future and who are concerned about how they cannot afford to send their youngest to veterinary college and how they will run the farm alone.

Tatum’s presence in these amazing people’s lives and the effect that he has on them makes for a heartwarming story. Being around Tatum inspires them all to consider the amazing benefits and companionship and the wonderful feelings that having a dog produces. In this story, we learn that you don’t have to be a dog mama and/or papa to know and experience how amazing dogs are. The ending was a bit of a tear-jerker, at least for me it was.

This seems to be the first of a series, one that I will definitely be adding to my to-read list. I want to thank NetGalley and Kensington Books for sending me this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

#NetGalley #KensingtonBooks #TatumComesHome

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I follow Tatum on TikTok so I definitely heard his voice when reading this. I love that this book is told from Tatum's point of view, such a great read.

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I am a sucker for animal stories, of any kind, so I was excited to be given an opportunity to read this book. It is the story of Tatum (apparently a Tik-Tok celeb, although I have not seen it) who gets scared in a very bad storm, jumps into the wrong pickup and travels hundreds of miles from home. It is the story of all the people who unite in an effort to get him back to his owners. During the stories we are treated to excerpts from Tatum's "diary" and other thoughts that are going on in his head. A cute story, although I think the reading age is more 10-16 than adult, although I did like it. The ending made me cry happy tears, although I am sad that Tatum never did get his pizza! Thanks, NetGalley and Kensington Publishing for the chance to read this book.

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Attention dog lovers! "Tatum Comes Home" is a heartwarming novel narrated by a furry protagonist - Tatum, the dog. The story follows Tatum's journey to reunite with his family after being separated from them. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC ebook of this novel, which I thoroughly enjoyed reading and reviewing.

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My thanks to Net Galley and Kensington for allowing me to review this arc.

What a sweet story based on Tik Tok star Tatumm, a dog who becomes separated from his owner who.finds his way home with help from a lot a special people. I love this was also told from the pov of the dog. Very feel good!

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Tatum Comes Home by Tatum Talks and Mica Stone is heartwarming and well-paced. The late May air is filled with the rich scents of a Maine spring, and Tatum, a sweet, rust-colored rescue dog, is enjoying a trip to the hardware store with his dad when a heavy thunderstorm blows in. Frightened, Tatum scampers off to hide—and buries himself beneath a blanket on a nearby truck.

When Tatum wakes, hungry and confused, he’s hours from home. The truck’s kind owner promises to return him to his family, but that’ll be no easy feat. Tatum lost his collar during his travels, and with power out because of the storm, the local vet can’t scan for a chip.

I hesitated to read this book as I lost my beloved dog last year and still grieving her passing. But I loved this book. It was so heartwarming and a feel-good read.

Tatum really helped everyone he traveled with on his journey home. Such a sweet and loving story and so many lives touched during his journey.

The story brought both happy and sad tears. I just wanted to hug Tatum and bring him home!!

A definite must-read for any animal lover.

#TatumComesHome #NetGalley @KensingtonBooks

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I was unfamiliar with Tatum and that he was an Instagram and Tik Tok star but I can see why he is! The story just seemed like something I would love and I did. Sweet Tatum, you can't read about him and not want to cuddle him and tell him what a good boy he is.

Tatum was going to the hardware store with dad but a thunderstorm scared him. He ends up in the back of a truck and ends up miles from home. Thankfully, the truck's owner promises Tatum that he will get him home. His mom and dad are trying to find him while he's trying to find them. On the way, Tatum makes many friends who are also trying their best to get him home.

This story was wonderful. Wholesome and enjoyable to read.

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I loved this book! I watch Tatum on TikTok all of the time and was so excited to read this book. It was a ton of fun and kept me entertained the whole time.

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I have been following for years now, so when I saw this book was coming out, I knew id have to read it immediately.

The late May air is filled with the rich scents of a Maine spring, and Tatum, a sweet, rust-colored rescue dog, is enjoying a trip to the hardware store with his dad when a heavy thunderstorm blows in. Frightened, Tatum scampers off to hide—and buries himself beneath a blanket on a nearby truck.
When Tatum wakes, hungry and confused, he’s hours from home. The truck’s kind owner promises to get him back to his family, but that’ll be no easy feat. Tatum lost his collar during his travels, and with power out because of the storm, the local vet can’t scan for a chip.
But Tatum, with his deep golden eyes and trusting gaze, has a knack for making friends—and for letting humans know exactly what’s on his mind. While his mum and dad do everything they can to track him down, the people Tatum meets on his journey are just as eager to do their part to get him home. And in turn, Tatum has a way of nudging everyone he encounters to overcome hurdles, seek out second chances, and find—or make—the families they need.

If you know me, then you probably know how much I love dogs. I knew this would be a fun one for me, but I didn't realize how wonderful it would be too. This story tugged on all my heartstrings and made me snuggle my puppy a bit harder. I just adored Tatums character and how fun and charming this story was.

This one is a shorter story and a great one to add to your TBR if you are a dog lover like myself, or even looking for a wholesome book to help meet your end of the year reading goals!

