Member Reviews

Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free, electronic ARC of this novel received in exchange for an honest review.
This sure is...something. Dinosaur erotica has been popping up on my FYP for awhile and, being a big dinosaur fan, I admit I was intrigued. But I was always held back by not being about to find an audiobook. Luckily NetGalley had an audiobook available (YAY!).
character development= 0/10, plot= 2/10, dinosaurs=3/10, dinosaur.monster sex=5/10
So...in conclusion. If you are looking for a low plot short short read about dinosaur-human relations...look no further...

Ok, so I don’t know what to really say except we’ll dove to the narrator for doing such a great job with a really difficult subject! Parts of this are so cringe and disturbing, they just made me laugh!

It's dinosaur erotica. What else is there to say? You get what you're expecting.
It's over the top, satire (I hope). I was cracking up over certain parts and phrases. Others were a bit cringe: the arm thing.
This is a HEA but I'm sad it didn't result in Big Al just eating his human lover. Really could've had a twist ending right there. But I guess you couldn't list it in romance then.
This was better than Triceratops and Bottoms by far. Yes, I've read more than one dinosaur erotica book.

I picked this audiobook up on NetGalley as a read now after Bel’s review made me curious. I didn’t know dinosaur erotica was even a thing and the few quotes that Bel included had me snorting with laughter. As an added incentive, I needed an audiobook with a season in the title for a Bingo reading challenge.
I’m honestly not sure what to make of this book. I’m still at the “what on earth did I just listen to” stage. So either this book is a parody of monster romance/erotica and the romance genre in general, in which case it totally succeeded, or the author wrote this to be taken seriously, which is slightly scary.
I’m going with this book being a parody of romance/erotica given that the cover is reminiscent of the 1980’s paperback romances. The author’s use of metaphors and similes were often odd, but made me laugh. When the fmc likens the mmc eating an appendage to her enjoying her Snickers, it may have gone a bit too far. I had a hard time with the whole arm thing and that’s all I’m going to say on that.
Katrina Medina had an impressive performance voicing distinct characters and accents. Honestly, I’m curious how many times she laughed and rolled her eyes while recording this book. As a professional, maybe she is able to get past the absurdity of it.
If you have two hours to fill and are curious about this book, go for it. I’m curious what your thoughts are.

I knew going in that this would be interesting but woah was it a wild ride. The way the author fit so much into such a short book - dare I say maybe too much. I could not stop listening even if I wanted to because wild things kept happening from chapter to chapter. I’ve always wanted to see what Dino erotica was like, and now I know and now I don’t need to read it again. Thank you to NetGalley for the audio in exchange for an honest review.

Well, that was certainly something. I will say, it was better than Triceratops & Bottoms. As if I ever thought I'd say that sentence.

Definitely not something I would normally pick up, but with the intriguing cover art, title and synopsis- I figured why not?
I can't say I loved it, can't say I hated it- since I'm not a big 'smut' lover, a bad review wouldn't be fair to give because it definitely is someone's cup of tea! And I do know these inter-species smut books have been all the talk lately in some of my book communities.
Bloody & gory is a description I would match with this- bodies being ripped apart, eaten & ravaged (in more than one way) is what you'll get! There is a very elementary love story blossoming within, set to challenge the beliefs of their society against all odds.
Very quick read & I listened to the audiobook of this- the narrator was phenomenal and perfectly captured the essence of this quirky and intense story.

Holy crap this was so fun. This is very clearly a satirical take on monster romance, it’s obvious in the way the author describes everything and anything and because of this I had the time of my life with the book. I was literally laughing out loud.
I think if you enjoy unhinged and purposefully funny books, which if you’re grabbing this book I doubt your expecting a masterpiece, you can’t go wrong with this one. Very reminiscent of Chuck Tingles works.
The author really saw some of the most insane and wild quotes and moments in romance books (monster romance/erotica AND normal erotica) and decided, “you know what? I’m going to amp it up to hundred to show you guys what you’re reading is weird”. And I appreciate that! There were so many moments where I could think back to other books I’ve read and see what Lola Faust was going for with her interpretations.
Potentially fatal wound? Obviously we should treat it first, right? No! Sex first!
Impossible sexual positions or wild descriptions of anatomy that the authors really think are literary masterpieces?
I’ve seen that before. But then she takes it to the extreme and it’s hysterical.
Just a fun book all around.

After reading Dino Stud on NetGalley a couple of months ago I jumped at the chance to read Wet Hot Allosaurus Summer when it became available as a read now. I’ve a long admired the cover artist’s commitment to the bit with this surreal clinch cover. And now, after having finished the book, I am happy to report that anybody who sees that cover and thinks, “yes! I want to read about a world in which a dinosaur and a human are locked in a passionate embrace and also get it on outside of a fever dream I had once at burning man” will absolutely not be disappointed in any way.

