Member Reviews

Mercury has a good story and it really is the only thing carrying the book, the biggest problem however, is that it’s frankly not enough. There is not enough sensory detail and effective dialogue, therefore every scene seems lacking. Due to the lack of information, there are parts of this book that are totally confusing. Overall, there’s a good base for a story here, but i wish there was just more to it.

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Read if you like
🦋Time travels
🦋Adventures and suspense
🦋Sci- fi

The writing is absolutely terrific. I love how the past perfectly lines up with the future. I like how it is straightforward and has no unnecessary drags. The main character is hilarious which automatically makes me like her. She is determined and adventurous, I’d have liked it if she had a bit more depth in her character. Her mother’s character is so flawlessly written it is realistic and I adored seeing the change in the dynamics of their relationship The storyline and setting are unique and the twists were great.
I kinda hoped for a bit more from the plot but all in all, I really liked the book. The story was really good and I couldn't put it down. It ends on a cliffhanger and I’m really excited for the next part.
I picked this one up mostly because of the pretty cover and I was awestruck by those illustrations throughout the book.
I think it is best for teens but adults can enjoy it too’
Highly recommend

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I Received this book for an early review from NetGalley (From Goodreads review)

First, let me say how much I enjoyed the art and graphics in this novel. Younger me would have been obsessed with the storyline and characters. Older me still enjoyed it, but I had a harder time staying focused on the story. There were some points where I felt it was a little too chaotic, and not in a good way. I kept having to flip back to make sure I knew what was going on. At times there was way too much happening without enough explanation in my opinion.

But even with that being said, I do think it has a great premise and I did enjoy the characters. The cliffhanger was a little surprising, but I'm hoping for a sequel! I really think all ages would enjoy reading this book

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Mercury was really entertaining and unique with its setting.
The imagery drew me into the story, particularly after I got used to the initially kind of robotic-sounding writing style.
The illustrations were also an amazing addition to the story.
Lucy was an intriguing and determined character. It was interesting to see the dynamic between Lucy and her mother in the present and the past, and how the years in-between changed Lucy's mother, Helena.
I found Helena to be a complex character whose development was realistic based on her experiences. Helena's friend group was also a fun and diverse assortment of characters.
I particularly loved how past events fit perfectly into the actual present time.
I really wanted the book to be a little longer, especially with the ending!

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I would have gone absolutely feral for this book when I was younger! Unfortunately, i now am a little bit too old to fully enjoy it. It still manages to give me that sense of nostalgia though.

It is very well written and thought out, but I just didn’t get that caught up in the story. I enjoyed it, and it is definitely something I would read, so I don’t know why. Sometimes books are just like that I guess.

The characters felt pretty fleshed out. Some felt a little flat, but not to the point where it took away from the story.

The illustrations! I love them! It adds a little break in the text that makes the message land better. Absolutely gorgeous too, I could definitely have them printed on my wall.

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This book was VERY aesthetically pleasing with the imagery, the illustrations throughout, and the book itself and its layout. I was hoping for a bit MORE plot wise, I just needed a little something more and I can't quite place my finger on what exactly. Perhaps even MORE imagery and "show not tell"-ing? There's just something missing!
One more thing I really liked, though, was how emotionally driven it was! It was fueled by so many emotions and Lucy's journey through space and time was really emotion-based and for me personally, I really liked it!

Overall, 3/5 (⭐️⭐️⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

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The book Mercury by Lloyd Hall follows the story of a 19-year-old girl named Lucy who is aboard a colony ship named Mercury. She is curious to know more about her deceased father, but her mother, who is the captain of the ship, does not share the same enthusiasm. One day, a mysterious meteor causes Lucy to be stranded 20 years in the past. She finds herself face-to-face with her teenage mother and begins to realize they have more in common than she thought. As the ship faces impending danger from rifts in space, Lucy seeks a way to save the entire ship and return to her own time. The book is a thrilling science-fiction adventure filled with action and emotional depth.

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Well written and with really gorgeous visuals. I picked it because of the cover and because I wanted to try to read for sci-fi. Turns out that it wasn’t the best fit for me! Still a great book that I think everyone should give a go.

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No but seriously, this book was great. It’s such a quick read and it almost makes me sad that it was so short. I found myself wanting the story to be longer, just so I could stay in this world.
The story is very straight forward- there’s no unnecessary filler that just makes the story drag. Lucy doesn’t mince words and cuts straight to the chase. “I’m from the future. I don’t know how I got here.” And I love that everyone just fully embraced that.
The technology described is amazing, and each device had a logical purpose to it.
All of the characters were well written with complete backstories and character arcs. I crave more to this story and hope there will be a sequel.

My only complaint is literally just that it was so short. It could easily be a 300-400 page book with potential to become a saga. Absolutely loved it.

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Mercury is an exciting science fiction story with plenty of action and adventure, making it hard to put the book down. The main character Lucy is a quirky, adventurous girl who is abruptly transported back in time and left to her own devices to figure out how to get back. There was never a dull moment in this book. The storyline itself was unique and the numerous twists kept me guessing what would happen next. I think there could be some more character development, as I felt the main character was a bit lacking in depth. Overall this is a great book for a young adult audience and is a fun, easy read. If you are looking for a heartwarming story filled with excitement, you are in the right place. Mercury is the second book in the Wardenclyffe series, they were tied together wonderfully.

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