Member Reviews

thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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This was simply fine. I loved the cover more than almost any other I've seen, but mostly I spent a lot of time hating the MMC. He, frankly, sucks, and doesn't deserve a beautiful, smart, brave woman in his life.

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Very cute and fast read. Reminded me of "The Lost City" with sandra bullock and Channing Tatum. Love every bit of the story !

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I thought that this book would be a cute, maybe a little spicy archeological romance, but I was really disappointed. The action/adventure really doesn't happen until the last 10 percent of the book or so. And for the most part the heroine wanted us to believe she was a total baddie but then is relegated to the damsel in distress at the end? Come on. I didn't like any of the characters and thought they acted much younger than the 30 somethings they were supposed to be. I thought it would be more like the mummy or Indiana Jones (as it was marketed to be), but it was not. I was really disappointed.

Thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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This is the second book I’ve read with an Ali Hazelwood cover endorsement that has absolutely bombed. So AH, while I love YOUR books, I’m beginning to look at that literary benediction as a kiss of death instead. You can’t be trusted.

A great beginning and overall idea that’s completely let down in character execution. What could have been a kick-ass, interesting, and strong leading lady, archeologist Dr. Corrie Mejia, instead devolves into a lust-addled twit, more interested in her attraction than in the passion of her professional and life’s work.

All the “horny” descriptions of itching and burning, I’m not sure that’s lust. I think she needs to see a doctor. And what was the author’s obsession with breasts? Seriously, I word searched the e-book and the number of times and attention paid to boobs (not in actual sex setting) was chapter by chapter and so weird. Worse than a horrible male thriller writer with tits being thrust all over the place. Even weirder because the author paints the lead as angry that so much attention is given to her looks and not her professional acumen and capability. Weirder still that Corrie is upset when Ford isn’t ogling her breasts like everyone else that she was “not-so-subtlety displaying in her low cut tank”. Baffling bad choices.

Speaking of Ford. He’s an undermining, entitled, conniving dick, regardless of his motivations. Not on board at all. I only kept reading because I started to find the whole thing funny. The bad ‘80s porno-like setups what with the black lingerie and robes brought on a work camping trip in the jungle. Dirty talk and loud moaning that somehow isn’t overheard in a tent village.

Anyway, it’s barely a 2 Star rating. Great plot idea but the choices were just ridiculous.

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This was the perfect blend of adventure and romance. It reminded me of a combination of "Raiders of the Lost Arc" and that wonderful 1980s movie "Romancing the Stone". Such an adventure!

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Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC ebook. I enjoyed the characters and story. I, too, loved Indiana Jones and others in movies as the author mentions in her note. As with both the movies and this book, you suspend disbelief and enjoy the ride. This allowed for a fun romp in the jungle.

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***3.5 Stars***

Lara Croft meets Indiana Jones and embark on a dig set in the Mexican jungle...but make it hot?!? 🤗 there was no passing this up, even more so when the female main character is a Mexican archeologist with a penchant for adventure. Dr. Soccorro "Corrie" Mejia has devoted her academic career to becoming world renowned expert on the ancient warrior of the Aztec Empire Chimalli. She's invited to an all expenses paid dig to search for Chimali's long lost remains, the warrior she believes is one of her ancestors. When she learns that the lead archeologist is none other than her academic rival Dr. Ford Matthews, Corrie is put in the position of having to rise above or miss out. Corrie is a woman of color working in a male dominated field, her work should garner her the respect she deserves. Instead Corrie is objectified by her peers which leads her to believe this is the reason why she was overlooked to lead this dig. The point of contention throughout this expedition is the fact that Dr. Ford a white cishet male with knowledge of Chimali (but not quite as much as Corrie) was offered THE once in a lifetime opportunity she has worked so hard for. 

The plot thickens when we find out Corrie and Ford have actually already hooked up years before becoming the successful archeologists they are now. She can't deny her attraction to ford or the awkwardness that comes with having to work in close proximity to him. Neither can Ford but he also has his eye on the prize, the hefty pay-out from their investor that will help with a personal situation he's dealing with. One that is weighing heavy on his heart and mind and that is also leading to questionable/ethical decisions. What didn't work for me? the ick feeling Ford's actions left on me made it hard to ship this duo even though I really wanted to. Certain things he did made it hard to think he even deserved a woman like Corrie who already has the odds stacked against her in their shared field. I'm not saying he was totally irredeemable, I just wish the core of this story wasn't based on a less than favorable move he made.

