Member Reviews

Whether you do yoga or not this is a really amusing book, with simple cartoons that highlight funny aspects about yoga practice and the people that do it.

It conveys this humour in an engaging and positive way that reminds us that Yoga isn’t actually a competition or for people to show off, but as with all things in life it is for some people.

If you practice yoga you may recognise some of the situations and many of them are based on the author’s experiences as a full-time yoga and meditation teacher for 30 years. Lots of material, lots of jokes, lots of fun whether you practice yoga or not.

Copy provided by Netgalley in exchange for an unbiased review.

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This story was well-told and engaging throughout. I think it will definitely find its right audience and continue to inspire.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a review copy of The Lighter Side of Yoga. I literally took a break from my yoga teacher training studies to scan NetGalley for some light relief and came across this book.
The whimsical drawings show the funny side of a world where yoga suddenly became an online phenomenon. This is a fun look at some of the absurdities of modern yoga, it’s just a shame books take so long to publish as a few of the pandemic references feel a little dated already..

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A few of the panels in here are a little niche - like, do people really go to "laugh yoga?" But hey, that just shows that there's always more to learn!
Despite that, the majority of the pictures are easy to understand, and of course funny. A quick little trip into the sillier aspects of the practice.

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I've been to exactly two yoga classes, and while I liked the exercise aspect, the mindfulness and meditation parts nearly put me to sleep. With that in mind, I should have given this one a pass. BUT . . . being a huge fan of comics, it had some appeal.

This is really for YOGA DIEHARDS only . If you know your Ashtanga and your Bikram from your Kundalini - the book should tickle whatever it is the yogis call a funny bone.

When even fart jokes don't make me crack a smile, I know I'm not the intended audience for this book.

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A fun, quick, humorous looks at yoga thrive a series of cartoon drawings; some inspired by real life events & some sparked by the author/artists imagination. Anyone who's ever practiced yoga will recognize some of these scenes! Most will make you smile. Some will make you snort or laugh out loud. A few just made me scratch my head and wonder ??? 3.5 ⭐s

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A short book of quirky comic type drawings accompanied by humorous commentary, put together by a long time yoga instructor. I'd bet that dedicated yoga people would really relate to some of the comics, & even those who've never had a yoga class can understand the idea behind the panel. It was a quick easy read.
I received an e-copy of the book from publisher Santa Monica Press via NetGalley in exchange for reading it & offering my own fair/honest review.

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This book is a compilation of cartoons about yoga. Some are funny, some were just eh. Nothing special.

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It’s possible I’m just not the right audience for this book, but it was a bit hit or miss for me. It reads like a comic a day calendar - maybe one at a time might be funny, but if you read them back to back, they’re not as enjoyable. I also get an elitist vibe from some of them - like the average person shouldn’t do yoga, but only folks who are seeking enlightenment or a higher spiritual goal. Which is fine, but isn’t the reality for most folks. Overall, some of these are enjoyable but I wouldn’t recommend the book overall.

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The Lighter Side of Yoga is a graphic comic collection of a long time yogi's experience in yoga class. Each comic is a panel depicting a yoga class or student and a humorous joke.

While I think the idea sounds hilarious, I felt the art style was a bit too simplistic for me. Personally it wasn't visually appealing, but I understand that many people might love this style of art. If you do, please give it a try!!!

Another issue I had was that many of the jokes seemed repetitive. It's quite a short book, but I felt a lot of the panels were similar to each other.

While I am someone who practices yoga casually, and I think casual yogi's would understand many of the jokes in this comic, it unfortunately got a bit boring as the book went on. Perhaps if you are a more experienced yogi, you would appreciate this book a lot more. I would recommend to anyone who is into yoga and would like some mildly humorous comics to cheer them up!

Thank you NetGalley for providing me an ARC copy!
3/5 stars
Link to goodreads post:

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Maybe a better fit for yoga teachers than casual yogis.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for the ARC.

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A new favourite! 🙏

Some of these had me doing the reverse sniff.. you know, when you find something amusing and air escapes from your nose but there are no audible "ha-has" - yep, that was me. I was having a good time 🙃

Then I got to the "smart asses and beginners" and I was gone.. LOL. Apparently, I am a smart ass, and I'm okay with that 🌈 ☁️

"The only way out is in, and if we go in deep enough we realise that there is no out and there is no in."


"But what is professional?"


Astral travel, numb bum, free fall position, Teacher Henry arm waving, somewhere in Disneyland 🤣🤣🤣

Silly fun. My favourite kind! 🧘🕉️

Chakra dance ♥️ 🧡 💛 💚 🩵 💜 🤍

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing this book in exchange for an honest review.
Yoga is a such a serious practice and that makes this book pretty funny. I don't know much about the different types of yoga so some of the pages didn't make much sense to me.
This would be a good, fun book for someone who is really into yoga and is knowledgeable on the different types.

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I thought this was so-so. Some of the one-liners are funny, but others require knowing the background of the joke. I would have liked a little more time spent on the wording. The art was fine--simple, straightforward.

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Thank you for the E Arc NetGalley and Santa Monica Press. If you have ever been to a yoga class or have practiced yoga this book is a gem. The illustrations are adorable and this is a quick and fun read. I especially liked page 122 (psst… someone should make this happen ASAP). Loved all the things!

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I read this book in an afternoon as I was looking for something different and this certainly ticked that box! I thought that the book was funny and I loved the illustrations too.

The book is a fun read, light-hearted and I did have a bit of a giggle. I remember being in a yoga session and one person fell asleep and another let rip a huge fart!

It is 4 stars from me for this one – highly recommended!

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Mike Nevitt brings his decades of experience teaching yoga under the spotlight in THE LIGHTER SIDE OF YOGA (Santa Monica Press, 2023). Through clever illustrations, he offers commentary on the ridiculous side of the deeply philosophical practice. Inspired through the boom in yoga over the COVID-19 lockdown period, he illustrates the all-too-common experiences just about anyone who's attended a class has experienced.

There are the people who take it too seriously, best described through Cosmic Johnny who is eager to share his philosophical musings with anyone who is there to listen. Those who think the instructors are purified beings, and the instructors trying to show their humanity through going out for drinks after class. The farting, the peeking during meditation, and the passing off sleep as actual meditation.

This is charming collection, good for a laugh and a reminder to not take yourself too seriously.

Thank you, Netgalley, for giving me an early copy to review.

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The Lighter Side of Yoga was a really cute approach to all the odd scenarios that happen in a yoga studi9o or retreat. I liked the Covid inclusions, but it may not age well long-term. very fun illustrations and funny.

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A short history of yoga and how the author came to write this book.

It's a great reminder not to take yourself too seriously, especially during yoga.
Farting in yoga class is ALWAYS funny!
Pandemic yoga!
Bob's hot yoga outfit (OMG)
"how many challenges can you do in one month" challenge
The Yog-app

SO SO FUNNY - I'm a yogi of 15 years and this really resonated with me

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Who knew yoga was funny? Funny, heck, hilarious, in fact. This book is full of very, very funny cartoons dealing with yoga and enlightenment and Eastern wisdom and, really, the fact that we are all humans, with our foibles and our egos and our intestinal gas and our relationship with gongs. This is an excellent, very enjoyable book and is ideal for anyone, like me, who enjoys cartoons and humor. I don't do yoga, but I grew up reading Alan Watts, so I am wise and you know what you do when a wise man speaks? You listen. Buy and read and laugh and don't forget to constrict your anus!

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