Member Reviews

A dark and brooding story about a young woman who is finding her way in the world.
Effy has always felt like she attracts the wrong kind of attention, and that is somehow her fault, and not the fault of gross dudes being manipulative.
She is in the college of architecture when she would rather be a literature student, which isn't allowed.
When she mysteriously wins an architectural competition to remodel the remote home of her favourite deceased author, Effy takes the chance.
She meets a literature student who she at first loathes and envies, but she soon begins to feel safe around him as they try to unravel the mysteries of the house and the occupants within.

I like it. Fae-folk and tradition play a large part in this great book.

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This is one of those books that I finished a while back, and I'm still thinking about it. I won't be able to stop until I have an actual copy in my hands, reading and rereading until it becomes as well loved as Effie's copy of Angharad.

A Study in Drowning is about Effie Sayre, an architecture student who's fighting several battles - with herself, with her mind, with her place in the world and with the Fairy King himself. She has seen visions of him for as long as she can remember, yet the only one who seems to understand is Emrys Myrddin and his epic fantasy story, Angharad. When Effie gets a chance to visit Hiraeth Manor, the home of the esteemed author, she certainly can't refuse. What follows is one of the most beautiful, haunting yet hopeful stories I've had the pleasure of reading.

ASID is, essentially, a story about stories. How much of what an author writes belongs to them and how much belongs to us as readers? It's also about those aspects of mental health that people don't like to talk about - the medication, the hallucinations, the panic attacks, the absolute terror of dealing with your own mind. This book managed to have elements of a fantasy story while also feeling very gothic. My biggest issue is that I felt a little lost timeline-wise, but I feel like the author did a great job explaining and it was definitely a "me" thing. Once I go back to read it, I need to pay more attention to that aspect.

But seriously, no doubt that A Study in Drowning is a 5 star read.

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Ava Reid has an uncanny ability to create worlds that you absolutely fall into. The writing is so lush that it's impossible not to imagine yourself there on the edge of the cliff with your hair whipping around you in the damp chilled air. Reid weaves together mystery, romance, power dynamics, and abuse of power (among many other themes) perfectly, without spending too much time on one vs another.

The depictions of panic and anxiety and Effy's "pink pills" is very similar to my own experience with anxiety and the need for medication; almost to the point where it was too close for comfort (but in the best possible way).

There's a version of the "only one bed" trope that made me throw my e-reader across the room it was so swoon worthy. The relationship between the two main characters unfolds dreamily.

I just absolutely loved this book.

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ARC provided by NetGalley.

“And the sea, the sea, it whispers the secret of how all things end.”

I will absolutely be rereading in the fall, preferably on a stormy day by the ocean.

Ava Reid has concocted a luscious, mysterious, atmospheric and whimsical novel. There isn’t much to say without giving too much of the plot away — but at the heart of this story is the reclamation of girlhood. The sea is a constant presence throughout, both in metaphor, physicality, and imagery.

Effy and Preston were well executed characters. It was easy to like them, to doubt them, to root for them, to understand them. Reid was correct in describing this story as a “true romance.” Their connection is earned throughout the novel and culminates nicely.

I know I’ve read a good book when I wish for it to be a limited series on HBO, which is the case here.

Definitely pick this one up on a gloomy, overcast day — the stormier the better. Reading on a cliff side overlooking a thrashing sea is highly recommended.

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I've enjoyed Ava Reid's two adult works in the past, so I was eager to read her first foray into young adult fiction. I was NOT prepared to love this as much as I did: "A Study in Drowning" is an intricate, character-driven tale told in the grays and silvers of fog rolling off of a merciless sea. Effy is a young architecture student who has been selected to design her favorite late author's house in a remote, superstitious town besieged by floods. While there, she meets a literature student who is determined to prove said author a fraud - and he asks for her help in the research.

This book deals with self-forgiveness, bravery, and truth: who is allowed to tell stories in a patriarchal society? Who is silenced? Effy is a memorably sympathetic protagonist; Preston gentle and incisive. I was deeply invested in the romantic subplot between these two characters, and wound up reading this book in 24 hours. And the atmosphere! Dripping, frightening, humid, rotten yet alive. Gothic fantasy on the edge of horror. I loved it.

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A Study in Drowning by Ava Reid is an absolute five-star masterpiece that left me in awe. This captivating novel not only immerses readers in its atmospheric setting but also delves into thought-provoking themes of personal agency, sexism in academia, and the complexities of one's story.

Reid's talent for crafting a rich and immersive atmosphere shines through every page. The detailed descriptions of Hiraeth Manor and its inhabitants created a vivid and hauntingly real world that I could almost reach out and touch. The author's ability to transport readers is truly remarkable. I found myself enthralled by the intricate details that brought the manor to life, while also feeling the weight of the challenges Effy encounters.

