Member Reviews

I love the amount of history -- forgotten, untold history -- Lopez sneaks into her book. I use that word, "sneaks," because it doesn't feel like you're reading history, but it's also not quite right, because the whole book, the whole series, revolves around that history, is inspired by the history. So much love for that.

Lopez's books also are really steamy. Right from the start, no waiting until a third of the way through for a first kiss. That's not everyone's thing. So of course not everyone is going to love this.

But for the right readers, Lopez has created a world that's nice to spend time in. Really enjoyed the return of Milagro Street characters and places in this one. Looking forward to seeing what Cici is up to in the next book.

Thanks to Netgalley for the advance copy.

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I someone how missed on Lopez's last novel and I'm so grateful this one popped up on my radar. If you love a spicy second chance, friends to lovers romance this is absolutely the Fall read for you. So damn good.

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Full Moon Over Freedom by Angelina M. Lopez
“He stole my power by being cruel. Don’t you steal it by being nice.”
This was a nice little read about a summer in a small town. Loved the representation, especially with the single mom romance. Let's also talk about the finding of the childhood romance, it was awesome. The spice was awesome.
I enjoyed the use of the cultural myths of Mexican culture, it was great! This was a great quick read. I would like to thank Angelina M. Lopez, Harlequin, and Netgalley for the eARC. Go and preorder today, Full Moon Over Freedom is available 9/5/23!

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Woooo this is a SPICY one! Many eggplants for this one. But aside from all the spice, I loved this story of finding one's inner strength and realizing we are all the makers of our magic. What a great story of love, loss, healing and forgiveness amid a backdrop of a small, struggling town trying to revitalize after years upon years of racism and white supremacy took their toll. A solid 4/5 for me!

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Love the diverse characters and the chemistry between the main characters I love that there are more and more couples of color getting the chance to be centered in romance book. Definitely a 10/10 in my book.

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I wish Freedom was a real place so I could visit these places and people! I love the setting Lopez has setup, the family dynamics and the magic she instills her in books. In this book, Gillian and Nicky were childhood/high school friends who collide back together right when it's needed the most. They spend the summer facing hard-truths and working to overcome their struggles, while also getting a second chance on love and the shaping of their lives.

Full Moon Over Freedom felt a bit deeper than After Hours because of the struggles the characters are going through. But I love the way real-life is depicted - for better or worse. (CW: divorce, toxic relationship/mental abuse).

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Gillian left Kansas behind.... Now she needs to move back to Freedom with her children after her divorce. She sees Nicky - her first love... Will they fall in love all over again?

Love the small town setting.... The large loving family is fun... The heroine is brash and blunt... and I love her for it. Terrific fun book.

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.

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5 stars, hands down!!

Angelina Lopez does it again! The second in the series based in Freedom, Kansas, this Latina romance is something to be read and cherished.

This beautiful story leaves you feeling humbled and full of love. With strong character development and a second chance romance, this is one not to be missed!

Can be read as a stand-alone, but so much better as part of the series!

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This was such a sexy follow up to After Hours on Milagro St. Angelina Lopez doesn't disappoint. . Nicky and GIllian are too hot for words. Magic, sex and love... perfect mix

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Straight up, just no. To all of it. Everything.

Gillian is so unlikeable, I wanted to shake her. She kept referring to herself as the Pride of the East Side with zero explanation. Others called her the smartest person they know but honestly, again, no. No well-educated financial planner worth their salt would sign a pre-nup that gave them *nothing*, nor would they sign a divorce agreement that gave them *nothing*. And then she has the audacity to whine about everything else when there are multiple opportunities beneath her nose that would fix every problem, if only she would just get over herself.

Nicky gives me a big 'ol ick. Plain and simple. Any man who constantly refers to a woman he actually has no claim over as "his woman" or "his girl" creeps me out so much. The lie that he started the book out with was so pointless too, and honestly felt really spineless on top of selfish. His part in the third act breakup was also so ridiculous and without purpose.

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Milagro Street is one of my favorite books and I didn’t think this book could live up to it! I was wrong! It is beautifully written and I felt as though I knew the Torres family! Like they were my friends/family! Ms. Lopez has solidified her position as an author who will remain in my ‘must read’ list. Love this book!

