Member Reviews

A thrilling adventure in the style of Indiana Jones pairs competing archaeologists searching for artifacts in the Mexican jungle. Dr. Corrie Mejía is the expert for the Aztec warrior Chimalli but her school nemesis, Ford, has weaseled his way to lead a dig for Chimalli’s remains. This romance is unapologetically fun, perfect for fans of The Mummy who want an escapist book full of shenanigans and a badass female lead.

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Please, Jo Segura, can this be a series? I loved this concept so, so much - two established professors of archaeology matching wits and searching for the hidden wonders of the world. Steamy, but with enough cerebral elements to make it a captivating read, Corrie and Ford's enemies-to-friends romance is also pure adventure - double the heart-pounding excitement! The Lara Croft/Indiana Jones vibe is fantastic - strong woman and sexy nerd. So good!

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Dr. Socorro “Corrie” Mejía has always dreamed of leading an archaeological dig into the Mexican jungle to search for the remains of a long-lost Aztec warrior named Chimalli. When she was young, her grandfather used to tell her stories about how they descended from Chimalli, and Corrie has been obsessed ever since. So when Corrie gets invited to join an all-expense paid dig to do just that, Corrie knows it's too good to be true. As the leading expert in Chimalli, Corrie should be leading this expedition, but that honor goes to her rival, Dr. Ford Matthews. Corrie and Ford have been butting heads since grad school, but Ford is in over his head, and his only saving grace is Corrie. The only thing hotter than the Mexican sun is the growing attraction between Corrie and Ford, but when it becomes clear that something is off about the dig, can the pair put the past behind them and work together?

I wanted to love this so badly. I was hoping for Indiana Jones meets Romancing the Stone. But what I got was a mess. I found the characters unlikable. Corrie annoyed me, and Ford was a bit of a jerk. Also, the reasoning behind why Corrie disliked Ford was so ridiculous. The plot wasn't that fleshed out. For an adventure romance, there's little adventure. It almost felt like the dig was an afterthought. There were a few moments that felt unrealistic, so it kept taking me out of the story. If you're looking for smut in a jungle, then this is for you, but if you want an interesting plot, then you're probably better off looking elsewhere.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the Publishers for this Advanced Readers Copy of Raiders of the Lost Heart by Jo Segura!

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I was pretty excited to read this book. I have always been a fan of the Mummy movies. And this book has mummy vibes. And unfortunately, I have a few mixed feelings regarding Raiders of the Lost Heart.

First, let me say that I don't hate the book or trash it. I just have a few mixed feelings about it. That's all. And now, let me say what I need to say. I truly don't understand how they became rivals in college when they really didn't speak to each other much. So the trope of rivals becoming lovers doesn't make sense. The vibes weren't matching.

Second, I didn't feel the characters connection to each other. I understood that they had feelings for each other, but the chemistry wasn't there. I truly tried finding the sparks or chemistry, but nothing.

Third, I kind of got annoyed with the main character. She was a bit annoying when she didn't get her way or was irritated about things. I don't understand why.

All in all, this book wasn't for me. But you might like reading this book if you are into rivals-to-lovers romance books with Mummy movie vibes.

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A splendid debut novel, Ms Segura, I am very impressed. I haven’t been so wholly consumed by a book in such a long time probably another emotional by-product of the slump and all that it brought along but, sometimes, all it takes is one remarkable book to breathe new life into one’s reading ‘mojo’. It definitely was one full 5 stars read.

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This was one of my most highly anticipated reads of the year and it did not disappoint. Ever since I saw The Lost City last year, I have been dying for books that provide a delightful blend of adventure and romance, and this book lived up to my expectations and gave me exactly what I've been waiting for, making it perfect for fans of Indiana Jones and The Mummy.

Corrie and Ford were rivals to lovers excellence. Both the characters were so stubborn which kept their banter on point from the very beginning, and the back and forth of their will-they-or-won't-they relationship had me flying through the pages dying for them to get together. I loved being able to read both of their POVs, and I was so invested in seeing how their romance played out, and how their past rivalry would affect them in the present.

Corrie deserves a special shoutout in that she is truly a badass. Honestly, I would not be complaining if we got a couple short stories at some point of her wild adventures as a Lara Croft-esque archaeologist. She is headstrong and confident, and I just loved her so much. As a leading man, Ford was both flawed and completely swoon-worthy. I've said it once and I'll say it again- I was so glad that I was able to read is perspective and get to know what was going on inside is head.

The backdrop of the archeological dig was not only a unique setting for a romance book (that I want at least ten more of please and thank you) but also added an element of suspense and intrigue. Normally when I read a romance book, the love story is the most compelling element to me, but it is a testament to Segura's skill as a writer that I was just as hooked by the characters quest to find Chimalli.

