Member Reviews

This book is the equivalent of eating at Cracker Barrel.

Characters and language choices lacked depth and development. Example is “like a cat in heat that found some crack.”

MMC’s mom was a porn star and brought him to work when he was a minor, and idk if we even need to discuss that further because wtf? And wait! He said “it sucked — no pun intended” when discussing this. I cannot.

MFC has a panic attack in the elevator and chalks it up to the time she was eight and helping shop for her dead little brother’s funeral and decided to climb in a coffin “just to escape for a little while.”

No one calls their significant other “butter cup” that much.

Idk what y’all see in Mia Sheridan. Maybe that’s an unpopular opinion, but reading her books is like eating a stale casserole. I thought I’d give this one a chance, but after this, I’m done!

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Grace heads to Vegas for a Law Convention but instead ends up spending the entire weekend with, Carson, a guy who is in Vegas for a P*rn Convention. Very unconventional but I am sure you can probably imagine how steamy this one was.

What I loved… EASILY hands down would be the male main character; Carson “straight male performer” Stinger 🤣🫠… Holy. Moly. 10/10 recommend getting yourself a Carson. His chemistry with Grace was off the charts and swoon-worthy. Boy does he love that girl!

Where this one missed… Ultimately, this book was just too much of a rollercoaster for me and a rather frustrating read at that. I loved it so much but around the 40% mark there was a large 5 year time gap that literally sent me spiraling… The angst between the main characters was enjoyable but the will they, won’t they” just made me anxious.

Overall, did I enjoy the book? Yes, but I swear the roller coaster ride was too much. I ended up rating this one 3.5⭐️.

What to expect in Stinger…

- Dual POV
- Male Entertainer + Law Student
- Spicy Vegas Romance
- Strangers to Lovers
- 5 Year Time Gap
- Second Chance Romance
- Nickname Buttercup

Thank you Mia Sheridan, NetGalley and @read_bloom for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

Mark your 📆 - Bloom Books Publication date is June 6th, 2023!

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Thank you to NetGalley for the advance copy of Stinger.
I loved this book and finished it quickly. Grace and Carson meet in Las Vegas and spend a romantic weekend together. They part ways and don’t see each other but think of each other often. They are thrown back together because of their jobs.
They are great characters and helped each other grow and become who the are.

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Read this in one day! Amazing! I loved the story, cried at some points. Love the initial enemies to lovers and was so sad when the story took a turn but happy with the ending. Would recommend to anyone. Love Mia sheridan

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I really enjoyed this! I went in almost completely blind and was definitely kept on my toes! I read the first part not understanding how the book was so long, totally didn’t see the twist coming! Couple things felt a little unrealistic but I was enjoying too much to let them bother me.

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Grace Hamilton is the girl with a plan. She knows exactly where her life is going, and prides herself on always achieving her goals. She's never stepped outside the lines she draws for herself, and never considered what her heart truly wants. That is, until him. I went into this thinking it would be a cheesy-ish steamy short about a porn star and a prude. Well it might have started off that way (re: the porn star/prude thing NOT the cheese) but somewhere in there it flies high and right and I was like "Wow. That was unexpected."

Read Archer's voice and Travis by Mia. Those are the best.

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I have to admit – this story is not what I expected from Carson Stinger! And I do not mean that in a bad way. There were a few twists and turns, lots of character development, and a balance of romance and intrigue that was unexpected and interesting to read.

Carson and Grace’s love story fired up almost immediately. I loved their “meet-cute” and the early interactions between them. There were moments that were so playful and fun. So swoony and heartwarming. It was impossible not to be swept away by them initially.

