Member Reviews

I absolutely loved this book and the internal lore that Reid laid out. The Faerie King as an underlying plot point interwoven with the secret origins of Myrddin's work was a brilliant storyline. Effy and Preston racing to find the secrets of Myrddin's house and their eventual discovery of the affair that led to his greatest work kept me reading well into the night. I couldn't wait to find out what happened!

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Ava Reid’s fantastic YA debut centers on institutional sexism (and really sexism in general) in such a fantastic way that it had me questioning if the narrator was unrealizable during the first half of the book - which I do feel guilty about.

I found the pacing in this story to be quicker than other Reid books and I was interested and engaged through the entire book. This standalone follows an aspiring literature student, Effy, who is relegated to studies in architecture because of her gender. As an architecture student she gets the opportunity to work for her favorite author’s family, but sometimes reality is difficult to ascertain and meeting your heroes can be disappointing.

This book is much lighter on horror than Reid’s other works, but I would still recommend checking trigger/content warnings, especially if you’re picking this up for teens.

Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins for the eARC; I am giving this review voluntarily.

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Ava Reid's "A Study in Drowning" easily earns a perfect five-star rating and becomes an all-time favorite. Reid's skill in creating a tangible atmosphere allows readers to immerse themselves fully in Effy's emotions and fears. The book's captivating narrative continuously builds, leaving readers entranced and unable to put it down. It beautifully portrays the struggles of women who face disbelief and loneliness but eventually find the strength to stand up for themselves. Personally, the book resonates deeply, reflecting the transformative power of literature in one's life. The author's analogy of writing the book as shining a beacon from a lighthouse, hoping for a response from the distant ships, evokes a sense of longing and anticipation.

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A story with gothic vibes, old welsh folklore, and dark academic rivals to lovers. This book was amazing. It’s whimsical, atmospheric, and has well developed plot and characters. I loved that there was mental health awareness included, and that we got to see Effys struggle with dealing with the misogyny during that time. I really enjoyed this story and recommended it to anyone who loves fairytales, and fantasy.

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I had only meant to start this book and read a few chapters. Once I began though, it was impossible to put down. I read the whole thing in one sitting while my toddler wreaked absolute havoc on my house. I wish I was exaggerating.

I don't have a single criticism. This book is my exact cup of tea. Chef's kiss.

I would recommend this to anyone who liked Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Faeries, specifically. I love the academic take on Fae stories, leaning more heavily into folklore. I enjoyed the bit of mystery. There is a romantic subplot but it doesn't detract from the plot, only compliments it. As a woman, I identified heavily with the themes and rooted for our protagonist and her growth throughout the story. This author has such a talent for setting tone and creating an intricate story that isn't convoluted.

I can't wait for this to come out so I can purchase a copy to display on my shelf of favorites!

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A Study in Drowning is, at it's heart, about the struggle between the power of story, and the power of truth. It has the gothic vibe and suspension of reality found in The Last Tale of the Flower Bride, but in a Welsh-inspired-dark-academia setting. It examines in the contradictions of being a woman in a man's world, and wrestles with how someone's background shapes their worldview.

I'm continuously amazed with Ava's power to make such a lovely yet uncomfortable story, and this was no exception. I loved Effy's character. Her search for her identity, her all encompassing battle with her mental health, and her constant struggles with navigating the world as a young woman had me nodding my head in affirmation throughout the story. I enjoyed the fact that though there was romance, the overarching story remains firmly in Effy's grasp. Preston's gentle yet fervent support never overtakes Effy's will or sense of agency, he's simply a pillar of support whenever Effy needs one.

I also really enjoyed the dive into Welsh folklore. The incorporation of the old folk tale motifs of wicked and cruel fairies, three challenges, and warding with iron or ash added to the creeping atmosphere of the story without pulling the story completely from reality.

I would suggest this to anyone looking for an upper YA dark academia book, and will absolutely recommend it to friends.