What truly sets A Study in Drowning apart is its exploration of important themes, including personal agency and the ownership of one's story. Reid deftly weaves these threads throughout the narrative, prompting readers to consider the various ways our stories can be shaped and stolen, both literally and figuratively. The novel invites reflection on the complexities of identity and the power dynamics at play in determining who controls our narratives.

Moreover, the novel fearlessly tackles the issue of sexism in academia, shedding light on the impossible double standards imposed upon women. It exposes the pervasive societal expectations that view women as somehow both inconsequential and responsible for the predatory actions of men. Through the experiences of the characters, Reid sparks meaningful discussions about these injustices, providing a much-needed voice to these important conversations.

In conclusion, A Study in Drowning is an extraordinary achievement that masterfully combines an immersive setting, well-developed characters, and profound themes. Ava Reid's exploration of personal agency, alongside her fearless examination of sexism and the complexities of women's experiences, make this novel a truly standout work. Prepare to be enthralled, challenged, and inspired by this thought-provoking and gripping tale that will stay with you long after the final page.

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I could recognize Ava Reid's writing style from a mile away. It is truly so unique, I found myself reading and reread paragraphs just because. This story, while intriguing, was slow at times. However, the pacing is kind of a part of Reid's writing style so I did not expect otherwise to be honest. The characters are complex, and the worldbuilding is so unique. I will definitely keep my eyes peeled for Reid's future novels.

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Before I get into the review I want to say a quick thank you to both NetGalley and the publishers over at Harper Collins for access to this ARC in exchange for an honest review. A Study in Drowning tells the story of Effy Sayre who has been haunted by visions of the Fairy King since childhood. She’s spent her whole life coping with these visions by reading a beloved author’s novel about a mortal girl who falls in love with the Fairy King and then destroys him. So when the author’s estate holds a contest for students at her architecture college to design the late author’s house she knows she has to enter. But Hiraeth Manor is a musty, decrepit estate on the brink of crumbling into the sea and it has its own secrets to tell. A Study in Drowning comes out on September 19th is available for preorder now.

Coming off reading The Fall of the House of Usher was probably the absolute best time for me to read this one. This is a twisted Mystery novel (with Fantastical elements) that is also Gothic in the truest sense of the word. The house is decrepit and falling apart while also possibly being haunted. And, just like the novel the main character loves, this book manages to cross multiple genres in a way that makes sense and makes you love it all the more for it. It managed to be haunting and atmospheric while also making the characters realistic and flawed. I think the thing that I enjoyed the most of the entire novel was the fact that this is a story about a girl who is trying to survive. She was dealt a crappy hand from day one and has always been a survivor. In the grittiest and ugliest sense of the word. She does horrible things and can treat people like shit all in the name of survival and it’s never glamorized which I loved. I also liked that it took a lot of the usual themes and plot points for darker romances and just smashed it to pieces. Basically giving the idea that those things aren’t romantic, they’re awful. There’s a line that a character says to another character (not the main character or her love interest) which is: ‘I will love you to ruination’ and all of the characters we follow basically have an ‘ew gross’ reaction. Which was great.

I will say that a detractor for me was how much the messaging is just constantly beating the reader over the head. I have no problems with the messages in this novel. It’s just constant. I’m a reader who has a lot of questions and a lot of mine went unanswered in this one in favor of spending more time on the overall message. It’s one of the few things took away from the story for me. I also felt like the first third of the novel was pretty slow. Especially given how the end of the novel is paced. Overall, I would say it’s a fast paced, easy to read, Mystery/Horror novel that’s great for fans of Dark Academia and Haunted Houses.

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4 Stars!
This is not the book I expected, but it was everything I apparently wanted because I couldn’t put it down! If you take a pinch of fantasy, a dash of feminism, a cup of academia, add some romance to taste and finish off with mystery you get A Study in Drowning.

Such a unique story…This is a dark academia story with mystery and romance. Effy is our FMC and she is such a beautifully complex character. She is attending college as the only female architectural student. She decides to enter a contest to redesign the estate of one of Effy’s favorite childhood authors. Preston is a student that she is competing against, but his motives are different! He want’s to expose this author as a fraud. This sweet storyline is complex, twisty, full of angst and will keep you wanting more! Ava has a way of writing books that unfold before your eyes. She beautiful and lyrically pulls together all the pieces exactly as they need to come together and I am mesmerized by her writing style.

I highly recommend this read! Such a great story…

Thank you to Harper Collins and NetGalley for this ARC of A Study in Drowing.