There was something about this one that made it not quite the same experience as other Mia Sheridan books. I don’t know if it was the pacing of the story, the many time jumps, or the way the character growth seemed to happen all at once rather than over a period of time (where we got to take the ride with them, and really invest). Don’t get me wrong, it’s a lovely – satisfying love story. It just didn’t dig deep into my heart the way this author’s books usually do. I enjoyed it, but at a more surface level where I appreciated the storytelling and the story itself, but it didn’t consume me the way I might have wanted it to. ~ 3.5 Stars

That said, it was still a lovely, captivating romance. It’s a big story that covers a lot of time and space and emotional bandwidth. And while it may not go down as a favorite of mine from this author, you will never go wrong with a Mia Sheridan story and I am so glad that I had the opportunity to read it. ~ Shelly, 3.5 Stars

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Kinda disappointed reading this book, as this is my first book of Mia Sheridan I've ever read. It's an insta-love between uptight lawyer and a pornstar. I didn't feel their chemistry at all nor like the plot. Anyway, thank you netgalley and blooms for the eARC.

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WOW…..this book packed all the things into it and I totally loved it!!! Don’t get me wrong, there was some extremely tough subject matter (please check trigger warnings), but if you love a good HEA this is a fantastic one!!!

There is a lot of dark and crazy things that come out of Vegas, but there can be love, sunrises and buttercups too! Trust me, you won’t regret reading this one!!!

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Rating: 3.5/5

Thank you Mia Sheridan and Bloom Books for an ARC of this book via NetGalley.

This was def a story with range. It started off lighter with Carson and Grace's meet-cute. I really appreciated that in meeting each other, they inspired change within one another. Meeting Carson compelled Grace to be less critical and more understanding of people. Furthermore, it pushed her to reconsider whether she was living for her happiness or others'. And Grace returned the favor by casting a light on Carson's decisions, prompting him to reevaluate the motivations behind his life choices and whether those choices served him in building the life he wanted. I liked that this meeting was just the beginning and that we got to see how the trajectory of their lives changed. It was interesting to see the contrast between where thought they'd end up vs where they actually did.

The book also hits some heavy topics. It was hard but eye-opening to read about some of the terrible things that happen in the world. While they play an important part in the story, they were not central and in that sense, it lessened the impact they could have had. Regardless, the inclusion, in and of itself, was a good reminder that even though we may not see it in our day-to-day lives, being a "modern" or "advanced" society does not exempt it from having a dark side.

CN: open-door romance, cheating, war, human trafficking, rape, violence, past death of a sibling

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Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for an ARC for Singer by Mia Sheridan. This book was given to me with a 2023 release date although it was apparently originally released in 2014. While I have previously read many Mia Sheridan books, I was happy to find a “new” one to read. This book is one of the books in the Signs of Love series.

Both Grace and Carson came from very different upbringings, neither without trauma. Grace, the oldest of 4 children, lost her brother when she was 11 to an illness and this tragedy destroyed her mother. Her mother left Grace, her sisters, and their father and ended up rarely seeing them. Carson, the son of a porn star who never knew who his father was, was raised on the sets where his mother filed porn. The was a neglectful mother and a drug addict and he was sent to live with his grandmother.

Grace and Carson meet for a crazy weekend in Vegas and, while what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, the discussions both have with the other leave impressions which change their lives forever.

I REALLY liked this book. I found the story to move along quickly and it kept my interest. The story showed growth within both characters when they both realized they had to do things for themselves and not what others wanted them to do. Grace was able to step out of the expectations she thought her father wanted of her and Carson had to realize that despite what the world thought, he had his destiny in his hands and could change it if he chose to..

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Another Great Read by the amazing Mia Sheridan!

Thank you to Netgalley, Mia Sheridan and sourcebooks bloom books for this eARC in return for my honest review.

This story was nothing short of an amazingly hot and steamy read! With some amazing characters, and great development of their stories. And the storyline was also great! I’m always satisfied when I read one of Mia’s books and this book lives up to the expectations. 4.5/5🌟

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Mia Sheridan
Sourcebooks Bloom Books

Warning: What happens in Vegas may stay with you forever….

Grace thought she was going to Vegas for a law conference - part of her outlined life plan. She even decided to let herself enjoy the trip… a little. Plans flew out the window after a chance encounter or two with Carson Stinger: Straight Male Performer.

“Sometimes, you don’t even realize anything is wrong until someone comes along and changes you and makes you want more.”

