Member Reviews

Excellent activities for kids and educators.
Thanks so much to NetGalley and the publishers for letting me read an advance copy of this book in exchange for my review.

Lots of great content here!
I like the blocks of text. Very easy to read and digest thanks to the blurbs and chunks that break up the pages.
I really like the concepts presented here.
Lots of introspection and gentle guidance in how to think outside yourself and create art that reflects not oly yourself, but the world around you.
Love this book, and definitely reccomend it.

Perfect for all classrooms middle grade and up! Loved the variety of art techniques and mediums. A powerful approach to celebrating diversity. I loved the structure of the units, set up in themes that would also pair nicely with some literature.

This book is really needed. This makes anti-racist something that children can understand. The book is broken into sections. Each section describes the topic so parents can read to children and be understood. The activities reflect that section. These hands-on crafts are great activities and educational best down with parents so both can learn and expand their minds.

Really good reference book for teachers/people who work with kids
The only slight negative is that there's no index of difficulty/ease, which would make it easier to decide on an activity, but if you had the physical book you could easily post-it the pages relevant to the group you work with!
Lots of really lovely clear instructions and extra info for those new to that style of artwork or anti-racist work
I received an advance copy for free from NetGalley, on the expectation that I would provide an honest review.

This is a really thorough and powerful intro to anti-racism for kids, using art projects to drive the ideas home. I really like the informational sections at the beginning of each chapter, which give insight into anti-racism and how to embody it and apply empathy and understanding and equity and activism in all aspects of one's life.
This is not the kind of book where I would go through each project but rather pick and choose ones to do with my kid. The beginning information of each section, however, should not be skipped. In fact I would probably go through it chapter by chapter, choosing one or two projects from each chapter and working through them in order. That would probably make the most sense.
This is a great resource for classrooms and libraries to help bring home the lessons of anti-racism in a way kids can understand.
*Thanks to NetGalley and Quarto - Quarry Books for providing an early copy for review.

Okay, not too bad. Plenty of info. Lots of ideas to get conversations started in a creative way. Art teacher approved.

I LOVE this collection of art activities! They are collected by identity, culture, community, empathy, justice, and activism. Each activity has a short blurb explaining why it's important for the artist to learn. The activities appear to be adaptable for a range of ages. The back of the book contains helpful art references and a glossary.
Thank you to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for an advanced digital copy in exchange for my honest review!

Anti-Racist Art Activities for Kids
3.5 Stars
The Anti-Racist Art Activities for Kids is packed with educational art ideas one can share with your children or in a classroom.
This book covers the important points of the Anti-Racist movement through Art. It is a great read for educators, or an excellent choice for libraries for those parents' homeschooling. Each project is broken down into easily digestible sections.
Overall, I enjoyed this book, and learned something new. This is a book I'd gladly check out from the library. This isn't a book I'd do each and every project in. Rather, I'd pick a handful of my favourite projects to do with my children. That said, if I were a teacher or librarian, I'd want this book on my bookshelf. It's a fabulous resource with good information!
Thank you, NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group, for an advance review copy for free and exchange for an honest review.

This book is going be an incredibly valuable resource to caregivers who want to raise their children in an anti-racist way.
I plan on adding this to my personal homeschooling library and gifting copies to friends.
What I liked most about it was the very clear definitions to concepts that can be hard to find the right words for as a caregiver. The activities are things that can be done at home with things most people already have at home which makes this very important information even more accessible for kids and their caregivers.

I liked several of the ideas in this book, but had trouble with my eARC download loading the visual instructions. I think the book will be a great addition to any library though.

The Anti-Racist Art Activities for Kids book is jam packed with art ideas you and your children will adore.
The beginning of this book covers the important points of The Anti-Racist movement and how Art is an important part of this. Without giving too much away, its an excellent read for every educator in how to help all children in your creative space.
The projects are broken down into easily digestible sections that would be great for more independent children to follow along with. This book is perfect for all school aged children and every adult.
I was gifted a digital copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

When I first saw Anti-Racist Art Activities for Kids: 30+ Creative Projects That Celebrate Diversity and Inspire Change, I was very excited. As part of my teaching load, I am required to teach art, and as a non-artist, I hate it. Also, I am actively involved in many social justice groups, as well as many committees that are committed to equity. So, this book felt made for me. The book is visually stunning (as one would hope that an book dedicated to art would be). Images are vibrant, and pages are colourful. The activities are divided into sections like “Identity” and “Activism” and “Empathy,” with related art activities that emphasize a specific theme. Some of the activities were more complicated than I thought would be appropriate to young children (which is apparently the target market), and some were a bit of a stretch in terms of their relevance to social justice. A nice book, but probably one that I would take out from the library instead of purchase.

Anti Racist Art Activities for Kids is an excellent resource for parents and educators looking for age-appropriate and creative ways to explore topics of racism and social justice with children. The book offers a wide range of art activities and projects that are designed to engage and inspire young learners, while also promoting anti-racist values and critical thinking skills.
What sets this book apart is the author's emphasis on creativity and imagination. The activities presented are not only informative and educational, but also fun and engaging for children. The book offers a variety of art forms, including painting, drawing, collage, and sculpture, which allows children to express themselves in different ways and find the activities that resonate with them the most.
The writing style is clear and concise, making the book easy to follow and understand. The book is also well-organized, with each activity clearly outlined and accompanied by detailed instructions and materials lists.
Overall, Anti Racist Art Activities for Kids is an excellent resource for parents and educators looking to introduce children to important topics of social justice and anti-racism in a fun and engaging way. It's a well-written and thoughtful guide that offers a wide range of creative and age-appropriate activities for young learners. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in promoting anti-racist values and critical thinking skills in children.

