Member Reviews

I’ve read several of Mia’s books and have enjoyed them all though this one for me was her best. I love Carson’s character and his love/hate for Titanic, these parts had me giggling at how cute he was. Also seeing how much these few days changed them both was such a sweet thing to read. Their intimate scenes were more than just sex and when Carson describes the feeling of making love it felt very real and made me feel for him and how this would most likely end. But it doesn’t end there we are taken through their lives and the years later and how they have changed. Carson is such a hero and all around good guy I loved his character so much. I would love to read stories about the other characters in this book as it could definitely be a series.

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I love Mia's journey into more romantic suspense storylines so when the chance to read something from her back catalog that was being edited and re-released by Bloom came about on Netgalley I jumped on it.

The first part of this book was not good. It was cringey dialogue and stilted characters that were mostly driven by lust. Maybe that would have worked for me 10 years ago but I guess my taste has evolved. The repetitive, "why do you call me Buttercup?" really got on my nerves.

I actually really enjoyed the 2nd part of the book when the MC's have gone their separate ways and their lives have gone in different directions than intended. In fact, I think if the author had condensed the first part and fleshed out the 2nd part I would have really liked it, so in my opinion, this was a missed opportunity by the editing team. The ending was a bit rushed and far fetched and again could have been more poignant if reworked. The 2nd half saved this book for me because I honestly would have DNF's if it wasn't for Netgalley.

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I adored this book, Mia Sheridan is a wonderful author, her captivating storytelling creates an intimate connection with the characters, evoking a range of emotions. Despite initial reservations about a plot involving a porn star, Sheridan breaks stereotypes, crafting genuine and memorable characters. A must-read for romance and drama fans.

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“I was going to live for all the years I had rejected relationships that might have come naturally if I hadn’t been overly focused on other things, and for all the years I had made choices that I thought would make other people happy, never considering what would make me happy.”

My goodness this book. Like.. what in the actual.. I can’t even cope! This was the second Mia Sheridan book I’d read and she is quickly becoming a favorite romance author of mine.

Stinger was fast paced romance, slow burn, nail biting angsty & everything else in between. Grace and Carson were everything I needed in a book & I cannot recommend it enough. This was the easiest five stars ever & @miasheridanauthor is fantastic at building worlds that just grasp you from the very first page.

Who would have thought that a male adult entertainment star & a lawyer would be a perfect match? Though there are time jumps that make you want these two to get back together already and instances that make you scream “No!” When you think all is lost.. the City of Sin and fate work together to bring back two people who are truly meant for each other.

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Apparently I read this back in 2014 when it was released the first time, but I did a quick reread.

Basically we have law student with a plan meets porn star, and decide to spend a steamy weekend together. Of course, it's not that easy, and feelings commence. Fast forward years and porn star (Stinger, obviously) is now an ex Navy SEAL, and law student is a prosecutor, and they haven't seen each other since that weekend in Vegas...but they randomly run into each other and things reignite.

The steam is this book is off the charts, but fairly well written. The plot is predictable, but entertaining. It's not this author's best work, but still a fun read.

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*Grace + Carson*

✨ Fated Mates
✨ Opposites attract
✨ Forced proximity - stuck in a elevator
✨ Second chance
✨ Time jump
✨ Adult film star MMC
✨ Lawyer FMC
✨ Dual POV

• Some not so favorite tropes are in this that I haven't seen mentioned but none of them were done in a way that made me not enjoy the story.
✨ Cheating
✨Insta lust
✨ Surprise pregnancy almost made it to the epilogue but isn't.

I loved this. I knew nothing going in, my favorite way to go in, and I'm glad I did. It's a beautiful emotional rollercoaster of two people finding themselves and growing into their true selves. It starts with a bit of insta- lust but grows to be so much more.

The half star is really because it was wordy and fluffy. There were parts where the pacing felt slow and it could have been a bit shorter.

"𝑶𝒉 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒕. 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒊𝒅𝒊𝒐𝒕. 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒅𝒊𝒅! 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒊𝒏 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒏 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓!"