What I loved? National Treasure is one of my all time favorite adventure movies and this book does read like one with high stakes. I loved their archeological discoveries and theories of Chimali. Throwing in the artifact smuggler angle heightened the danger you'd typically get while watching Lara Croft/Indiana Jones in action. Lastly, I'd be quicker to call this friends to lovers than hate to love. I'm always going to prefer friends to lovers, the history between Corrie and Ford is a part of this story giving the reader a sense of picking up right where they left off. The steamy scenes were giving me LIFE! while also raising a brow at how well Ford's more intimate chapters were written ☺️ I'm all for this becoming a romance/adventure series, the intrigue and spice alone would keep me flipping pages!

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Archaeologist Dr. Socorro "Corrie" Mejía and her nemesis, Dr. Ford Matthews, are set to lead a secret Aztec expedition to find the remains of her ancestor, Chimalli.

It was Corrie's life goal to be on this expedition; however, when she is invited to join an all-expenses-paid dig, she thinks it is too good to be true.

Dr. Matthews, her nemesis, has been finding new ways to best her. As the dig begins, they must work together to keep their discoveries and attractions hidden. With money-hungry artifact smugglers, Mexican authorities, and lies between them, there's only one way this all ends explosively.

Oh my god! These two! It was like bombs exploding every time they were near each other. The sexual tension, chemistry, and banter were lit. They are competitors and have a history, but they are also hot for each other, and, as you say, they probably want to hate-f***.

With all these, the secrets, lies, and past also lead to downfall. The writing was great, and when I read the last chapter, I thought the worst. You will know what I am saying when you read this. It was like a bittersweet ending that made me not want to read ahead but, at the same time, hope for something different.

This book was adventurous, fun, entertaining, and action-packed. I enjoyed reading every bit of it and recommend it to all rom-com and archeology lovers.

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I started this one on a whim the last week of December when I had finally reached my breaking point on holiday romances. This was such a fun change of pace! The adventure, Mexican jungle setting, and archaeological aspect were such a fun take on the typical romcom. Corrie was such a badass, smart, funny FMC. I had a love hate relationship with Ford. There was a lot of deception but he had good intentions and I really enjoyed watching their enemies to lovers relationship develop. Have you read this one??

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Dr. Corrie Mejia has been asked to travel to Mexico to assist another archeologist with a dig- only to arrive in Mexico and discover it is her long time arch-nemesis, Dr. Ford Mathews. Ford has taken just about everything from Corrie, a fellowship, a position at Yale, and even now this dig, as it centers around her life's work, trying to discover the remains of Chimalli. However, on this dig, the two discover more than just Chimalli, they discover thieves, corrupt professors, and even a love for each other.

Overall the premise of this book was entertaining and the plot surrounding the dig was super fascinating. However, I hated the romance. I'm sorry but she brought a robe, black lace undergarments, and a giant purple vibrator on a DIG IN THE JUNGLE OF MEXICO?? That is incredibly unbelievable. I liked the ending where she was credited as being the head archeologist on the dig, and Ford was listed second, but including the pictures of them falling in love is so cringe??? People are there to see the artifacts, not the cringey photos of two archeologists who were supposed to be working actually boinking in the background of the dig. It's weird.

I do like the ending, that it set up nicely like an Indiana Jones movie for the next book with the introduction of what to expect next. I am interested to see if the author follows through and makes that next book though.