Thank you NetGalley for this e-ARC!
As a Program Specialist for Girl Scouts, I truly appreciate this book & I can’t wait to get my hands on a physical copy! I am so excited to incorporate some of these activities with our girls. I love that it explained what each section is about (Identity, Culture, Community, Empathy, Justice, and Activism) with numerous activity choices. This will be very helpful in teaching our girls about these topics, as well as an activity to really drive that purpose home. I also loved the fact that it included a “Why This Matters” for each activity, signifying the importance of embracing diversity and one’s self.

This review was translated from the original in Portuguese-BR
These days ago I came across a book on NetGalley whose title immediately caught my sight: "Anti-racist art activities for kids - 30+ creative projects that celebrate diversity and inspire change" (in free Translation: Atividades de arte antirracistas para crianças - 30+ projetos criativos que celebram a diversidade e inspiram mudança).
Since it was available to read without any pre-request, I picked it up to read, in that protected PDF format.
The book was prepared by a group of teachers, the Anti-Racist Art Teachers, a collective of educators residing in the USA and promoting inclusive ideas, celebrating diversity and inspiring transformative actions through art education. The authors and teachers of the book are: Abigail Birhanu, Anjali Madan Wells, Khadesia Latimer, Lori Santos and Tamara Slade (the latter, the daughter of a Brazilian mother!).
At the end of the book, there is a description of each one of them, and it is very worth knowing more about them and the project, which has been recognized and referenced in the USA by teachers from primary education to higher education as an "invaluable resource for introduce anti-prejudiced and anti-racist concepts" and make different artists known in classrooms.
This is a book for people who are interested in addressing diversity in some way for a young audience. Parents, educators, content creators focused on parenting and early childhood education. I'm not in the education field, but I'm a mother and I see my home naturally as an extension of my son's learning. There is a lot of activity as such going on at home when it is school break, so here is a tip for other mothers and fathers who are also looking for activities to do at home with their children; many of the activities in the book are more interesting if done with a group of children, but if you can't find anyone (school willing to adopt the book, friends, etc.) to share your excitement in using the book as an opportunity to work on anti-racist themes , it is still possible to work some proposals at home, just with your child(ren).
The book is divided into 6 chapters, namely: "Identity" (Identity), "Culture" (Culture), "Community" (Community), "Empathy" (Empathy), "Justice" (Justice) and "Activism" ( Activism). I really liked this course of themes to be worked on, because I believe that every form of combating racism starts at home, looking at yourself first, understanding who we are, where we come from, who our ancestors are, in short, knowing our own history and building our identity. And this idea is so right, that the book emphasizes that it is not possible to have social transformations if we do not know ourselves in the first place. The book, by the way, is a great guide too, conceptualizing in a very accessible way terms such as "race", "racism", "anti-racism" and "intersectionality", etc. Bearing in mind that the purpose of the book is to work on anti-racist practices through artistic expression, what it proposes to do is to provide only guidance on how to use it, without ever losing sight of the fact that art is subjective and unique to each person.
Each chapter has a brief introduction, presenting the theme to the reader, situating him/her/them in terms of its importance in the perception of diversity in the world. It can be read by the educator/guardian, but also by the child himself, if he is already literate and can interpret educational texts.
Also, each activity brought has a brief explanation of the objective to be worked on. Some activities are simpler and others are more challenging, both in terms of creativity and in terms of resources (requires some material that is more difficult to find and/or handle), but they can still be adapted to use more accessible materials. Imagination here is indispensable and it is a tool too.
Every graphic project in the book is extremely beautiful, inviting to be browsed, handled and, why not, serve as inspiration for other ideas of artistic activities.
At the end, although the book constantly addresses concepts of the terms and topics covered, there is a small glossary.
It is a book that I would very much like to see circulating in schools here in Brazil, and I would very much like it to be translated, and therefore, no matter how small my attitude may be, I am helping to publicize the book, so that there are more people interested on it and, who knows, maybe it'll even end up published here.

This is a fantastic resource for art teachers, classroom teachers, and parents! It breaks down what racism looks like and how to combat it through art. The activities are varied and unique, allowing for creativity and fostering a greater understanding on what it looks like to value and learn from diversity instead of oppose it. It is a very important book for us to use to fight the hate that we see and hear stories about all around the world.

I feel this is a very good activity book for the kids to understand and get in some active learning about race and colour.
The activities given are practical and easy enough for all ages. For each art activity, the materials required and the steps to be followed are explained well, the reasons why they are important are given with each project. This is so satisfying to read and learn. I feel the one adult guiding the kid with this book would also feel the same.
The kids will not feel overwhelmed as the content is quite simple yet the projects included reflect the work of their same age. I truly appreciate this.
Lots to learn from this book. Keep this one at home and at school. Anyone who opens up this book will get the most out of it.
Thank you, Quarry Books, for the advance reading copy.

I’m an art teacher in the same district as the authors and I really appreciate the work put in to creating this resource. I can’t wait to use this in my classroom to create the most inclusive space I can.

This is an in depth look at lots of topics around anti-racism like justice, community, activism and culture. It explains each topic and then devotes a number of projects around the topic. The book felt pretty heavy handed to me and I didn’t feel particularly inspired by many of the crafts (one exception is I love the idea of making art postcards about important issues to send to politicians) but it’s an important topic and the book will be a good resource.
I read a temporary digital copy of this book via NetGalley.