Member Reviews

This was my first Mia Sheridan book and it was great - enjoyable and the plot sucked me in. I’m excited to read more from her.

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It was quite the ride. I loved Archer's voice, so I didn't even read the synopsis before reading it. If Mia Sheridan writes it, I will read it.
Once I read Carson is a p*rnstar, I immediately started thinking about the worst case scenarios. I thought his job is going to be the issue, the drama or their break up will be based on that. I really enjoyed their chemistry, even though I was always worrying at the back of my mind like they're real.
I enjoyed their chemistry and interactions. The meet cute, initial bubble of their happiness, eventual estrangement, second chance. Everything was tension lace, love the elevator scenes.
At places it felt really detailed and slow pace, which I wasn't a fan of. Otherwise the plot was quite good.
I liked Carson and Grace. But I found Carson's i-am-too-good-for-p*rnstar gf attitude even though he himself was one, problematic.
I couldn't put it down in the beginning, liked sh!t is about to go crazy enjoy this while it lasts scenes.
• Second chance romance
• casual hookup weekend in Vegas
• p*rnstar x uptight girl
• Locked in elevator scenes
* spice - 4🌶️
• rating - 3.75
• overall good, with slower paces in between.

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Ive read a few books by this author and I'm really starting to enjoy her writing. This book was about Grace and Carson, two 23 year olds who you could describe as polar opposites, but agree to spend the weekend together while attended two different conferences in Las Vegas. This story follows Grace and Carson throughout the next five years as their lives lead them apart from each other after their first weekend of hanging out together. The story ended up being a lot deeper than I thought it was going to be, and I was pleasantly surprised that the story line wasn't as superficial as the synopsis made it out to be. I am excited to read more books by this author. Trigger warnings: depiction of violence, human trafficking, #NetGalley #Stinger

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“Life is Wild.”

I wound up really enjoying Stinger by Mia Sheridan. I say “wound up” because I never really read the description on this one before downloading it from NetGalley.

This one was unique with a first act break-up and interesting time-lapse chapters in the middle. It didn’t love Grace all of the time while reading this, but I can’t put my finger on why I didn’t like her as a character.

That said, I thought the Las Vegas setting was well done - a nice mix of The Strip and the tourist attractions and regular life in the greater-Las Vegas area.

This was a steamy, chunky book (432 pages!).

Thank you to SourceBooks Bloom Books for the #gifted digital copy.

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This was so well written. I was engrossed from the first page and it ticked all the boxes of my expectations . I would definitely recommend to others.

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After reading Archer's Voice, I jumped right into Mia's backlog and it did not disappoint. I truly enjoyed this second chance romance filled with spice. I liked seeing Grace's change throughout the novel especially after meeting Carson Stinger. Highly recommend.

𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗲: Special thanks to Mia Sheridan for providing me an ARC copy to share my honest review.

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This book is a wild ride! I normally don’t enjoy second chance romance as much, but this book was great! While I had to suspend my belief in reality for a bit, as a lot of it gets rather ridiculous, it was an extremely entertaining read! I will definitely pick up more books by this author in the future!

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This was a very good book. I enjoyed reading it. The characters and plot kept me interested. I would read another book by this author.

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I liked this book but it was not my favorite. It has a ton of excellent reviews and I kept thinking what am I missing? I thought about dnf-ing a couple of times but stuck with it in hopes I would finally get hooked. Well, it never hooked me but it was ok for me. If I were going to rate my enjoyment level I would rate it low. So I rated it by the content and writing style.

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When I picked up this book, I had certain expectations based on the premise, but I couldn't have been more wrong about what awaited me. While I anticipated a steamy and perhaps superficial read given the male protagonist's profession as an adult film star, I was pleasantly surprised to discover a story of unexpected depth and emotional resonance.

Instead of a quick and titillating read, I found myself immersed in a compelling and thought-provoking narrative. The author deftly explores themes of identity, intimacy, and the complexities of human relationships, offering readers a poignant and emotionally charged journey.

One of the book's greatest strengths is its portrayal of the main characters. Despite their unconventional backgrounds, they are depicted as fully realized individuals with hopes, fears, and vulnerabilities that readers can empathize with. The author breathes life into these characters, making them feel authentic and relatable even in the most extraordinary circumstances.

The emotional depth of the story is further enhanced by the author's skillful storytelling. Each scene is imbued with a sense of intimacy and raw honesty, drawing readers into the characters' innermost thoughts and feelings. As the story unfolds, layers of complexity are revealed, keeping readers engaged and invested in the outcome.

This is a surprising and emotionally compelling read that defies expectations. While it may not be what readers anticipate based on the premise, it offers a rich and rewarding experience that lingers long after the final page. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a thought-provoking exploration of love, intimacy, and the human condition.
I received an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Sometimes you go in blind and aren’t loving a direction a book is going and then WHAM, it takes an unexpected turn. (That’s what I get for not reading the blurb 🫣) and then you love it 😆😍

This book was a journey. And though there were several times where I felt sick, it was an incredible story.

⚖️ Awkward Meet Cute
⚖️ Right Person Wrong Time
⚖️ Second Chance
⚖️ Elevators, Buttercups and Soulmates

Grace Hamilton has a plan for everything. Her schooling, her career path and even the amount of guys she plans to hook up with. No where in her plans was there room for “Carson Stinger, Straight Male Performer” …and yet sometimes all of it takes is that one person to change the trajectory of your life.

I love these two. Their adventures together and apart made them exactly who they needed to be when the time was right.

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Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher, and author for the copy of this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

I love Mia Sheridan! One of the best steamy second-chance romances in a while!

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Surprising read from Mia. I was not expecting this book at all and maybe I didn't understand the synopsis very well but wow, it came out of left field. I very much like the sex worker MMC and uptight FMC trope and in true Mia fashion she took us on a. WILD ride of emotions. All I can say is I LOVEEEE Carson and how gentle yet dirty he was with Grace. This is one of those books its best to go blind into so you are taken on a quite the ride.

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This doesn’t come close to Archer’s Voice and maybe that’s on me for having these expectations but this just lacked….everything. I wanted angst, tension, yearning, complicated characters finding their voice and feelings. Alas, this felt too generic and not quite with a plot that offers something that isn’t already done to death. Again, archer’s voice was so unique even though it had similar romance tropes / beats, but it found a way to set itself apart. Sigh

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Wow! I think I'm still blushing after reading this one. Mia Sheridan just knows how to write spice. Loved every second!!

*Thank you @read_bloom for the #gifted egalley.*

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Mia Sheridan writes her books differently from everything I'm used to!

As a romance reader, I really think everything about it is amazing and mesmerizing and this book was not exception - at all!! I'm so in love with everything she does - really!!!

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I absolutely loved and adored this story! It had everything from showing the immaturity of two characters to their growth. Loved the spice and swoon worthy romance!

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What a great love story! I could have read even more of this couple and the storyline. This is my first from Mia but def won’t be my last!

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I love Mia Sheridan's books (especially Kyland and All The Little Raindrops), but for some reason this one just didn't hit the same. I found myself uninterested in the characters and plot. But it was still an ok read, just not my favorite!!

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This book was everything I was looking for in my next read. Right away I felt connected to the characters and sucked into the drama of them finding each other, then losing each other, then finding each other again. I loved every second of this book! It's everything I look for in a perfect romance book with just the right amount of angst and pining and out of this world chemistry! 5/5 for me!

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