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Ava Reid is back with another beautiful fantasy novel, A STUDY IN DROWNING. I and many others fell in love with her previous novels, which were lush with fantastical elements and a wondrous cast of characters. This book blasted through my expectations, and gave me everything I wanted from another Reid novel. Her writing is absolutely perfect and allows the story to pop off the page. This was one of my favorite reads of the year and I cannot wait to see what Reid writes next!

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Two university students, Effie, an architecture major and Preston, and English major find themselves together in the run down home of an acclaimed recently deceased author, each with different goals. Preston is to be writing up the author's biography and Effie, first year student, is to create a new plan to rebuild the house. (This made no sense to me. Effie was in architecture school, as the university only allowed woman into the architecture program... not the English program as she truly desired. Isn't architecture MUCH more complex? What sort of policy is this? And why would the school allow a mediocre first year such a potentially prestigious project? Yes, there was a small scandal.. but still).
Initially antagonistic towards one another, the two do come to an agreement to work together and their relationship is rather sweet.

This slow moving gothic fairy tale failed to truly grip me.

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My Rating: 4 .75

I loved it! It was a lil spooky and creepy with that low hum of fantasy that slowly amps up the more you read. Truly sometimes it creeped me out at night.
Effy is the strong female protagonist that you're looking for. She's not badass because she's kicking butt and taking names but badass in that she's courageous and survives in both real world and fantasy situations.
There are maybe 3 particular instances that I thought the pacing was a tad rushed. But honestly, truly the writing of this book was so beautiful and poetic! I honestly want to read "Angharad" after reading this, if only it was a real book!
A beautiful and spooky feminist story.
I would definitely recommend this book if you love dark academia, fantasy, and spooky vibes!

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This book is going to capture the hearts of so many readers! I have read all of this author’s books to date and the growth in narrative, writing, and storytelling is such a fun journey to be a small part of. I’m convinced this author can’t write a bad book - she is an auto-buy author for me.

Effy and Preston are too freaking adorable together. From academic rivals to passionate partners, they will give you all the feels. You will be rooting for Effy every step of the way as she comes into her own confidence and success.

The writing is whimsical and the story is immersive. I love a book that blurs the lines between reality and fantasy, and this one will have you second-guessing what is real at every turn. You will question the authenticity and truths of everyone as myths, legends, and stories bleed into the fabric of the world.

The world is an intriguing historical, fantastical blend. This whole book is a vibe with its mysterious, grim, eerie atmosphere. Plus, who doesn’t love a book centered around a mad writer and their legacy of weirdness?

This book also brings to light important topics for discussion that would make it a great choice for book clubs, such as: coping with trauma and abuse, historical perspectives on women’s mental health, and feminist independence (especially in the world of academia).

This is a book to get lost in. I highly recommend this book to all fantasy readers, and even non-fantasy readers alike. It’s a definite five star from me and I’m already anticipating what Reid has in store for us next!

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This book was a really interesting blend of dark academia, gothic vibes and mystery/horror. I enjoyed the setting a lot, and was surprised at how much I liked Effy as a protagonist. Effy was so well realized and her narrative voice was so clear. The writing is very pretty, but it doesn't quite tip into being purple prose (which I am really glad for, because flowery writing and I do not mix). The plot was tight, and fast paced which kept me really engaged and immersed in the story wondering what was going to happen next. Even though this is marketed as YA, I think that a lot of adults (like myself) would really enjoy this. I am really excited to get physical copies of this at my library, and it is coming out just the beginning of the spooky season (mid-September) which is a great tonal fit for the story!

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Thank you to NetGalley, Ava Reid & HarperCollins for an arc of A Study in Drowning in exchange for an honest review. This review is wholly my own (except quotations) & may not be reproduced.

“Effy Sayre has always believed in fairy tales. She’s had no choice. Since childhood, she’s been haunted by visions of the Fairy King. She’s found solace only in the pages of Angharad - author Emrys Myrddin’s beloved epic about a mortal girl who falls in love with the Fairy King, and then destroys him.

Effy’s tattered, dog-eared copy is all that’s keeping her afloat through her stifling first term at Llyr’s prestigious architecture college. So when Myrddin’s family announces a contest to design the late author’s house, Effy fells certain this is her destiny.

But Hiraeth Manor is an impossible task: a musty, decrepit estate on the brink of crumbling into a hungry sea. And when Effy arrives, she finds she isn’t the only one who’s made a temporary home there. Preston Héloury, a stodgy young literature scholar, is studying Myrddin’s papers and is determined to prove her favorite author is a fraud.

As the two rival students investigate the reclusive author’s legacy, piecing together clues through his letters, books, and diaries, they discover that the house’s foundation isn’t the only thing that can’t be trusted. There are dark forces, both mortal and magical, conspiring against them - and the truth may bring them both to ruin.”

I saw that this book was highly anticipated for a lot of people. I honestly had even heard of it, but I’m a sucker for hype, so I jumped on the bandwagon!