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"Stinger" by Mia Sheridan had its ups and downs for me. While I appreciated the character development of Grace and Carson, the story felt too long and repetitive. Their quick personal growth during a single weekend seemed unrealistic. After they part ways, both change influenced by each other. Will they get a second chance later on? Sheridan's writing had its moments with banter and spice, but it lacked depth overall. The plot started strong, but the addition of implausible scenarios and Grace's judgmental attitude towards Carson's profession felt off. Despite its flaws, the book touched my emotions and made me think about important issues. It may not have been a perfect fit, but it left a lasting impression. 4 fabulous stars, thank you NetGalley for allowing me to ARC read this book!

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3.5 honestly not what i expected, but it wasn’t bad. it just doesn’t spark anything inside of me to really care about the characters.

thanks to NetGalley and publishers for this ARC.

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Carson and Grace's story was a good read that kept me awake just because I wanted to read more about them. It starts with an elevator accident where these two meet and had to fill the time while waiting for the crew to help. During that time they see the real person in the other one and the chemistry and connection are there. During that weekend in Vegas, a lot happened that changed the lives of the two of them...what happened next will have to find yourself.
I enjoyed reading this second-chance romance. It looks like a nice blend of 2 stories in one even tho it is just two plot twists and a time jump of 5years. Overall, good contemporary romance with instant attraction, hot content, and second chances. I'm right on to find another book by Mia Sheridan to read and that won't be my last.

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The most perfect book ever. I loved Grace and Carson. Law student and porn star. Enemies to lovers. A few years go by and they meet again by fate. Can they rekindle their romance from years ago? A case where it involves her and him. It touches based on human trafficking which is really real and is still happening everyday in modern life among women and young girl. This book was heartwarming, and soul wrenching to hear what the girls went through but Carson is a hero.

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Let me start off by saying I am a Mia Sheridan Stan. Anything she writes, i will read, but this was just a miss for me. Personally, I felt as if there wasn’t really a plot and the plot that was there I honestly didn’t care bc the spice was so overpowering. I mean, if you’re into a lot of spice then you might like it, but personally I like subtle spice.

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I can already tell this is going to be an unpopular review, but there were so many red flags in this one y’all I really couldn’t get past it 🚩🥴

I’ve heard amazing things about mia sheridan’s book, and I still will pick up more of hers, but the characters in this one just didn’t work for me at all. I loved the concept of a male dancer meeting a lawyer and immediately hitting it off, but their back stories were walking red flags - and I’m a firm believer that these two are not a long term couple.

the triggers for me, including sexual assault and forced pregnancy, was too much - and I wish I had known that going in, to be honest. if you’re going to force a minor to keep a baby that she clearly doesn’t want, that’s just … not a good plot point to embellish and romanticize, sorry.

ANYWAY, I’ve seen rave reviews on this one, and while a part of me is screaming “did we read the same book” I can understand that the chemistry was hot and the lead up before the drama was veryyyyy intriguing …

I’m also chalking this up to my very meh june so far oops

thank you to netgalley and the publisher for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review!!

rating: 2 stars
wine pairing: paso robles cabernet sauvignon

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Stinger is a novel by Mia Sheridan. This is my third book by Mia Sheridan, and she has become my favorite contemporary author. Grace Hamilton is in Las Vegas for a legal seminar and literally runs into Carson Stinger, an adult film star. Carson and Grace have no clue that a conversation in a broken elevator would alter their lives forever.

Carson is a lost soul, emotionally broken, believing his career defines him. Grace is the catalyst that turns Carson’s life upside down and catapults him into being the brave, caring, heroic man hidden deep inside. Carson’s character stole a portion of my heart that I’ll never get back. Carson’s metamorphosis is gut-wrenching, inspiring, and unforgettable. Carson’s journey proves that with the right loving push, anyone can find their worth and purpose in life.

I related so much to Grace! We are both planners and always take the safe route. Grace is a people pleaser and has created a construct of perfection that no one could live up to. Carson introduces vivacity and uncertainty into Grace’s life. All of Grace’s plans blow up, and she begins a long journey of finding herself and where she belongs.