I enjoyed how the characters were open with each other and how it influences them to make independent choices for their lives.
The characters had a positive effect on each other even if those choices didn’t (necessarily) bring them closer together.

Read this if you enjoy: second chance romance, overcoming childhood baggage, steamy spicy scenes… and moreso learning you want more out of life and being determined to achieve it.

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Before this book, the only Mia Sheridan book I read was Archer's Voice. Which I absolutely loved. But this book wasn't just a cute romance, this book had a twist that I was not expecting. A dark twist.

It is a story following Carson Stinger, a straight male performer and Grace "Buttercup" Hamilton, a law student that has a plan and loves control.
So what happens when these two meet and Grace loses that control?

This book was so good! I loved both Grace and Carson, their characters had so much depth and the connection between the two was undeniably adorable. With every page I fell more in love with them.

The story is told is dual POV and there is a time jump, however it was so beautifully done. It flows so nice and keeps you engaged the entire time! I sat and read it in one sitting! Highly recommend!

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Read if you like:
🌶️ Spice
🥈 Second Chance Romances
😆 Banter
🔀 Opposites Attract

What do you get when you put a straight laced law student and a porn star together??? Me panting 😂 🥵

This one just like Mia’s other books was so well written, heartfelt, and with such well developed characters and plot! I truly think Mia is one of my new favorite romance writers as she gets the depth of character and struggle so perfectly every time!

Thank you Bloom Books for my ARC of this one in exchange for my review!

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Mia Sheridan does it again! Another five star read! I know I have said this before but she has become an auto buy author for me! Her writing is beautiful.
From the moment Grace and Carson meet, the chemistry is off the charts and their banter is great! She’s a lawyer and he’s a straight male performer ( Porn star) total opposites who agree to a weekend of fun nothing more! I really enjoyed the back and forth and the dual POV!

‼️*Possible Spoiler*‼️
This book becomes a second chance romance one that is so powerful because the two who only shared a few hours with each other, are left with an impact that shaped the outcome of their lives.

If you are a fan of Mia Sheridan I highly recommend this book!

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Man, Mia Sheridan knows how to write a flawed man. But also has a way in making us roof for that man as well. This book was perfection. Loved the dual POV and the time jumps that spanned over a few years. Much spicier tan I expected—well done!

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I don't even know where to start. 
Carson and Grace meet in Vegas each attending two very different conferences. 
Literally running into Carson at the elevator, Grace will soon find out how life changing the moment will be.
This intense, sexy, action packed, fast paced story will not disappoint.  I
5years after their initial meet up and fun fling,  Grace and Carson find each other again in Vegas.  Both bust with new careers and Grace with a fiance. Timing and other reasons seem to get in the way. But Carson is determined to make her his. No matter what.
This is a super fun story. It's addictive and fast paced, steamy, sad and everything in-between.
Loved it.

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I absolutely love Mia Sheridan. I read a couple of her books. This book was *chefs kiss* it went in so many different directions and kept me on my toes. It was all over the place but in a great way!! I truly enjoyed this one! The spice is REAL in this book!!!! I loved that it’s dual POV even in the time jumps for both characters. The character development is simply beautiful and it’s what I loved! Thank you netgalley for this arc!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bloom Books for the Advanced Reader’s Copy.

Carson Stinger is an adult performer in Las Vegas for an adult fan convention. Grace Hamilton is a focused, type A law student attending a law conference in the exact same hotel. Very quickly their paths meet and continue to weave together for the next decade.

Mia Sheridan never disappoints writing the most flawed men with hearts of gold. I initially came across her writing through Archer’s Voice, which made me cry multiple times.

I love Grace and Carson. End of story. His desire to be a better person not just for her, but because of her, made me cry multiple times throughout this book.

This truly embodied second chance romance (one of my favourite tropes ever). But was written in a way that just felt so real to me. The premise of the book was obviously meant to be a funny concept which I was apprehensive of at first but it really truly worked for the book. Neither of the characters were too cliché which oftentimes ruins these types of books for me. Grace was uptight but she still felt relatable and you rooted for her the entire novel.

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