Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.
Not a fan of the cover, but I was here for the flight attendant romance.

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I received an Advanced Reader Copy through NetGalley and am voluntarily writing an honest review.

I really wanted to love this book. I tend to enjoy or be drawn to books that have to do with travel and airplanes.

Looking back at my time reading this book, I can honestly say that I have no idea what I even read, and I finished this book less than a week ago.

The characters are charming enough, but they act so immature for seemingly no reason, especially considering their age. Our MMC is a celebrity who faces the paparazzi thinking that he proposed to his ex-girlfriend, Delight when they're seen in public together after a one night stand. They then continue to have a fake relationship.

The whole thing just seemed very unrealistic to me, and I find it hard to believe anything that actually happened.

There are also a handful of spelling and grammar errors in this book, which takes away from the immersion into the story.

The spice started off strong enough, but it fell flat nearing the end, if I'm being completely honest.

My synesthesia also decided to pay me a visit while I was reading this. I got a strong lemon whipped cream taste in my mouth, and I can't really explain why. I'm glad it was a pleasant flavour, though!

Guide to my ratings:
5 stars: flawless, hard to put down
4 stars: it was really good and memorable
3 stars: it was good/okay
2 stars: none or not many redeeming qualities and somewhat forgettable
1 star: horrible, had no idea what was going on, boring!!!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this one.
Second chance romance is one of my favourite tropes, and so I found the premise of this one very exciting!
I thought the overall idea of the story was great, however I found it a little difficult to follow. I’m unsure if this was due to maybe needing a second round of editing?
I did have to put this one down before finishing, but am hoping maybe I’ll be able to pick it up again later.
The tension between Delight and Coke so hopefully I can.

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Cute premise for a second chance romance. I loved their relationship and banter (and steam), but some of the stuff beyond that (the conflicts) made getting to the end a little difficult. I know that third act drama is an inevitability, but it doesn't always have to be drawn out for so long.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book for an honest review.

Review posted to goodreads on 5/6.

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Congratulations on your debut novel, Jannelle Drummond!

Being in the travel industry myself (agent), I’m always keen to read travel related romances. They hold an extra special appeal for me!

This one was great with the mixed couple, long-ago (but now estranged) friends being reunited in a very unique way, and being thrown into a fake engagement in extremely unusual circumstances. With Cole being a relatively new face in the Hollywood acting circles, and Delight being an outspoken flight attendant, theirs is nothing if not a quick and very not simple reunion that becomes a whole lot more, which neither is ready to handle… because of the paparazzi.

I had a fun time reading this one with a lot of my favorite tropes. I think Drummond has a great writing career ahead! You could tell she is a newbie author, but with some more experience, she’s going to be great. 3.5-stars rounded up and I think everyone should check this one out and support her!

I received an advance review copy from NetGalley and KDP Publishing, and this is my honest feedback.

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Thank you to the author, Jannelle Drummond, KDP Publishing, and NetGalley for giving me an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. This book will be published on April 27, 2023.

Unfortunately, I DNF’d this at 42%. There were some parts of the book that didn’t hit the mark for me and I decided put it down for now.

My main issues were there were grammatical errors, which I normally ignore if there’s a few, but there were enough to make me have to stop and think about what was trying to be said. The story telling also felt choppy and at times I was left confused on what was happening (i.e. Delight is on a plane to Paris in one paragraph and then in the next one she’s standing outside a hotel in Paris, but it felt abrupt and I was confused on how she ended up there). And the plot was slower than I expected for a book under 300 pages. Those problems took me out of the story and I wasn’t enjoying it how I wanted to.

Other than that, I did like the humor and connection Delight and Cole had from what I read. Their banter and chemistry with each other is what kept me wanting to read.

Although I did like the relationship between the two MCs and the enjoyable moments between them, the editing errors and storytelling made this fall flat for me.

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I love a good second chance romance, and Love at First Flight by Jannelle Drummond absolutely delivered!

Drummond walks our precious Cole and Delight deftly along the tightrope of distrust and desire, banter and emotional depth, sweetness and spice. And the spice! Absolutely top-tier steam!

There were also so many moments in this book where I laughed so hard I dropped my kindle. Drummond's writing is crisp, evocative, and lends itself perfectly to this snappy, hilarious, yet deeply romantic story. By the end of this book, I felt like I KNEW Delight, and I KNEW Cole through and through. Drummond made me care about these two so much and truly root for them to find their HEA. A fun, emotional, and thoroughly satisfying read, I loved this book with the o and the e!

Thank you so much to Netgalley and the author for this ARC!

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Love at First Flight by Jannelle Drummond promised a lighthearted romantic comedy, but it didn't quite deliver on all fronts. While the premise of two former friends and unrequited lovers being reunited on a flight and then pretending to be engaged for the sake of Hollywood was intriguing, the execution left something to be desired.

The book had some noticeable grammatical errors, which was distracting and took away from the overall reading experience. Additionally, the flow of the story felt disjointed at times, making it difficult to fully engage with the characters and their motivations.

That being said, Love at First Flight had its moments of charm and humor. The chemistry between Delight and Cole was palpable, and their fake engagement antics made for some entertaining reading.

Overall, Love at First Flight is a decent romantic comedy with some enjoyable moments, but it falls short in terms of editing and story flow.

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I think this book is more contemporary than rom com. Also there were times I wasn't sure the age of the adults are they new adult vs late twenties or early 30s, it could be because of the flashbacks of the breakup. Either way I think overall Delight and Cole had a lot to get over to get to their HEA but there were a lot of lulls so the pacing was a bit slow.

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Okay. First of all, I’m super thankful to Net Galley for the chance to check out this book before it comes out on 04/27!
Next: what worked for me: Janelle Drummond understands how to write Hate Sex! The spice in this book was spicy in a way where we still got insight in to the characters emotional state, and I loved that.
However, For me, an enemies to lovers plot line only really works if I’m rooting for at least one of the characters. I just couldn’t make myself root for either of our MCs in a way that was believable. There were times where I liked them okay, but not really where I cared whether they succeeded, and that was a problem.
Overall, the book was a light, fun read, and I’d recommend it if that’s what you’re looking for!

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At first, I wasn’t sure if I was going to like this book. Admittedly, it took a bit of time for me to get into it, but I am so glad I kept reading. Between the playful, flirty banter and the steamy romance scenes in Paris, I became hooked.

I immediately fell for Cole Williamson/Lain. He’s quirky, sweet, sexy, and completely in love with Delight. Some of his grand gestures for were absolutely swoon worthy (ie. The movie theatre)! Once Delight allows herself to open up and accept Cole’s affection, I begin to love her too. This is probably one of my favorite book relationships.

While I thoroughly enjoyed Love at First Flight, I gave it four stars for a reason. I love a good enemies to lovers plot, but the enemies portion was played out a little too much. It became unappealing after a while. Other than that, I highly recommend this book!

Thank you, NetGalley, Jannelle Drummond, and KDP Publishing for the chance to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved the concept of this plot when I first read the blurb! It had all the things I love in a fun romance - fake dating, friends to lovers but also enemies to lovers, international travel! This book was a lot of fun to read.

I liked how the author wove the drama of Delight and Coles backgrounds and past into their current story. It was so clear how much they had feeling for each other still despite their history and the time apart.

I do wish we got a bit more clarity on what it was that caused their falling out, we understand a bit of it but I would have liked to know more about how it ruined their friendship.

Overall this book was a fun light read and I’d recommend anyone who enjoys Tessa Bailey’s book to check it out when it comes out on April 27th!

Thank you to NetGalley, the author and publisher for the chance to read this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

- I shared this review on GoodReads

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