This book has so many emotional layers. It makes the reader consider those random, forgettable moments in life that alters our path permanently. This love story wrung emotions out of me that I didn’t know I had! Carson and Grace’s journey is a long one fraught with heartbreak, but their happily ever after was…I don’t have words for how gratifying it was! This book touched my soul and had me considering issues that are uncomfortable and difficult yet so important. I will never forget this book. We all have greatness inside us; sometimes, it takes an unexpected spark to light that fire. Do not miss this book!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book through Netgalley and the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Stinger follows an emotional journey between two passionate people trying to figure their lives out.
Grace is a straight-edged law student in Las Vegas for a law conference. She has planned her life out knowing exactly what she’s doing.
Carson Stinger is a lady’s man, or in other words an adult film performer also in Las Vegas for an adult movie conference. The two meet in the hotel lobby and instantly the two have this back and forth that is addictive to read.
The sexual tension is palpable between them and after a heart to heart in a broken elevator they agree to a form of a relationship during their time in Vegas. It’s definitely insta-love. Not just the sexual chemistry but the two appear to get on really well in a friendship level. But as always, reality kicks back into gear and Carson has to get back to his job which shocks Grace into a realisation of what he does for a living and managing those possessive feelings over her man having sex with other women on camera. This brings their newfound relationship to a grinding halt.
Grace leaves, heartbroken and determined to fulfil her goals in her career.
For Carson, these new feelings spring him into significant action where he leaves his shoot and also his career in the adult film industry, determined to do and be better for Grace. He enters the military and it’s here we get a significant time jump.
Grace is now a prosecutor brought in on a case of the murder of a young woman. But, plot twist, she’s engaged to her colleague, Alex.
Carson is now out of the military, discharged after an injury. He works with his friends, who were also in the military with him at a security firm. The two reconnect after the murder suspect turns out to be Josh, a colleague of Carson’s who’s been arrested and released on bail. Grace goes to the office in search of information and here the two reunite and instantly their chemistry is obvious.
The rest of the book is open to spoilers so I’ll stop there.
Mia Sheridan holds a great ability in writing an emotionally charged romance. I had previously read Archer’s Voice and that was a roller coaster and Stinger is no different. I haven’t rated this higher as I found a big part of their initial split was down to miscommunication. If Grace knew that Carson had quit adult movies their relationship may have continued. Their reunion and immediate task Carson took on in splitting Grace and her fiancé felt a little wrong. Although their relationship wasn’t perfect, up until Carson’s return their engagement was not in question. The attitude that ‘she’s open to pursuit up until the wedding night’ left a sour taste in my mouth. I did enjoy this and seeing Sheridan’s books getting recognition in mainstream publishing is great and I look forward to reading more of her books!
Thank you for the eARC!

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Reviewed for A Wanton Book Lover Blog

Stinger was originally published in 2013. At this time, I read it. Recently (2023), Stinger received a new cover and was re-released. I agreed to review it before realizing that I had previously read it. With that being said, I didn't remember it so I decided to read it again and I am glad I did.
Stinger is about straight-laced law student Grace Hamilton. Grace is in Vegas for a law student seminar. Grace finds herself accidentally running into Carson Stinger, straight male performer, who is also in Vegas at an adult film conference. Although Grace thinks he is nice to look at, she is not interested in someone who would be in that industry. Grace and Carson find themselves thrown together and can't deny their instant attraction to each other, Carson begs Grace to walk on the wild side for the weekend where they can give into their attraction for each other and see what transpires. Grace takes Carson up on his offer and the two spend a non-forgettable weekend together before parting ways. As Carson begins to return to his life, he finds himself wanting to become a better person and be more for Grace than he currently is. He decided to join the military. Flash-forward several years and Grace finds herself at a new job in Vegas as a prosecutor. When Grace joins the detective working on the case she is assigned, imagine her surprise when she comes face to face again with Carson. Neither Carson nor Grace have forgotten their weekend together years ago, and are still attracted to each other but Grace is now engaged.
Stinger is an unforgettable love story of stepping outside your comfort zone, wanting to make yourself better for others' benefit, and an unforgettable attraction that somehow morphs into love in a single weekend. It's beautiful, hopeful, and full of feelings that make it an incredible book.