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review: raiders of lost hearts by jo segura ✨🌺

"i mean, clearly it’s no secret that I’m deeply, madly, and truly in love with you.."💕☺️


⚠️ cw: terminal illness, death of a parent, misogyny & grief ⚠️

if you love indiana jones, the mummy, archeology, camping, academic rivals to lovers, forced proximity, grumpy x sunshine couples, the one bed oops i mean tent trope, witty banter, and some spice this book might be for you!!

alexa play quiéreme despacito by jessie y joy 🎶

🌟 RATING: ★★★★.5/5
🥵 spice scale: 🌶️🌶️ 🌶️ (some detail but not too explicit)

oh my goodness, this was such a fun little adventure!! i truly loved buddy reading it with some wonderful gal pals (tag here) 💕 honestly, my only complaint was with other reviews 🤣 people are giving it less than 3 stars bc it's unrealistic... like what did you mean the book with a title inspired by indiana jones with the same vibe as the mummy is unrealistic?!! i didn't think anyone was under the impression it was going to be "realistic" or am i wrong here??? just know, it was a super great book & i loved corrie and ford so much!! 💕 the vibes & spice were immaculate! i have no other comment other than please read it & enjoy this trip to the mexican jungle!

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Oh my gosh! I loved this one. Jo Segura and I have the same loves and passions. I wanted to be an archeologist when I grew up, fueled by those Indiana Jones, Goonies, and Lara Croft stories. Instead, I went with law and the government.

I honestly love what Segura did here in this book. It was like reading a story about Indy and Marian, but let Marian take the lead. Throw in a lot of spice, plus some Indiana Jones/Harrison Ford references, and I'm in love.

Boy, this story made me want to go back and get my archeology degree.

I absolutely loved this adventure. I'm hoping we get a book 2 out of this.

Highly recommend for those who love Indiana Jones and archeological adventures.

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I absolutely cruised through this one! Their chemistry was great and I loved reading about an archeologist (though I'm not sure actual archeology is this crazy and fast-paced). I did predict where this was going, but I still had a fun time nonetheless.

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Thanks to the publisher for the gifted e-copy.

This is a typical enemies to lovers romance. Two archaeologists are at odds over a dig. They've known each other for years, had a moment back in school, nothing happened, and now they are enemies. The tension and chemistry is there, and when they act on it there's fireworks.

I lost interest about halfway through, unfortunately. I ended up skimming through to get to the end. I liked the premise of the archaeology and the setting of the dig, but it just felt too trite for me overall. Once they started hooking up, I was waiting for the big blow up/misunderstanding/fight to happen, and then skimmed through waiting for the resolution.

I will still give the author's next book a try though - there's definitely potential there!

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So stinking cute, and I found the antics of the two main characters to be hysterical! I loved the banter back and forth (especially when they were slightly drunk) and how uncomfortable Corrie made Ford, since she's much more brazen and outgoing than he is!

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Raiders of the Lost Heart is a fun adventure romance. Enemies to lovers and witty banter abound. Dr. Corrie Mejía thinks she is going on her dream expedition only to find out that it is run by her academic ex rival. Dr. Ford Matthews wants nothing more than to solve his archeological mysteries, but there is something he's not telling everyone. This book took me a little while to get into, but it was entertaining once I felt connected to the characters. Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC!

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This story follows the relationship and adventures of to archeologists on a dig. One, a Lara Croft styled character, the other a more professorial type. Their enemies to lovers story is engaging, spicy and highly entertaining.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Berkley Publishing, and Jo Segura for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This wasn’t your “normal” romance novel and that made me enjoy it that much more. We meet Corrie and Ford on an archeological dig & they are enemies. Watching them learn to work together to solve their common goal while they got to know each other better was fun! The “twists” per se were ones I didn’t expect and they added another level to the story. I wasn’t sure I liked the ending of the book until I read the epilogue- then I was sold!! This was truly a unique romance! I look forward to reading more from this author in the future.

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This is a fairly typical romcom: boy & girl meet after several years apart, argue a lot because they like each other, lots of sexual tension, and eventually get together. What makes this book ifferent is that it takes place in the middle of a Mexican jungle and the main characters are archaeologists on a dig together.

Corrie and Ford met years ago in college. Even though they drove each other crazy, there was a definite attraction that neither one has been able to forget after all these years. A mystery investor hired Ford to find the remains of Chimalli, who Corrie spent her entire career trying to find. After not finding much, Ford calls in Corrie. Except she doesn't know who is inviting her, just that she leaves for Mexico in a week.

Throw in one really spicy scene, some twists & turns, and a thief, and you have a pretty entertaining book. I wasn;t sure I would like the main charaters at first, but as you learn more of their story, they are more likeable.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance copy f this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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