Member Reviews

Indiana Jones but make it a proper romance (not one where there is a heroine or love interest that is mysteriously gone in the next movie or results in a child that she never tells him about). This was just a fun book, and I really appreciated how real it felt. For those of us who were a little in love with Indy when we saw the movies, this is the perfect book for us.

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Unfortunately, this Adult Romance was way more ewww than awww for me. As in, complete cringefest. I am sooooo glad it's over!!!

Let's start with what I liked. The cover is adorable. It immediately made me what to pick this one up. I love the colors and how cute both of the characters look. It's also giving strong adventure vibes. I also enjoyed the very beginning of this story. I appreciated how quickly it kicked off. The author didn't waste any time with filler stuff. We're immediately swept away with Corrie as she's pulled into an expedition in Mexico. Finally, I do tend to really enjoy the academic rivals-to-lovers trope and it seemed obvious that's where this was going, which I was excited to see play out.

Very sadly, this is where my likes end. I won't give you the full list of dislikes. I'm not looking to turn anyone off from giving this book a shot, but I do like to keep it real with my personal reading experiences in my reviews. After the successful set-up, nothing really happens. I was waiting for something to happen, something more than pointless bickering between our mains. Then they started hooking up and I WISHED WITH ALL MY HEART we could go back to nothing happening.

The steamy bits are soooo not to my tastes. I was legit yelling, 'ewwwwwww, make it stop' at my audiobook and I'm not even joking. I wish I was. Descriptors like 'lapping' --- just don't and I def don't want to hear about smooth, VEINY skin. Before y'all come at me, it wasn't just the steamy bits though, although that was huge part of it. I also hated both of the main characters.

Corrie was so annoying and I was beyond sick of hearing about how hot her body was and what horrible problems that caused for her. Her stunningly jaw-dropping double-Ds and taut ass had plagued her her whole life. Poor thing. Ford was a jerk, who would fly off the handle over nothing and I detested the way they interacted with one another, both when they were fighting and then when they were all over each other. It was completely cringe. There's honestly not a better way to describe it.

Alas, I am moving on and will wrap this up with the same thing I say every time I write a not so positive review:

Just because this didn't work for me, doesn't mean it won't work for you. There's a Reader for every book and book for every Reader. If this sounds good to you, check it out. If you love it, please come back and tell me how wrong I am!

Thank you to the publisher, Berkley, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I never give up on an author after one try, so would consider picking up more from Segura.

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This was such a fun fast read and I love the enemies to lover’s trope. I loved the premise of this book since archeology is my jam and I loved the nod to Indiana Jones and romancing the stone which are some of my favorite movies. Their adventure in the jungle of Mexico was really fun and the chemistry between the characters was great.

Thanks to Berkley and Netgalley for the complimentary copy of this book. All opinions in this review are my own.

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This was meh. I really thought it would be more like Romancing the Stone meets The Mummy and Tomb Raider but it fell flat! The romantic aspect of the story was just alright.

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This was a fun and fast read. I loved both the characters and how they learned and grew with their flaws. There was adventure and it made me want to get back into history books. Just fun all around.

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I'm a sucker for a good pun title and this book also delivered on chemistry. It was a good light fluffy read and enjoyable

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This was a fun summer adventure that transported me to the jungles on a wild wondrous and amorous adventure. This had everything that I look for in a reading getaway including the banter between the leads that draws me and keeps me turning pages.

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this was so so good! it was cute and STEAMMYYY i was not expecting the dual POV at all and i think it added so much to it! i can't wait until the next one in the series!

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This was so cute and funny! The two main characters had such great chemistry right from the beginning. I've never read anything by Jo Segura before but I will definitely be checking our more of her work!

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5 stars for the first half, 2 stars for the second half, so I’m giving this a 3.5 star rating to be fair. I had such high hopes for this story! The couple’s attraction in the first half of the book is sizzling! I found myself intrigued by the archaeology plot and couldn’t wait to find out how this would play into the overall plot. Unfortunately, as seems to be with many romance novels today, the second half of the book turned into smut without the proper lead up into the couple realizing they are in love following this portion. The archaeology part took a backseat to the spice, which is fine, but selfishly I wanted more of that mixed in. A fun read overall but sadly, forgettable.