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I went into this story blind. Grabbed it because the author is a favourite and I’m so glad I did.

What happens when the guy who grabs your heart just so happens to be a porn star? Well if you’re no nonsense Grace you let him go. Even if it hurts.

I loved the character growth of Grace and Carson in this story. Both had to make changes, for different reasons and the ending was quintessential happily ever after. Definitely recommend.

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3 stars.

Mia Sheridan has been hit or miss for me, and "Stinger" falls somewhere in the middle of the pack. My main complaint is that this book is far too long and pretty dang repetitive. I enjoyed the character development that main characters Grace and Carson both exhibit, but their self-improvement and self-discovery does happen very quickly and seems far too hefty for a single weekend together. Once Grace and Carson part after their whirlwind Las Vegas weekend together, they both change in ways that were influenced by the other. Years later, will they get their second chance? I like Mia Sheridan's banter and (most of her) spice (but I wish she'd stop saying "core" so dang much!!!), but something in her writing style leaves a lot left to be desired. It's a little...pedestrian, perhaps? It's like her stories are supposed to be substantive with these big grand reveals, but almost always wind up feeling very basic, and in this case, kind of cringey. Maybe I just didn't resonated with the story and these characters. It all felt a little too implausible for me. It starts off really strong, and I really enjoyed the first portion of the story, but Sheridan keeps adding one scenario after scenario that left me with raised eyebrows. I also hated how judgmental Grace was about Carson being an adult film star early on in the story. She is happy to reap the benefits of his profession, but shames him about it multiple times in the process. Not very progressive if you ask me.

Thank you to NetGalley, Mia Sheridan, and SOURCEBOOKS Bloom Books for the ARC of this book. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated in any way for my review.

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I forgot how much I enjoyed this one! Carson and Grace’s journey has scorching hot chemistry, some angst, and unexpected twist. Definitely worth the read.

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Stinger By Mia Sheridan
First of all I want to thank Mia Sheridan and NetGalley for the complete honor for the advanced reader copy of Stinger. Happy Release Day!!! I’m giving this book ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️and would give more if I could. I absolutely loved this book. Mia Sheridan is so amazing!!! I have to say it took me a little longer to read it because I didn’t want it to end!!!!
This was the love story of Grace Hamilton and Carson Stinger. They are both at the same hotel for a conferences (completely different conferences might I add) I first they aren’t each others biggest fans and then they get stuck in the hotel elevator and make plan to spend one the weekend together. They did expect feelings to develop their lives are changed forever. This story takes you along for the ride. I loved how the story went back and forth between Grace’s and Carson’s perspective. This is a book that you have to go read now, and will have you thinking about the characters long after you’re done. Mia Sheridan has done it again this will definitely be one people will be talking about!!!!

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Have you ever wondered what would have happened if Jack & Rose both survived on that door? Well, this book is your answer! (If Jack was a porn star and Rose a law student but yeah, feels like they could have been that in our times, you know!) Amazing, right?

Read it you like: Opposite attracts / Character growth / Second chance / Instalove / Forced proximity / A little bit of enemies to lovers as well

Mia Sheridan never disappoints. She’s able to write deep characters with heartwarming stories. You cannot help rooting for them and wanting them to find happiness. Some passages in that book had me feeling almost sick to my stomach cause I felt so close to the characters and their emotions got to me. There were some endearing moments, some more emotional, and it was all so good.

One thing I did notice was that the flow/pacing was so different at times, so I had moments where I couldn’t put the book down but then I was okay with stopping for a while. I’m not that good with time jumps and there were a lot of them at some point. I had a soft spot for the first part of the book. It was so nice to see the two characters get together and start getting close. They had such an impact on each other's life (Titanic vibes here, my friends) and it was interesting to see how they changed after their time together and how they truly never let go of each other.

Thanks to the author, the publisher and NetGalley for the eARC. All opinions are my own.

*My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion starts playing *

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