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This was my first time reading one of Angelina’s books and it won’t be my last! I am always eager to read a novel with Latinx main characters and this one did not disappoint. Everything about the characters really hit close to home and it was easy to relate to the family dynamics. Small town romances are too often white washed so this was a welcome and refreshing change.

I loved both Gillian and Nick so much but I wish we could have seen more from Nick’s POV and his back story. Overall, this was a beautifully written story about loving your true self and self discovery!

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Angelina Lopez and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I truly loved this story! I really enjoyed the authors writing style as well. I felt interested from start to finish.

While on the service this book is giving second chance romance in a small diverse town it is much much more than that.

It really gives so much on finding your self identity and accepting yourself for exactly who you are - past and present versions of yourself.

I also really enjoyed being emmersed in the culture.

I would definitely read more from this author.

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I loved Milagro Street and wasn’t sure a sequel could live up, but I was blown away. Like the first book, this one masterfully weaves together so many elements of the character’s lives, creating a rich and complex tapestry without anything feeling rushed or glossed over.

This book is on the surface a second chance romance in a diverse small town setting, but it’s so much more than that. It’s about rebuilding yourself after life doesn’t go the way you expected, it’s about addiction and loss, it’s about family and culture, forgiving yourself, accepting help when you need it, and getting justice. Oh, and there’s a hot romance with some fucking incredible steam in there, too! All around fantastic, now absolutely can’t wait for book three.

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Damn Angelina M. Lopez's books are so freaking good! The love, the passion, the connection!! All of it was amazing! I really enjoyed this and I can't wait to read more from this author! truly such a great read!

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I absolutely adored this second chance romance!!! Both main characters were strong and vulnerable and their chemistry was off the charts!!!

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Have you ever read a book that made you feel like you're too dumb for the book? This book made me feel that way, and honestly, I think it might be in part to how little I know and understand about Mexican culture. The book made me realize that even though I try to read diverse and inclusive books, I have accidentally skipped over this entire demographic and will be making more of an effort to broaden the range and scope of what I read. The book is beautiful and mysterious and pulls at the aches in your heart. I have not read the first in the series and I think I would have benefitted from doing so prior to reading this one. I do wish we got more information and depth into Nicky's life and history, though.

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* Received a copy for review*.
Book 1 was so in your face sexy and brash just like its heroine.
This story is quieter in a way. Juli is an overachiever. She was always the best at everything. Now she’s back in town, in the middle of a divorce from a terrible man with no job prospects. And the boy she love, who was not supposed to be here, has grown into a very sexy man.
This book is very much about accepting yourself, letting go of old mistakes, and seeing what is right in front of you.
It is very sexy mixed with magic. I loved learning more about this town and the people whose history has been washed away by the histories that white men wanted to tell.
I can’t wait to see what love hold for Cici.

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I loved After Hours on Milagro Street, and frankly I didn't know how Full Moon could live up to the standards Ms. Lopez set in the first installment.

I needn't have worried. I read this book in one (looong) sitting. Everything about it was delightful. I love the element of family and town and Mexican-American history that give the story weight, I love the kiddos (and I generally do not love kids in my romance), and I love Nicky and Gillian. I think magical realism in contemp romance is...a lot to manage, and this author does so deftly. The characters are finely drawn-- the ones we love, and the ones we want the earth to swallow up. So much crammed in to this story. Can't wait to read more.

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This book solidified Angelina M. Lopez as an auto-buy author for me. I really loved the first book in this series and was beyond thrilled to get this ARC. This is part friends to lovers and part second chance romance. Gillian Armstead-Bancroft is moving back home to Freedom, Kansas after a really difficult divorce from her awful husband. She is on a mission to live a little bit on the wild side and runs into former best friend and the man that taught her everything she knows about sex, Nicky Mendoza. Artist Nicky has been hired to paint a mural depicting the town's history and works alongside Gillian to delve deeper into the past of the town and former residents.

This book is beyond hot! Gillian and Nicky have great chemistry. Gillan is a smart and determined protagonist. I really loved going on this journey with her to reestablish her life outside of her marriage. Her relationship with her kids and family was lovely. I so enjoyed spending time with all of these complex characters. I was glad we got a nice look into how Alex and Jeremiah are doing now. The magical component of this story was so interesting.

I can't wait to see what comes next!

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