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A huge thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins Children's Books for "A Study in Drowning" by Ava Reid.

Set in a world where patriarchal rule is still prevalent, and women are seen as the weaker sex meant to be subdued. A world that provides power and corrupt hosts for the Fairy King.

Initially a slow start while being introduced to Effy Sayre, her rival Preston Héloury, and the tales of the Fairy King they have both devoured... but quickly we are dragged into the unknown, and a quest to uncover the truth of 'Angharad'.

The perfect mix of a Gothic mystery, and the truth in fairytales.


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I'm not even sure how to begin describing this story. The dread that I felt throughout this entire novel was worth it; The sadness and hurt of billions of women is soothed by the ending. This is set in an alternate universe, but the lingering misogyny that persists in academia gives the backdrop. The setting transforms from a dusty old university both prestigious and somehow in extremely ill repair, to a crumbling, persistently damp, mansion that the sea seizes in little pieces every day.

Effy is such a wonderful character. So many books have described the empowered women who can take charge of their lives, just by instinct, but Effy is solidly in the often forgotten "freeze" response. Her character arc is beautiful and it's so wonderful to see a story about a young woman finding her voice.

The love interest is a total sweetheart. Some are billing this as an enemies to lovers, but I'd say it's solidly in the academic rivals to lovers territory. He's the kind of understanding and thoughtful man that women want for themselves and for their sisters and best friends. My best comparison is Lloyd from Say Anything, but if Lloyd had a bit more ambition and bit less interest in kickboxing.

Reid's descriptions of literally anything are wonderful. She strings words together in a way that I don't think I could emulate if I had a thousand years to practice. One particularly loathsome character is described (I'm paraphrasing) as looking like "if someone put a jacket and hat on a rotting pumpkin."

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Where do I even begin with this review. Thank you to NetGalley and HarperTeen for an early copy.

This is likely going to be my favorite book of the year. This was absolutely, breathtakingly, hauntingly perfect.

I’ve never felt so emotionally connected to characters before. Both Effy and Preston represent one half of my heart, and to reference another review I read, there is no way I can pretend to be Normal about this book.

The writing was gorgeous. The story pacing was perfect. It was an incredible blend of unreliable and grounded, haunting and captivating, romantic and tragic. Ava Reid is truly our modern day fairytale storyteller, and I will purchase absolutely anything she ever releases to the world.

The way Reid demonstrated the quiet strength that being a survivor of a world that feels built to destroy you is something that will live with me for the rest of my days.

Five stars. I cannot say enough good things about this book.

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This was an okay book for me. The first 1/4 started out promising. Effu was trying to figure herself out. However, I didn’t feel like I truly understood her. The middle of the book was quite slow for me. The last 1/4 of the book where her and Preston figure things out that had been in question the entire time was good. I wish there would have been more of the figuring things out throughout the book and not just at the end.

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A Study in Drowning was such a delight to read. How is it possible that a book could be cozy and magical, and yet haunting and gloomy at the same time? I loved the setting of Hiraeth Manor - I wouldn't call this book exactly dark academia but gothic is definitely one to use to describe this book. Ava Reid is so good at creating the haunting and cold atmosphere around the setting which made this book a million times better to read.

I loved Effy's character and how her story kind of parallels some plots from the fairy tale she's trying to uncover the truth. Watching her overcome her struggles and her fear was one of my favorite thing about this book. I loved the way this book highlighted the misogynistic and sexist treatment women has to live through just for existing, although it was definitely painful to read. I'm so glad of Effy's character honestly. In a way, I think a lot of girls can relate to the situation she was in and gain confidence to overcome their fears thanks to Effy.