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When I go into a romance, especially one pitched as a romantic comedy, I'm weary. I think it's a difficult thing to balance, the realistic pacing of a romantic plot line between two people who don't really like one another to begin with, alongside the humor needed to make it a comedy. I think this one really faltered when it came to the romance. The comedy was the highlight of this book for me. I didn't really understand the characters feelings or thoughts because their actions didn't align with anything they would say or do. I also feel like the chemistry wasn't there at one chapter, and then the next it was in our face and I just didn't buy it. I think this premise was fantastic, but the execution wasn't for me.

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This review is hard for me. I'm not sure what I would rate it. I keep going back and forth in my decision. I think the book was good. At times it seemed to be a bit too long. At times I was hooked. At times I really liked Ford. As someone who just lost their mom to a terminal illness I get why he did what he did. But at the same time he made me mad.

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This was fine. The premise is fabulous, and many readers I adore loved it. The writing style and dynamic between the two main characters just wasn't for me. I've got to fall in love with at least one of them in order to want to follow their love story, and these two didn't click with me.

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Oh how I loved this sexy and fun adventure story guaranteed to bring the HEA! Featuring women in STEM and a fast paced enemies to lovers storyline with a gorgeous and strong heroine looking to find lost treasure.

I loved pairing it with the audiobook format too, and loved the narration so much. I even found myself wanting to listen to the story again and again over picking up the book, and would love to listen to more by the narrator.

*many thanks to Berkley Romance, PRH audio and Netgalley for the gifted copy for review

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An adventurous and sizzling romance you won't want to miss out on!

I LOVED this book. Segura writes a laugh-out-loud and moving enemies to lovers romance featuring two archeologist and their mission to find an Aztec warrior's last wherabouts. The witty banter was A+ The tension was 1000% and the FINALLY moment was worth the wait.

I cannot remember the last time I've been so emotionally invested in characters as much as I was with with Corrie x Ford. The ending had me GASPING and not able to breathe (thanks Jo for that!).

There's a follow up sequel with a new cast of characters that I cannot wait to read!

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This was really cute. I just wish that their romance was a little more believable. I feel like it was lacking something.
First archeologist romance, probably won't be my last.
The last 2 chapters had me really scared for a minute there. Good job for that Jo Segura.

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I loved this book and will definitely be reading more like this one and more from Jo Segura. I didn't see the twist coming and was definitely intrigued and hooked the entire book.

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I received this book in exchange for an honest review which has not altered my opinion, thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC.

When it comes to adventure romance, there is often a comparison to Lara Croft or to Indiana Jones, hardly ever is there a comparison to both in the same book. *Raiders of the Lost Heart* is an enjoyable adventure between two former friends whose relationship has gone sour thanks to career goals and misunderstandings. When Corrie and Ford are forced back together to work on a dig that would change both of their careers, tempers flare and sparks fly, but trust is nowhere to be seen.

This book presents a satisfying narrative that draws you in and provides a story that is satisfying and intriguing. The comparison to Indiana Jones and Lara Croft is hinted at but not actually shown until almost the end of the book, which was a bit disappointing. However, the attention to details in archaeology and the academic did make the story more believable. It would have been beneficial to have more information provided concerning the side characters so they were also able to feel like fleshed out people rather than just paper figures in the background.

Overall, a satisfying book with fun characters and a good debut. I can’t wait to see what else she has in store for us! 3.75 out of 5.

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Raiders of the Lost Heart is a fun rom-com that is filled with adventure. I love all the books with women in cool careers that are coming out, no more type cast bakers or secretaries! I look forward to reading more from Jo Segura in the future!

THank you to netgalley and the publishers for providing me with an arc for an honest review.

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I LOVED THIS BOOK! While I did find parts of it a little predictable, it was such a fun read and I couldn't put it down. So excited to see the series will continue. I can't wait to read more from Jo Segura!

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