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The idea of Tatum telling stories is simply amazing! This story of Tatum going on “vacation” was funny and heartfelt! Tatum’s diary entries were the best part in my opinion. They made sure to include his way of wording things, lol. My favorite line was, “Also no buddy ever told me Santa’s name is Jed…” That should be the new One Christmas quote or at least put on a t-shirt! This is definitely a must read if you are animal lover or if you just have fallen for Tatum.

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This book was sent to me at the perfect time.
I put my mom in Assisted Living 2 months ago and five days after that, I found a little puppy at work.
This little puppy has stolen my heart just like Tatum did.
I loved the story told from different points of view, especially Tatum.
I love how the author showed how each person is affected by Tatum.
Dogs have always been a big part of my live with my last one departing in 2017.
I follow Tatum on TT and so many other dogs.
I will keep this book in my rotation to read every so often.

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First of all I would like to thank Kensington publishing for such a wonderful read .

I first got to know about tatum and his family on tictok just after lock down I think and I can tell you me and my family love him very much the context is amazing , so I couldn't believe we was getting a n
Book in was over excited.

The story is perfect I loved how we go on a adventure with tatum to get back to his loving after a awful storm which being a dog would freak ant dog out . This story brings so much joy and I loved all the characters we get to meet along the way , there is parts I thought was very funny .

I thought the book was so well paced and great for all the the family to read ,nits so heart warming and joyful it's what we need in this world right now . Great story telling .
I also really loved the fact at the beginningof every chapter is you get insight into tatums thoughts like notes in a diray but the way it's worded was perfect .

If you need some cheering up this is the book for you .

I'm rating this a big woof with sprinkle of nuggets 5 stars

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This is a delightful novel which will give lots of pleasure to many dog lovers. I like the way the third person narration blends with snatches of comment fromTatum, in his own distinctive and very amusing voice. Every dog owner knows how scary it is when their pet goes missing for a moment, so they will sympathise with the heartbreak experienced by Tatum's human 'Mum' and 'Dad' when Tatum is lost in a storm. The nice thing about Tatum Comes Home is, because of the title and the way the story is told, the reader always knows there will be a happy ending for the little dog and his family and friends. This means they can enjoy Tatum's adventures without feeling anxious on his behalf. The numerous people Tatum meets on his journey home are convincing and relatable, and have interesting life stories. I recommend Tatum Comes Home to people who enjoy a cosy adventure full of engaging personalities, both animal and human.

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So sweet. I love Tatum. He warms my heart. A sweet little little book. Thank you for the opportunity to read this and give a review.
This was a lighthearted and fun read. I could hear Tatum talking as I read it.

I just reviewed Tatum Comes Home by Tatum Talks; Mica Stone. #TatumComesHome #NetGalley

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I’ve been following Tatum for quite some time so when I saw this book, I was immediately excited! As a dog owner, I was sobbing in this - it was so wholesome and had a perfect ending!

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Beautiful story of a dog finding his owners again after getting lost after an electrical storm scares him into the back of a random truck. It was heartbreakingly emotional, I cried from every single person that did everything in their power to help Tatum return home.

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Tatum Comes Home is a fictional story about a real dog called Tatum. It is an uplifting story of the adventures of a dog who gets separated from his family and the people who do everything in their power to help him return home.

I had never heard of Tatum, a social media star, so I came to this book without preconceived expectations.

I felt so silly when reading the end of a book through tears of joy but that’s what Tatum’s story did to me.

The story begins when Tatum Jumps out of his Dad’s truck. When a violent electrical storm hits he hides in the to the back of another truck and ends up miles from home.

The truck owner, Jed, tries to find Tatum’s family but although he is microchipped the internet is out due to the storm and no one can discover his home address.

While travelling to another vet with Jed to have the chip read, Tatum thinks he sees his Mum in the bush and chases after her.

I enjoyed reading Tatum’s adventure immensely and it was heart warming reading the commitment of his new friends in their attempt to get him home.

Other messages are there also – making new friends and helping not just a dog but also fellow humans.

All the characters felt real and shone through.

Each chapter begins with. We get insight into Tatum’s thoughts through his notes in his ‘diary’.

Here’s an example

Dear road trip diary, Val is just like all the vets where I live cuz she seems nice and gives me tweats but also none of the other animals is happy to be there. Jed looks at Val like Dad loks at Mum, which is the same as me when I look at the lady in the drive-fru window at the nuggets place. Val and Jed and me is gunna get more food, so I fink I’m on vacation like Mum and Dad.
When I finished the book, I checked out his social media post to see if the characters (Tatum and his Mum and Dad) came across the same. They do.… and yes, I am now following Tatum on social media.

You certainly don’t need to be a Tatum fan to enjoy this captivating story. It is not just for Tatum fans and followers but any dog lover who likes a sweet positive dog story.

My rating 4*

Thank you to Netgalley & Kensington Books for the opportunity to get to know Tatum through this delightful story.

#netgalley #kensingtonbooks

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Tatum Comes Home is a fun book with wholesome characters and a positive ending. I've followed Tatum on Instagram for a while & was excited to see a novel written about him, especially since that is one of Tatum "Reslooshins."
This book did a great job bringing together some wonderful characters who all played an important role in returning this well-loved pup back to his family.
Thank you #NetGalley for the ARC & if you're looking for a lighthearted, fun story do yourself a favor & read Tatum Comes Home.

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