With a sizzling romance between two stubborn rivals, wonderful supporting characters, and an adventure-filled archeological setting, this book has a little something for everyone, and I'm excited to read more books from this author!

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This book is brimming with, not just romance, but romantic adventure. It is an action packed romance and one of the best stories I have read this year. I loved the premise behind this story. It kept me on my toes through and through with all the on going puzzles, mystery, drama, and romance. And that last part was so action packed that it was impossible not to smile, gasp or put down this book. With being in the wilderness, archaeologists’ hunting while solving puzzles and life and death situations, this story was a lot of fun.

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"Rival archaeologists must team up on a secret Aztec expedition, or it could leave their careers - and hearts - in ruins.

Archaeologist Dr. Socorro "Corrie" Mejía has a bone to pick. Literally.

It's been Corrie's life goal to lead an expedition deep into the Mexican jungle in search of the long-lost remains of her ancestor, Chimalli, an ancient warrior of the Aztec empire. But when she is invited to join an all-expenses-paid dig to do just that, Corrie is sure it's too good to be true...and she's right.

As the world-renowned expert on Chimalli, by rights Corrie should be leading the expedition, not sharing the glory with her disgustingly handsome nemesis. But Dr. Ford Matthews has been finding new ways to best her since they were in grad school. Ford certainly isn't thrilled either - with his life in shambles, the last thing he needs is a reminder of their rocky past.

But as the dig begins, it becomes clear they'll need to work together when they realize a thief is lurking around their campsite, forcing the pair to keep their discoveries - and lingering attraction - under wraps. With money-hungry artifact smugglers, the Mexican authorities, and the lies between them closing in, there's only one way this all ends - explosively."

For all those who fell hard for Indiana Jones.

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I think this had such potential, but the characters just let it down. Not only was I bored, but the characters were mean to each other. There is a lot of manipulation, lying, and the dynamics and reasoning behind those dynamics made me feel uncomfortable and angry.

To be fair, maybe this all gets resolved in the second half of the book, but I could not take the idea of finishing it.

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If Jo turns this book into a mystery series in which Corrie and Ford solve archaeological-related mysteries, I would not complain at all. And if said series were to feature Agnes? EVEN BETTER.

From the moment I heard about this book, I was eager to read it. I have been fascinated by archaeology since I was a little girl and read a YA book about kids who find artifacts (and then a teacher told me that archaeology was a dying field because everything would be discovered by the time I was an adult. LIAR.) and to have a book that combines archaeology and romance? SOLD.

This book is an utter delight. Humourous, tension-filled, sexy, smart, and so much more, Jo's debut book is brilliant and I will happily re-read this book and any other book she writes in the future.

I love the enemies-to-lovers premise, the tentative truce between Corrie and Ford to work together, the growing trust between them, and more. Ford definitely did f-up more than a few times and he really had to work to get Corrie's trust back, and it is her compassion for him while also standing up for herself that had my admiration for her grow so much.

I always love well-developed side characters in stories and Raiders is no exception. With much of the book set at a camp in a jungle with a small group of people, we really get a chance to get to know some of the other characters and want to know even more about them (ahem, Agnes, for whom I have created a whole backstory and motivation for her because she is awesome).

As I was reading the book, I felt that I was on the dig alongside Ford, Corrie, and the others, exploring the jungle to find evidence of human presence from centuries ago, digging trenches and sifting through dirt, fighting off the baddies when they reveal themselves... you know, the usual dig activities. :)

I highly recommend this book and hope that others enjoy it as much as I do!

Thanks to NetGalley, Berkley, the author, and the #JoyfulChaosBookClub for the eARC. All opinions are my own.

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This was a fun read! The cover definitely made me want to read this book and then I got my favorite trope, enemies to lovers with adventure thrown in, I wasn’t sure if I was going to jive with this book since I haven’t seen some of the movies this book is being compared to, but I’m glad I gave it a try.

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Raiders of the Lost Heart, written by Jo Segura, is an exhilarating and captivating tale that promises to sweep readers off their feet. This enthralling adventure romance combines the essence of Romancing the Stone with the excitement of Indiana Jones, resulting in a truly unforgettable journey.

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I loved this book! There were some elements that I felt were a little bit off-putting, but overall it was a fun and fast read! Full review to come.

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Rival archaeologists pair up for the dig of a lifetime in a dramatic debut by Jo Segura, where a chaotic jungle expedition is the perfect backdrop for an enemies to lovers collision course.