I loved the romance too! I haven't been enjoying romance in YA fantasy (or fantasy in general) that much because they don't necessarily add up anything to the plot but the romance in ASID was so well done. It was definitely a case of insta-love but the way the romance progresses from Effy and Preston not liking each other and having the same views to them being partners to them being each other's safe places as they try to survive in Hiraeth Manor. I loved how Preston was very respectful towards Effy and cares about her consent and boundaries. I love the tenderness of their friendship and relationship. One thing I would comment on is that there were some scenes that were borderline graphic to be put into the YA category so maybe this book would be better marketed as upper YA.

This book wasn't a perfect read. There were some elements that I wish could be explored more like the Fairy King and the world building. But I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and this book makes me want to start reading Ava's other books as well. I would recommend this book if you're in need of a cozy mystery fantasy to cuddle up to in your blankets and cardigans.

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A Study in Drowning is a mystery set in a spellbinding world, with a little romance on the side. There were so many things going on. It's the kind of book you can reread and find something new every time.

Days have passed since I finished the novel, yet I remain in shock. While I technically rate out of 5 stars, this book deserves all the stars.


The writing is hauntingly beautiful. This is a full, five-sense experience. Everything is so vivid. Both books, the official and Angharad, were everything. I couldn't get enough. (If a full-length version of Angharad is ever published, know that I would be first in line.)

The plot had me permanently on edge. Every time I thought I figured something out, there was yet another twist. I was completely captivated by the magic and the mystery. Putting this down to eat, sleep, and work was such a struggle.

And Effy!

Effy is the perfect main character, precisely because of her imperfections.

I loved that she isn't fearless, that sometimes she's absolutely terrified. Despite her apprehension, Effy chooses to see this through. That made her an even more likeable MC.

Bottom line: I loved it. I'm hoping you'll love it too.

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"A Study in Drowning" is a gorgeous YA dark academia. Rich and folkloric, suffused with myth, literature, and the sea, it's also a powerful tale of survival.

I admit that I was not a fan of Effy at first--for a scholar with otherworldly visions, she seemed remarkably close-minded, something that didn't change as much as I would have liked throughout the book. I also felt that the backdrop of war was not explored to its full potential. But overall this is a compelling and beautiful read with a mystery at its heart and a highly satisfying conclusion.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc! Opinions are my own.

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AHH this book is SO GOOD! I was so lucky to get a copy and I'm so grateful I did. I read this in two sittings because I could not put it down, but I wished I'd taken my time to draw it out and savor it. I already preordered a physical copy so I can reread it in the fall—it's the perfect cozy fall read.

There were a couple things I didn't love, a couple things that were too convenient/just there to move the plot along, but I didn't really care. The vibes and the story just swept me away. I loved Effy and Preston and them together. This is a long book and I honestly wished it was longer, even a duology perhaps? There was a lot that I felt lacked the depth I craved and there was so much more to be done with the characters and the world. But I very much enjoyed it and would recommend this to anyone who wants a properly gothic atmosphere and mood.

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A Study In Drowning is set within the world of dark academia, in a crumbling mansion on a cliff, and in a dark and dreary sea side town. It’s a mystery, a dark fairytale, and a slow burn romance. It’s filled with tons of metaphors and foreshadowing, and offers gorgeous imagery and settings. The character relationships thoughtful and dynamic.

The characters in A Study In Drowning, Euphemia Sayre, a Llyrian, of the Architecture College, and Preston Héloury, an Argantian, of Literature College come from different places of the world and different backgrounds. The Argantians are more skeptical and have less belief in the saints and myths of the Llyrian people of the North. The Llyrian people rely heavily on the myths of The Fairy King, changelings, saints, and other mystical tales. They see them as reality. The people of Argantia see the stories of the North as some mumbling metaphor.

Effy Sayre has had a difficult time at college. She has had a professor take advantage of her, and has been victim blamed relentlessly by her fellow classmates at college. On top of that, she also has a terrible mother who denies her any real compassion. These events and experiences compiled have left her with a disparaging relationship with herself and others. Her favorite book Angharad, written by Emrys Myrddin is her only escape. She’s read it cover to cover over a hundred times and has memorized every passage.