Set to release September 19, 2023

Incredibly atmospheric and will appeal to a wide range of readers with all the different genres encompassed within. I’d call it a dark fantasy/romance/thriller. It is YA, but more of a mature YA. I absolutely loved the story and will not forget it any time soon. If I hadn’t already a difference fantasy novel this year that will likely end up being my #1 book for the year, I probably would have given this one 5 stars instead of 4.

Effy & Preston were fabulous MCs and the pacing was perfect. Dark, eerie, based on mythology and very gothic. Everything I look for in a fantasy.

DEFINITELY pre-order this or at least add it to your TBR/WL! I highly recommend.

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This fantastic story is a piece of dark academia that covers everything from gothic mystery and horror to feminism and romance. Effy is a wonderfully layered protagonist, and it was very easy to connect with her. The writing is beautiful and atmospheric, lyrical while still keeping up an engaging pace. Altogether this was a fantastic read, not only for the young adults in its target market, but for other age groups as well.

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WOW WOW WOW I absolutely loved this! Mysterious and magical and a fierce study of a woman in academics. So powerful and I loved the hints of Welsh lore in the story. I will be recommending this to everyone.

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Effy longs to study literature and even write it herself, just like her favorite author. Myrddin’s epic tales about the Fairy King don’t just inspire Effy, they ground her, because Effy doesn’t just read about the Fairy King, she sees him. Effy’s dreams to attend Llyr’s Literature College are impossible because of her gender so she accepts the second best option: Architecture. As the only woman in the college and as a survivor of trauma, Effy’s lack of confidence threatens to dominate her. When her advisor sexually abuses her, she freezes. So when Effy wins a competition to design a new building to celebrate her favorite author, she hopes her luck might change, but the prize requires her to travel to the Bottom Hundred where superstitions are gospel and rising tides have claimed the people’s past but also their fear of any kind of a future. At Hiraeth Manor, Effy meets an impossible task and Preston Heloury, an Argantian student who is studying Myrddin’s life. Effy befriends Preston, and with his support, Effy determines to uncover the secrets of what is real while getting closer to Preston. As clues build and a storm brews, can Effy solve the mysteries that swirl around the author whose book defines her country? If Effy uncovers the truth about Myrddin, can the history of Angharad free Effy?

I loved (and highlighted!) so many sections of writing, but uneven pacing and too many unresolved themes left me conflicted on the rating for this one. Reid captures a dark academia/haunted house vibe wrapped in fairy tales with the threat of Climate Change on a slow simmer. I wish that the Fairy King had a more active role instead of lurking in the flash backs. The ending felt rushed with a Scooby-Doo tell all style wrap up, but I still tore through Effy’s story and will be glad to return to Llyr for a sequel.

Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins Children's Books/HarperTeen for an advanced reader copy supplied for review

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This book is so atmospheric, it truly feels like being submerged or caught in a storm at times, and I cannot commend the author enough on her prose and all the beautiful references to water throughout the text.
Things I loved about this book:
- the dark academia vibes - I especially love that it tackles what it is like to be a woman in academia & how often women and their work are undermined by the men they work with (definitely something that is personal to me so I’m often critical of how it’s talked about and I really appreciated it here)
- slow burn romance subplot with a nerdy love interest (always a good thing)
- well developed characters & character growth
- magic or magical realism, depending on your interpretation
The only potential negative is I think the solution to the mystery is pretty easy to figure out from the start (or like 25% in), but I still enjoyed reading how it is revealed and going through this adventure with the characters.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me access to this E-Arc!

Definitely Ava Reid exceeded all my expectations in this book. I was expecting a pretty cover with some basic story, but I was completely wrong. Okay, the cover is really pretty, but there's nothing "basic" about this book.

I must begin by praising the creation of the world that was so well crafted that it made me want to get into that story and not leave anymore. The "lore" of this book was based on Welsh and Celtic mythology and the author worked it out so well that I could read a thousand books on the same subject and written by her and not get tired.

Okay, now let's talk about one of the best protagonists I've been lucky enough to follow: Effy Sayre. She's me, I'm her! Effy is definitely my "it girl", I love her! My favorite thing about this character is that she's not perfect, she has flaws like all of us and that makes her REAL. Ava Reid worked so well on this character and made her so relatable, I cried and laughed with Effy. But she wasn't the only well-made character, sure enough all the other characters were GREAT (even the ones I hated with all my heart). It's definitely a 5/5 in character creation!

I can say that "A Study in Drowning" made it onto the list of favorites! This whole atmosphere of 'dark academia' with a 'rivals to lovers' style romance made me sigh and held me from start to finish. Thank you for this masterpiece, Ava Reid. I can say that Ava has improved a lot in her writing since Juniper & Thorn.

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