RAIDERS OF THE LOST HEART is equally compelling and cringeworthy, with a plot that forces readers to suspend all logic, and spicy scenes that bring the heat but also kind of make you want to stop reading. (No spoilers here, but some of the wordplay during otherwise steamy encounters is super off-putting.) I couldn’t get over how often it’s incorporated into the story how “beautiful” or “perfect” the protagonists are. (We get it, they are hot *and* hot for each-other.) I also struggled with Ford’s initial attitude towards Corrie, coupled with his duplicity, which made him altogether a rather unlikeable MC. Meanwhile, the way the main “conflict” driving their years-long mutual distaste was resolved was underwhelming. And some of the more ridiculous plot devices (like Corrie setting off to sneak through a jungle in the middle of the night with only a knife and a flashlight) are chalked up to exhibits of “fearlessness” from a character who thrives on danger (brave MCs are great okay but this is just not sensible).

Nonetheless, RAIDERS OF THE LOST HEART offers more eventful intrigue than its counterparts in the romcom space. (Smugglers, whitewater rapids, and stabby villains, anyone?) There’s a great message in the text of the importance of vulnerability, which I appreciated. I also loved Segura’s focus on the disproportionate difficulties and biases women of color face in male-dominated fields like archaeology. I plan to read her next book because of that alone.

If you’re on the hunt for a light, one-of-a-kind romance with a dash of adventure, I’d pick up RAIDERS OF THE LOST HEART. If you let it, this is a book meant to whisk you away into another (more exciting, albeit less realistic) world.

Thanks to NetGalley and Berkeley Publishing Group for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions my own.

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This book reminded me of just how much I miss and adore adventure romances. This book is sexy escapist fun and delightful in every way — and selfishly, I hope it leads to a HUGE resurgence of this subgenre! I loved this book and can’t wait for the next in the series.

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What an adventure! Raiders of the Lost Heart was an exciting quest, different from any romance I’ve read before. It was fun and engaging, and I’d recommend it for anyone who watched and loved The Lost City (ft. Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum)—or anyone who grew up on Indiana Jones. Now for what didn’t work for me: the sex jokes and innuendos were a bit over the top to the point of feeling immature, and the characters’ main struggles or flaws got very redundant as the story progressed. But overall, I enjoyed the book and stayed intrigued throughout. Would definitely love to see it on the big screen or read the sequel it’s so nicely set up for!

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Dr. Socorro "Corrie" Mejia has dreamed of being able to unearth the truth behind Chimalli, an Aztec warrior, and his demise since the beginning of her career. She is tricked into traveling to Mexico to work on a dig for Chimalli's remains only to find that the lead archaeologist is her graduate school nemesis, Dr. Ford Matthews. They have to work together but it proves difficult, with the undeniable hate/lust tension between them.

I loved every page of this book! It had a little bit of everything to make it a fun and entertaining ride. There was witty dialogue, adventure, mystery, suspense, and LOTS of steam and all of it came together in the perfect way. BRAVO to Jo Segura for this amazing debut novel!

I had been tiring of enemies-to-lovers romances lately. Many of the ones I had been reading did not have the enemies situation with enough depth for me to believe it. There were layers to why they Corrie and Ford get along. The resentment and anger still lingered and the decade-long grudge between the two of them didn't just disappear because they were boinking. That is what gives a relationship a more real enemy vibe.

Corrie and Ford's journey from enemies to lovers felt genuine as well. It started off as them scratching an itch, giving into their lust. As they got to know each other, they opened up to one another and found that there were reasons why they were the way they were with each other.

All of that fire and passion that they had between them went both ways. They had great chemistry in the sack and when they argued, there was fire there, too. The breakup scene WRECKED me! It's one of the best breakups scenes that I've read. The dialogue was seeped in all of that love, anger, resentment, and heartbreak that was there between the two of them and it left me in tears.

This is must-read book that I loved and I know you will love it, too!

Steam level: 🔥🔥🔥½
⚠️: cancer and mention of death of a parent

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I loved this! It was interesting and unique and good lord the tension 🥵

This was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed the archaeology aspect. I love seeing jobs and settings that aren't the same five jobs and settings so much of romance is full of. (Not to say I don't enjoy those, because I do. But it's nice to see some variety too!) I would have liked to have the action there at the end spread out a little more because I felt like my eyes were ping-ponging down the page trying to absorb everything, but it was an exciting and fun read nonetheless.

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Archeologist Dr. Corrie Mejía was was born for the adventure of finding her ancestor Chimalli, an Aztec warrior. Too bad her rival, Dr. Ford Matthews, is already heading the dig. When the dig doesn’t yields the results he’s hoping for Matthews brings in Corrie, without telling her it’s him leading the dig.

Can they find Chimalli together and mend a broken relationship, or will the spy in their team bring everything crashing down around them?

This was a fun romantic adventure with a enemies to lovers trope that was delightful.

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