I went into this knowing what it was. I knew this book was going to be ridiculous but I thought I would get a good laugh and would probably rate it around 3 stars for being a quick funny read. A short monster erotica can be 5 stars for some people if its just an enjoyable read, but this was definitely 1 star. The pacing was horrible and there were plot holes (for what little plot there was). As for the erotica part (which I wasn't interested in anyway), it was just ridiculous. The dinosaur/human threesomes and just logistical issues of the sexual descriptions just made me roll my eyes the whole time. I wouldn't even recommend for someone to read it just to say they've read it like I did.

Awful. This book was awful.. dinosaur erotica? I'm not even sure why I picked it up. What is wrong with this woman and why is she attracted to a dinosaur? The narrator did good. I'm not sure how she was able to read this book with a straight face. This book is a 1 star. Don't recommend.

Okay so this is one of the weirdest books I have ever read and to be perfectly honest had literally no story line. It's funny and it's an easy read. Very short book on audible. It's only just over 2 hours, so if you're curious, it won't take you long to read. Don't expect any complicated story lines, character development or anything really. It is literally just a person and a dinosaur having lots of really weird sex. I read it because I was curious, I'm glad I did, but never again.

Wow, this was not something, I usually pick up/listen to. Our MC Tanis, is a farm girl in Canada, And Big Al is a Dino that she has the hots for, they communicate through touch and images, they both lust after each other, in the process of trying to get away our MFC gets shot in the arm and it needs to be amputated, so who does this her big dino lover he chews off her arm and eats it and is explained in heavy detail. the way he's smell is described as fishy and with meaty breath is so not for me. The dino sex is in great detail, this isnt some shifter turns into a dino, NO its full on 10ft tall Allosaurus sex described in all the words...
This book was just not for me, I will read just about anything and I try not to DNF books, this one had me so close to dnfing but I finished it. again not my cup of tea but I can see why some people like it.
Thanks to NetGallery for the advanced copy of this audiobook. in exchange for my honest reveiw.

Always say yes to the UNHINGED books! 5 stars for this unhinged goodness.
If you have read any Chuck Tingles work, I highly suggest giving this one a try,
If you're looking to have some fun, I would check this out.
It's like the most INTENSE fever dream. Nothing makes sense, but it sure is fun!!
Big Al is a Dinosaur and Tanis is a human.. the two run away to be together. Where they instantly fall in love and proceed to live out their life having infinite sex.
Big Al is blood thirsty.. this includes Tanis on her period.
*Thank you Netgalley for this audio ARC; however, this is my honest review*

This is a completely unhinged monster romance. Most of the details were too unsettling and graphic to be either humorous or entertaining.

You know what? This wasn't the worst romance premise I've ever read...
All I'm gonna say, with the way they were going, Tanis is gonna end up a mangled bloody mess, like constant bleeding and tearing? I'm surprised she hasn't died of sepsis.
I feel like reviews on books like these carry little merit, because if you wanna read it, you're going to.
If you're curious, go ahead.
Thank you Netgalley and BooksGoSocial audio for the ALC. All opinions are my own.

This is good for a laugh but only if you can laugh at how absolutely ridiculous the plot is. I did enjoy the narrator though, so I will give it that.

So like many others, I fell into this fantastic book because of the title. I mean dinosaur erotica are you kidding me that is a goldmine. I have read many other erotic stories but this one made me laugh out loud and after reading the constantly sad things that I so love sometimes I need this. Easy romance/ erotica with a simple-to-understand plot about two being that love each other despite their differences. Yeah, our main character worked on a farm with her entire super-toxic family and their stinky attitudes. But when Tanis finally breaks free with Big Al they are pretty epic and unstoppable. With crazy random fires, bodily fluids galore, shenanigans, and working for cow brains it was pretty freaking awesome. I loved this story and I gave it a solid 3.5 stars but the narrator was 4.5/5 for me so I rounded it up to an even 4 star ⭐️⭐️ review.
Happy reading everyone I hope your reads are filled with body fluids galore and many shenanigans.

Very weird listen. Not sure what I was expecting and not sure what I listened to. Loved the narrator though.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for giving me the opportunity to read and give an honest review.
I read the book and I also had the opportunity to listen to the audiobook version and first I just want to say that the narrator did an excellent job, maybe a little too excellent.
This was actually really hard to get through and I usually love these books because I get to laugh a whole bunch - but not with this one. It started off kind of funny but it's like the book kept jumping between taking itself too seriously and not at all, so it didn't work.
The only part that actually made me laugh was
"As Tanis' mind was boggling with her dinosaur lover having read Shakespeare."