The book Effy is obsessed with, Angharad, is a story about a young woman named Angharad, and the Fairy King, a vicious and fierce looming creature who ascends from the sea dripping in tepid water, whose relationship mirrors the dark experiences of Effy’s past.

When Emrys Myrddin passes away, his son Ianto sends a letter to the college of Architecture to request that students apply to write blueprints to rebuild the crumbling foundation of the Myrddin estate.

The estate is set on the ocean side cliffs near what’s known as “the bottom hundred”. A sea that drowned what was once a thriving town of people crashes violently against the steep rock formations bellow the mansion. It’s feared that a second drowning is coming any time now, and the superstitions and tensions rise as the next encroaching storm approches. The Myrddin estate is creaking, swaying, rotting, and falling to ruins. It seems an insurmountable task to build additions within this slanted foundation. Non the less, Effy applies, and is accepted for the role of architect for the Myrddin Estate, and excitedly and nervously accepts.

I loved how this book’s plot is centered around a book, while the book the main characters are focusing on is also parallel to the characters. The slow burn romance is dreamy, as are the characters. The overall plot is a gothic dream of long hurried secrets, creeping looming violence, ghostly apparitions, strange and unruly men, and naturally crumbling cliffs along roaring sea side.

This was an absolute treasure of a book. It adresses the serious and harsh reality of the power struggles women face everyday in just about every environment we find ourselves in. But what this book also does is offer an escape. A place to process these evils while also feeling a myriad of magic and romance. Well done Ava Reid. I’ll read anything you publish.

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I received this books as an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an unbiased review.

This book was beautifully written, a story of a young woman fighting her own demons and not being able to trust her knowledge that they're real. Dismissed as young, flighty, inconsequential, Effy is used and taken advantage of her whole life, and finds comfort in a fairy tale. Given a chance to design the home of her favorite author, she jumps at the chance and the escape. Stuck in a a crumbling place, where her fairy tales seem more real than ever, working with her foil, Effy does what she always has - she survives. And in doing so, she links her experience to the story she loves, the story young women everywhere know too intimately.

This was my first book by this author, but I may need to go read more. It starts a little slowly, but I think that's meant to mirror the slow rolling dread Effy feels as the storm comes closer and the danger becomes more real.

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3.5/5, rounding up to 4 here. The writing in this book is beautiful. Reid's descriptions paint such a vivid picture of the surroundings. There were a few points during my read that felt like I wasn't quite connecting the dots, or that things we're suddenly dropped from the plot. Overall, I really enjoyed the slow-burn romance and the incredible atmosphere so much that I really don't care if the storytelling wasn't flawless.

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I love this book violently. I am feral, I want to tattoo it onto my body somehow. The prose is gorgeous and lyrical, with all the romance, lushness, and horror of a fairytale, but with the added brilliant element of the story-within-a-story. The love story is so electric and sweet and the overarching themes of trauma recovery, sexual violence, and the ways women's intellectual and artistic production is silenced and demeaned are so brilliantly woven together. It's incredible that the worldbuilding is so rich and successful given it's a standalone that's also about so many other things. A million weepy stars.

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I picked up this book without reading any of Ava Reid's previous works mainly based on seeing shared posts and recommendations by one of my favorite authors, Allison Saft, and was not disappointed. In A Study in Drowning, Reid expertly balances the cozy vibes of knit sweaters, warm fires, and shared body heat of the blossoming relationship between Effy and Preston with the dark, dripping horror of the impending Drowning. As the books starts to pick up, the pacing really feels like we are racing the storm to uncover the mysteries of Hiraeth Manor.

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It was exciting to follow along with a familiar face in this new story! I absolutely adore books that take place in an academy setting, books that have fantasy elements ... put the two together and I was so excited! Unfortunately, it was a little darker than I was expecting and well ... creepy lol but I enjoyed the characters and their development, and the writing is exceptional!

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